1、高级医学英语 Final 30 题1.单 选 题 (1 分 )He decided to hisgratitudeforhisfriendsintoconcrete actions.A. translateB. transferC. transitD. transfuse2.单 选 题 (1 分 )Someofthese farmers even allowed repayment insteadof incash.A. inmoneyB. inkindC. infinanceD. inreturn3.单 选 题 (1 分 ) , Timothy suggestion ismore accep
2、table.A. In balanceB. For balanceC. OffbalanceD. On balance4.单 选 题 (1 分 )Smokewill a greathazard to people shealth.A. incurB. inflictC. recurD. occur5.单 选 题 (1 分 )The badly wounded take formedical attentionover those onlyslightly hurt.A. provisionB. processC. privilegeD. priority6.单 选 题 (1 分 )The st
3、atement was so l thatitexcluded allpossiblearguments.A. obscureB. subtleC. unequivocalD. ambiguous7.单 选 题 (1 分 ) , crime isgrowing ata rapidratewiththe development ofscienceand technology.A. With viewB. In termsC. With perspectiveD. In essence8.单 选 题 (1 分 )Generallyspeaking,a good teacher isthe one
4、who wisdom tohispupils.A. implementsB. impartsC. implicatesD. implies9.单 选 题 (1 分 )The “ GreenBox” projectaims tocollectunwanted mobile phones andelectronicaccessories,and them inan environment-friendlwyay.10.单 选 题 (1 分 )He was highlypraised hisbrave deeds.A. invirtueofB. leadingtoC. resultinginD. b
5、y means ofA. displayB. disproveC. disregardD. dispose of11.单选题 (1 分 )The job isavailableforthreemonths only.A. under questionB. out of questionC. inquestionD. out of the question12.单 选 题 (1 分 ) the terms ofthe contract,her firsntovel should be publishedby theend ofthisyear.A. In correspondence withB
6、. In terms ofC. In accordance withD. In connection with13.单 选 题 (1 分 )Educationaldevelopment must be systematicand planned;itmust be a nation psoliticse,conomy, and culture.A. incoincidencewithB. incontradictiownith14.单 选 题 (1 分 )Dont damageon any innocentperson.A. inflictB. enforceC. bringD. foster
7、C. inconcertwithD. coupled with15.单 选 题 (1 分 )This failuroef research motivatedthe of a new type ofdata.A. incisionB. incubationC. introductionD. invasion16.单 选 题 (1 分 )Jim hissuccess tohow hard he has always worked.A. attributesB. contributesC. leadsD. tributes17.单 选 题 (1 分 )He isso easilychanging
8、thatwe cannot accept any ofhispromises .A. at a face valueB. at retaivlalueC. at greatvalueD. at fairvalue18.单 选 题 (1 分 )The Congressman s speech has clarittyo the government sposition on welfarereform.A. endorsedB. broughtC. createdD. aroused19.单 选 题 (1 分 )Iwonder how your religiousbeliefwill polit
9、icaalction.A. burstintoB. run intoC. translateintoD. break into20.单 选 题 (1 分 )As the man was unemployed, the councildecided to the rentthathe wasindebted.A. writedownB. writeoffC. writeoutD. give off21.单 选 题 (1 分 )Ihave littlienformation his past.A. regardsB. inview ofC. as regardsD. inlightof22.单 选
10、 题 (1 分 )Inequalityof property, the exploitatioonf the masses ofthe poor by arichminority,breeds classconflict.A. resultinginB. resultingfromC. leadinginD. leadingfrom23.单 选 题 (1 分 )They have theirnew ideas intoa book.A. excludedB. coordinatedC. incorporatedD. cooperated24.单 选 题 (1 分 )Itwas undoubte
11、d thatsuch strangeconduct inpublic criticism.A. was subjecttoB. was toC. opted toD. was likelyto25.单 选 题 (1 分 )They gathered togetherand made a complex plan which considerablerisksforrescuingthe old lady.A. entailedB. collectedC. composedD. consisted26.单 选 题 (1 分 )He has moved out the house and had
12、allthe furniture .A. depletedB. deploredC. deployedD. disposed of27.单 选 题 (1 分 ) march 10, they ceased tobe husband and wife.A. As toB. As forC. As ofD. As regards28.单 选 题 (1 分 )The preparationof the project considerable time and labor.A. retailsB. enactsC. entailsD. enrolls29.单 选 题 (1 分 )The costof
13、the building 10000 Yuan.A. pointstoB. amounts ofC. mounts toD. amounts to30.单 选 题 (1 分 )That space has alreadybeen forbuildinga new hospital.A. exposedB. locatedC. imposedD. allocated单 选 题 共15 题 , 共 30 分12.0 分are the writtenrepresentationof an orallanguage form.A. ContractionsB. Noun clustersC. Adve
14、rbsD. Articles22.0 分 While describingthe limitationswe, should alsoprovide .A. ExplanationsB. dataC. referencesD. results32.0 分 Strengthof the study could be relatedto .A. objectivesB. participantsC. methodsD. allof the above42.0 分 Weshould emphasize inthe resultssection.A. dataB. importantresultsC.
