1、Step1.National Days around the worldlNational days are festivals which can stand for independent countries.In the world,countries establish their national days on the basis of different ways.Therefore,the names and celebrations of national days in different countries are various.l国庆节是一个独立国家的标志,世界各国确
2、定国庆节的依据千奇百怪。因此,国庆节的名称和庆祝方式也不同。1.Chinas National DayvOn October 1st in 1949,the Chinese people under the leadership of Communist Party of China declared the victory in the War of Liberation against the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai Shek.The grand ceremony for the founding of Peoples Republic of Ch
3、ina was held on this day in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.v1949年10月1日,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下取得了革命性的胜利,在首都北京天安门广场举行了开国大典。Celebrations of National Day Military ParadeFireworks show Golden week2.Canada:Canada day July 1st v Listen to the national anthem.v O Canada!Our home and native land!vTrue patriot love in a
4、ll thy sons command.vWith glowing hearts we see thee rise,vThe True North strong and free!vFrom far and wide,vO Canada,we stand on guard for thee.vGod keep our land glorious and free!vO Canada,we stand on guard for thee.vO Canada,we stand on guard for thee.3.USA Independence DayvIndependence Day(Ind
5、ependence Day)is one of the main legal holiday,the date of July 4th each year to commemorate the July 4,1776 Continental Congress formally adopted in Philadelphia,the Declaration of Independence.v独立日是美国的主要法定节日之一,日期为每年7月4日,以纪念1776年7月4日大陆会议在费城正式通过独立宣言。Celebrations church bells Fireworks showparadeTroo
6、ping the Color 4.英国国庆日英国国庆日英国女王官方生日英国女王官方生日 Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (UK)v英国没有传统意义上的国庆节,只有女王的“官方生日”。英国女王伊丽莎白二世的真正生日是1926年4月21日,但因为6月天气好,女王的“官方生日”则定在每年靠近6月11日的那个星期六。每年的这个时候,一向有“雾都”之称的伦敦天气也比较好,这一传统从1748年沿袭至今。v 5.India Republic DayvThe National Day of India,which also called Rep
7、ublic Day is January 26th.Although India obtained its independence on August 15,1947,the Constitution of India came into effect only on January 26,1950.celebrations在国庆来临前,不妨让我们温习一些嘹亮悠扬的红歌,看你是否记得这些曾经耳熟能详的歌曲,因为它们恰恰是一段段共和国创立前后的珍贵记忆。No.1 歌唱祖国No.2爱我中华No.3 洪湖水浪打浪No.4 太阳最红,毛主席最亲No.5浏阳河No.6南泥湾No.7青藏高原No.8 北京的金山上No.9 九九艳阳天No.10精忠报国No.11 军港之夜No.12 牧羊曲No.13小白杨No.14映山红No.15团结就是力量No.16草原上升起不落的太阳