(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》4.2 Then and now ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx

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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》4.2 Then and now ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第1页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》4.2 Then and now ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第2页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》4.2 Then and now ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第3页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》4.2 Then and now ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第4页
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(精品)新牛津译林版六年级上册《英语》4.2 Then and now ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第5页
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1、Then and now Unit 4 英语牛津深圳版 六年级上册 1.了解Culture time 2.重点句型: .year(s)ago,I was. I could.,I couldnt.,I didnt., Now Im.,I can.,I. 3.3.er在单词中的发音。在单词中的发音。 学习目标学习目标 导入新课导入新课 Free talk 1.你还知道哪些发明? 2.这些发明带给我们什么? Six years ago,he couldnt write. Now he can do many things. 上节回顾上节回顾 Twenty years ago,he wrote let

2、ters to his friends. Now he can call people anyway. Thirty years ago,he listened to the radio and read newspaper for news. Now he can read and watch news on the Internet. Twenty years ago,she made friends at school. Now she has e-friends from all over the world. Make and say. Fun time Twenty years a

3、go Now Twenty years ago,I was a teenager. I could talk with my friends. I couldnt get in touch with my parents far away. I didnt have the telephone. Now I am thirty years old. I can call anyone. I have the mobile phone. Twenty years ago Now Twenty years ago,I was a teenager. I could watch TV in the

4、village. I couldnt watch TV in my home. I didnt have the television. Now I am thirty years old. I can watch TV in my home. I have a big television. Fifteen years ago Now Twenty years ago,I was an adult. I could buy things at the village fair. I couldnt buy many things. I didnt have much money. Now I

5、 am thirty years old. I can buy things on the Internet. I have a computer. Thirty years ago Now Thirty years ago,I was a child. I could light the room by kerosene lamp. I couldnt see clearly. I didnt have electric lamp. Now I am an adult. I can light the room by electric lamp. I have many electric l

6、amps. 你周围的生活还发生哪些巨 大的变化? Sound time 课文展示课文展示 She is a mother. mother 母亲 They are sisters. sister 姐姐,妹妹 Summer is very hot. summer 夏天 She is a teacher. teacher 老师 Winter is very cold. winter 冬天 / er 发音方法:和汉语普通话中的 de,了 le,么 me的韵母相似,舌身平 放,嘴稍稍张开,舌中部伸向硬颚,不要与之接触,舌位比:略 低,口部肌肉,舌头一定要放松。 常见发/的字母组合:er a i or w

7、inter 夏天 summer teacher 老师 mother 母亲 sister 常见发/的字母组合:er a i or banana color family Look and read writer Culture time The Americans invented the aeroplane. Wright brothers 莱特兄弟莱特兄弟(Wright Brothers)是美国著名的科学家, 哥哥是威尔伯 莱特(Wilbur Wright,1867年4月16日1912 年5月12日),弟弟是奥维尔 莱特(Orville Wright,1871 年8月19日1948年1月30

8、日)。他们是美国的发明家、飞 机的制造者。1903年12月17日,莱特兄弟首次试飞了完全 受控、依靠自身动力、机身比空气重、持续滞空不落地的 飞机,也就是“世界上第一架飞机”。 简介简介 Wright Brothers The British invented the train. George Stephenson 乔治 斯蒂芬森 简介简介 乔治斯蒂芬森1781年6月9日生于诺森伯兰地区 (现在的纽卡斯尔)的华勒姆村,1848年8月12日去世,英 国工程师,第一次工业革命期间发明火车机车,被誉为 “铁路机车之父”。 George Stephenson 乔治 斯蒂芬森 你知道这些物品的发明者吗

9、? 考考你考考你 1.了解了解Culture time 2.重点句型: .year(s)ago,I was. I could.,I couldnt.,I didnt., Now Im.,I can.,I. 3.er在单词中的发音。 课堂小结课堂小结 选出最佳答案。 ( )1.Twenty years ago,I_a child. A.am B.was C.were D.be ( )2.I couldnt_ songs ten years ago. A.sang B. sing C. singing D.to sing ( )3.I couldnt_when I was ten years old. A.swam B.swim C.swimming D.to swim ( )4.I_have a computer ten years ago. A. didnt B.doesnt C.dont D.am not ( )5.Now I_buy things on the Internet. A.can B.could C.would D.might 了解我们周围物品发明者的简介。 家庭作业家庭作业


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