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1、(小学)英语教学法模拟试题开卷Achievement Test for “ Teaching English in the Primary School”I. Choose the best answer (30%)Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the question

2、s. (30 points, 2 points each)1. What learning strategy does the following activity to train?Put the words in the relevant columns.Bananas, dogs, sheep, oranges.FoodFruitAnimalsA. Grouping B. CollocationC. Association D. Imagery2. Which of the following can train listening?A. Sequencing the pictures.

3、B. Writing captions for pictures.C. TPRD. Matching titles with different paragraphs.3. Which of the following activities involves writing?A. Labeling pictures.B. Matching pictures with labels.C. Dramatization.D. Role play.4. How do children learn their first language?A. By imitations.B. By being cor

4、rected by parents.C. By learning language rules.D. By acting and performing.5. Whats the teacher doing by saying “Now you are going to do this in pairs.”A. Checking understanding.B. Giving prompt.C. Setting tasks.D. Getting feedback.6. Which of the following activities can be best done with pair wor

5、k?A. Information gap.B. Guessing games.C. Watching videos.D. Role-play.7. Which of the following helps assess language performances?A. Asking students to reflect on what activities attract them most.B. Asking students about their attitudes towards a certain game.C. Asking students to draw pictures a

6、ccording to description.D. Asking the students to do a quiz at the end of the lesson.8. Which of the following is suitable for speaking?A. TPR actions.B. Recognizing picturesC. Information gapD. Matching pictures with descriptions.9. In which of the following activities does the teacher play the rol

7、e of prompter?A. Give suggestions during an activity.B. Read out the new words to the students.C. Take part in the pupils conversation.D. Encourage students to go on with their talk.10. Which of the following belongs to projects?A. Guessing what someone is eating.B. Creating a poster.C. Listening an

8、d identifyingD. Information gap.11. What kind of classroom arrangement is most suitable for the following activities?The teacher asks the pupils to discuss what they are going to do at the weekend. A. Pair work.B. Group workC. Whole-class workD. Individual work12. What is the teaching doing in the f

9、ollowing part of instruction?T: All right, I think it is the time.A: Introducing the activity.B. Giving a start.C. Checking understanding.D. Concluding an activity.13. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?S: I seed a very good film on TV yesterday.T: You SAW a very good film yester

10、day?A. Helping correct the mistake.B. Giving a hint that the student has used the wrong tense.C. Asking the student to correct the mistake himself.D. Asking the student whether he really saw the film.14. What does childrens short attention span imply for classroom instruction?A. We should not make a

11、ny activity too long.B. We should not waste time explaining complicated language rules.C. We should provide good models for children to imitate.D. We should select those topics relevant to students experience.15. Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern?Language is lea

12、rned in a context created with sketches, games or multi-media techniquesA. autonomous learningB. interactive learningC. contextualized learningD. task-based learningII: Write “T” for True and “F” for False. (14%)Which of the followings are First language acquisition. Write “T” for True and “F” for F

13、alse.( ) 1. systematic study( ) 2. free learning environment( ) 3. try and error( ) 4. formal instruction( ) 5. mechanical practice( ) 6. care-taker talk( ) 7. silent listening( ) 8. minimal pair practiceIII: Matching (16%)1. Match the learning styles on the left which the type of activities on the

14、right. (4%)1) Group learners A. Discussion2) Reflective learners B. Making judgments3) Individual learners C. Copying4) Tactile learners D. Doing handcrafts2. Match the type of intelligence on the left with the suitable activities on the right. (4%)1) Interpersonal intelligence A. Active imagination

15、2) Musical intelligence B. Rhythmic patterns3) Naturalistic intelligence C. Sensing others motives4) Spatial intelligence D. Photographing3. Match the items of phonetics on the left with the realizations on the right. (4 %) 1) Articulation A. Not at all 2) Intonation B. She sells seashells by the se

16、ashore. 3) Liaison C. I want to do a good deed. 4) Loss of explosion D. Do you speak English?4. Match the type of vocabulary learning strategies on the left with the activities that help to train them on the right. ( 4 %)1) Collocation A. Ask the students to find the words from the dialogue and gues

17、s their meanings.2) Context B. Ask the students to listen to a record and read after it.3) Grouping C. Ask the students to put the words in the right category.4) Imitation D. Ask the students to match the prepositions with the nouns. IV: 名词解释(用中文回答)20% (共10题,这里只选了3题)1 行为主义理论 2 互动教学模式3 反思性教学 V: Activ

18、ity designing (20%)Directions: In this part, you are to design 1 10-minute communicative speaking activity according to the material given. The activity should be based on the material, practicing possessive pronouns. Make sure you include all the items of an activity according to the table given (o

19、bjective, organization type, procedure, assumed time, predicted problems and solutions). Make sure you give the assumed time for each step. (试卷上是四幅卡通画,无法打上去)ObjectiveClassroom organizationPredicted problem(s) Solution(s)Procedure1)2)3)4)5)(小学)英语教学法试题 答案与评分标准(供参考)(开卷)I: Choose the best answer (30%)1

20、B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C6. B 7. B 8.C 9. A 10. D11. A 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. AII: Write “T” for True and “F” for False. (14%)II: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4.T 5. F 6. T 7. F III: Match (16%)1. B A D C2. D C B A3 C B D A4. A D C BIV: 名词解释(用中文回答)20%1目标需求 目标需求是指学生在学完课程后应该达到的目标,也可以指具体外语学习者要真正习得一门语言所必须做到的事情。2. 互动教学模式互动

