高考英语一轮复习(课标2卷B版)课件:专题十二 词义猜测.pptx

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1、专题十二 词义猜测 高考英语高考英语 (课标专用) A A组组 统一命题统一命题课标卷题组课标卷题组 Passage 1(2018课标全国,B)词数:258 Many of us love July because its the month when natures berries and stone fruits are in abun- dance. These colourful and sweet jewels from British Columbias fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection. Of the

2、common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein(蛋白质), iron and zinc(not that fruits have much protein). Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants (抗氧化物质). The yellow and orange stone fruits such as peaches are

3、 high in the carotenoids we turn into vitamin A and which are antioxidants. As for cherries(樱桃), they are so delicious. Who cares?However, they are rich in vitamin C. When combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low f

4、at“ice cream”. For this purpose, select ripe bananas for 五年高考 freezing as they are much sweeter. Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze. If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown. Frozen bananas will last several weeks

5、, depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer. If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a “soft-serve”creamy dessert, to be eaten right away. This makes a fun activity for a chil- drens party;they love feeding the frui

6、t and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watch- ing the ice cream come out below. 1.What does the author seem to like about cherries? A.They contain protein. B.They are high in vitamin A. C.They have a pleasant taste. D.They are rich in antioxidants. 2.Why is fresh lemon juice used in fr

7、eezing bananas? A.To make them smell better. B.To keep their colour. C.To speed up their ripening. D.To improve their nutrition. 3.What is“a juicer”in the last paragraph? A.A dessert. B.A drink. C.A container. D.A machine. 4.From which is the text probably taken? A.A biology textbook. B.A health mag

8、azine. C.A research paper. D.A travel brochure. 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,题材为食品营养类。许多人最爱七月,因为在这个月份大量 的新鲜水果成熟了。本文介绍了几种对人体有益的水果,还为你推荐了一种孩子们喜欢的自 制果汁。 1.C 细节理解题。题干意为:作者似乎喜欢樱桃的什么?根据第二段最后两句话(至于樱桃,它 们那么美味可口,谁在乎呢?然而,它们富含维他命C。)可知作者喜欢樱桃的美味可口,所以答 案为C项。A项:它们含有蛋白质;B项:它们富含维他命A;D项:它们富含抗氧化物。这三项均 与文章所述不符。 2.B 推理判断题。题干意

9、为:为什么在冷冻香蕉时要加点新鲜的柠檬汁?根据第三段倒数第 二句话(如果你喜欢的话,挤一点新鲜的柠檬汁到香蕉上会防止它们变成褐色。)可推断出这 么做是为了保持香蕉本来的颜色,所以答案为B项。A项:为了让它们更好闻;C项:为了加速它 们的成熟;D项:为了增加它们的营养。这三项均与原文描述不符。 3.D 词义猜测题。题干意为:最后一段的“a juicer”是什么?根据最后一段第一句和第二句 话的描述(如果你有一个榨汁机的话,你就把冷冻的香蕉和一些浆果或者切成片的水果放进 去。就会出来一种软软的奶油状的甜品,要马上吃掉哦。)可以推断出画线部分是一种能制作 果汁样食品的机器,所以答案为D项。 4.B

10、推理判断题。题干意为:这篇文章可能选自什么?根据第一段第二句话的描述(这些来自 不列颠哥伦比亚省土地上的色彩鲜艳的甜甜的宝贝就是营养保护的小集团。)再结合后文描 述的几种富含各种维生素的水果,我们可以推断出本文是来自与健康营养相关的书,即一本健 康杂志,所以答案为B项。A项:一本生物课本;C项:一篇研究论文;D项:一本旅游册子。这三项 与文章主题不符。 长难句长难句 When combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling frui

11、t shakes and low fat “ice cream”.当与浆果或者其他的水果片混合 在一起时,冷冻的香蕉就会成为一种极好的用来制作浓浓的冷奶昔和低脂肪冰激凌的基本材料。 第一个逗号前是when引导的省略了主语和be动词的时间状语从句,相当于When they are com- bined with.,第一个逗号后是句子的主干。句子的主语frozen bananas与combine 之间是被动 关系。 高级语块高级语块 1.contain vt.包含;含有 2.particularly adv.特别;尤其 3.(be)combined with 与结合/混合 Passage 2(20

12、18课标全国,C)词数:294 Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit(联系)groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. So

13、me language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them. Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their lan-guages to o became more settled and fewer in number. I

14、n recent centuries, trade, industrialisation, the developmen t of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and bette r communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant l anguages such as English, Span

15、ish and Chinese are increasingly taking over. At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely un- even. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small

16、 numbers. Europe has only around 20 0 languages;the Americas about 1,000;Africa 2,400;and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number(中位数) of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the worlds languages are spoken by fewer

