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1、Module 1 20202020秋外秋外研版五年级研版五年级英语上册优质课件英语上册优质课件 Unit1 Unit2 Unit1 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版外研版英语英语五五年级年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 1 Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? 第一课时 Did you have a good summer holiday? Where did you go? What did you do? Free talk. Gues

2、s: Where did I go and what did I do on summer holiday? I went to London. go-went I met a friend. meet-met We visited the London Eye and Big Ben. visit-visited We saw many old buildings. see-saw Listen and chant. Watch the video and chant with it. Lingling went to London Town. She met John, a little

3、boy. They visited the London Eye, and saw the city from above the ground. Lets chant together. Lingling went to London Town. 此句是一般过去时态的句子,表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的事 情或存在的状态。Went 是实义动词 go 的过去式。 I did my homework. I was young in this picture. 例 句型结构: 主语 + 过去式+ 其他。 Is Lingling a Chinese? Where is she now? When

4、 did she go? Listen, read and act out. Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. They met John one day. Lets see what happened. Watch the video. Listen and answer. 1. Did Amy come back to London yesterday? No, she didnt. 2. Does John live near Amy and Sam? Yes, he does. 3. Did Lingling drop her ice cr

5、eam? Yes, she did. Did Amy come back yesterday? today yesterday last Sunday 指一指指一指 today yesterday last Sunday last Saturday last week last weekend last month last year 开火车开火车 以列为单位,从每列第一位以列为单位,从每列第一位 同学开始,每人说一个表示过去同学开始,每人说一个表示过去 的时间词,后面的同学不能重复。的时间词,后面的同学不能重复。 先说完的那列同学获胜。先说完的那列同学获胜。 Game. Did you co

6、me back yesterday? No, we came back last Sunday. I dropped my ice cream! go to school yesterday today I go to school by bike today. I went to school by bus yesterday. meet my friend last Sunday I met my friend in the park last Sunday. visit the Great Wall on summer holiday I visited the Great Wall o

7、n summer holiday. visit my grandparents on winter holiday I visited my grandparents on winter holiday. see many flowers last Saturday I saw many flowers in the park last Saturday. now past meet met visit visited see saw come came drop dropped went go come came I came back last Monday. Practise. Desc

8、ribe what you did last Sunday. I went to Beijing. I visited the Birds Nest. Did you come back yesterday? Yes, I did. Describe what you did last Sunday. I went to a village with my mother. Its beautiful. I dropped my orange juice. Did you come back yesterday? No, I didnt. I came back last Sunday. 每人把

9、自己昨天做的事情画或写到一张纸上,然后请 小组其他同学用Did you?来猜。被猜的同学用Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.回答。猜中的同学和你心有灵犀,是 你最好的朋友。 Practise. What happened with Lingling? Lingling dropped her ice cream. I dropped my ice cream! _ dropped her/his/our/their ice cream. She/He/We/They Yesterday I visited the zoo. Yesterday Xiaolan visited t

10、he zoo and I met a friend. Yesterday Xiaolan visited the zoo. Xiaoyong met a friend. And I Practise. Read and answer. 1. How many people are there in the dialogue? There are four people in the dialogue. 2. When did Amy come back to London? She came back to London last Sunday. Listen and imitate. Rol

11、e play and act out. Amy: Hello, John. How are you? John: Im fine, thank you. Youre back from China! Amy: Yes, were home. John: Did you come back yesterday? Amy: No, we came back last Sunday. This is our Chinese friend, Lingling. John: Hello, Lingling. Lingling: Hi, John. Do you live in London too? J

12、ohn: Yes, I live near Amy and Sam. Lingling: Amy, look at those ice creams! Lets buy some. John: This is your ice cream, Lingling. Lingling: Thank you! Sam: Were going home now, John. Come with us. Amy: Theres our bus! Finish your ice cream, Lingling. Lingling: Wait for me! John: Hurry up, Lingling.

13、 Run! Lingling: Oh no! I dropped my ice cream! John: Oh no! My new shoes! Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. 这是一个介绍和某人一起在哪里或做某事的句型, 当你想表达和某人一起的时候要用介词 with 来连接。 I went to Beijing with my friend. 例 Did you come back yesterday? No, we came back last Sunday. 这是一个由 did 引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句,询问对方 过去是否做过某事。d

14、id 是助动词 do 的过去式,没有实际意 义,一般用“Yes”或者“No”来回答。 -Did you walk to school yesterday? -No, I didnt. 例 句型结构: Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? Yes, 主语 + did. /No, 主语 + didnt. Make a survey. Name yesterday last Saturday last Sunday -Did you? -Yes, I did./No, I didnt. I Try to do. What have you learnt? 询问他人过去是否做过某事:did 提前