21、是建立在个体活动基础之上的集体活动。互动式教学主要表现为交流、合作、展示、补充、完善、深化自我学习成果,解决自我学习中不能解决的困难的过程。互动教学一般由导学、自学、小组研讨、组际交流和总结评价几个阶段组成。课堂活动以学生与学生、学生与教师间的互动为主。3. 教学行为研究 教学行为研究是以课堂教学行为为研究内容的一种教师自身发展模式,是教师为了保证教学的有效开展,在教学过程中将教学的各种行为作为意识对象,不断地、积极主动地进行计划、评价、反馈、检查、调控和改进的行为过程,是教学实践者为改善教学活动所进行的一种系统的反思性研究行为。4. 定标 “定标”指目标环境所要求达到的目标,即学习者适应未来

22、目标环境所必须具备的知识和能力。比如商务英语的目标需求与法律英语、医学英语、英语教学等的定标就不相同,其所掌握的语言、语篇、语域、词汇、句法、结构、功能、技巧、策略、能力也有很大差别。因此,不同的定标规定了不同的课程标准、教材和课程标准的制定以及实施的方向。在同一个总体定标下,每一个阶段也各有其定标。小学英语的教学目标、中学英语的教学目标,大学英语的教学目标各有各自的规定。5. 学习需求 学习需求所关注的不是学生应该掌握什么,如语言、技能或策略,而是学生如何获取这些知识,如何掌握这些技能,如何运用这些策略。6. 横向联想 横向联想是指词汇之间的横聚合。横向联想以词的搭配关系为主。横向联想主要指

23、词的共现搭配功能。所谓共现是指与一个单词同时出现在一个语境中的词汇,包括话题知识,如听到desk学生可能想到chair, 看到table,学生可能想到eat; 读到bus, 就可以联想到driver, passengers, conductor, 甚至accident。7. 演绎式语法教学 在演绎式语法教学中,教师首先展示语法规则并举例说明,然后由学生将所展示的语法规则运用于新的语言环境。演绎式语法教学方式注重的是形式而不是使用。8. 结果定向的写作教学模式 结果定向的写作教学是一种比较传统的教学模式。该教学模式关注的是写作活动的最终结果,如信、短文、故事等,教师关心的写成品的可读性、语法的正

24、确性、与要点论据相关的论述是否符合习惯等。课堂活动的方式主要复制与模仿,即由提示词扩展成句子,仿照各种类型的范例发展句子和段落。在这种模式下,学生学习写作处于一个孤立的环境,主要以阅读别人的写作然后模仿为主,第一稿也通常就是最后一稿,写作的内容和写作的过程往往被忽视。9. 显性和隐性语法教学 显性语法教学是指对语法进行直接的讲解,而隐性语法教学则指所学材料包含语法概念,或训练为语法训练,但并不给学生明确语法概念,如学生可以正确使用I、me和my, 但不一定清楚主格、宾格、所有格等语法概念。10. 评估 评估以促进教学和学习、指导和帮助被评估者自我认识、自我教育和自我发展为目标。评估不是基于一次

25、测试、一项任务,也不是根据学习成绩而定,而是根据学生的行为表现,教师的观察日记,学生的自我评价以及学生的学习,语言能力、态度、参与、合作以及认知水平有关的各种测试进行。评估侧重的不是学生现有的水平,而是学生的进步;不仅关注现在的结果,还关注促成现在结果的过程。评估实施的不是同学之间的比较,而是学生的自我比较。评估不必包含测试,测试本身也不是评估,测试只是评估的依据之一。评估所依据的更多的是定性分析,而不是定量分析。V: Activity designing这部分要求学生根据所给的语言材料设计一个会话活动,活动要求包括以下几个方面。本题会有不同的设计方案,只要符合要求就可以得分。本题为实践题,2

26、0分。具体分配为1. Objective 活动目的描述清楚,与活动相适应得2分。不符合活动要求不得分。1. Classroom organization 活动组织形式与活动内容相适应得2分,否则不得分。2. Assumed time给出活动的总时间即可,得1分。3. Procedure 活动的程序描述要清楚,一般至少要有三个步骤组成,其中每一步要描述清楚教师的指令和学生行为。每一步骤能清楚地描述得分,共9分。4. Predicted problems 预测问题符合学生的具体情况,符合活动的特点得3分。预测的问题可以是12个。5. Possible solutions 解决方式适合问题类型得3分

27、。解决的方式可以是12个。原文TEXTA. Look, there he is.B. Who?A. Robert, the guy Ive been telling you about.B. Oh. The guy youre going out with?A. I wish. The guy I want to go out with.B. Oh, he hes really handsome. Um, lets go talk to him.A. Oh, OK. Ill introduce you. I think youll really like himHi, Robert.C. Oh

28、, hi.A. Have you met my friend, Jean?B. Im afraid not. A. Hey, Jean, this is Robert. Robert, this is Jean.C. Nice to meet you, Jean.B. Nice to meet you . Robert. (参考答案)Objectives:2% learn how to make introductionClassroom organization 2%: group workAssumed time 1%: 10 minutesProcedure 9%:(1) Arrange

29、 the students into group, three in a group. (2) Give students situation, for example: Two students, A and B, are talking about a coming exam when they meet an American teacher who teachers A oral English. A introduces the teacher and B to each other. B asks if the teacher could come to a party they

30、will have that night.(3) Invite a group volunteers to come to the front to play the dialogue. (4) Teacher summarizers. Predicted problems 3%:1. While the group come to the front to play, some students may misbehave or may not participate. 2. Sometimes some students are too timid to come to front.Solutions 3%: (1) The teacher may ask the absent-minded students to come to the front to play.(2) The teacher should encourage the timid students to come to the front.


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