三年级上册英语试题-Module1 Getting to know you 检测题(无答案 含听力原文)上海牛津版(试用本).doc

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1、Test for 3A Module1 Getting to know youClass_Name_No._ Mark_Part 1 Listening (听力部分) 40%I. Listen and choose (选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面括号内) 10%( ) 1. A. MissB. MrC. Mrs( ) 2. A. blueB. ballC. blow( ) 3. A. howB. nowC. new( ) 4. A. dayB. birthdayC. today( ) 5. A. handB. standC. have( ) 6. A. treeB. threeC.

2、tweet( ) 7. A. stickB. pickC. study( ) 8. A. look atB. stand upC. sit down( ) 9. A. make a cakeB. cut the cakeC. colour the card( ) 10. A. your nameB. youre nineC. your nine pencilsII. Listen, read and choose (选出你听到的句子,将序号填在前面的括号内) 5%( ) 1. A. How are you, Ben?B. Here you are, Ben.( ) 2. A. Close th

3、e window, please.B. Clean the window, Peter.( ) 3. A. Jay likes cats.B. Jane likes cakes.( ) 4. A. Happy Mothers Day.B. Happy Birthday, Mum.( ) 5. A. Ben can draw a tree.B. Ben can draw and read.III. Listen and choose (听录音,选出应答句) 5% ( ) 1. A. How are you?B. How old are you?( ) 2. A. Are you five?B.

4、Are you fine?( ) 3. A. Hello, Danny.B. Goodbye, Danny.( ) 4. A. Here you are.B. Thank you, Mum( ) 5. A. Yes, I can.B. I can draw and sing.IV. Listen and write (听音填词) 7%1. _, Im your new classmate. My name is Lily.2. -_ the window, please. -OK, Miss Fang.3. Look at this name _. Its beautiful.4. The l

5、ittle boy can count _ to _.5. -_ Birthday to you, Ben. -_ you, May.V. Listen and judge (判断下列句子是否与听到的内容一致,正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示) 5%( ) 1. That girls name is Betty.( ) 2. Mark can make a paper bird.( ) 3. Little Lucy is only two years old.( ) 4. Today is Kittys mothers birthday.( ) 5. I have a new clas

6、smate. Her name is Eva.VII. Listen and complete the table (根据听到的内容完成下列表格) 8%NameAge(年龄)Ability(能力)Appearance(外貌)Favourite FoodAlicedancepizzaeleventhinEddiehamburgerPart 2 Writing (书写阅读部分) 60%I. Copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子, 注意大小写变化和标点符号) 16%how old are you Danny Im seven years old happy birthday to you Ben

7、 thank you kitty II. Read and judge (读一读,判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同用表示,不同用表示) 4%1. cakeapple( )2. jamhand( )3. hePeter( )4. she ten( )III. Look and choose (找出不同类的词,将答案写在前面的括号内) 5%( ) 1. A. pencilB. bookC. blackboard( ) 2. A. cutB. butC. fold( ) 3. A. fiveB. fineC. four( ) 4. A. morningB. goodC. bad( ) 5.

8、A. IB. youC. yourIV. Choose the best answer (选择填空) 10%( )1. Whats _ name? My names Alice.A. youB. IC. your( )2. _ are you? Im fine.A. WhatB. HowC. How old( )3. _ are you? Im five.A. WhatB. HowC. How old( )4. Its cold. _ the door, please.A. closeB. CloseC. Open( )5. _ Wang is my new teacher. He is ta

9、ll and thin.A. MissB. MrsC. Mr( )6. Alice, look _ your hands. They are dirty.A. toB. atC. with( )7. There _ six fat boys in the room. A. amB. isC. are( )8. Ben and I _ in Class Two.A. amB. isC. are( )9. This _ an apple. It is _ red.A. is/B. isaC. are/( )10. The girl _ Alice. She _ Kitty.A. isisB. is

10、areC. isntisV. Choose and write (选词填空,每词用一次,不得重复):5%classroom open stand he teacher 1. It is very hot. _ the door, please.2. Look at the _. Its big.3. Eddie is ten years old. _ is tall.4. There are two _ in the room.5. _ up and come to the blackboard.VI. Read and complete (读一读,根据上下文,填空完成对话) 6%A:_, I

11、 am Danny. _ your name?B:Hello, Danny. _ name is Alice. How are you?A:_ _, thank you. And you?B:I am _. Thanks. Fill in the blanks (用am, is, are 的适当形式填空)9%1. _ you Eddie? No, I _ not.2. What _ your name? My name _ Peter.3. Linda and I _ at home. 4. _ his mother tall? No, she _.5. The pencil _ long.

12、It _ short.、Read and judge(阅读短文,并判断,用“T”或“F”表示)5%I am a little boy. My name is Ben Liu. I am seven. I am a pupil. My classroom is big and clean. There are 50 desks and 50 chairs in the classroom, and there are 2 big blackboards in it, too. I can read and write in my classroom. I like it very much.()

13、 1. My name is Ben Li.() 2. I am seven years old.() 3. There are 2 big blackboards in my classroom.() 4. I cant read or write in my classroom.() 5. My classroom is big and clean. I like it.听力内容 Test for 3A Module1 Getting to know youI. Listen and choose (选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面括号内) 10%( A ) 1. We have a

14、 new Chinese teacher, Miss Li.( C ) 2. Blow, Kitty. Happy Birthday to you.( A ) 3. How are you, Mr Chen? Very well, thanks.( B ) 4. Its my birthday. I am ten years old.( B ) 5. Stand up and come here, please.( B ) 6. The little girl can count to three.( B ) 7. Pick up your pencil and write your name

15、 on the book.( C ) 8. Sit down and drink some water.( B ) 9. Make a wish and cut the cake, Mary.( A ) 10. Whats your name? My names Dolly.II. Listen, read and choose (选出你听到的句子,将序号填在前面的括号内) 5%( A ) 1. A. How are you, Ben?B. Here you are, Ben.( B ) 2. A. Close the window, please.B. Clean the window, P

16、eter.( B ) 3. A. Jay likes cats.B. Jane likes cakes.( A ) 4. A. Happy Mothers Day.B. Happy Birthday, Mum.( B ) 5. A. Ben can draw a tree.B. Ben can draw and read.III. Listen and choose (听录音,选出应答句) 5% ( A ) 1. I am fine, thank you.( A ) 2. No, I am seven.( A ) 3. Hello, I am Danny.( B ) 4. Heres your

17、 cake, Alice.( A ) 5. Can you draw and sing?IV. Listen and write (听音填词) 7%1. _Hello_, Im your new classmate. My name is Lily.2. -_Open_ the window, please. -OK, Miss Fang.3. Look at this name _card_. Its beautiful.4. The little boy can count _one_ to _ten_.5. -_Happy_ Birthday to you, Ben. -_Thank_

18、you, May.V. Listen and judge (判断下列句子是否与听到的内容一致,正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示) 5%( T ) 1. Who is that girl? She is my sister, Betty.( F ) 2. Mark likes birds. He can draw a bird.( T ) 3. How old is Little Lucy? She is two.( T ) 4. Happy Birthday, Mum. Thank you, Kitty.( F ) 5. She is my new teacher, Eva.VII. Listen and complete the table (根据听到的内容完成下列表格) 8%1. My names Alice. I am six years old. I can dance. I am fat. My favourite food is pizza.2. He is Tom. He is eleven. He can swim. He is thin. He likes eating cake.3. That boy is Eddie. He is eight. He can sing. He is tall. He likes hamburgers.


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