17、 people than that. Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon(eight remaining speakers), Chia- paneco in Mexico(150), Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three) or Wadjigu in Austra

18、lia (one, with a question-mark):none of these seems to have much chance of survival. 1.What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times? A.They developed very fast. B.They were large in number. C.They had similar patterns. D.They were closely connected. 2.Which of the following best explai

19、ns“dominant”underlined in paragraph 2? A.Complex. B.Advanced. C.Powerful. D.Modern. 3.How many languages are spoken by less than 6,000 people at present? A.About 6,800. B.About 3,400. C.About 2,400. D.About 1,200. 4.What is the main idea of the text? A.New languages will be created. B.Peoples lifest

20、yles are reflected in languages. C.Human development results in fewer languages. D.Geography determines language evolution. 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文为说明文。作者从语言发展历史这一角度论述了人类的发展导致了世界上 语言数量的减少。 1.B 推理判断题。本题题干意为:对于采猎者时代的语言,我们可推断出什么?根据第一段第 二句(当世界人口仍然由采猎者构成的时候,小的、联系紧密的群体彼此独立地形成了自己的 讲话模式。)可知答案为B项(它们的数量很大)。A:它们发展得很快

21、;C:它们有相似的模式;D: 它们联系很紧密。 2.C 词义猜测题。本题题干意为:下面哪一项最好地解释了第二段画线词“dominant”?根 据画线词所在句子中的“such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over”可 推知dominant的意思是“占统治地位的,强大的”,故答案为C项(Powerful)。A:复杂的;B:高级 的;D:现代的。 3.B 细节理解题。本题题干意为:目前,有多少种语言的使用人数少于6,000?根据第三段第一 句(目前世界上大约有6,800种语言。)和第三段最后一句(这意味着世界的语言中

22、有一半 的语言,其使用人数不足6,000。)可知,答案为B项(68001/2=3400)。 4.C 主旨大意题。本题题干意为:本文的主旨是什么?作者在首段首句介绍了本文的主题,即 语言几千年来一直变化不定,但在最近时期,其数量越来越少。然后进一步解释造成这种现象 的原因是社会的发展,故答案为C项。 长难句长难句 Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages be

23、tween them.一些专家认为,在一万年前, 当时世界上只有五百万至一千万人口,他们之间可能要说12,000种语言。 本句的主句为:Some language experts believe。后面的that从句为宾语从句,该从句的主干为: they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them;10,000 years ago为时间状语;when the world had just five to ten million people为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词10,000 years ago。 高级语块高级语块 1.settle down定居

24、下来 2.globalisation n.全球化 3.distribution n.分布 4.relatively adv.相对地 Passage 3(2018课标全国,D)词数:304 Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings?The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlie

25、r than I did how to live more with less. I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday d

26、ue to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金)(our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor). For weeks, Ive been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And

27、 how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less?Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about f

28、ive minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ballsimple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move o

29、n to lunch. We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us. 1.What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean? A.The more, the better. B.Enough is enough. C

30、.More money, more worries. D.Earn more and spend more. 2.What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects? A.Saving up for her holiday. B.Raising money for a poor girl. C.Adding the money to her fund. D.Giving the money to a sick mother. 3.Why did the author play the ball with Shepherd? A.To try

31、out an idea. B.To show a parents love. C.To train his attention. D.To help him start a hobby. 4.What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Take It or Leave It B.A Lesson from Kids C.Live More with Less D.The Pleasure of Giving 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。题材为家庭生活类。作为成年人我们都理解身边用不到的 东西太多给我们的感觉,但是我们却认为我们的孩

32、子拥有的东西越多越好。我在自己的孩子 身上做了一个实验,证明了拥有更少的东西能生活得更好。 1.A 词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句话可知,我帮我自己的孩子学会了用更少的东西生活 得更好,由此推断出画线词语的意思是“越多越好”,所以答案为A项。B项:适可而止。C项: 钱越多就越担心。D项:挣得多花得多。这三项与父母希望孩子拥有更多的东西的想法不符。 2.C 细节理解题。题干句意:什么事让Georgia同意卖掉她的一些东西?根据第二段最后一句 话可知,在我们承诺把这笔钱放进她的学校基金后,她选择卖掉几件较大而不太常用的东西,因 为她想把这笔钱放到自己的基金中去,所以答案为C项。A项:为了她的假期攒

33、钱。B项:为一 个贫穷的女孩筹款。D项:把这笔钱给一位生病的母亲。 3.A 推理判断题。题干句意:作者为什么要和Shepherd一起玩球?根据第三段的Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this.可以推断出作者和儿子一起 玩球是为了检验一下自己的理论。 4.C 主旨大意题。作者在第一段的最后就提出了本文的主题:how to live more with less,后面 几段描写了作者在自己的孩子身上证明了自己的这个观点是正确的,所以答案为C项。A项: 要么接受,要么放弃。B项:从

