外研版英语六年级上册Module 10 综合素质评价(含答案).doc

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1、Module 10 综合素质评价时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分听力部分 (30分)一、听句子, 选出你所听到的单词。(5 分)()1. A. hurry B. worry C. hungry()2. A. mine B. line C. nine()3. A. close B. come C. cross()4. A. rules B. rule C. room()5. A. quite B. white C. quiet二、听句子, 给下列图片排序。(5 分) () () () () ()三、听句子, 选择合适的答语。(10 分)()1. A. Do my

2、homework. B. Collecting stamps. C. To the museum. ()2. A. Youre welcome. B. Oh, sorry. C. Thats right. ()3. A. OK. B. Thats right. C. Not very often. ()4. A. Some apples and pears. B. By bus. C. A book and a CD. ()5. A. No problem. B. Thank you. C. A long time ago. 四、学校图书馆有一些规则。听短文, 在你听到的规则前打“”。(10

3、分) Show your library card to the librarian. Dont talk with your friends. Dont climb the desks. Dont draw on the books. Dont be late. Dont eat in the library. Borrow one book at a time.笔试部分 (70分)五、选出与所给单词同类的一项。(5 分)()1. stand A. librarian B. close C. library()2. rule A. problem B. talk C. speak()3. e

4、asy A. your B. team C. quiet()4. turn A. green B. cross C. here()5. learn A. difficult B. late C. walk六、根据图片及首字母提示补全句子。(5 分)1. Its five to t now. Lets have a rest for ten minutes. 2. Please be q . The baby is sleeping. 3. The horse wants to c the river. 4. Please stand in l for a vision test (视力测试).

5、 5. There are some r in my home. 七、单项选择。(10 分)()1. Diandian is learning French. Really? French isnt easy _. A. learn B. to learn C. learning()2. Excuse me. _ is the department store? Its near the library. A. Where B. How C. What()3. Now the light is green. You can _. A. go B. going C. to go()4. _ pl

6、ay football in the classroom. Sorry. A. No B. Not C. Dont()5. What did you _? I _ a cat.A. find; find B. found; found C. find; found八、Lingling 不知道怎样去图书馆, 她正在向警察阿姨问路。阅读对话, 画出Lingling 去图书馆的路线图。(10 分)Lingling: Excuse me. How do I get to the library?Policewoman: Go along Long Road, and turn right at Whi

7、te Street. Turn left at Short Road. Go straight on. Then turn right at Red Street. Go straight on. The library is on your left.Lingling: Thank you!九、看图, 选择恰当的单词完成短文。(10 分)green lights walking cross runIts a busy morning. Look at the traffic(交通)1. _ and be careful (当心). The light is 2. _. Look at the

8、 white lines. The children should 3. _ the street here. The young man can ride his bike. The cars can 4._. What is the old man doing? Hes 5. _. 十、(原创新题)荣老师要上一节关于交通安全的班会课。阅读材料, 完成下列任务。(10 分)Part 1 Is he right?1. _Taotao likes playing football very much. He has got a new football. And he is playing fo

9、otball in the street now.2. _Xiaoming wants to buy an ice cream. But the shop is on the other side of the street. Hes climbing over the railings (栏杆).3. _Feifei is seven years old. Hes riding a bike in the street.Part 2 Do you know?1. 2. 3. Turn right. Go straight on. Stop. Turn left. Dont walk. Don

10、t stop.Part 3 Summary (总结)We should obey the traffic rules.任务一:阅读材料, 选择合适的图片放入Part 1 的横线上。(3 分)A. B. C. 任务二:根据Part 2 的交警手势, 选择正确的指示语, 并在“”中打“”。(3 分)任务三:根据材料内容, 选择正确答案。(4 分)()1. What can we learn from the class?(多选)A. We can read books in the street. B. We shouldnt climb over the railings. C. We cant

11、 play football in the street. D. The light is red. We can run. ()2. 猜测Part 3 中英语句子的汉语意思:_A. 我们应该尊老爱幼。 B. 我们应该遵守交通规则。C. 我们应该保护环境。十一、(新素材)阅读材料, 完成下列任务。(20 分)Amy is showing Lingling the rules in her class. Class RulesYou shouldnt be late.You should bring your books to the class.You should listen to the

12、 teacher in class.You should work hard.You should be kind.You should 1. _.You shouldnt 2. _.任务一:阅读材料, 判断下列同学的行为是(T)否(F)符合班规。(6 分)()1. Mike and Linda are arguing. Mike says, “Its my ruler!” Linda says, “No, it isnt your ruler.”()2. School starts at half past eight. Sam gets to the classroom at twenty

13、 past eight. ()3. Ms Smart is in class. John is playing with his toy car. 任务二:结合你们班的班规, 把Amy 所在班的班规补充完整。(4 分)任务三:“弘扬好家风, 传承好家训”, 请你写一段话介绍一下你家的家规。不少于5 句话。(10 分)_Module 10 综合素质评价听力材料: 一、1. Please hurry. Its time to go to school. 2. Stand in line, Tom. 3. We can cross the road now. 4. Look at the libra

14、ry rules. 5. You should be quiet in the hospital. 二、1. Please be quiet. 2. Dont turn left. 3. Go straight on! 4. Dont ride your bicycle here! 5. Please show me your library card. 三、1. Where are you going, Daming? 2. Dont talk in the classroom. 3. Please come here and have a cup of tea. 4. What did y

15、ou borrow in the library? 5. I think you can help me with my maths. 四、 There are some rules in our library. You should show your library card to the librarian. You shouldnt talk with your friends. Dont draw on the books. You shouldnt eat in the library. You can only borrow one book at a time. 答案: 一、

16、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 二、5 2 3 1 4 三、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 四、 Show your library card to the librarian. Dont talk with your friends. Dont draw on the books. Dont eat in the library. Borrow one book at a time. 五、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 六、1. three 2. quiet 3. cross 4. line 5. rules 七、1. B 2. A 3.

17、 A 4. C 5. C八、九、1. lights 2. green 3. cross 4. run 5. walking 十、任务一:1. C 2. A 3. B 任务二:1. Turn right. 2. Go straight on. 3. Stop. 任务三:1. BC 2. B 十一、任务一:1. F 2. T 3. F 任务二:1. be quiet in class 2. eat in the classroom(答案不唯一) 任务三:范文: There are many rules in my family. I cant argue with my parents. I should be kind to my grandparents. I cant eat or jump on the bed. I cant draw on the wall. I should clean my room three times a week. I cant put my things here and there. I think these rules are good for me. 7 / 8


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