15、 后面动词用原形,末尾要加过去时间。 Yes肯定,No否定,后可再做补充。 do-did, go-went, come-came, 不规则变 化要牢记。 Sum up. 1.将Listen and chant.唱给自己的家人听。 2.听Listen, read and act out.部分录音,模 仿表演。 3.用所学句型Did you?向同伴询问昨天是否 做过什么事情。 Homework Came, came, I came to school by bus. Had, had, I had noodles yesterday. Dropped, dropped, I dropped my

16、ice cream. Visited, visited, I visited the Great Wall! 第二课时 come to school by bus watch TV sweep the floor visit the London Eye A: Did you yesterday? B: Yes, I did./No I didnt. I Pair work. A: Did you do your homework? B: No, I didnt. I washed my fathers car. John: Did you come back yesterday? Amy:

17、No, we came back last Sunday. Lingling: Oh no! I dropped my ice cream! Listen and say. Did you walk to school yesterday? No, I came to school by bus. Did you have rice yesterday? No, I had noodles yesterday. Practise. The London Eye The London Eye goes round and round, round and round, round and rou

18、nd. The London Eye goes round and round, high up in the sky. The people on the Eye say, “ Look at that! Look at that! Look at that!” The people on the Eye say “Look at that!” high up in the sky. Listen and say. Then sing. 一、写出下列动词的过去式。 do _ go _ meet _ drop _ come _ have _ see _ visit _ run _ did we

19、nt met dropped came had saw visited ran Try to do. 二、选一选。 ( ) 1.They _ the London Eye yesterday. A. visit B. visited C. see ( ) 2.Did she _ rice yesterday? A. have B. had C. bought ( ) 3._ they go home by bike? A. Are B. Did C. Does B A B 三、连词成句。 1. dropped, yesterday, she, cap, her (.) _ 2. come, d

20、id, you, back, yesterday (?) _ 3. Sunday, came, back, we, last (.) _ 4. finish, ice, cream, your (.) _ We came back last Sunday. Finish your ice cream. She dropped her cap yesterday. Did you come back yesterday? What have you learnt? Sum up. 询问他人过去是否做过某事:did 提前 后面动词用原形,末尾要加过去时间。 Yes肯定,No否定,后可再做补充。 d

21、o-did, go-went, come-came, 不规则变 化要牢记。 1. visit-visited, walk-walked 2. live-lived, dance-danced 3. drop-dropped 4. study-studied 5. do-did, meet-met, come-came, run-ran, buy- bought, have-had, see-saw, go-went, say-said 动词过去式变化规则动词过去式变化规则 1.听Listen and say.部分录音,模仿表演。 2.跟同伴说一说自己上周末做了什么,根据自 己上周末做的事情做一

22、个海报,与同伴分享。 Homework 外研版外研版英语英语五五年级年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. Whats missing? wait above dropped hurry those finish met Play a game 第一课时 Practise. 连锁反应连锁反应 一列同学一个接一个往下问。 S1: Did you watch TV yesterday? S2: Yes, I did. Did you clean your room yesterday? S3: We know Lingling

23、is in London. What happened to her? Review. Look, listen and say. Lingling is in London now. But, how about her friend Daming? Did Lingling phone Daming? Did she send Daming an email? Did she send a postcard to Daming? Free talk. Watch the video. _ Lingling _ you? No, she _. Listen and fill. Did she

24、 send you an email? No, she didnt. Heres a _ from Lingling. Its for you. Did phone didnt postcard Did she phone you? Did she send you an email? Did she send you a postcard? Yes, she did. No, she didnt. Read, match and say. I have got an email from Lingling. Did Lingling phone you? 这是一般过去时的一般疑问句形式,用来

25、询问他人过去是否做过某事。 -Did he go swimming yesterday? -Yes, he did. 例 -Did she buy a book last Sunday? -No, she didnt. 例 句型结构: Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? Yes, 主语 + did. /No, 主语 + didnt. Did Lingling phone you? No, she didnt. Listen again and read after it. Did she send you an email? No, she didnt. Heres a postcar

26、d from Lingling. Its for you. Lets act out. The postcard is from to . What did Lingling write? Lets see. Lingling Daming Listen and read. Look and fill. Watch the video. Listen and answer the questions. 1. Did Lingling go to the park yesterday? Yes, she did. 2. Did she meet John? Yes, she did. 3. Di

27、d she go home by bus? Yes, she did. Dear Daming: Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran to the bus. And I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes! I was very sorry. love, Lingling Read and

28、 underline. Did Lingling go to the park yesterday? . Did she meet John? . Did they buy ice creams? . Did they go home by bike? . Did Lingling walk to the bus? . Did Lingling drop her ice cream? . No, she didnt. Yes, she did. Yes, she did. Yes, they did. No, they didnt. Yes, she did. Read and answer.

