(精)新目标八年级上册英语Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A 2d-3c 课件ppt(含练习+音频视频素材).ppt

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(精)新目标八年级上册英语Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A 2d-3c 课件ppt(含练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第1页
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(精)新目标八年级上册英语Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A 2d-3c 课件ppt(含练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第2页
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(精)新目标八年级上册英语Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A 2d-3c 课件ppt(含练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第3页
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(精)新目标八年级上册英语Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A 2d-3c 课件ppt(含练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第4页
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(精)新目标八年级上册英语Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. Section A 2d-3c 课件ppt(含练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第5页
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1、人教新目标版 八年级上 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. Section A(2d-3c) Warming-up Lets enjoy a video. Review the words about jobs. Brainstorm a writer a reporter a basketball player a dancer an engineer a teacher a singer a computer programmer a driver a waiter an actress a waitress an actor a doct

2、or a pianist a scientist a violinist an artist a policeman a policewoman a postman a cook a pilot a nurse a boss a fireman Chain game A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: Im going to be a/an _. What are you going to be when you grow up? C: Im going to be a/an _. D: Ask in a group, one by

3、 one! I want to be an engineer when I grow up. finish high school and college 2 1 study Math really hard an engineer I am going to . How are you going to do that? Free talk I want to be an actor when I grow up. take acting lessons 2 1 finish high school and college an actor I am going to . How are y

4、ou going to do that? He wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. practice playing basketball every day 2 1 finish high school and college a basketball player He is going to . How is he going to do that? He wants to be a computer programmer when he grows up. study computer science 2 1 finish

5、 high school and college a computer programmer He is going to . How is he going to do that? Groupwork Make a survey and give a report. Name What Why How where Jim actor exciting Take acting lessons In Shanghai Report it like this: I am going to be.Im going to(do).Im going to work in .Tom is going to

6、 be an engineer when he grows up. Hes going to study math really hard, and hes going to work in Beijing. New task Listen and answer the questions. 1.What does Ken want to be? 2.How is he going to do that? 3.What do Andys parents want her to be? Hes going to keep on writing stories. He wants to be a

7、writer. His parents want him to be a doctor. Listen and fill in the blanks. Task2 Andy: What are you reading, Ken? Ken: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. Andy: Wow, now I know_youre so good at writing stories. Ken: Yes, I want to be a_. Andy: Really? _ are you going to become a writer? why write

8、r How Ken: Well, Im going to keep on _ , of course. What do you want to be? Ken: My parents want me to be a _, but Im not sure about that. Andy: Well, dont worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you _ your best. Then you can be_you want! Ken: Yes, youre right. writing stories

9、 doctor try anything Read again and answer the questions. Task3 1.What book is Ken reading? 2.Who is the writer? 3.What is Ken good at? 4.Is Andy sure about what he wants to be? Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea. Writing stories. No,he isnt. Andy: What are you reading, Ken? Ken: The Old Man and the

10、 Sea by Hemingway. Andy: Wow, now I know why youre so good at writing stories. Ken: Yes, I want to be a writer. Andy: Really? How are you going to become a writer? Ken: Well, Im going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be? be good at doing 擅长于做擅长于做 keep on doing 继续,坚持干继续,坚持干

11、Listen and repeat. 2d 此处介词此处介词by为“由为“由 所著”之意。所著”之意。 Andy: My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that. Ken: Well, dont worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! Andy: Yes, youre right. make sure 确信,证实确信,证实 t

12、ry ones best 尽最大努力尽最大努力 be sure about 对对有把握,确信有把握,确信 Im going to keep on writing stories.我打算不停的写作。我打算不停的写作。 keep on意为意为“反复地做;继续进行反复地做;继续进行”, keep on doing sth.意为意为“不断地做某事不断地做某事”。 keep doing sth 持续做某事,表示动作或状态的持续持续做某事,表示动作或状态的持续 例例: The little boy kept on asking questions. 这个小男孩不断地问问题。这个小男孩不断地问问题。 She

