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1、总有一款适合您【最新出品精心整理倾情奉献敬请珍惜】词汇拓展词汇拓展:up down out off on up with awayput记下,放下记下,放下扑灭扑灭推迟,延期推迟,延期举起举起;建造建造;张贴张贴 穿上穿上1.put forward忍受忍受收拾收拾1.The plan that you _ at the meeting is wonderful.2.Many tall buildings were _ along the road.3.Firefighters have been called to _ the fire in the city centre.4.I dont

2、know how his parents_ his behavior.5.Dont _ until tomorrow what can be done today.-Benjamin Franklin put forward put up put out put off put up with2.draw a conclusion 得出结论得出结论 draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion(from)v.conclude 结束结束;推断出推断出eg:The meeting concluded at 8 oclock.conclude with 以以结束

3、结束The story concludes with the heros death.conclude from 从从推断出推断出What can you conclude from what he said?二、翻译下列句子。1.从事实中得出结论很重要。_2.她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话。_It is important to draw a conclusion from the facts.She concluded her talk with a funny story.3.-so famous,expert,indeed,that he attended Queen Victoria a

4、s.1)attend(on)sb.照顾,护理照顾,护理Which doctor is attending(to)you?2)attend sth.出席出席,参加参加 a meeting,a ceremony,a wedding,a lecture(听讲座听讲座),a concert(听音乐会听音乐会)school(上学上学),church(做礼拜做礼拜)(1)有很多人出席了会议。有很多人出席了会议。The meeting was well _.(2)珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。Jane have been _ her sick mother for ye

5、ars.attendedattending tojoinjoin in take part in attendMay I _ your discussion?He was ill so he didnt_ his classes.His brother_ the army two years ago.A lot of college students _sports meeting last year.加入(团体,组织,参军)、加入(团体,组织,参军)、参加(某些小型活动)参加(某些小型活动)参加参加(会议,课程,婚礼)会议,课程,婚礼)参加(某些大型活动)参加(某些大型活动)join ina

6、ttendjoinedtook part in4.when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.1)expose 暴露暴露,显露显露When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.expose toexpose to把把暴露于暴露于之下之下.expose oneself to expose his skin to the sunexpose the baby to the wind and rainexpose soldiers to unneces

7、sary risks be exposed to be exposed to 暴露暴露;遭受到遭受到 2)揭露)揭露;揭发揭发;使爆光使爆光 expose crime/scandal/a plot/a project/a plan等 揭露罪行丑闻、阴谋方案计划等 活学活用活学活用1.将皮肤长时间暴晒在太阳下对身体有害。将皮肤长时间暴晒在太阳下对身体有害。_ your skin _ the sun for long does great harm to your body.2.长期接触镭的人易患癌症。长期接触镭的人易患癌症。People(often _ _ the radium)can have

8、 cancer easily.Exposing toexposed toMany girls like to _ themselves _ the sun in summer.Many girls like to _the sun in summer.exposetobe exposed to_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A.Exposed B.ExposingC.Being exposed D.Having exposed5.people absorbed this disease into their b

9、odies with their meals.absorb v.吸收吸收Use the cloth to absorb the spilled ink.吸干撒的墨水吸干撒的墨水Black cloth absorbs light.absorb oneself in/be absorbed in 专注专注于于,被被吸引;吸引;I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear your call.absorbinto吸收吸收,把把并入并入The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into i

10、ts own organization.1.Simon was so _(沉浸于)(沉浸于)his book that he didnt even notice me come in.2.This drug is quickly _(被吸收进)被吸收进)the body.absorbed inabsorbed into6.It seemed that the water was to blame.1)be to blame(for sth.)应受责备应受责备;应对某事负责应对某事负责(主动形式表被动主动形式表被动)eg:The driver was to blame for the accid

11、ent.I was to blame for losing the game.2)blame sb.for sth.因为某事而责备某人因为某事而责备某人3)blame sth.on sb.把把归咎到某人身上归咎到某人身上Mom blamed Tom for the broken glass.Dont blame your failure on others.It is you yourself that are to blame.She blamed him for the failure of their marriage.=she blamed the failure of their m

