1、Leadership_introduction_lecture领导力(英文版)Activities w Film Review&Applications(Individual)GandhiBrave heartPatch Adamsw In-Class FilmsDaniel GolemanRon KauffmanFish PrincipleNinoy AquinoWhat is a Good Leader?w Think of three leaders that you will follow freely.What are their qualities?What do they do
2、that make you want to follow them?How do they affect you?w Think of three leaders whom you will follow only if you are forced to do so or if you are paid with lots of money or who you will not follow at all no matter what.Why wont you follow them voluntarily?What are their traits?What do they do?Wha
3、t is their impact on you?Follow Voluntarilyw Lots of experiencew Consideratew Empowers peoplew Visionaryw Open-mindedw Inspiringw Leads by examplew Honestw Commends peoplew Good communicatorw Passionatew Great motivatorw Hardworkingw Humblew Intelligent/smartw Risk takerw Charmingw Thinks of the wel
4、fare of his followersw Approachablew Flexiblew Transparentw firmw principledFollow Unwillingly or Wont Follow At Allw Corruptw Immoralw Closed mindedw Does not accept accountabilityw Inefficientw Indecisivew Incompetentw Hypocritew Doesnt accept mistakesw Buck passerw Rumor Mongererw Favoritesw Unet
5、hicalw Selfishw Sarcasticw Arrogantw Self-servingw Lazyw Self-righteousw Tainted with dishonorw Unprofessionalw Narrow mindedw Impatient2 9C H A N G EC O N S U L T A N T SI N C O R P O R A T E DC h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f A d m i r e d L e a d e r sC h a r a c t e r is t ic s 1 9 9 5 R e s p o
6、 n d e n t s:1 9 8 7 R e s p o n d e n t s:P e r c e n t a g e o f P e o p le P e r c e n t a g e o f P e o p leS e le c t in g S e le c t in gH O N E S T8 88 3F O R W A R D-L O O K I N G7 56 2I N S P I R I N G6 85 8C O M P E T E N T6 36 7F a ir-m in d e d4 94 0S u p p o r t iv e4 13 2B r o a d-m in
7、 d e d4 03 7I n t e llig e n t4 04 3S t r a ig h t f o r w a r d3 33 4D e p e n d a b le3 23 2C o u r a g e o u s2 92 7C o o p e r a t iv e2 82 5I m a g in a t iv e2 83 4C a r in g2 32 6D e t e r m in e d1 72 0M a t u r e1 32 3A m b it io u s1 32 1L o y a l1 11 1S e lf-C o n t r o lle d51 3I n d e p
8、 e n d e n t51 0N o t e:T h e s e p e r c e n t a g e s r e p r e s e n t r e s p o n d e n t s f r o m f o u r c o n t in e n t s:A m e r ic a,A s ia,E u r o p e,A u s t r a lia.T h e m a jo r it y,h o w e v e r,a r e f r o m t h e U n it e d S t a t e s.S o u r c e:T h e L e a d e r s h ip C h a l
9、len g e,J a m e s M.K o u z e s&B a r r y Z.P o s n er.p.2 1Animal GameWinner Vs LoserThe winner is part of the answerThe loser is part of the problemWinner Vs LoserThe winner has a programThe Loser has an excuseWinner Vs LoserThe winner sees an answer in every problemThe loser sees a problem in eve
10、ry answerWinner Vs LoserThe winner says,“Let me do it for you”The loser says,“Thats not my job”Winner Vs LoserThe winner sees a green near every sand trapThe Loser sees 2 or 3 sand traps near every greenWinner Vs LoserThe winner says,”It may be difficult but its not impossible”The loser says,”It may
11、 be possible,but its difficult”Winner Vs Loserw The winner is part of the answerw The loser is part of the problemw The winner has a programw The Loser has an excusew The winner says,“Let me do it for you”w The loser says,“Thats not my job”w The winner sees an answer in every problemw The loser sees
12、 a problem in every answerw The winner sees a green near every sand trapw The Loser sees 2 or 3 sand traps near every green w The winner says,”It may be difficult but its no impossible”w The loser says,”It may be possible,but its difficult”Changing Management MindsetFrom:w Managing othersw Directing
13、w Competingw Relying on rulesw Using Hierarchyw Consistency/Samenessw Secrecyw Passivityw Isolationw People as an expenseTo:w Leading othersw Guidingw Collaboratingw Focusing on outcomesw Using networkw Diversity/Flexibilityw Sharing informationw Risk takingw Involvementw People as assetsHuman Relat
14、ionsw The six most important words:I admit I made a mistake.w The five most important words:You did a good job!w The four most important words:What is your opinion?w The three most important words:If you please.w The two most important words:Thank you.w The single most important word:Wew The least i
15、mportant word:ILeadershipw LListeningw EEmpowering viewpointw AAmbitionw DDesirew EExamplew RRespectw SSelf-esteemw HHeartw IInitiativew PPatienceFamous Leaderw Dick&Maurice very entrepreneurial established a theater then a drive-in restaurant in 1937.w 1948 they started to serve walk-in clients wit
16、h fast service(Speedy service system),streamlined their operations and concentrated on selling hamburgers.w 1954 Ray Kroc owner of a milk shake machine factory joined them.He has the vision on what the company can be.A great leader that always in search of good leaders that can help him in running t
17、he company.What Leaders Dow Establish direction:developing a vision of the future(strategies)w Aligning people:Communicating,directing by words and deedsw Motivating and inspiring:Energizing people to overcome problemsw Producing change:dramatic changeLeadershipw Were all leadersw Leadership springs
