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1、广东省东莞市虎门外语学校2022-2023学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、语法选择John and his friend went to a small town for an event(活动). 1 event was famous for giving out funny and strange awards(奖项). It was very popular as there were 2 people sitting in the hall. People were all excited 3 what kind of award might co

2、me out next. The host said, “The next prize will go to 4 person in the audience(观众). 5 you think you are, please raise(举起) your hand.” On hearing this, everyone 6 their hands but John. He showed little interest 7 it. “Congratulations! You are the winner,” said the host, “ 8 prize is this $ 100 bill(

3、纸币)!” Still showing no 9 , John answered to the host, “Would you mind(介意) coming over here and 10 it in my pocket?”1AABAnCTheD/2AmuchBmanyClot ofDa lot3AseeBto seeCseeingDto seeing4AlazyBlazierClaziestDthe laziest5AAlthoughBBecauseCIfDBefore6AraiseBraisesCraisedDis raising7AofBinCatDon8AyouByourCyou

4、rselfDyours9AinterestBinterestingCinterestedDinterestingly10AputBto putCputtingDputsLong ago, there was 11 strong slave(奴隶) who served the king. When the king went out, he always followed.One day, the king went to the countryside 12 a camel(骆驼). Some slaves walked in front of the king. Others walked

5、 behind the king. The strong slave 13 a horse by the side of his master(主人). There 14 a box of pearls(珍珠) on the camel. Suddenly, the pearls fell down on the ground, and rolled(滚落) everywhere. The king 15 his slaves, “Go and take the pearls. I dont want to keep them any longer.” Hearing this, the sl

6、aves ran to gather(收集) the pearls. They took the pearls and kept them for 16 . 17 the strong slave did not move from his spot(位置). He was still standing by the side of the king. The king was very curious, and asked the strong slave, “Why dont you 18 the pearls?” “You Majesty(陛下), my job is to keep y

7、ou 19 . You are 20 to me than pearls.” he answered. The king smiled and knew who was true to him.11AaBanCtheD/12AinBwithCbehindDon13AridesBwill rideCrodeDis riding14AisBwasCwereDhad15AsaidBspokeCtoldDtalked16AthemBtheyCthemselvesDtheirs17AHoweverBButCWhenDIf18AgatherBto gatherCgatheringDto gathering

8、19AsafeBsafetyCsafelyDunsafe20AimportantBmore importantCmost importantDimportantly二、完形填空Koalas are one of the longest-sleeping animals in the world. How many hours do people sleep every day? Maybe 10 21 ? Koalas need more than 20 hours a day! Many people think theyre lazy, but its not 22 ! They slee

9、p so much 23 they have a strong diet. As you can see, koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves(桉树叶). They can 24 more than 0.5 kg of these leaves each day. But there is one big 25 . Eucalyptus leaves are not tasty and they are low in calories(卡路里). Koalas get very little energy 26 them. Think about eating

10、salad all day. You would look as sleepy as 27 do!Whats more, the leaves are highly toxic(有毒的)! If other animals eat them, they will die. 28 , koalas have a strong digestive system(消化系统). It works very hard to break down the toxins. It is so tiring! To save energy, koalas sleep nearly all day long. N

11、ow you know 29 koalas spend so much time in the tree. Dont call them 30 anymore!21AdaysBminutesChoursDyears22AwrongBgoodCtrueDbad23AbecauseBsoCbutDif24ApickBeatCsmellDlook25AleafBanswerCtreeDproblem26AforBtoCfromDon27AweBtheyCheDshe28ALuckilyBUnluckilyCTerriblyDTherefore29AwhatBwhyChowDwhen30Afoolis

12、hBsmartCcuteDlazy三、阅读单选A beggar (乞丐) was sitting outside a temple (寺庙) begging. All he asked for was food.After begging for many hours under the hot sun, he somehow got enough food to eat. He was happy.One day, a kind-hearted woman came to the temple and saw the beggar. She felt sorry for him and wa