13、 kept on working although she was tired. 她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。 He kept standing there for an hour without moving. 他在那儿一动不动地站了一个小时。他在那儿一动不动地站了一个小时。 be sure about“确信,对确信,对有把握有把握”。 常用句型:常用句型:be sure about sth.“确信某事确信某事” be sure about doing sth.“确信做某事确信做某事, 对做某事有把握对做某事有把握”。 be sure + that从句,意为从句,意为“肯定肯

14、定;有把握;有把握”, 例例:I think I can win the match. I am sure of/about it.我认我认 为我能赢这场比赛。我对此有把握。为我能赢这场比赛。我对此有把握。 Im sure that I can run much faster.Im sure to run much faster.我肯定能跑得快多了。我肯定能跑得快多了。 My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that. 我的父母想让我成为一名医生,但是我对此没有把握。我的父母想让我成为一名医生,但是我对此没有把握。 m

15、ake sure 确保,查明;常用于祈使句中,后面常接确保,查明;常用于祈使句中,后面常接that (可省略)引导的宾语从句或(可省略)引导的宾语从句或of名词(词组)名词(词组)/代词,意为代词,意为 “确保确保”。 例例:离开前务必将房间打扫干净。离开前务必将房间打扫干净。 Make sure to clean the room before you leave. Make sure (that) you lock the door when you leave.当你离开时确保锁上门。当你离开时确保锁上门。 Just make sure you try your best. 只要确保你尽你

16、最大的努力就行。只要确保你尽你最大的努力就行。 Ken is reading a book called _ _. He is good at _. He wants to be a _. He _ keep on writing stories. Andys parents wants him to be a _, but he is _ about that. Not everyone knows what they _. Just _ you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! The Old Man writing sto

17、ries writer doctor not sure and the Sea want to be make sure is going to Consolidation Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961), 美国著名现代作家,美国著名现代作家,1953年普利策奖、年普利策奖、 1954年诺贝儿文学奖获得者。海明威被誉年诺贝儿文学奖获得者。海明威被誉 为美利坚民族的精神丰碑,并且是为美利坚民族的精神丰碑,并且是 “新闻“新闻 体”小说的创始人。其写作风格简洁

18、、硬体”小说的创始人。其写作风格简洁、硬 朗,有“文坛硬汉”之称,对美国文学及朗,有“文坛硬汉”之称,对美国文学及 20世纪世界文学的发展有极深远影响,代世纪世界文学的发展有极深远影响,代 表作包括表作包括老人与海老人与海、永别了,武永别了,武 器器、太阳照常升起太阳照常升起等。等。 Ernest Miller Hemingway 欧内斯特欧内斯特 米勒尔米勒尔 海明威海明威 Background The Old Man and the Sea 是是 海明威著名的代表作之一,海明威著名的代表作之一,1951 年创作于古巴。故事讲述了古巴年创作于古巴。故事讲述了古巴 老渔夫桑提亚哥在海上独自钓到

19、老渔夫桑提亚哥在海上独自钓到 一条巨大的马林鱼并与之周旋、一条巨大的马林鱼并与之周旋、 搏斗,历经三天最终捕获大鱼,搏斗,历经三天最终捕获大鱼, 在返航途中却又遭受鲨鱼袭击的在返航途中却又遭受鲨鱼袭击的 经历。故事弘扬了人类迎接挑战经历。故事弘扬了人类迎接挑战 及勇敢面对失败的无畏气概。及勇敢面对失败的无畏气概。 1. Read and act 2d out. Role play 2. Retell 2a according to the key expressions: T: Hey, Jack! How are you these days? S: . T: I know that you

20、 play basketball every day. S: . T: .what do you want to be when you grow up? S: T:Where are you going to study/move/work? S: T: Make sure you try your best, then you can be anything you want! Practice 1. 你长大后想做什么?你长大后想做什么? What do you want _ _ when you _ _? 2. 我想成为一名工程师。我想成为一名工程师。 I want to _ _ _.

