人教版八年级上册英语Unit 1 -Unit 5 基础知识点汇编.docx

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1、人教版八年级上册英语Unit 1 -Unit 5 基础知识点汇编Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A一、 重点单词1. adj. 绝妙的;精彩的 2. v. 好像;似乎;看来3. n. 日记;记事簿 4. adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的5. adv. 在任何地方 6. adj&pron 不多;很少7. pron. 任何地方 8. pron.我自己9. pron. 没有什么 10. adj. 厌倦的;烦闷的 二、 重点短语1. 去度假 2. 待在家里3. 去爬山 4. 去海滩5. 参观博物馆6. 去夏令营7. 当然;自然8. 复习迎考9. 照相

2、10. 相当多11. 大部分时间12. 写日记13. 玩的开心14. 去购物15. = 为某事买某物三、 句型练习1. 好久不见。 time see.2. 食物怎么样? the food.3. 你觉得食物怎么样? did you the food? do you the food?How do you the food?4. 你暑假去哪儿了? did you ?5. 你买了一些特别的事物吗? you buy 6. 你的暑假怎么样? your vacation?7你去了一些有趣的地方吗?Did you go ?8. 我为我的父亲买了一些东西。 I my father.9. 每样东西都尝起来非常好

3、。 Everything .10. 你为什么不给自己买一些东西呢? buy anything for ?四、 课文挖空Rick: Hi Helen. _(好久不见)。 Helen: Hi, Rick. Yes, I _ (在度假 )last month.Rick: Oh, Did you _(去任何有趣的地方)。Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou (和我的家人)Rick: Wow! (你去看黄果树瀑布了吗?)Helen: _(是的,我去过) It was (绝妙的) We ,(拍了相当多的照片) (那你呢?)Did you do (任何特别的事) last month?

4、Rick: _(确实没有). I just (待在家) (大多数时间)to read and relax. Section B一、词性转换1. enjoy_(形容词) 2.decide_(过去式)3. active_(名词) 4. trade_(名词)5. feel_(过去式) 6. can_(过去式)7. ride_(过去式) 8. try_(过去式)二、重点短语1. 到达:_=_=_2. 尝试做某事:_3. 决定做某事:_4. 开始做某事:_5. 有的感觉;感受到:_6. 等候某人:_7. 因为:_8. 在过去:_9. 找出;查明:_10. 太多的人:_11.到达顶端:_12. 足够的钱:

5、_13. 一个多小时:_三、课文挖空I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we _ _ go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I _ paragliding. I _ _ I was a bird. It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very _Malaysian yellow noodles. They were _! In the aftern

6、oon, we rode _ to Georgetown . There are a lot of buildings now, but many of the old buildings are _ there. In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we _ the houses of the _ _ from 100 years ago. I _ what life was like here _ _ _. I really enjoyed _ _ the town.What a _ a day makes! My father

7、and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it _ raining a little so we decided to take the train. We _ over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really _.We didnt have an umbrella so we were _ and _.

8、 It was _! And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see _ _. My father didnt _ _ _, so we only had _ _ _ rice and some fish. The food _ great because I was so _!Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section A一、词汇过关1. adv. 几乎不 2. adv.从来;曾经3. n. 家务劳动 4. adv.一次;曾经5. adv. 两次 6. n.互联网7. n.节目 8. adj.忙的;满的9.

9、n.秋千 10. 至少;不少于 二、 短语过关1. 在周末 2 去看电影3. 帮忙做家务 4. 几乎不5. 做运动6. 熬夜7. 至少8. 一周一次9. 怎么会10 对什么有好处11. 上网12. 写日记13. 吃一顿健康的早餐14. 多久一次15. 每周三次三、 句型过关 1. 你下周有空吗? Are you week.2. 怎么会? .3. 你学的哪种类型的舞蹈? What dance are you learning?4. 我一周上一次课?I have class .5. 你多久上一次钢琴课? do you have _ lessons.6. 我不得不和我的朋友打网球?I play _

10、_ my friends.7你通常在周末做什么?What do you_ do _ ?8. 我总是锻炼。 I exercise.9. 她在周末做什么? What _ she do on weekends.10. 她多久看一次电视? _ he watch TV?四、 课文挖空 Jack: Hi, Claire, are you _(空闲的) _(下周)?Claire: Hmmnext week is _(非常忙) for me, Jack.Jack: Really? _(为什么呢;怎么会呢)?Claire: I have dance and _(钢琴课).Jack: _(什么类型的舞蹈) are

