考研英语作文模板和素材汇总(大作文版)(DOC 29页).doc

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1、大作文首段:As is vividly depicted in the cartoon图画提示. In the picture, sb/sth is seen doing sth. 细节句. (In the second picture, sth(that-句子/n) has caught my attention/sight.)中段:事例法What kind of profound and far-reaching message is mirrored here in this cartoon? Frankly-speaking, it is that 寓意. In order to pe

2、rceive this issue in a deeper sense and a wider horizon, we have to go further into the reality to find more tangible examples. And an extreme case in point is 例子名称(名词). 素材(3/4句).原因法What kind of significant and far-reaching message is reflected here? Apparently, it is 寓意. If asked to demonstrate thi

3、s issue in a deeper sense, there are, I suppose, several important factors contributing to this phenomenon. Initially, 原因1. Whats more, 原因2. Eventually, 原因3.利弊法In frankness it is fairly impossible for all to reach the consensus on such a divergent issue in that it bears both advantages and disadvant

4、ages. As for the merits, we can see 优点. On the contrary, the demerits are that 缺点.尾段:To sum up/Based upon what has been discussed above, we may safely and confidently draw a conclusion that 名词is a fairly crucial issue which needs to be focused on and requires some effective measures to deal with. On

5、 the one hand, 建议1. On the other hand, 建议2. Only by this means can the society and all human races be more harmonious/stable/healthy/beautiful/sustainable.寓意句:1 志愿者精神非常重要,而且受到推崇。The voluntary/optimistic/altruistic/creative spirit is overwhelmingly crucial and being popularized.2 责任感对于个人也好,对于企业也好,都是必

6、须具备的一项素质。如果没有它,社会和个人都会误入歧途。Responsibility is actually a fine quality required in either a human being or an enterprise. Without it, both of them will be easily misled to behave falsely.3 经济问题其实是和我们每个人都息息相关的,并且影响着我们的日常生活。The economic issues are in fact closely linked to each of us in the society, and

7、 are imposing much influence on our normal life.4 全民健身运动受到了广大人民的青睬。The sportsmanship is being popularized across the nation.5 中国的科技发展已经获得了巨大的成就。The advancement in scientific technology has witnessed a huge stride in China.6 中国大学生面临着就业的巨大压力。The contemporary university students in China are confronted

8、 themselves with the huge employment stress. 素材类型1 环境问题城市化建设2 文化交流出国热、外语热3 竞争精神人际关系4 教育问题农村教育、青少年犯罪5 社会责任感企业诚信6 消费观和储蓄习惯西方经济危机7 志愿者精神北京奥运会、汶川地震8 就业压力中国大学毕业生9 科技发展神舟七号10 体育精神全民健身环境问题(城市化建设) environmental problem1 随着环境保护意识的增强,政府已经开展了一些有效措施以维护生态平衡。With the increased awareness of environmental conservat

9、ion, the government has launched some effective policies to keep the eco-balance.2 在这种趋势的影响下,1砍伐森林问题/ 2物种灭绝/ 3水资源短缺/ 4塑料的浪费 都得到了改善。Influenced by such trend, 1the deforestation problem, 2the biodiversity loss, 3the insufficient supply of clean water and 4the plastic consumption have all been lessened

10、/ intensified. 3 由于环境问题与人们的紧密联系,城市化问题受到了来自政府和公众的越来越多的关注。Intimately associated with the environmental problems, the urbanization has attracted much attention both from the government and the public.4 随着农村人口洪水般地涌入城市,城市居民面临着身边的众多问题,例如 1住房紧张/ 2就业困难/ 3对移民劳工和农民的歧视的存在。With the rural population flooding int

11、o cities, residents have confronted themselves with numerous problems such as 1the inadequate housing, and 2the limited vacant jobs and 3the existing prejudice against the migrant workers or farmers.5 为解决这种问题,政府应该更多地投入农村地区的发展和城市基础设施的改善。With the purpose of resolving such problems, the government shou

12、ld put more in the development of the rural areas and in the improvement of the urban infrastructure.6 每年都有许许多多的男人女人,主要来自农村地区,涌入城市去寻找体面的生活、城市的浮华及舒适的享受。Each year, a multitude of men and women, mainly from the rural areas, flood into the cities in search for the prosperity, convenience and great enjoy

13、ment involved in the urban life.7 随着越来越多的人定居在城市,许多以前的城市基础设施和服务已经接近瘫痪,无法满足越来越多的人的需求。With an increasing number of population inhabiting in the cities, many formerly-established urban facilities and services are coming to the breaking point so that peoples daily needs are hardly satisfied.8 许多政府为了追求经济利

14、益,鼓励市民购买私家车,而这样会对城市环境带来巨大的压力。Governments at different levels, either central or local, encourage both politically and financially its citizens to purchase the private cars for the sake of economic benefits, which poses a great challenge to the environment.What kind of significant message is reflecte