15、 tablesD. figures52.0 分 The pointof view should be thatof .A. firsptersonB. thirdpersonC. second personD. above all62.0 分 When writingabstracts,you could shorten an abstractby .A. choosing strongand shortverbsB. choosing more adjectivesC. choosing powerfulverbs医学 SCI 论 文 写 作Final40 题72.0 分82.0 分D. u
16、sing more prepositionsare more suitablefordisplayingtrends.A. scatterplotsB. linegraphC. bar graphD. diagramsidentiftyhe variablesgraphed and the unitsof measurement.A. Data fieldB. Figure linesC. LabelsD. Figurenumber92.0 分 In the Methods part,ifpossible,use voice. But when there is no need to ment
17、ion the agent of an action,the voice could be used.102.0 分A. passive;activeB. active;passiveC. passive;passiveD. active;activecan be subdivided intotwo or more categoriesand subheading isused foreach category.A. A column headingB. A titleC. FootnotesD. Lines of demarcation112.0 分 Use to enclose vari
18、ousinterruptinwgords, phrases, and clauses.A. hyphensB. quotationmarksC. colonD. commas122.0 分 For proper nouns, we need not capitalize .A. monthsB. theinfrontof a certainplaceC. namesD. places132.0 分 Clarityinwritingthe resultssectioncould be achieved by the followingexcept .A.comparative structure
19、s B.transitiownords C.effectiveadjectives D.parallelstructures142.0 分 Intracraniablleeding is a commoncomplicationof TBI ( ) increases the riskofdeath and disability.A.that B.which C.,which D.,that152.0 分 In ,phrase are used inthe titlteo indicatewhat the paper has found.A.a topic/sentencetitleB.a t
20、opic/phrasetitleC.a message/sentence titleD.a message/phrase title判 断 题 共25 题 , 共 50 分162.0 分 Support of the answer could come from both the presentstudy and otherstudies.正确错误 172.0 分Whenit comesto humansubjects,authorsusually present the detailedinformationintables.正确 错误 182.0 分 The meaning of the
21、sentence doesntchange when the adverb ismoved.正确 错误 192.0 分 Most figuresthatpresent quantitativienformationhave fiveelements, including data fieldv,erticaslcale,horizontalscale,labelsand data.正确错误 202.0 分 In the abstract,how the study was done ispresented inthe resultssection. 正确错误 212.0 分 Tables ar
22、e used to present specificinformationor exact values whilefiguresareused to show comparisons, patternsor trends. 正确错误 222.0 分 A nonrestrictivaettributivcelause describesa noun inan essentialway. Itcannotbe removed from a sentence. 正确错误 232.0 分 The Resultspartinthe abstractshould presentallthe result
23、sinthe study.正确错误 242.0 分 Figure titlecsould be inthe form of noun phrase+prepositionphrase. 正确错误 252.0 分 Figures are more suitableforpresentingstaticor exact numbers ratherthanpronounced trends. 正确错误 262.0 分 Alllettersinacronyms need to be capitalized.正确错误 272.0 分 Use a commaafteran introductorydep
24、endent clause which are signaled by words such as after,although,as, because, before,if,since,unless,when, and while.正确错误 282.0 分 Figure legends usuallycome below the figure. 正确错误 292.0 分 A normally uncountable noun thatis conceptualizedas countable willuse the indefinitaerticlae/an.正确错误 302.0 分 We
