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1、MARKETING MANAGEMENTPart 1 understanding marketing managementPart 2 analyzing marketing opportunitiesPart 3 developing marketing strategies Part 4 making marketing decisionsPart 5 managing and delivering marketing programs Marketing in the Twenty-First Century Building Customer Satisfaction,Value,an

2、d Retention Winning Markets:Market-Oriented Strategic Planning Marketing Tasks Marketing Concepts and Tools Company Orientations Toward the Marketplace How Business and Marketing Are Changing The scope of marketing A broadened view of marketing tasks The decisions marketers makeThe scope of marketin

3、g 市场营销的范围市场营销的范围(P3)In fact,marketing people are involved in marketing 10 types of entities:-Goods商品商品 -Places地点地点 -Services服务服务 -Properties财产权财产权 -Experiences经历经历 -Organizations组织组织 -Events事件事件 -Information信息信息 -Persons个人个人 -Ideas观念观念 A broadened view of marketing tasks对营销任务的一个更拓宽的观点对营销任务的一个更拓宽的观点(

4、P5)Demand states and marketing tasks:Negative demand(负需求负需求):to analyze why the market dislikes the product and whether a marketing program consisting of product redesign,lower prices,and more positive promotion can change beliefs and attitudes.No demand(无需求无需求):to find ways to connect the benefits

5、of the product with the persons natural needs and interests.Latent demand(潜在需求潜在需求):to measure the size of the potential market and develop goods and services to satisfy the demand.A broadened view of marketing tasks对营销任务的一个更拓宽的观点对营销任务的一个更拓宽的观点 Declining demand(下降需求下降需求):to reverse declining demand

6、through creative remarketing.Irregular demand(不规则需求不规则需求):to find ways to alter the pattern of demand through flexible pricing,promotion,and other incentives.(Synchromarketing)Full demand(充分需求充分需求):to maintain the current level of demand in the face of changing consumer preferences and increasing co

7、mpetition.A broadened view of marketing tasks对营销任务的一个更拓宽的观点对营销任务的一个更拓宽的观点 Overfull demand(超饱和需求超饱和需求):to discourage overall demand and takes such steps as raising prices and reducing promotion and service.(demarketing)Unwholesome demand(不健康需求不健康需求):to get people who like unwholesome product to give

8、it up.The decisions marketers make营销人员要作出的决策营销人员要作出的决策 Consumer markets消费者市场消费者市场 Business markets企业市场企业市场 Global markets全球市场全球市场 Nonprofit and government markets非营利和政府市场非营利和政府市场 Defining marketing Core marketing concepts Defining marketing 定义营销定义营销(P8)Marketing(management)is the process of planning

9、 and executing the conception,pricing,promotion,and distribution of ideas,goods,services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.American Marketing Association Definitions of marketingMarketing is the management process that identifies,anticipates and satisfies customer

10、requirements profitably-The Chartered Institute of MarketingThe right product,in the right place,at the right time,and at the right price-Adcock et alMarketing is the human activity directed at satisfying human needs and wants through an exchange process-Kotler 1980Marketing is a social and manageri

11、al process by which individuals and groups obtain what they want and need through creating,offering and exchanging products of value with others-Kotler 1991Core marketing concepts 核心营销观念核心营销观念 Target markets and segmentation 目标市场与细分目标市场与细分P8 Marketers and prospects 营销者和预期顾客营销者和预期顾客 P11 Needs,wants,a

12、nd demands 需要、欲望和需求需要、欲望和需求 P11 Product or offering产品或供应品产品或供应品 P11 Value and satisfaction价值与满意价值与满意 P11 Exchange and transactions交换和交易交换和交易 P11 Relationships and networks关系和网络关系和网络 P13 Marketing channels营销渠道营销渠道 P13 Supply chain供应链供应链 P13 Competition竞争竞争 P14 Marketing environment营销环境营销环境 P15 Market

13、ing mix营销组合营销组合 P15Company Orientations Toward the Marketplace公司对待市场的导向公司对待市场的导向 The production concept The product concept The selling concept The marketing concept The societal conceptThe production concept 生产观念生产观念(P17)The production concept holds that consumers will prefer products that are wide