11、 you learning?Claire: Oh, _(摇摆舞). Its fun! I have class _(一周一次), every Monday.Jack: _(多久一次) do you have piano lessons?Claire: _(一周两次), _(在星期三)and Friday.Jack: Well, _(星期二怎么样)?Claire: Oh, I have to _(打网球) with my friends. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure!Section B一、 词汇过关1n.健康;人的身体(或精神)状态_ 2. n.结果;后

12、果_ 3. n.百分之_ 4conj.虽然;尽管;即使 5prep.以;凭借;穿过_ 6n.头脑;心智_7adj.& pron.这样的;那样的;类似的_8adv.在一起;共同_9adv.然而;不过_10adv.几乎;差不多_二、 短语过关1. 垃圾食品_ 2. 对有好处_3. 喝牛奶/咖啡 _ 4. 上网_ 5. 去露营_6. 询问关于_ 7. 一点也不_ 8. 对吃惊_9. 旧习难改_ 10. 开始做某事_三、 句型过关1你每天晚上睡几个小时?_ _ hours _ _ _ every night?2对我们提出的关于看电视的问题的回答也十分有趣。The answers_our questio

13、ns about_television were also_.3尽管许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但是游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。_many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.4这有益于身心健康。_is healthy_the mind and the body.5旧习难改。Old habits_ _.11 课文挖空What Do No. 5 High School Students Do_(在他们的业余时间)?Last month we asked our students _(填介词:关于) their fre

14、e time _(活动). Our questions were about exercise, _(网络的使用) and _(watch) TV. _(以下是) the _(结果). We _(find) that only _(百分之十五的)our students exercise every day. _(百分之四十五) exercise_(一周四到六次). Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent_(根本不锻炼)!We all know that many students o

15、ften _(上网), but we were _(surprise) that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it _(至少) _(一周三或四次). Most students use it _(为了娱乐) and not for homework. The answers _(填介词) our questions about _(看电视) were also interesting. Only two percent of the students watch TV

16、one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty-five percent watch TV every day! _(虽然) many students like to watch sports, game shows are _(最受欢迎的). It is good _(relax) by_(使用网络)or _(watch) games shows, but we think_(最好的放松方式) is _(通过) exercise. It _(对健康的) the

17、 _(心智) and the _(身体). Exercise _(例如) _(做运动) is fun, and you can _(与度过时光) your friends and family _(当时) you play together. And remember, “_(旧习难改).” So start _(exercise) _(趁还来得及)! Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sisterSection A一、词汇过关1._ adj. 爱交际的;友好的; 2. _ pron.两个;两个都3._adj&adv 较好的;更好的 4. _ adv.喧闹的;

18、大声的5._adv.轻柔地;安静地 6. _adj.工作努力的;辛勤的7. _n.比赛;竞争 8. _adj.极好的;了不起的9._pron. & adj. 哪一个 10. _adv.清楚地;清晰地11. _v.获得;赢得 12._adv.不过;然而 conj. 虽然二、短语过关1._敲鼓2. 歌唱比赛3. _玩得开心4. _和一样5._更努力6._跑得快7._跳得高8._努力工作9._起得早10._两者都11. _和不同三、句型过关1. 萨姆的头发比汤姆的长。Sam has _ hair _ Tom.2. 那是塔拉,不是吗?Thats Tara, _ _.3.-哪一个是丽萨?- _ _ is

19、 Lisa?-留着较短头发的这个。The one _short hair. 4.你妈妈和你爸爸,谁更聪明?_ _ smarter, your mother _your father?5. 玛丽和她的最好的朋友都很高。 Mary and her _friends _ tall.五、短文过关1.Julie: Did you like the _(歌咏比赛) yesterday, Anna?Anna: Oh, it was _(棒极了的) ! Nelly _(sing) so well!Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang _(well) than Nelly.Anna: O

20、h, _(哪一个) was Lisa? Julie: The one _ (填介词) shorter hair. I think she sang _ (clearly) than Nelly. Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced _(well) than Lisa.Julie: You can_(看出) that Lisa really wanted _(获胜), _ (然而;可是).Anna: Well, everyone _ (想要)to win. But _ (最重要的事情) is _(learn) _(一些新事物)and _ (玩得开心). 2.Interview