13、nted to help him. She came to the temple every day to give him some food. She felt that one bag of food was not enough, so she gave him two bags for each meal. This went on for days.Soon, the beggar stopped begging under the sun. Instead, he found a cool place under a tree to sit and wait for the wo

14、man. He was happy that he didnt have to beg any more.But one day, the woman came late to the temple in the morning. The beggar said, “Mam, please come on time. I cant be waiting here in hunger for you to come. And if you can, please bring some different kinds of food tomorrow. Eating the same food e

15、very day is boring.”Without saying a word, the woman walked away. The beggar never saw her again.31Where did the beggar beg at first?AIn a temple.BIn the sun outside a temple.CIn a cool place.DUnder a tree by the road.32Why did the woman come to the temple every day?ATo give the beggar some food.BTo

16、 visit the temple.CTo laugh at the beggar,DTo sell her food to the beggar.33What did the beggar ask when the woman came late?a. To take food to the cool place.b. To give him food on time.c. To bring four bags of food every day.d. To bring him new kinds of food.AabBadCbcDbd34After hearing the beggars

17、 words, the woman felt _ .AhungryBsorryChappyDangry35What can we learn from this story?ADont wait for a beggar to thank you.BKindness can make people smart.CSometimes, kindness can make people lazy.DHard work will pay off one day.Hamsters (仓鼠) are tiny, fuzzy and chubby (胖乎乎) animals. When people se

18、e hamsters putting food in the cheeks (脸颊), they cant stop laughing. Hamsters big cheeks make themselves look cute. The cheek pouch (颊囊) is not only cute. It is useful, too. A hamster uses it like a bag. When the hamster finds something delicious, it hides it in its pouch. Peanuts, grapes, carrotsth

19、ere are lots of delicious snacks in its “bag”. Will it get full and break? NO worries. The pouch can expand (伸展) to about three times its size! It might win the Guinness World Record (吉尼斯世界纪录) for having the biggest mouth!Evolution (进化) gives a hamster the pouch because its so small and weak. The ha

20、mster has many enemies (敌人) in the world, such as foxes, owls (猫头鹰), snakes and cats. Those animals may catch the hamster when its looking for food. When they show up (出现), the hamster has to run quickly. With the big pouch, it can run back home fast with both its life and its lunch. Otherwise (不然),

21、 it might die of hunger.But the pouch also brings the hamster some not-so-cute problems. When foods stay in the pouch for a long time, they will go bad. The hamster cant clean its pouch with a tooth brush. It hurts! It will stop eating.36_ makes a hamster look cute.AThe tiny body.BThe chubby face.CT

22、he way people look at it.DA bag of hamster.37What does the underline word it mean in English?AThe hamster.BThe cheek pouch.CThe food.DThe bag.38The following are hamsters food EXCEPT _.AleavesBpeanutsCgrapesDcarrots39What do we learn about the pouch?AIt can be easily filled with lots of food inside.

23、BIts probably the biggest mouth in the world.CIt helps a hamster run quickly.DIt can be cleaned with a tooth brush by a hamster itself.40The passage is mainly talking about a hamsters _.Acheek pouchBway to liveCfoodDenemies四、阅读匹配 41 .I like Su Bingtian very much. I want to be a runner like him. John

24、 42 . I love pop music, but I are not good at singing. Jerry 43 . I think English is useful. I want to speak English well. Sunny 44 . I enjoy eating sweet cakes, and I want to learn how to make cakes. Susan 45 . I want to keep fit and become beautiful. Doing yoga or dancing is good for me. AnnaABaki

25、ng, a wonderful world.Do you want to make bread or cakes? Come to the baking class in Room 102.BFind sports club.We can help you lose weight by running or riding bikes with us. C 21st Century English learning.We can help you get good grades in TOFLE, IELTS and SAT.DPractise speaking English with Ken