14、ly available and inexpensive.Managers of production-oriented businesses concentrate on achieving high production efficiency,low cost,and mass distribution.It is used in developing countries or when a company wants to expand the market.The product concept 产品观念产品观念(17)The product concept holds that co

15、nsumers will favor those products that offer the most quality,performance,or innovative features.Managers in product-oriented organizations focus on making superior products and improving them over time.The selling concept 推销观念推销观念(P18)The selling concept holds that consumers and business,if left al

16、one,will ordinarily not buy enough of the organizations products.The organization must,therefore,undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort.The marketing concept 营销观念营销观念(P19)The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving its organizational goal consists of the company being more ef

17、fective than competitions in creating,delivering,and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets.The marketing concept rests on four pillars:Target market Customer needs Integrated marketing 整合营销整合营销 Profitability 盈利能力盈利能力The societal marketing concept 社会营销观念社会营销观念(P25)The societal mar

18、keting concept holds that the organizations task is to determine the needs,wants,and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserve or enhances the consumers and the societys well-being.How Business and Mar

19、keting Are Changing商业和营销在如何变化商业和营销在如何变化 Company responses and adjustments Marketer responses and adjustmentsCompany responses and adjustments 公司反应和调整公司反应和调整(P27)Reengineering重组重组 Outsourcing利用外部资源利用外部资源 E-commerce电子商务电子商务 Benchmarking定点超越定点超越 Alliances结盟结盟 Partner-suppliers伙伴式供应商伙伴式供应商 Market-center

20、ed市场集中化市场集中化 Global and local全球化和本地化全球化和本地化 Decentralized分散化分散化Marketer responses and adjustments营销人员的反应和调整营销人员的反应和调整(P27)Relationship marketing关系营销关系营销 Customer lifetime value顾客寿命价值顾客寿命价值 Customer share顾客份额顾客份额 Target marketing目标营销目标营销 Individualization个性化个性化 Customer database顾客数据库顾客数据库 Integrated

21、marketing communications整合营销传播整合营销传播 Channels as partner像合作伙伴一样的渠道像合作伙伴一样的渠道 Every employee a marketer所有的员工都是营销人员所有的员工都是营销人员 Model-based decision making模型基础下的决策方案模型基础下的决策方案 Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction The Nature of High-Performance Business Delivering Customer Value and Satisfaction Att

22、racting and Retaining Customers Customer Profitability:The Ultimate Test Implementing Total Quality Management 定定义顾义顾客价客价值值和和满满意意 (P34)(P34)Customer value Customer delivered value =Total customer value Total customer cost 幻灯片 6 Customer satisfactionCustomer delivered valueTotal customer valueTotal c

23、ustomer costMonetary costTime costEnergy costPsychic costProduct valueService valuePersonnel valueImage valueDeterminants of customer delivered value(P35)顾客让渡价值的决定因素顾客让渡价值的决定因素顾客满意追踪调查和度量的方法顾客满意追踪调查和度量的方法 Complaint and suggestion system 投诉和建议制度投诉和建议制度 Customer satisfaction survey 顾客满意调查顾客满意调查 Ghost

24、shopping 佯装购物者佯装购物者 Lost customer analysis 分析流失的顾客分析流失的顾客高高绩绩效效业务业务的性的性质质 Stakeholders Processes Resources Organization and organizational cultureResources Organization Processes Stakeholders 利益关系方利益关系方 Stakeholders 股东股东 Customers 顾客顾客 Employees 员工员工 Suppliers 供应商供应商 Distributors 分销商分销商让让渡渡顾顾客价客价值值和

25、和满满意意 Value chain Value-delivery network吸引和吸引和维维系系顾顾客客 Attracting customers Computing the cost of lost customers The need for customers retention Relationship marketing:the key Adding structural ties赢得市场:市场导向的战略计划赢得市场:市场导向的战略计划 Corporate and Division Strategic Planning Business Strategic Planning Th

26、e Marketing Process Product Planning:the Nature and Contents of a Marketing Plan Marketing Planning for the Twenty-First CenturyMarketing-oriented strategic planning(市场导向的战略计划市场导向的战略计划)is the managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organizations objectives,skills,an