15、d in the picture? In frankness, it is that the urbanization is a strikingly serious social issue which is attracting the attention from the public and the government.寓意 With the rural population flooding into the cities, residents are confronted themselves with numerous problems such as the inadequa

16、te housing, the insufficient supply of water and limited vacant jobs. Some factories manufacture the products without any consciousness of conserving environment for the possbile profits they can make, and some people are hardly aware of their responsibility and function in the daily environmentally

17、-friendly activities such as avoiding driving private cars or using the detergent when washing dishes. Even though such problems sound or appear inevitable and serious, an objective and rational attitude and measure to dispose of them are fairly needed.To sum up, the issue of urbanization is complic

18、ated and essential for the development of a nation/place/person. With the purpose of resolving such problems, the government,witha strong sense of responsibility of protecting the environment,should put more in the development of the rural areas and the improvement of the urban infrastructure. Only

19、by this means can the nation as a whole survive and advance in a more harmonious and sustainable atmosphere.文化交流(出国热和外语热) cultural communication1 随着这个星球变得比以前更小更密集,人们之间的文化交流的机会变得更频繁了。With the globe becoming much closer and smaller than before, people in growing numbers have more opportunities to meet

20、 and communicate with others in different cultures.2 不同文化的吸引力变大,表现在人们出国旅游比以前频繁,学习外语的风潮比过去强劲,各种形式的文化沟通与交流丰富。Cultures with their own special features will attract people with different races and languages. For example, 1the Chinese people are enjoying more opportunities to travel abroad, 2the craze an

21、d passion toward learning foreign languages become more intense than before, 3the cultural communication in various forms and trough the available passages is much more frequent than the past.3 为了能够有更好的沟通,人们应该相互理解,相互沟通,相互包容,相互促进以便共同发展。With the purpose of creating and developing the better mutual com

22、munication between different nations/people, we should understand, communicate, tolerate and promote one another in a most favorable way.4 同时,要避免文化歧视,文化休克,文化误解现象的产生。Meanwhile/at the same time, the possible cultural prejudice, cultural shock and cultural misunderstanding shall be avoided in so much a

23、s we can.What kind of significant message is vividly depicted in the picture? Obviously, it is the importance of the cultural communication between people of different cultures and values. With the earth/world/globe/planet becoming much closer and smaller than before, people in growing numbers have

24、more opportunities to meet and communicate with others of different races and languages. For example, more Chinese people, no matter how old or young, are learning foreign languages to travel abroad or communicate with foreigners. Influenced by such trend or fashion, a multitude of foreigners are sh

25、owing great interest in the Chinese culture, namely to learn Chinese and communicate with Chinese people. In such a circumstance/on such an occasion, the mutual communication will be promoted. With the purpose of creating and developing the mutual communication between different nations/people, we s

26、hould understand, communicate, tolerate and promote one another in a most favorable way. Meanwhile/at the same time, the possible cultural prejudice, cultural shock and cultural misunderstanding shall be avoided in so much as we can.竞争精神(人际关系) competitive spirit1 不管社会如何进步如何发展,竞争关系都存在于我们社会生活中的方方面面。No

27、 matter how the modern society advances or develops, competition actually exists in all walks of our social life.2 人才招聘,体育竞技,个人和集体的发展,在这些行驶中我们都可以看到竞争是不可避免而且是愈演愈烈的。In the highly-competitive job fair, in the intense sports games, in the cruel development of both individuals and collectives, we can ine

28、vitably identify that competition arises everywhere.3 要想把竞争看的清楚,我们可以发现竞争其实是人类与生俱来的特点,有了竞争精神,人就可以超越对手获得成就,而社会则可以更快更好的进步。In probing into this issue of social competition, we may figure out the fact that competition is the inherent quality of human beings. With this competitive spirit, they can improve

29、 their abilities and therefore make superior achievements. The society as well will develop much speedily than before.4 然而我们必须意识到竞争并非是人类所具有的唯一重要精神,因为个人也好,集体也好,都不可能在没有别人合作和帮助下发展完整完善,所以竞争与合作就像一对双胞胎谁也离不开谁。Admittedly, we have to acknowledge that competition is not the sole spirit that humans bear. To be

30、 frank, any individual or organization, if without the cooperation or help from other members, will hardly survive, develop or perfect themselves.The significant message vividly conveyed by the cartoonist is that the competition is a vital feature which can not be avoided in todays world. No matter

31、how the society develops or advances, the competition exists in all walks of social life, especially in the cruel and stressful sports games. In reality, apart from the sports games, competition as well exists in other fields such as the highly-competitive job fair and the personal development. When

32、 probing into this issue, I figure out the fact that competition is the inherent quality of humans which fails to be inevitable. Only with the competitive spirit can humans improve their abilities and therefore make superior achievements.Admittedly, we have to acknowledge that competition is not the