12、arriage on him.I dont know who _blame for the car accident.was toI think _(司机是罪魁祸首司机是罪魁祸首).He should have been more careful.the driver was to blame Who is _ the fire in the kitchen?A.to blame for B.to blame C.blame for D.blame(1)因为和弟弟打架,大家都责备这个男孩。Everyone _ the boy _ fighting with his brother.(2)不能把

13、一切错误都归咎于他。We cant _ the mistakes_ him alone.blamedforblameon 1.I could not _your behavior.2.Please _important points when you attend the lecture.3.The flight has _because of the bad weather.4.It is necessary to _some money in case of bad financial situation.5.The fire was finally _with the help of t

14、he firemen.put up withput downbeen put offput asideput out1.Weve had to _ our wedding _ until September.2._ your toys _ in the cupboard when youve finished plying.put offPut away1.The proposal he _ at the meeting was so practical that the headmaster immediately expressed his satisfaction.A.put forwa

15、rd B.put away C.put down D.put up2.After two days discussion,they _ an agreement.A.came up B.came out C.came across D.came to3 The chairman demanded that the meeting _ until the next week.A.should put off B.be put off C.putting off D.put off1.I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A.i

16、s to blame B.is going to blameC.is to be blamed D.should blame2.Mr.Jenkin regretted _ his secretary for the mistake,for he later discovered it was his own fault.A.to blame B.being blamed C.blamed D.having blamed3._ for breaking the computer,Alice was in low spirits Blamed 4.Mr.Green stood up in defe

17、nse of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he was not the one _.A.blamed B.blaming C.to blame D.to be blamed 5.I think,Tom,rather than you,_.A.are blamed B.is to be blamed C.is to blameD.are to blame1)n.专家,能手 an agricultural expert an expert on(in/at)agriculture2)adj.熟练的,有专门技术或知识的 an expert rider an exp

18、ert job He is expert in/at/on cooking.熟练的骑手熟练的骑手需专门知识的工作需专门知识的工作expertdie(v.)dead(adj.)death(n.)deadly (adj).1)危险的危险的;致命的致命的 a deadly disease/weapon 2).强有力的强有力的;致命的致命的 a deadly remark 击中要害的评论击中要害的评论3).意在杀死的意在杀死的;不共戴天的不共戴天的:a deadly enemy不共戴天的敌人不共戴天的敌人 adv.1.very极度;非常;十分:deadly serious 十分认真 2.like de

19、ath 死一般地:deadly pale 死一般苍白control v.to have power over,rule,direct 统治,控制The government tries its best to control prices.n.控制,统治,掌握1)lose control of/be(go)out of control 失去控制The driver lost control of his car and it knocked into a tree.2)in control of 在控制下Mr.brown is in control of the money.3)under t

20、he control of 被控制着The money is under the control of Mr.brown.4)under control 受控制,平静无事The fire was finally under control.the way of doing sth.=the way to do“做做的方法的方法”She showed us the way of cleaning it.She showed us the way to clean it.the way引导的定语从句的引导词有三种引导的定语从句的引导词有三种,可以用可以用that;可以用可以用in which;还可

21、以省略还可以省略.I dont like the way(that/in which)you speak to your father.by the way lose ones way feel ones way on ones way to in this way=by this means=with this method 顺便说顺便说 迷路迷路 摸黑走摸黑走,谨慎从事谨慎从事 在去在去的路上的路上 用这种方法用这种方法2.suggest vt.建议,提议;暗示,表明 The first suggested that cholera multipliedThe second suggest

22、ed that people absorbed He suggested that the source of all water supplies should be examined表明表明,暗示暗示1.suggest表建议表建议suggest doing sthsuggest that sb(should)do sth2.表暗示,表明表暗示,表明suggest that(时态视具体情况而定时态视具体情况而定)我建议讲英语。我建议讲英语。I suggest _(speak)English.医生建议她改天再来。医生建议她改天再来。The physician suggested that sh

