印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同(DOC 19页).doc

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1、CNTRACTFR E SE ANDPUCHAE OFNDONESNCOAL印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同Coract No: 合同编号:Te Sler(卖方):Adrs地址: 电话 : obie/手机 : Fa 传真 : Ct 联系人 :Email : Regiered des煤矿地址: The Buye(买方): Adess 地址:Tl 电话:Fax 传真: tc联系人:Eail: Tis Cotrac madeo he ate ,2011that Seleagrees sell and th uy agrees t urcse the foloing Gos on the terms conio

2、s beow:本合同由买方和卖方签订于011年 月 日 。在合同项下,双方同意根据下列条款买卖下述货物。1. oo n Orign 货物名称及原产地Sta Coa, Orgn ro Inoesa动力煤,原产地为印度尼西亚2. Quantit an Shpment Perid 数量及装船日期TotalCrac quntity tric Tons; Contract perid stsTirten os (tartingfr ate o th first sipent) Spmetschede detis i s bow:合同总数量为 245万吨,合同期限是合同签署后的13个月(以执行第一船煤时开

3、始计算),详细如下:u Fm 1t nth sined dae o s ontact: 50,00 M +- 10自合同签署后的第1个月5,0吨/月(溢短装+/-10%)u From nd totmonth 100,000 M/onth +/-0%自合同签署后的第2-13个月,每月供应200,00吨/(溢短装+/-10%)2.2rst monof this ontratcoalsuply fr trai perid, usedto examne Sells deivryabilityan quait thtmatcheConrat terms anduyes ed-usesnees(Power

4、 Plat in ths ase). fter tral perodfnish, Conract ill be ontinue ol if Buye s ist.合同签署后的第一个月为试用期,用来检验卖方的供货能力和供货质量是否符合合同中的规定并满足买方的最终用户(电厂)的需求。试用期结束后如买方无任何异议,合同将继续执行。2.3The Seller needstpovid nessar dcums tothe Buyer tprve theneroduce ca ge a tl, ualty supply efre ontrac siged.合同签署前,卖方必须向买方提供煤炭生产商生产能力、

5、足够供货能力、煤炭品质的证明文件。3. Type oCrri 船型Hdax Bulk Carir with ear and gab 轻便型散装货船(带抓斗)The datof the se fully paked s no ore than0.50mers 4. pcificatios onISO Standard 规格(按照IS标准)41 The seller uarntees that ruct t be supplied n cmpance with confirmatin to the speciicaions ofths contractThe dscription ofall rc

6、enta unts n ts Contrcti referredothe ercenageby weiht 卖方保证按照合同规定的指标提供产品。此合同所有重量百分点单位皆以重量 百分比描述。42 Specfican规格 Typical标准Rejction拒收Totl Mistre (r) 全水15 18InherentMoisture (ab) 内水10%Ah (adb) 灰分1%5%Voatil Mtter (db) 挥发份3545%otal Suur (ad) 全硫1%1%Net Calrii Vlue (arb) 低位收到基发热量5000kcl/400kcalkFixd Cbon(固定碳

7、)y dffernceHG 哈氏可磨系数45Size (050mm)90%oes: Here Rejecio eans Ifte coalsestrult t th Ld Prti withinth rangeo eio,t Buyer hs rt o rectthe coalnd thcot iurrednlng discharngcost, eoadig cst,demurrageeigh bck to onesishoul be bornebyteSeer.备注:拒收是指上述货物如果在卸货港检验报告中的规格在拒收范围内,买方有权对货物拒绝接受并拒绝付款,并且因此产生的卸货费、重装费、滞期

8、费和返程至印度尼西亚的船费将有卖方来承担。5. DiscargigPor 卸货港h elr bligates to ransprt cal at thedchrin rths cmpete dlvery. The Dischagin Pot is , hina. TheByer ca askheeller to chan thedestnato port Wihi 20 ays befre thecrrierleve Loading rt; the ellr old norm hip-owner medtey. 卖方应将散装煤炭运至卸货码头泊位,舱底交货。中国的卸货港口为 。在单船要离开装货港

9、20日前,买方可以变更中国的卸货港口并通知卖方。卖方要及时通知船东。6. Pic 价格UD 9 /T (ae n R500 Kcal/kg), IF(INCOT 000) to , hina. he ivoicepric o bdjste othe ctua alifc value aply thefollowng frmula:IF rice x Aul CalorificVlue Invices pric - 00 calkg4美元(基于NAR500大卡/公斤)CIF 到岸价。结算价格按以下公式计算:结算价格CIF价格 x 实际发热量500al/g7. Dliery DateThe irs