27、d resources and its changing market opportunities.The aim of strategic planning is to shape the companys businesses and products so that they yield target profit and growth.Most large companies consist of four organizational levels:Corporate level(公司层公司层)Corporate strategic plan Division level(部门层部门

28、层)Division plan Business unit level(业务层业务层)Business unit strategic plan Product level(产品层产品层)Marketing plan The marketing plan operates at two levels:Strategic marketing plan(战略营销计划战略营销计划)Tactical marketing plan(战术营销计划战术营销计划)The strategic-planning,implementation,and control process(P65)Corporate pla

29、nningDivision planningBusiness planningProduct planningOrganizingImplementingMeasuring resultsDiagnosing resultsTaking corrective actionPlanning Implementing Controlling 公司和部门的战略计划公司和部门的战略计划 Defining the Corporate Mission Establishing Strategic Business Units Assigning Resources to Each SBU Planning

30、 New Business,Downsizing Older Businesses定义公司使命定义公司使命(P65)Mission statements(使命说明书使命说明书)Good mission statements have three major characteristics.They focus on a limited number of goals.Mission statements stress the major policies and values that the company wants to honor.They define the major compe

31、titive scope within which the company will operate.Competitive scope:Industry scope(行业范围行业范围)Products and application scope(产品与应用范围产品与应用范围)Competence scope(能力范围能力范围)Market-segment scope(市场细分范围市场细分范围)Vertical scope(垂直范围垂直范围)Geographical scope(地理范围地理范围)建立战略业务单位建立战略业务单位(P67)Characteristics of SBU(Accor

32、ding to GE):It is a single business or collection of related business that can be planned separately from the rest of the company.It has its own set of competitors.It has a manager who is responsible for strategic planning and profit performance and who controls most of the factors affecting profit.

33、The Boston Consulting Group Approach The General Electric Model Critique of Portfolio Models波士顿咨询公司模型波士顿咨询公司模型(P68)The General Electric Model:(a)Classification通用电气公司模型通用电气公司模型(P71)Strong Medium Weak BUSINESS STRENGTHLow MediumHigh MARKET ATTRACTIVENESSThe General Electric Model:(b)StrategiesProtect

34、PositionBuild SelectivelyInvest to Build Build SelectivelySelectivity/Managefor EarningsLimited Expansionor HarvestDivestManage for EarningsProtect and Refocus Intensive growth Integrative growth Diversification growth Downsizing older businesses 密集型成长密集型成长(P74)Ansoffs Matrix(Product/Market Matrix)一

35、体化成长一体化成长(P92)Backward integration 后向一体化后向一体化 Forward integration 前向一体化前向一体化 Horizontal integration 水平一体化水平一体化多样化成长多样化成长(P75)Concentric diversification strategy 同心多样化战略同心多样化战略 Horizontal diversification strategy 水平多样化战略水平多样化战略 Conglomerate diversification strategy 跨行业多样化战略跨行业多样化战略放弃过时的业务放弃过时的业务 Busi

36、ness mission SWOT analysis Goal formulation Strategic formulation Program formulation Implementation Feedback and controlSWOT 分析分析Political/legal Monopolies legislation Environmental protection laws Taxation policy Employment laws Government policy Legislation Others Inflation Employment Disposable

37、income Business cycles Energy availability and cost Others Demographics Distribution of income Social mobility Lifestyle changes Consumerism Levels of education Others New discoveries and innovations Speed of technology transfer Rates of obsolescence Internet Information technology Others Customers

38、Competitors Distributions Suppliers 外部环境分析外部环境分析(P77)Opportunity and threat analysis 机会与威胁分析机会与威胁分析 A marketing opportunity is an area of buyer need in which a company can perform profitably.An environment threat is a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that would lead,in the abse

39、nce of defensive marketing action,to deterioration in sales or profit.市场机会市场机会 Opportunity matrix(P77)环境威胁环境威胁 Threat matrix(P77)w Ideal businesswSpeculative businesswMature businesswTrouble business内部环境分析内部环境分析 Strengths/Weakness analysis 优势优势/劣势分析劣势分析:Checklist for Performing Strengths/Weakness An