23、e_(come)another day.Her red face suggested that she _(have)a severe cold.speaking(should)comehad完成下列句子:完成下列句子:1.The smile on his face suggests that _.(他通过了考试)他通过了考试)2.The doctor suggested that _.(他该戒烟了)他该戒烟了)3.His pale face suggests that _.(他生病了)(他生病了)he has passed the examhe should give up smokingh

24、e is illinsistvi.insist on sth./doing sth.坚持,坚决主张,坚持认为,其后必须接介词on/upon,再加名词或动名词。1).The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A.find B.to find C.on finding D.in finding2).I insist that a doctor _ immediately.A.has been sent for B.sends for C.will be sent for D.be sent for

25、3).Some people insisted that the person _ a thief and insisted that he _ to the police station.A.was;be taken B.was,would be taken C.should be;should be taken D.be;be taken 7.two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak我的电脑无法连接网络我的电脑无法连接网络I cant link my computer to the internet.指纹可

26、以把嫌疑犯和犯罪联系起来指纹可以把嫌疑犯和犯罪联系起来Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.link.to.把把与与连接或联系起来连接或联系起来 be linked to 被连接,与被连接,与有联系有联系The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer.Two deaths were linked to the cholera.*One link broken,the whole chain is broken.atomic link*Is there a link between smo

27、king and lung disease?*The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.link n./vt.连接;联系*Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.8.announced with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.announce v.宣布;通告;预示宣布;通告;预示He suddenly announced that he was leaving.Warm sunshine

28、 announces the coming of spring.预示预示announce sth.to sb.announce to sb.sth.eg:这则消息经由电视向大众宣布这则消息经由电视向大众宣布 The news was announced to the public on TVannounce thatannounce to sb.thatApart from the construction mentioned above,you have also learned the following phrase.apart from“除了之外”,主要与n.和v-ing连用。Apar

29、t from a few faults,he is a trustworthy teacher.(except for)Apart from sport,my other interest outside class is music.(besides)Apart from some spelling mistakes,the composition is fairly good.1._ being too large,the color and the style of the dress suit me well.A.Apart from B.As well as C.Besides D.

30、Instead of2.An increase in the price of drugs has _ the rising cost of medical care.A.contributed to B.brought up C.burst into D.resulted fromput forwarddraw a conclusionexpose sb.to sth.cure sb of sthbe absorbed inbe to blameblame sb for sth blame sth on sblink to提出提出得出结论得出结论把某人暴露给把某人暴露给治好某人治好某人沉浸于

31、沉浸于专注于专注于应受责备应受责备因为因为而责备某人而责备某人把把.归咎于某人归咎于某人与与有联系;与有联系;与有关有关重点句型terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.every time 作连词,引导时间状语从句,类似的用作连词,引导时间状语从句,类似的用法有:法有:1)every time;each time;next time;the first/second/last time.eg:Every time I see him,he is working hard.Next time you come,I will s

32、how you around our school.The first time I came to Fuzhou,I got lost.He was much better the last time I saw him.其他类似连词:其他类似连词:the moment,the minute,the second,immediately“一一就就”He was out the moment I got to his house.I recognized you the minute I saw you.-When did he leave the classroom?-He left _ y

33、ou turned back to write on the blackboard.A.the minute B.the timeC.until D.before1.People are puzzled _ they read the book.A.the first time B.at the first time C.for the first time D.at first2.You see the lightning _ it happens,but you hear the thunder later.A.the instant B.for an instant C.on the i

34、nstant D.in an instant(1)每次我去找他,他都在专心看书。每次我去找他,他都在专心看书。_I went to see him,he was absorbed in reading.(2)我一见到她就把这本书给了她。我一见到她就把这本书给了她。I gave the book to her _I saw her.Every timethe momentexercise1.哪个医生护理你?哪个医生护理你?Which doctor is _ _ you?2.别把皮肤暴露在阳光下,你会被晒伤的。别把皮肤暴露在阳光下,你会被晒伤的。Dont _ _ _ _ the sun or yo