34、孩子身上学到的教训。D项:奉献的乐趣。这三项与第一段提出 的主题不符。 长难句长难句 Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness.由于我们的努力,我们的 女儿Georgia确实决定把一大袋子玩具捐给一个小女孩,这个女孩的妈妈因为生病而无法支付 她的假期费用。 because of.作原因状语;谓语动词decide

35、用助动词did加以强调;关系代词whose引导的定语从 句修饰先行词a little girl。 高级语块高级语块 1.assume v.认为;假定 2.when it comes to当说到;当涉及 3.belongings n.所有物;财产 4.donate v.捐赠;捐献 5.due to由于;因为 6.be determined to do sth.决心做某事 Passage 4(2017课标全国,B)词数:289 I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy a

36、nd the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York City. When the studio didnt want me for the filmit wanted somebody as well known as Paulhe stood up for me. I dont know how many people would have done that; they would have listened to their agents or the studio powers. The friendship that grew out of

37、the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. We were respectful of craft(技艺) and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play. Both of us had

38、 the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors: humorous, aggressive, and making fun of each otherbut always with an underlying affection. Those were also at the core(核心) of our relationship off the screen. We shared the belief that if youre fortunate enough to have success, you shou

39、ld put something backhe with his Newmans Own food and his Hole in the Wall camps for kids who are seriously ill, and me with Sundance and the institute and the festival. Paul and I didnt see each other all that regularly, but sharing that brought us together. We supported each other financially and

40、by showing up at events. I last saw him a few months ago. Hed been in and out of the hospital. He and I both knew what the deal was, and we didnt talk about it. Ours was a relationship that didnt need a lot of words. 1.Why was the studio unwilling to give the role to the author at first? A.Paul Newm

41、an wanted it. B.The studio powers didnt like his agent. C.He wasnt famous enough. D.The director recommended someone else. 2.Why did Paul and the author have a lasting friendship? A.They were of the same age. B.They worked in the same theater. C.They were both good actors. D.They had similar charact

42、eristics. 3.What does the underlined word“that”in paragraph 3 refer to? A.Their belief. B.Their care for children. C.Their success. D.Their support for each other. 4.What is the authors purpose in writing the text? A.To show his love of films. B.To remember a friend. C.To introduce a new movie. D.To

43、 share his acting experience. 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。在电影界初出茅庐的作者得到了著名演员保罗 纽曼的支 持,从而获得了一个重要的演出机会。他们建立了深厚的友谊,这份友谊一直持续到保罗 纽曼 去世。 1.C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的 “it wanted somebody as well known as Paul”可知,这家 电影公司不想把这个角色给作者,是因为他们想把角色给像保罗这样出名的人,作者还不够出 名,所以答案为C项。 2.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “Both of us had the qualities and vir

44、tues that are typical of American actors”可知,保罗和作者之所以有着长久的友谊,是因为他们两个人有着相似的品 质,所以答案为D项。 3.A 词义猜测题。根据本段第一句话 “We shared the belief that if.”可知,尽管他们不经常 见面,但是正是那种信念让他们聚在了一起。由此推断出画线单词指的是他们的共同的信念, 所以答案为A项。 4.B 推理判断题。文章开头作者介绍了自己与著名演员保罗 纽曼相识的情景,后面描述了 两人的交往和深厚的友谊。最后一段指出两人的最后一面是在医院。由此推断出作者写这 篇文章就是为了纪念自己的一位朋友。所以

45、答案为B项。 长难句长难句 We shared the belief that if youre fortunate enough to have success, you should put something back.我们有着相同的信念,那就是如果你足够幸运而成功了的话,你应该对这个世 界有所回报 本句为复合句。句子的主干为We shared the belief。that引导同位语从句,说明belief的内容。 高级语块高级语块 1.experience n.经历 2.be respectful of 尊重 3.humorous adj.幽默的 4.aggressive adj.有进

46、取心的 Passage 5(2017课标全国,D)词数:311 A build-it-yourself solar still(蒸馏器) is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available. Developed by two doctors in the U.S. Department of A- griculture, its an excellent water collector. Unfortunately, you must carry

47、the necessary equipment with you, since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes. The only components required, though, are a 55 sheet of clear or slightly milky plastic, six feet of plastic tube, and a container perhaps just a drinking cupto catch the water. These pieces can be folded int

48、o a neat little pack and fastened on your belt. To construct a working still, use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep. Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catchers productivity. Place your cup in the deepest part of the hole. Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs upand outthe side of the hole. Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheets center down with a rock. The plastic should now form a c


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