25、should avoid the sudden shiftof sentence topics,so puttingold information beforenew isa greatstrategy.正确错误 312.0 分 In New England Journalof Medicine,the top leftcellof the tableiskept empty. 正确错误 322.0 分 Seasons need not be capitalized.正确错误 332.0 分 Answer to the research questionor hypothesisshould
26、be presented withthesame variables,verbs used and pointof view withthose inthe question from the introductiosnection.正确错误 342.0 分 The column headings are very long and informativeinthe table. 正确错误 352.0 分 By removing extraand unspecificwords, the finaltitlsehould be unambiguous,36memorable, captivat
27、inga,nd informative. 正确错误 2.0 分In order to emphasize the most importantinformation,we should always repeat key terms at the end of the sentences.正确错误 372.0 分 Use commato joinindependent clauses closelyrelatedinthought. 正确错误 382.0 分 The functionof the titloef a descriptivepaper isto express eitherthe
28、 topicor themessage of the paper through the independent variableand the dependent variableusedinthe study.正确 错误 392.0 分 For a well-known method or apparatus,authors need not to be described.Onlyprovidea reference.正确 错误 402.0 分 In scientifiacnd technicalwritingp,lacingthe most complicatedinformation
29、at theend of the sentence makes the sentence lessclear.正确 错误 Exercise1No spaceisplacedbeforea period.1. A spaceisplacedbeforea period,and one spaceseparatesa periodfrom thefollowing sentence.【 】2. Use a comma afteran introductordyependentclausewhich aresignaledby words suchas after, although,as,beca
30、use,before,if,since,unless,when, and while. 【 】Use commas tolinkitemsina seriesofthreeormore.3. Use colonstolinkitemsina seriesofthreeormore. 【 】4. Use colonstodirectreaderstoexamples,explanationsa,nd significawnotrds andphrases.【 】Use semicolonstojoinindependentclausescloselyrelateidnthought.5. Use
31、 comma tojoinindependentclausescloselyrelateidnthought. 【 】Thereisno spaceafterthefirsotr beforethefinalquotationmark.6. Thereisa spaceafterthefirsotr beforethefinalquotationmark. 【 】7. Use parenthesetsoseparatematerialfrom themain body ofa sentenceor paragraph.【 】A hyphenisusedtoclarifaymbiguitycau
32、sedby multiplemodifiers.8. A dashisusedtoclarifaymbiguitycausedby multiplemodifiers.【 】9. Do notplacea colonaftera verb,becausetheverb alsointroducess;o thecolonwould be redundant. 【 】10. Useperiodstopunctuatesome abbreviations【. 】11. A fallsbetween commas and parentheseisnregardstothestrengthofsepa
33、ration.【 C. dash】12. Use toprovidesourceinformation.【 B. parenthese】s13. Use aroundmaterialyou areborrowingword forword from sources. 【 A. quotationmarks】14. Use toenclosevariousinterruptiwnogrds,phrases,and clauses.【 D. commas 】15. 主 观 题(1 分 ) From your writingexperience,which punctuationis difficu
34、lftor you to use correctlyC?an you giveany examples?Exercise21. Every sentencebeginswitha capitaletter.【 】2. Articleastthebeginningofsentencesdo notneed tobe capitalized.【 】3. Allmain words need tobe capitalizeidntitles.【 】4. Allletterisnacronyms need tobe capitalized.【 】5. We shouldgivethefullterm
35、foracronyms atfirsmtention.【 】6. Acronyms shouldbe putinparenthesebseforethefullterm. 【 】7. Theshouldalwaysbe capitalizeidnpropernouns. 【 】8. Chemicalnames ofmedicationshouldbe capitalized.【 】9. Titlesarecapitalizewdhen theyprocedethename. 【 】10. Seasonsneed notbe capitalized.【 】11. Which ofthefollo