40、alysis 公司绩效优势公司绩效优势/劣势分析表劣势分析表(P78)目标制定目标制定 Manages by objectives(MBO,目标管理目标管理,P79)The units various objectives must meet:Hierarchically(有层次的有层次的)Quantitatively(数量上的数量上的)Realistic(现实的现实的)Consistent(一致的一致的)战略制定战略制定 Three types of strategies(by Michael Porter,P80)Strategic Alliances 战略联盟战略联盟(P81)Cost

41、leadership成本领先成本领先 Differentiation差别化差别化 Focus集中化集中化 战略联盟战略联盟(P81)Marketing alliances:Product or service alliances产品或服务联盟产品或服务联盟 Promotional alliances促销联盟促销联盟 Logistics alliances物流联盟物流联盟 Pricing collaborations价格合作价格合作执行执行 McKinsey 7-S Framework:Hardware:Strategy,Structure,and Systems Software:Style,

42、Skill,Staff,and Shared value The value-delivery sequence Steps in the planning process价值让渡过程价值让渡过程(P84)Traditional physical process sequence 传统实体过程次序传统实体过程次序 Value creation and delivery sequence 价值创造和传递次序价值创造和传递次序 Japanese further developing concepts 经日本人发展的观点经日本人发展的观点计划过程中的程序(计划过程中的程序(P86)Analyzing

43、 market opportunities分析市场机会分析市场机会 Developing marketing strategies开发营销战略开发营销战略 Planning marketing programs计划营销方案计划营销方案 Managing the marketing effort管理营销努力管理营销努力 Contents of the marketing plan(P88)Executive summary and table of content Current marketing situation Opportunity and issue analysis Objecti

44、ves Marketing strategy Action programs Projected profit-loss statement Gathering Information and Measuring Market Demand Scanning the Marketing Environment Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior Analyzing Business Markets and Business Buying Behavior Dealing with the Competition Identifying M

45、arket Segments and Selecting Target Markets Levels and patterns of market segmentation Segmenting consumer and business markets Market targeting 市场细分的层次和模式市场细分的层次和模式 Levels of market segmentation Patterns of market segmentation Market-segmentation process 市场细分的层次市场细分的层次(P257)Segment marketing 细分营销细分

46、营销 Niche marketing 补缺营销补缺营销 Local marketing 本地化营销本地化营销 Individual marketing 个别化营销个别化营销Patterns of market segmentation市场细分的模式市场细分的模式 Homogenous preference 同质偏好同质偏好 Diffused preference 扩散偏好扩散偏好 Clustered preference 集群偏集群偏 好好市场细分的程序市场细分的程序 Survey stage 调查阶段调查阶段 Analysis stage 分析阶段分析阶段 Profiling stage 描

47、绘阶段描绘阶段细分消费者和企业市场细分消费者和企业市场 Bases for segmenting consumer markets Bases for segmenting business markets Effective segmentation细分消费者市场的基础细分消费者市场的基础(P263)Geographic segmentation 地理细分地理细分 Demographic segmentation 人文细分人文细分 Psychographic segmentation 心理细分心理细分 Behavioral segmentation 行为细分行为细分 Multi-attrib

48、ute segmentation(Geoclustering)目标化的多重细分目标化的多重细分 有效的细分有效的细分 Measurable 可衡量性可衡量性 Substantial 足量性足量性 Accessible 可接近性可接近性 Differentiable 差别性差别性 Actionable 行动可能性行动可能性 Evaluating the market segments Selecting the market segments Additional considerations Single-segment concentration Selective specializati

49、on Product specialization Market specialization Full market coverage其他细分因素其他细分因素(P279)Ethical choice of market targets目标市场的道德选择目标市场的道德选择 Segment interrelationships and supersegments细分相互关系与超级细分细分相互关系与超级细分 Segment-by-segment invasion plans逐个细分市场进入计划逐个细分市场进入计划 Intersegment cooperation内部细分合作内部细分合作 Posit

50、ioning the Marketing Offering through the Product Life Cycle Developing New Products Designing Global Market OfferingsCh 10.Positioning the Marketing Offering through the Product Life Cycle在产品生命周期中定位市场供应品在产品生命周期中定位市场供应品(P285)How to differentiate Differentiation tools Developing and communicating a p


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