10、 cargo shlbe arrived o the deinatinpor wihin 30 ys aftrthe RIGINA Irrvcable etter of reditt Sight reied byth eller.第一船货物在卖方收到不可撤销的即期跟单信用证之后3天内交付目的港。8. uality anWeight Isecion 质量及重量检验8.1Th ellr sallarane and pay fo CCIIndnesia to acetnte weht and issue a Certficaeof Weight based n thedetrmnaio ofms(w

11、eig) y sreyf thDeigated esls aft ad utilizing vessl isin scal at th oaingPort in acorae wth t sandard codof pactic 卖方在装货港应安排CIC 印度尼西亚支行对货物进行取样和分析,并对指定船只做总重量测量、以及利用船只在装货港的惯例吃水量,确定货物的总重量并出具煤的重量检验证书,同时负责支付相关费用。8.2The CCIC in hna illisse Quity n Weigt rtifiateo rovet arosubsantially inacorne wih he spec

12、ificatin sfth in Caus Qality(Aie.2) d Wegh of thi Contract. TQualtand eightCertfcateisued at ischrging pot CCIC hina Inspecio will b e nal ass fo yent 100%.中国CC会对每船的货物发出质量及重量检验证明书,检测货物是否符合本合同有关质量(.2条款)和重量的规定。在卸货港的CIC检验重量与质量报告作为付款100%的最终标准。3nspection result atlding prt shulde finalinvoice. y ajutmest

13、o the prie lst bsedn theof ha be setle th accordinto Artice an 3. 依卸货港的检验作为最终结果,并根据第2和3条款规定的进行做最后价格结算调整。8.4Ther shlen stoe, cok ad other o-coal ngrediensin the Goosthewie, theByer has t full rghtto efuse receivn he oods all e lossshal e in the accoutof th eller煤炭内不得含有煤矸石、焦炭和非煤炭成份的杂质,否则买方拒收货物,所造成的一切损

14、失由卖方负担。9. Bons anPnaly 奖罚条款9or Net Cloriice asreceived 低位收到基发热量If actul et Calorific aue a ABexceed 5,00 Kalkg, te Uitprce sUSD 94(based onNAR 00Kcal/kg).如果低位总热值(收到基)超过50Kca/K,合同单价保持9美元不变。I the actaNet Caorifc Vle as falls below 5,000 Kcal/ adabove or ua to 480 Kcal/g,the Uit Price shal b deucd by D

15、 150/MTfr eer 100 Kcal/kg pro rata basias pealtyprie如果低位总热值(收到基)低于500千卡/千克并高于或等于4800大卡,每低100千卡/千克,合同单价下调1.0美元。If the actualNe aloic alue as A llsbelow ,800 Kalkg,te Bue hs ig t rject the al or te twPries agre thathe nirice shall beeduedby USD 3/MT for ey 100 Kcal/kg pro rata bassas pnay price.如果低位总热

16、值(收到基)低于4800千卡千克,买方有权拒收或双方协商每低10千卡/千克,合同单价下调3美元。 9.r otl Moisure(rb) 全水(收到基).r Tal Sfur (adb) 对于全硫(空干基)9.r sh ntent (adb) 对于灰份(空干基)10. Pymn Trm付款条件 10. BthBuye and Sellershllopt 100% Irrevocale on-Tasferale Leter o Ced,onig bank ould be a ist ca nterninal ankacepted by the ller,eotiatebank should be

17、 afrst clasintenationl ban acete h Buy买卖双方均接受10%不可撤销、不可转让信用证付款方式。信用证由卖方接受的一级国际银行开立且在买方接受的一级国际银行议付。0.2 Forthe first l of 5,00 T cal, the Bue should pen heLetr f Crdito Selles ngotiatedbnkwitn 5anwrking days after th ae ofh contra eetie Te eller should prepreloadn t Gos wih 10yswhn ceive the Lette fCr

18、dit fom Byer, he Gods hold arrveo the Disharin Port apoind by the uyr no laer than 30 ys对于第一批5万吨煤,买方应于合同生效后5天内开出信用证给卖方的议付银行。卖方在收到买方信用证后的10内安排货物装运并在0天内将货物运到买方指定卸货港。10.3 Fr th ea lot of te ret 2,40,000 M al, the Seersholdear ldig teGods withi 10daywhn reeivedteter o Ceditfm Byer, h Gods houlddeivery t