36、wingneedstobe capitalizeidna titlwehich capitalizmeain words?【 A. nous】12. Sentencesbeginningwithnumeralscan be revisedby thefollowingexcept .【 D. puttingthenumber inparenthesi】s A. writingoutthenumberB. addingintroductorpyhrases C. rearranginsgentencestructure13. For medicationsw,e need tocapitaliz
37、e. 【 C. brandnames】14. For propernouns,we need notcapitalize .【 B. theinfrontofa certaipnlace】A. months C. namesD. places15. 主 观 题(1 分 ) How couldwe applycapitalizatipornincipleisnwritingtitlefsoracademicpapers inmedicine?Exercise31. Somenouns can be eithercountableoruncountabledependingon thecontex
38、t. 【 】2. Uncountablenouns must be precededby eithera,an,orthe. 【 】3. Themeaning ofthesentencedoesntchange when theadverbismoved. 【 】4. Anormallyuncountablenoun thatisconceptualizeads countablewilluse theindefinite articlae/an. 【 】5. Inacademicwritingw,e dbetterusemore noun clusters.【 】6. Academicwri
39、tingusuallyrequiresthe noun thatexpressesthe concept as generallyas possible.【 】7. Academicwritingatthephraselevelrequiresfindingthemost preciseword available for expressinga conceptoraction. 【 】8. When aconceptorrelationshispsimple,trytomake itcomplex. 【 】9. Contractionsare the writtenrepresentatio
40、onf an orallanguageform, and they should be avoidedinacademicwriting. 【 】10. Ifanoun can be used toexpressdifferenbtutsimilarconceptsitisprobablyacategoryterm and veryprecise.【 】11. canadd a senseof possibilitayb,ilityp,ermissiono,bligationn,ecessity, intention orprediction.【 C. modal verbs】12. aret
41、hewrittenrepresentatiofnan orallanguageform. 【 A. Contraction】s13. When aconceptor relationshiscomplex,trytoexpressitas aspossible;【 B. simple】14. A occurswhen one or more nouns ismoved to a positiondirectliynfrontof anothernoun tofunctionasan adjective.【 D. noun cluste】r15. 主 观 题(1 分 ) Which princi
42、pliesmore difficulftoryou in your writing,claritys,implicitoyr precisionW?hy?Exercise41. An effectivseentencedoes not containideasthatarenot closelyrelatedand does not expressa thoughtthatisnotcompleteby itself.【 】The activevoice is usuallymore directand vigorousthan the passive,but we could use the
43、2. The activevoiceisusuallymore directand vigorousthanthepassives,o we shouldavoidtheuse ofthepassivevoiceindifferenstectionosf thepaper. 【 】passivevoiceasneededindifferenstectionosf thepaper.3. Nouns made from verbslikeintentionfrom intendcan obscurethekey actionsof sentences and add lengthof a sen
44、tence. 【 】In scientifiacnd technicalwriting,placingthe most complicatedinformationat the end of the4. In scientifiacnd technicalwriting,placingthe most complicatedinformationat the end of the sentencemakes thesentencelessclear. 【 】sentenceimprovesreadability.5. The writersneed touse paralleliswmith
45、similargrammaticalforms,structurea,nd word orderto achievebalanceinsentences.【 】6. The adverbials“ iitswell known that”“, iitsclearthat” “, iitsrecognizedthat”and so on are unnecessarywordy expressions【. 】7. The pluralnouns likefungiand vertebraeshouldtakepluralverbs. 【 】A nonrestrictiavtetributicvleausedescribesa noun ina nonessenti