33、 sole spirit that humans bear. To be frank, any individual or organization, if without the cooperation or help from other members, will hardly survive, develop or perfect themselves.教育问题(农村教育和青少年犯罪) educational problem1 随着中国经济发展的推进,贫富差距越来越大,这种差距也体现在教育领域。With the fast-paced development of Chinese eco

34、nomy, the gap between the rich and the poor is greatly widened, which is demonstrated in many fields, including the educational one.2 在农村地区,许多家庭都无法负担高额的费用,这还不包括那些无法享受到教育资源的人群和家庭。In some poorly-developed rural districts, quite a few families fail to afford the costly tuition fees at different educati

35、onal levels. And this education does not apply to some families or children who are out of the reach of the educational resources.3 对于许多勤劳辛苦的农民来说,送自己孩子去上学往往意味着要付出许多他们无法想象的努力,而去读书的孩子们在内心会产生很强的压力和自卑,而这些都是不利于他们去适应这个越来越注重竞争和人际交往的社会。As for those farmers who incessantly live a painful and laborious life i

36、n their fields, sending their children to schools actually means the unimaginable burden and hard work for themselves. Meanwhile, the children from such families when receiving the education will confront themselves with the strong lack of confidence and strong sense of sin. In such a highly-competi

37、tive society, such children can hardly to adapt/accustome themselves to it. 4 作为政府,应该尽力缩小贫富差距,并尽量给农村地区更好的教育资源,使得更多的来自农村地区和贫穷家庭的孩子可以接受更好的教育。只有这样,整个社会的文化水平才能相应的提高并且社会经济发展才能更上一层楼。The government should try as much as they can to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor so that the rural areas can en

38、joy more beneficial resources. The children who are bred in poorer families will obviously have more opportunities to be educated. Only by this means can the overall social development be greatly promoted.5 随着离婚率的上升,许多来自破碎家庭的孩子得不到良好的照顾,以至于误入歧途。With the mounting divorce rate, many a child coming from

39、 the broken famlies is improperly taken care of and therefore led astray in the society.6 由于缺少良好的教育和严谨的学术氛围,许多孩子容易在各种考试中失败,以至于对社会产生仇恨感,因为他们认为社会拒绝和抛弃了他们。Scant of the instructive cultivation and the cerious academic atmosphere, quite a few adolescents are more likely to fail in various examinations an

40、d then become full of resentment to the society for they think the society has rejected and abondoned them.7 过于发达的科技为这些孩子们提供了太多沉迷于虚拟网络生活的机会,以至于他们脱离了真正的现实生活,从而轻易走向犯罪。The overly spread application of the modern technology has made it easier and more available for such children to get addicted in the v

41、irtual cyber world and thereafter get alienated from the real life or go slippery to crime.With the fast-paced development of Chinese economy, the gap between the rich and the poor is greatly widened, which is demonstrated in the educational field. In some poorly-developed rural districts, quite a f

42、ew families fail to afford the costly tuition fees at different educational levels.Sending their children to schools in the poor families often means the unimaginable efforts and pains over a long term. Furthermore, the children who are cultivated in such families and influenced by such atmosphere w

43、ill be difficult to accustom themselves to their campus life and the complex larger world. This issue is definitely a fatal issue which needs to be disposed of with great endeavors. The government shall strive as much as they can to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor by putting more educat

44、ional resources in the rural areas. Only by this means will the overall literate level of the nation be greatly increased and the country be more powerful. And this education does not apply to some families or children who are out of the reach of the educational resources.As for those farmers who in

45、cessantly live a painful and laborious life in their fields, sending their children to schools actually means the unimaginable burden and hard work for themselves. Meanwhile, the children from such families when receiving the education will confront themselves with the strong lack of confidence and

46、strong sense of sin. In such a highly-competitive society, such children can hardly to adapt themselves to it.The government should try as much as they can to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor so that the rural areas can enjoy more beneficial resources. The children who are bred in poorer

47、 families will obviously have more opportunities to be educated. Only by this means can the overall social development be greatly promoted.社会责任感(企业诚信) social responsibility1 随着社会的快速发展和经济的迅速增长,越来越多的人已经开始忽视承担责任的重要性,甚至会无视责任感的存在而做一些对社会有害的事情。With the development of this complex society and the booming ad

48、vancement of social economy/with the increased attention and focus on the economic benefits, people in expanding numbers lay little emphasis upon the importance of shouldering the social responsibilities. Such people will be more likely to misbehave themselves to bring some noisome effects to the so

49、ciety.2 由于受到诱人经济利益的驱使以及对责任感的漠视,许多企业会无视规章制度以及监管流程的存在和作用而去制造一些不合格甚至危害人民健康的产品。如果企业不具备责任感,人民的正常生活会得不到保障,国家经济也会受到巨大损失。同时,国家的国际形象也会被破坏。Driven by the alluring economic benefits and influenced by the strong indifference over the social responsibility, quite a few enterprises have been manufacturing some low-quality comm


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