19、o the Ber no laer than 30 as.之后24万吨货物,买方应于每批次受载期开始前0天开出信用证给卖方的议付银行。卖方在收到买方信用证后的1内安排货物装运并在0天内将货物交付给买方。1.4 Lte of Crei shouldcverd mtly suly value, shl eeffcie40 day after theGoods e le 信用证金额为月度合同货物的全部金额,并在此船货物装船后的40天内有 效。10.5 Winwrking daysfrom hedy wenreied theL/ ppliatinLtter by ax or email fromthe

20、By,hesller sall sue % erormance guarantee of 10% cgo vlue for te first spmnt nfavo ohe Buyer the negotated Bank Channela tGaantee f shipmet. I th selle failsto caryout te shipets pethonracr the calualiti wthin therjecton ane stipuatd nisconrac asper he ualiy report isue thedeendnt aboratory t th Dia

21、rert appointedy e Buyer , terforance ondof 2% f te cntct alue ill e forfeiteo th bur. 在收到买方信用证开证申请的传真件或电子件之日3个工作天内,卖方通过议付银行开出以买方为受益人、金额为信用证金额2%的履约保函。如卖方无法按合同供货或买方指定卸货港检验机构验出货物质量在本合同拒收范围,买方将没收保函。10Povisional payment & The dcmets base n 暂定支付及付款单据 ayen f Ninety Fve pecen (1%) of Sers Cmercil oie montd

22、on the certiiceof uaity a witisud y NTERTEK t tloaingprt for e shpment all madby upnprntation the followncuent: 买方根据以下单据付100货款:106.Sneomercial Inv, theeoriinals an treecopis.Selrs inoce will be asedn t untty measur by e Indpden Laorary the lading port paid n apointedb the Buyer ad after dusted uner

23、forua as mniond n aticle 91.签章的商业发票原件三份和三份副本,发票以买方指定并付费的装运港检验机构出具的检验数量为基准,并按照本合同1款的公式作价格调整。10.2 hefull se of “CE ON BAR” OeaMaie Bill fLading, mde ut rer n blnk endored,inictin “Freis payable s per art Pary”nd alayno lie to tecarg re iginals ad heopiresetivly.全套标明“根据租船合同运费已付”清洁海运提单,各三份正本,三 份副本。10.63

24、ertiiate Qult (Crtificate ofAnlysis) an Crtficat o Quantity (raft Surey) isuedby Indendet Labratory oading Port, threeorigals an three cpies rpcivel.装运港检验机构出具的品质证和数量证,各三份正本,三份副本。10.64Cetificat o Orign(ERIL Eon hih t HS number ofth is indite) in 1rigia and 2 cops isue b ompetet Idnesan Authorites 印度尼

25、西亚官方机构出具的原产地证书(SEIAE表,上注明出口煤炭的HS 税号) 正本一份、副本两份。10.65 Shippig Aceto Buyerithi dys aft the te of BL 在提单日后的3天内给买方发出的裝船通知单。10.6.61 oiginal and 2 cpies o Insrnce Pol ning heByeras Beneficiar, covering 110% of thie Goods vae, iclng Al Rsks,War Risks and Sr Risks.保险单正本一份、副本二份,以买方为受益人,保险金额为发货金额 110,投保一切险、战争

26、险和罢工险。1.67 T Certifiae of Col Quai(1 oiginalopy ) t Dscharging Port isud b CI oSG 卸货港CI或SG出具的质量检验报告(一份原件)。06.8 Te Cerifcteof Wight (1originlcoy) isued b CIt iscn Port卸货港CIQ出具的重量检验报告(一份原件)。1.7 ll bnk charges rom uing ankrefor he cunt of te Bur adall bank hars outsid the issuing bn arfo teou fthe Sele

27、r.开证行的费用由买方承担,开证行之外的费用由卖方承担。11. rs oflivery 交货条款11.Th lesll te Godst the Mother Vessel at Mara bone Saf oe se,Indonsia,and dvto ,Chn.卖方在印度尼西亚的ara Tabo 的锚地进行装船,并运至中国 港完成交货。11.2 Within days bere eoadng te, Sller allinfrm the Buyerby way o emailr fax indicating te rrival date of te ssel the ancoae int在

28、货物起运 7天以前,卖方通过电邮或传真通知买方运输船到达停泊地的日期。1.3Withn 48 hous afteevessel dearre fro he LoadingPrt, the Seller r Seller hppin agen shal advise the Buyer bya (ax: +8) iiting he ssel silng te,he nam fthe nomnatedvess, nameosamhp compy,tonage, th flags of tvessl, eanBL nuer, Contract number,ntuantit loaded, name