21、er: Tina, do you think you are _ _(和youre your sister Tara?Tina: Oh, sure. We look similar but we are different.Interviewer:_?(真的吗) In what ways are you different?Tina:Well, I am _ (更外向)than Tara. I am _ (更友好) and _ (更有趣)too. And I love sports.Tara: Yes, she can _ _ and_ _ than me.Interviewer: Whos

22、_ _ (更努力工作) at school?Tara: Well, Tina thinks she _ _ than me, but I work _ _ Tina. But shes _ (更聪明)than me.Tina: _(并非如此). I think I am _ Tara. She always _ _ _ (起的更早) than me.Unit 3 I am more outgoing than my sisterSection B一、词汇过关1._ adj. 有才能的;有才干的 2. _ n.镜子3._adj.严肃的;稳重的 4. _ n. 小孩;年轻人5._v.笑;发笑 n.

23、 笑声 6. _adj.必需的;必要的7. _n.谚语;格言;警句 8. _modal. 应该;应当9._v.伸手;达到 10. _n. 手11. _v.感动;触摸 12._v.(使)破裂;损坏13. _n. 手臂;手肢 14. _v. 分享;共享15. _adj. 响亮的;大声的 16. _ adj.相似的;类似的17. _adj. 最初的;最早的 18. _n.信息;消息二、短语过关1._在音乐方面有天赋2. _与我做相同的事3. _关心,担心;在乎4. _ 使我发笑5._对某人重要6._在课堂上7._和一样长;只要8._ 与不同/与相似/与一样9._ 把某人身上最好的东西表现出来 _ 拿

24、出;使显现10._ 获得很好的英语成绩11. _ 事实上12._ 折断手臂13. _ 谈论14. _ 和某人分享15._ 小学生16._ 善于与某人相处17._ 外向得多三、句型过关1. 那就是我为什么喜欢读书。_ _ I like reading books.2. 对于我来说交朋友不容易。_ _ not _ _ me _ make friends.3. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。A _ friend _ _your hand and _ your heart.4. 因为她没有我勤奋。_ she is _ _ than me.5. 拨打443-56667向英语学习中心咨询更

25、多信息。_the English Study Center _ 4443-56667 _ more information.四、短文过关Jeff Green: My mother told me _ (好朋友就像一面镜子). Im _(quiet) and _(serious)than most kids. _(这就是.的原因) I like _(阅读) and I _(学习更努力) in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we _(喜欢一起学习). Im shy so its not easy for me _(交朋友). But

26、I think _(朋友像书) _(只要朋友好,你并不需要许多). 深层含义为“朋友不在多而贵在好”Huang Lei: Its not _(必要的)to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite _(与不同) me. He is _(tall) and _(outgoing)than me. We _(都喜欢) sports, but he _(打网球) better, so he always _(win). _(然而), Larry often _(帮我激发出自己的所能). So Im _(变得更好) at tennis. Larry is m

27、uch _(hard-working), _(可是). I always _(取得更好的成绩) than he _(do), so maybe I should _(多帮助他).Mary Smith: I dont really care_(是否) my friends are _(和一样) me or different. My favorite _ (谚语) is. “ _(一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动).” My best friend Carol is _(很善良) and very funny. _(事实上), shes _(funny) than anyone I k

28、now. I _(摔断手臂) last year but she _(逗我开心) and feel better. We can _(谈论) and _(分享一切). I know she _(关心) me because _(她随时都能够听我倾诉).Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?Section A一、词汇过关第 12 页 共 19 页 1. n.戏院;剧场 2. adj.使人舒服的;舒适的3. n.座位;坐处(如椅子等)4. n.银幕;屏幕5. adj.(在空间、时间上)接近6. n.票;入场劵4. adj.最坏的;最糟糕的8. adv.便宜地;低廉

29、地9. n.歌;歌曲10. v.选择;挑选11. adj.细致的;小心地;谨慎地12. adv.相当;十分;很;13. n.菜单14. v.扮演;表演者15. n.早(或午、晚)餐;一餐所吃的食物二、短语过关1. 离近2. 到目前为止;迄今为止3. 在镇上4 因.而感谢5. = 不用谢6. 多远7. 多少 (对不可数数量提问) 8. by = 坐公共车10分钟的路程三、句型过关1.我能问你一些问题嘛? I ask you ?2.我是镇上新来的。 Im in .3.你认为这家电影院怎么样? do you this movie theater ? = do you this movie theater? = do you


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