(精品)接力版三年级上册《英语》Lesson 8 It’s not a ball 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习(含答案)+音频视频素材).pptx

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(精品)接力版三年级上册《英语》Lesson 8 It’s not a ball 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习(含答案)+音频视频素材).pptx_第1页
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(精品)接力版三年级上册《英语》Lesson 8 It’s not a ball 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习(含答案)+音频视频素材).pptx_第2页
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(精品)接力版三年级上册《英语》Lesson 8 It’s not a ball 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习(含答案)+音频视频素材).pptx_第3页
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(精品)接力版三年级上册《英语》Lesson 8 It’s not a ball 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习(含答案)+音频视频素材).pptx_第4页
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(精品)接力版三年级上册《英语》Lesson 8 It’s not a ball 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习(含答案)+音频视频素材).pptx_第5页
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1、Lesson 8 Its not a ball  接力版接力版    三年级三年级上上  第一课时第一课时   Lets chant  Whats this? It is an apple.  Whats this? It is a ball.  Whats this? It is a desk.  Whats this? It is a train.  Whats this? It is a bus.   Look and say  an apple a ball a de

2、sk  a train a bus   Lets say  This is _.  an apple  This is _.  a ball  This is _.  a desk   This is _.  a train This is _. a bus   Look, ask and answer  Yes!  - Is it a ball?  - Is it a bus?  Yes!   No! Its not (不不)a ba

3、ll.  - Is it a ball?  Whats this?  Its an apple.  Its not a ball.   No! Its not a chair.  - Is it a chair?  Whats this?  Its a desk.  Its not a chair.   No! Its not a bus.  - Is it a bus?  Whats this?  Its a train.  Its not a bus.

4、   Lets learn  an egg  - Whats this?     - Its _.  e - gg  egg  an egg   a table  - Whats this?     - Its _.  ta - ble  table  a table   Good to know desk 与与table 有何区别?有何区别?  有抽屉的是有抽屉的是  _;  没有抽屉的是没有抽屉的是 &

5、nbsp;_。  a desk a table  desk  table   Read and match  ball egg table desk   Look and fill  This is _. Its not a ball.  an apple   Look and fill  This is _.  Its not a desk.  a table  This is _.  Its not a ball.  an egg  

6、; This is _. Its not a bus.  a train   Listen and repeat  This is an apple. Its not a ball.  This is a table. Its not a desk.  This is an egg. Its not a ball.  This is a train. Its not a bus.   Lets read  This is an apple. Its not a ball.  This is a table

7、. Its not a desk.  This is an egg. Its not a ball.  This is a train. Its not a bus.  同学们,打开课本同学们,打开课本P22,一边指,一边读!,一边指,一边读!   Time for exercise  (    )1、你想说“这是一张饭桌。”,你应该说:、你想说“这是一张饭桌。”,你应该说:_             A. This is a table.    

8、;       B. This is a desk.  (    )2、你想说“它不是一个球。”,你应该说:、你想说“它不是一个球。”,你应该说: _             A. Its not a ball.           B. Its not a bus.  (    )3、你想说“它不是一个蛋。”,你应该说:、你想说“它不是一个蛋。”,你应该说: _     &n

9、bsp;      A. Its not a ball.            B. Its not an egg.  (    )4、你想说“这是一辆公车。”,你应该说:、你想说“这是一辆公车。”,你应该说: _             A. This is a train.           B. This is a bus.  A  A &

10、nbsp;B  B   Listen and sing  先朗读歌词,然后感知歌曲的旋律,最后跟唱歌曲。先朗读歌词,然后感知歌曲的旋律,最后跟唱歌曲。   What have we learned today?  1、单词:、单词:table(桌子),(桌子), egg(鸡蛋)(鸡蛋)not(不)(不)  2、句子:、句子:This is a / an _.             Its not a / an _.  3、歌曲“、歌曲“My bag”。”。 &nb

11、sp;4、desk 与与 table 的区别。的区别。  Make a summary   1、背诵课本、背诵课本 P22 的句子给组长听;的句子给组长听;  2、四个同学为一组,练习唱今天的歌曲;、四个同学为一组,练习唱今天的歌曲;  3、预习、预习P23,尝试使用今天学习的句型,谈论事物;,尝试使用今天学习的句型,谈论事物;     This is _. Its not _.  4、完成本课相对应、完成本课相对应的练习题的练习题。  Homework   Lets enjoy  Thank you!  Goodbye!  


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