26、.Ken is good at speaking English. He will help you with your spoken English.E. Dancing class.Dancing is a good way to make you more beautiful. We have a good dancing teacher Karen. She can also teach you yoga.F. Singingfollow your heart.Do you like music?Do you want to sing well? We have the best te

27、acher Jane.G. Sunshine Running Club.If you want to be a good runner, please call us at 9756321. Our teacher Kara will help you a lot.五、根据汉语提示填空46The _ (钥匙) are not Jims.47These are my _ (堂兄).48Paul lost two _ (夹克衫) this morning.49She is standing in the _(中间) of the classroom.50My fathers brothers ar

28、e my _ (叔叔).51Alice is one of my good _ (朋友).52Eric is always the _ (第一) student to get to school.六、根据句意及音标填空53That is my new _ /rul(r)/. It is very nice.54She has a six-year-old _ /dt(r)/.55The girl was dressed in _ /pp()l/.56Jane is an English girl, but now she is in _ /tan/.57Im very _ /ntrstd/ i

29、n history.58It is _ /ksat/ for kids to open their presents.59Surfing becomes more and more _ /ppjl(r)/ now.60Its a _ /trd()n/ to eat moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.七、汉译英:整句61 这个用英语怎么说?(翻译)62她的电话号码是多少? (汉译英)_63这里有两张他的全家福。(汉译英)_64在下一张照片里是我的姐姐们。(汉译英)_65Coco是我小狗的名字。(汉译英)_八、短文语境提示填空短文填空。When X

30、u Yuxuan first came to Italy, everything there was new to her. The girl grew up 66 China with her grandparents. As Xu turned 8, 67 moved to Italy to live with her parents.“For me, the biggest challenge was to pick up a 68 language,” Xu said. She knew 69 about Italian. How could she learn it? Luckily

31、, she went to an international school. There, all the students needed to take Italian classes six times a week. After class, she liked 70 Italian storybooks. Cuore: The Heart of a Boy(爱的教育) was her favourite. Its about the school life of 71 Italian boy.Also, Xu tried to 72 with her classmates in Ita

32、lian. As a newcomer, she was a bit shy at first. But everyone at the school was nice to her. They encouraged (鼓励) her to speak Italian. With their 73 , Xu learned the language very quickly.“The first Italian word I learned was ciao. It means hello,” Xu said. So far, she has lived in Italy for three

33、74 . Now, she can speak Italian very 75 . At the same time, she is discovering more fun in her new life.九、读写综合回答问题Murray studies in Grade Seven and his sister is in Grade Five. There are three Chinese American kids in Murrays class. Their school also has Chinese classes. “A Chinese teacher teaches u

34、s and we learn Chinese words. Its easy for me but my American classmates find Chinese difficult. ” Science is Murrays favourite subject, because he wants to be an astronaut(宇航员) when he grows up. He goes to the library to study science after school every day.There are not many Chinese people living

35、around Murrays family. But the Chinese people celebrate(庆祝) every Chinese festival. During one Spring Festival an American parent wore costumes(服装) and performed a lion dance. That surprised Murrays family. “Many American friends gave their best wishes to us. For kids, colorful lion dances and delic

36、ious food may be enough to enjoy the festival. But when they grow up, they will understand more behind the Chinese traditional festival,” Murrays mother said.76How many Chinese American students are there in Murrays class? _77What do Murrays American classmates think of Chinese? _78Why does Murray l

37、ike science best?_79When does Murray study science in the library?_80Who performed a lion dance during one Spring Festival? _81书面表达假如你是Jack Miller,你想和Murray交朋友,请你写一篇短文介绍你自己和你的家庭。内容包括:1.你的基本情况,包括姓名、年龄和爱好;2.你的家庭情况,并分别介绍你父母的职业和爱好。3.你对你家庭的评价。作文要求:(1)不能照抄上文,不得在作文中出现真实的学校和学生姓名。(2)语句连贯,词数70词左右,作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hello, Murray. Your life in American sounds interesting. I want to make friends with you._试卷第7页,共8页


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