21、3. 你打算如何做?你打算如何做? How _ you _ to _ that? 4. 我打算非常努力地学习数学。我打算非常努力地学习数学。 Im _ _ _ _ really hard. grow up to be be an engineer are going do going to study math 5. 你想去哪里工作?你想去哪里工作? _ _ you going to work? 6. 我打算搬到上海。我打算搬到上海。 Im _ _ _ to Shanghai. 7. 你打算从什么时候开始?你打算从什么时候开始? When _ you _ to _? 8. 我打算读完中学和大学

22、后开始。我打算读完中学和大学后开始。 Im going to _ _ I _ high school and _. start when finish college Where are going to move are going start be going to+动词原形结构动词原形结构 be (am, is, are) going to + 动词原形动词原形: 一般将来时一般将来时的一种表达方式的一种表达方式 表示打算、计划做某事或即将发生某事。表示打算、计划做某事或即将发生某事。如:如: He is going to buy her some flowers. (打算、计划做某事打

23、算、计划做某事) Oh, its going to rain. (即将发生某事即将发生某事) be going to后接动词原形后接动词原形, 其中其中be根据主语的不同变成相应根据主语的不同变成相应 的的am, is或或are。如:如: I am going to have a birthday party. He is going to learn a foreign language. They are going to sell their house. 肯定句形式:主语肯定句形式:主语 + be going to + do sth. 一般疑问句形式:一般疑问句形式: be +主语主语

24、 + going to + do sth.? 否定句形式:主语否定句形式:主语 + be + not +going to + do sth. be going to + 动词动词 原形原形 句型句型 结构结构 特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?一般疑问句? They are going to act in the play. Are they going to act in the play? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Jane is not / isnt going to see a movie. What is he

25、going to do next Sunday? He is going to read books. 【运用运用】根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 1. She is going to visit the museum. (用用her parents代替代替she改写句改写句 子子) _ _ _ going to visit the museum. 2. The boy is cleaning his room. (用用be going to改写句子改写句子) The boy _ _ _ _ his room. 3. We are

26、going to climb the mountain. (改为否定句改为否定句) We _ _ to climb the mountain. 4. Dale is going to swim in the pool. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定及否改为一般疑问句并作肯定及否 定回答定回答) -_ Dale _ to swim in the pool? -_, he _. /_, he _. Her parents are is going to clean No isnt arent going Is going Yes is 将来时也可以用将来时也可以用 “be + doing ”来表达来表

27、达 ,表示按,表示按 计划和安排即将发生的动作,语气较婉转,动计划和安排即将发生的动作,语气较婉转,动 词多是一些词多是一些“来、去来、去”移动词。移动词。如:如: go, come, leave, start, move, sail, arrive, reach, return, drive, travel, remain, land He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 他明天去北京。他明天去北京。 The plane is landing soon. 飞机即将着陆。飞机即将着陆。 注意:注意: _1. My friend wants to be an e

28、ngineer. _2. My brother wants to be an actor. _3. I want to be a scientist. _4. My sister wants to be a school teacher. _5. Those boys want to be soccer players. _6. My friend and I want to be singers. _7. My cousin wants to be a cook. _8. I want to be a race car driver. e h f d a c g b 3a Match wha

29、t these people want to do with what they are going to do. a.Theyre going to practice every day. b.Im going to buy a fast car c.Were going to take singing lessons. d.Shes going to study education. e.Shes going to study math. f. Im going to study science. g.Hes going to a cooking school. h.Hes going t

30、o take acting lessons. A: Kelly, what do you want to be you grow up? B: I to be a doctor. A: Wow! are you going to do that? B: Im to study medicine at a university. A: Hmmsounds difficult. _are you_ to study? B: Im going to in London. A: are you going to start? B: Im going to next September. when wa

31、nt How going Where going study When start Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation. 3b Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner. 3c What Where How When A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a reporter. A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to write a

32、rticles and send them to magazines and newspapers. , , or a why not , be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be , or a why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be Be what you wanna be 成为你想成为的那个人成为你想成为的那个人 doctor actor lawyer singer president policeman fire fighter postman


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