18、 from withinw Leadership is not an act.It is a way of livingw Ongoing processCompetitiveness Vs.Cooperation Look at others as enemiesConcentrate on yourselfBecome suspicious of othersWin only if you are goodWinning determined by your skillsSmall victorySome joyThere are winners and losersLook at oth
19、ers as friendsConcentrate on othersBecome supportive of othersWin if you or others are goodWinning determined by skills of manyLarge victoryMuch joyThere are only winnersLevel 1 Highly capable individualMakes productive contributions through talent,knowledge,skills and good work habitsLevel 2 Contri
20、buting Team MemberContributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and works effectively with others in a group settingLevel 3 Competent ManagerOrganizes people and resources toward the effective pursuit of predetermined objectivesLevel 4 Effective LeaderCatalyzes commitmen
21、t to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision,stimulating higher performance standardsLevel 5 ExecutiveBuilds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional willDifference in concern between Level 4 and Level 5 Leaders Level 4 Leaders1.Fine tune con
22、cept2.Strategy questions first:Askl What to do?l What to make?l How much to charge it?Level 5 Leaders1.Whos first2.Strategy later,Right people to decide3.Statement of trust4.Sense of ownership5.CommitmentLevel 5 Leadership(Professional Will)w Burning ambition for company SuccessLove firmWork relentl
23、ess for resultsBeyond ambitionLevel 5 Leadership(Professional Will)w Committed to building“Generationally”LongevityPassing of batonDiscover abilityNot weak successorLevel 5 Leadership(Personal Humility)w Unassumingw Quietly producingw Not claiming creditw Direct attention to others(Mirror Window pri
24、nciple)Tips to avoid Mediocrity in the workplacew Keep Raising standardsw Give choice who to losew Let go to people unable to meet bar setKEY POINTSw Every good-to-great company had Level 5 leadership during the pivotal transition years.w“Level 5”refers to a five-level hierarchy of executive capabil
25、ities,with Level 5 at the top.Level 5 leaders embody a paradoxical mix of personal humility and professional will.They are ambitious,to be sure,but ambitious first and foremost for the company,not themselves.KEY POINTSw Level 5 leaders set up their successors for even greater success in the next gen
26、eration,whereas egocentric Level 4 leaders often set up their successors for failure.w Level 5 leaders display a compelling modesty,are self-effacing and understated.In contrast,two-thirds of the comparison companies had leaders with gargantuan personal egos that contributed to the demise or continu
27、ed mediocrity of the company.KEY POINTSw Level 5 leaders are fanatically driven,infected with an incurable need to produce sustained results.They are resolved to do whatever it takes to make the company great,no matter how big or hard the decisions.w Level 5 leaders display workmanlike diligence mor
28、e plow horse than show horse.KEY POINTSw Level 5 leaders look out the window to attribute success to factors other than themselves.When things go poorly,however,they look in the mirror and blame themselves,taking full responsibility.The comparison CEOs often did just the opposite they looked in the
29、mirror to take credit for success,but out the window to assign blame for disappointing results.KEY POINTSw One of the most damaging trends in recent history is the tendency(especially by boards of directors)to select dazzling,celebrity leaders and to de-select potential Level 5 leaders.w I believe t
30、hat potential Level 5 leaders exist all around us,if we just know what to look for,and that many people have the potential to evolve into Level 5.Definitions of Leadershipw“The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations.”-Kouzes and Posner,1995“liberating people to do what i
31、s required of them in the most effective and humane way possible.”-Max DePree,1990Definitions of Leadershipw“Leadershipis exercised when persons of certain motives and purposes mobilize,in competition or in conflict with others,institutional,political,psychological,and other resources so as to arous
32、e,engage,and to satisfy the motives of followers.”James MacGregor Burns,1975Definitions of Leadershipw“Transforming followers,creating visions of the goals that may be attained,and articulating for the followers the ways to attain those goals”Bass,1985;Tichy and Devanna,1986Difference Between Managi
33、ng and Leadingw ManagingPlanning and BudgettingOrganizing and StaffingControlling and Problem SolvingSource:A Force for Change,John P.Kotterw LeadingEstablishing Direction Aligning PeopleMotivating and InspiringWhat Leaders Dow Relentlessly upgrade their teams,using every encounter as an opportunity