35、u will be burnt.3.这种药治好了他的病。这种药治好了他的病。This kind of medicine _ him _ his illness.4.我全神贯注地读书,没听到你的电话。我全神贯注地读书,没听到你的电话。I was _ _ a book and didnt hear your call.5.这孩子惯坏了应该怪谁了?这孩子惯坏了应该怪谁了?Who is _ _ for the spoiled child?attending onexpose your skin to cured of absorbed in to blame 1.Everyone was silent

36、 as he a_ the winner of the competition.当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。2.He was i_ to leave for New York.他奉命前往纽约。3.The _ of the disease were _ the river _ by dirty water.疾病的爆发跟被脏水污染的河流联系在了一起。announcedinstructedoutbreaklinked topolluted4.When the aged people _ polluted air or water,they are likely to get sick.

37、当老年人暴露在被污染的空气或水中,他们很可能会生病。5.You are supposed to _your own idea at the meeting.在会上你应该提出自己的观点。6.He _a spy.他被怀疑是一名间谍。are exposed toput forwardis suspected to be put forward infectious announce conclusion handle control severe apart from1.Who _ a theory about black holes?2.What _ did you draw?3.The car

38、went out of _ and crashed.4.SARS is a terrible _ disease.5.He _ a difficult argument skillfully.6.The cholera outbreak was so _ that more than 500 people had died in 10 days.7.Everyone was silent as he _ the winner of the match.8._ visiting the zoo,we went to the museum.put forwardconclusionscontrol

39、infectioushandledsevereannouncedApart from1.The boy is often found _in reading books.A.absorbs B.is absorbed C.absorbing D.absorbed2.Mr.Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he wasnt the one_.A.blamed B.blaming C.to blame D.to be blamed3.My brothers pale face suggested that he

40、 _ ill,and my parents suggested that he _ a medical examination.A.be;should haveB.was;haveC.should be;had D.was;has1.Not _ (暴露暴露)your skin to the sun for too long.2._ you _(既不既不也不也不)he is right.3._(每当每当)I meet him,I always think of the things having happened between us.4._(好像好像)she was lying.5.Who i

41、s _(责备责备)for the mistake?6.It _(暗示暗示)that it was going to rain.7.I suggested that he _(戒烟戒烟)smoking.exposeNeither nor Every timeIt seemed thatto blame(should)give upsuggested练习翻译下面的句子练习翻译下面的句子:We_ them in the game last Sunday and finally the match.A.defeated;won B.won;won C.beat;defeated D.won;beatP

42、arents try to cure their children _ bad habits.A.about B.of C.in D.to1.Judith lay on the sofa,in her book.2.His secretary was to cancel all his engagements.3.Potatoes turn green when to light.即时训练即时训练用blame,expose,absorb,instruct,handle的 适当形式填空。instructedabsorbedexposed 4.Computers can huge amounts

43、of data.5.Officials believe that more than one person may be to for the fire.blamehandle根据首字母完成下面句子。根据首字母完成下面句子。1.He accepted his friends c to swim across the river.2.They had p all the water out of the well.hallenge umped3.Everybody c a pound towards Janes present.4.The river has been p by chemical

44、s.5.The bridge was c of metal and concrete.ontributed olluted onstructed 即时训练即时训练1.Some birth defects are (与与有有关关)to smoking during pregnancy.2.Who could have (预测预测)such problems in 1938?3.At first,we (怀疑怀疑)that he went missing.linkedforeseensuspected1.I often the meeting and sometimes I its discuss

45、ion.A.join,attend B.attend,take part inC.join in,access D.take part,attendB 2.The result of the election will be_ soon.A.declared B.announced C.told D.released 3.The doctor her headache with a new medicine,but didnt her.A.cured,treat B.cure,treated C.treated,cure D.treated,treat AC4.They were in the football match.A.won B.defeated C.beat D.strokenB谢谢欣赏THANK YOU FOR L I S TEN I N G


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