29、 of t Gods ndestiaede o arrival (ETA).货船于离开装运港后的48小时内,卖方或其船代须以传真形式通知买方货船启航日期、指定货船名称、船公司、吨位、船旗、海运提单号、合约号、净装运数量、货物名称及预计到达卸货港时间(TA)。11.4Te Seller or Seler shipping getshall send afax(Fa: ) to te Bue 3/2/1days bfor he arival of e vssel t poof destntionto coim te lcaionf t vessl andthestmaed ime f arriva

30、l(EA).卖方或其船代须于货船到达目的港前分3天、2天、天以传真形式通知买方货船位置和预计货船到港日期(ETA)。15 he See shallwthin 4 days fter theate f /L ae, shl end co ouments faxt heB.卖方将在装船提单签出后天内,用传真将复印件发给买方。12. Dihring Terms 卸货条款2.1aer Pryhlbe axed to th Byr the Seler within3 dys after hssu dateofth /L TermnonditisofChrerPrt sod compy wh the te

31、rs an ndii conaned herei.Sould anytermsnd conn of the hater rtconitwithi Coct, h terms adconditionf thsCntrshal e nal. 卖方须于提单发出日期起3天内向买方传真“租船合同”。“租船合同”内的条款应与本合同内条款配合。若两者出现冲突,则以本合同条款为准。12.2Dicharggte sall commnce12ous after Noie of Reine is tendered or whendiscargig comences, hchee iserlir. Ifafter e

32、rthingthe vssl is oun nt t be in fre patiqueadin all eectsnot redytodchrger ee prtiques not grantedn arval t thberth, laytime shall e deeedot to have comenced untilwn heveselis n acinfreepratique inal eetsedy o dischage.卸船时间应在备妥通知书递交后12小时或卸货开始,按较早者开始起算。船靠泊后,如发现船舶没有通过检验检疫和没有做好卸船准备,则不能开始计算卸船时间。12.3 Tm

33、 os due o hecauss tipulted inrtice 7 herein.由于本合同1条中不可抗力原因造成的时间损失不计为卸船时间 2.Ithe vesse asks to stp ischargng,icludefrom anchoage berhrthetme he ipetio procsing,will no ra as dichargng time, een fdeurage.由于船只要求停止卸货,包括从锚地移动到泊位的时间或在泊位进行检验检疫的时间导致损失的时间都不计为卸货时间,即使已滞期。2.5Dihging tmess calulaionwh tegoodssto

34、p stowed n trimmed.卸货完成并平舱后,卸货时间停止计算。12.6he tim ued for dragh survey is t included in the dicharingtimeeven ifdmurrage curs.水尺检验的时间不计为卸货时间,即使已滞期。17The erorVesse wner oldasign an gn at DiscargingPorand sta n loe cnact wih its agt.卖方或船东可以在卸货港委派船代,并应与船代密切联系。128Thedischarge rte houl reac 10000tonda on f

35、idy.卸率为0000吨晴天。 13. Demrge and Dspatch ot 滞期费和速遣费13.1I the Buye could not acmmdtetrirment stuated in iem 12.8,theByer hld the Seller the dmurrae cos acordi to the acul drae tm. If teBuyer plete te dcharge witi hegreedpeod, theSeller shold pa the uye te dsatch ost.如果买方不能按照条款12.来满足卸货要求,买方应按实际滞期时间向卖方支付

36、滞期费。如果买方在约定卸货时间内完成卸货,卖方应按节约的时间向买方支付速遣费用。13.Raesofdemrag erda oro-ate fo all tm l and dispatch money pdayr pro-rateor ay time savedt the nloadin pr shlleasp Chrter Party,whichis US$ 12,00 per ayor p rae, oal timelst. Dptc ille alf ofDemurragrate per day or ro rate, oray time ed.卸货港滞期费用依据租船合同为美金12,00

37、元天。不足一天按比例计算。速遣费用为其一半。13.3 murrge a diptchutbe pid withi 7 day o receipt o uerinvoiceo toal demugeor Sellrsivoceoroa dispch. Were tei aispe involingdeurrage r dispatch,s shalpay he unisputed pn ofthedemrrae rdisatch coswithnteime speciedbove.滞期费和速遣费必须在卖方收到买方速遣费发票或者买方收到卖方滞期费发票的7天内支付。如双方滞期费和速遣费有任何争议,双方在以上规定日期内支付无争议部分的滞期费和速遣费。13.4 bcause coal qualiy t up t hecct termand ncudes noliitdto 4.2 contaiig gangu, clay,stonetcdischae difficuties ad by sticking hig er-bearing caused ycoal, coal ontaneo cmustion etc dishge dificlt, coal qality aus is


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