34、 to evaluate,coach,and build self-confidence.w Make sure people not only see the vision,they live and breathe it.w Get into everyones skin,exuding positive energy and optimism.w Establish trust with candor,transparency,and credit.w Have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls.w Probe a
35、nd push with curiosity that borders on skepticism,making sure their questions are answered with action.w Inspire risk taking and learning by setting the examplew They celebrate!Jack Welch-WinningRelentlessly upgrade their teams,using every encounter as an opportunity to evaluate,coach,and build self
36、-confidence.w You have to evaluate-making sure the right people are in the right jobs,supporting and advancing those who are,and moving out those who are not.w You have to coach-guiding,critiquing,and helping people to improve their performance in every way.w Build self-confidence-pouring out encour
37、agement,caring and recognition.Make sure people not only see the vision,they live and breathe itw No jargons must be used(cannot be noble but vague)!w Leaders must communicate the vision downstream(never filter!).w Rewards must be aligned.w No vision is worth the paper its printed on unless it is co
38、mmunicated constantly and reinforced with rewards.Get into everyones skin,exuding positive energy and optimism.w“The fish rots from the head”.w The leaders mood is catching.w Unhappy tribes a have a tough time winning.w An upbeat manager who goes through the day with a positive outlook somehow ends
39、up running a team or organization filled with upbeat people with positive attitude.Establish trust with candor,transparency,and credit.w Trust happens when leaders are transparent,candid and keep their words.w People should know where they stand in terms of their performance.w People should know how
40、 the business is doing.w Give credits where credit is due.The Candor Effectw Gets more people in the conversation and when you get more people in the conversation,you get more ideas.w Generates speed.When ideas are debated rapidly,expanded and enhanced,they get acted upon.w Cuts cost.It eliminates m
41、eaningless meetings.Have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls.w You are not a leader to win a popularity contest.w Your job is to listen and explain yourself clearly but move forward.w Youve been a leader because youve seen more and been right more times(listening to your gut).Probe
42、 and push with curiosity that borders on skepticism,making sure their questions are answered with action.w The job of the leader is to ask questions.Questions like“what if?,Why not?And How come?”w Your questions must stimulate debates and raise issues that get action.w You must always challenge to g
43、et a bigger and better solution.Inspire risk taking and learning by setting the examplew Successful companies embrace risk taking and learning.w Create a culture that welcomes risk by freely admitting your mistakes and talking about what youve learned from them.w Learn from our people.w Get people w
44、ho can complement your weaknesses.They celebrate!w Celebrating makes people feel like winners and creates an atmosphere of recognition and positive energy.w Work is too much a part of life not to recognize moments of achievement.“Breaking Down Walls”w The objective of the game is to have the most nu
45、mber of correct matches between the person being pertained to and the“descriptor.”w In your group,individually answer the following questions:An amazing fact about yourself not many people knowA nickname you were fondly called when you were a childWhat you would bring to your High School reunionYour
46、 greatest fearYour priceless possession“Breaking Down Walls”w As a group,decide which of the facts under the five headings you would include in the contest.Your objective is to mislead the other teams so that they could not accurately match the answer with the person it came from.So choose those tha
47、t few people know about the person.G O!Gandhiw Private man w/o wealth,property official titlew Not commander of Armyw Nor a Ruler of vast landw No scientific achievements artistic giftGandhiGen.George C.Marshall -Has become the spokesman for the conscience of all mankind He made humility and simple
48、truth more powerful than empiresEvents in Gandhis lifew Southern Africa train ride 1893-“No colored atty in South Africaw Cant walk in the pavement with white men(equal rights)w Burning of passes(courage and persistence)w Walking in the pavement with a clergy man(When your enemy strike you on your r
49、ight cheek offer your left also)w Creation of a paper to unite the communityEvents in Gandhis lifew Quarrel with wife regarding cleaning the restroom(you are human only human)w New Law(all Indians must be fingerprinted like criminals,Only Christian marriage are valid,Policemen demand card of Indian
50、woman)w Miners strike w Prison cellEvents in Gandhis lifew His return to India(Politician wants to use him)He saw poverty He was wearing a tunic the same clothes his prison mates wear(No political ambitions)w His train ride going back to his province he saw the insurgentsw Congress independence rall