29、 She ran on the playground yesterday. run的过去式 Oh darling, I love you. gowent metmeet boughtbuy wasis ranrun dropdropped I went to the park with Sam and Amy. 这是一般过去时的陈述句形式,表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的 事情或存在的状态。 I did my homework yesterday. 例 I was young in this picture. 例 句型结构: 主语 + 过去式 + 其他。 Retell the story a

30、ccording to the following information. Dear Daming: Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran to the bus. And I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes! I was very sorry. love, Lingling e, ea

31、 Chinese teacher i listen give e tell then a cat apple Listen and repeat. Read and choose. see sea listen bike ten red apple happy 一、选出画线部分读音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. yesterday C. teacher ( ) 2. A. river B. rabbit C. kite ( ) 3. A. meet B. hen C. pen ( ) 4. A. cat B. apple C. class ( ) 5. A. cream

32、 B. bread C. sea B C A C B Try to do. 1. o,e,p,n,h _ 2. m,e,i,l,a _ 3. o,p,t,s,r,c,a,d _ 4. p,r,d,o _ phone email postcard drop 二、将下列字母组合成一个单词。 Did you TV yesterday? Did you yesterday? Did you an email yesterday? watch play football send 三、看图填空。 1. 词汇:ran, email, love 2. 动词过去式:gowent, meetmet, buybo

33、ught, runran, dropdropped 3. 句型:-Did +主语+动词原形+其他? -Yes,主语+did./No,主语+didnt. Sum up. 1.熟读课文。 2.给你的朋友写一封信。说一说自己假期 去了哪里、做了什么事情。 Homework 第二课时 Lingling had a nice holiday. She wrote a letter to Daming. Now show your letter to your friend! Show time. There is a song from Linglings postcard! Lets listen!

34、Listen and say. Then sing. Watch the video. The London Eye goes round and round, round and round, round and round. The London Eye goes round and round, high up in the sky. The people on the Eye say, “Look at that! Look at that! Look at that!” The people on the Eye say “Look at that!” high up in the

35、sky. THE LONDON EYE Listen and sing with it. THE LONDON EYE Lets sing together. The London Eye goes round and round, round and round, round and round. The London Eye goes round and round, high up in the sky. The people on the Eye say, “Look at that! Look at that! Look at that!” The people on the Eye

36、 say “Look at that!” high up in the sky. Hi, Im Xiaohai. Yesterday I bought an ice cream. Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream. Follow and say. Hi, Im Lulu. Yesterday I watched TV. Yesterday Lulu watched TV. Yesterday I bought an ice cream. Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream, Lulu watched and I

37、Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream and I watched TV. Yesterday I visited the zoo. Yesterday Xiaolan visited the zoo and I met a friend. Yesterday Xiaolan visited the zoo. Xiaoyong met a friend. And I Play the game with your friends. Lingling had a nice trip! Do you like a trip? Now talk about a t

38、rip with your friends! Look and say. We went to Shanghai last Friday. We came back last Sunday. Did you go there by train? No, we went there by plane. Did you go to the Huangpu River? Yes, we did. Answer the questions. 1.Did he go to Shanghai last Friday? Yes, he did. 2.Did he come back last Sunday?

39、 Yes, he did. 3.Did he go there by train? No, he went there by plane. 4. Did he go to the Huangpu River? Yes, he did. We went to Shanghai last Friday. We came back last Sunday. We went there by plane. And we went to the Huangpu River. We went to We came back. We went there . And we . We went to We c

40、ame back. We went there . And we . Chain game. Rules: 小组内,轮小组内,轮 流流根据所给句型说根据所给句型说 一说自己一说自己的旅行的旅行, 速度快且说得最准速度快且说得最准 确的小组获胜。确的小组获胜。 一、根据句意,选词填空。 Yesterday I 1._ to the park with Sam and Amy. We 2._ John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We 3._ ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I 4._ to the bus

41、. And I 5._ my ice cream on Johns new shoes! bought went ran met dropped went met bought ran dropped Try to do. 二、匹配问句与答语。 ( ) 1. When did you go to the park? A. On foot. ( ) 2. Did you buy a new car? B. Last Sunday. ( ) 3. How did you go there? C. No, I didnt. ( ) 4. Did your father visit D. I went

42、 there by plane. your grandpa? ( ) 5. How did you come back home? E. Yes, he did. B C D E A 句型:Yesterday, Xiaohai bought an ice cream. Lulu watched TV and I We went to Shanghai last Friday. We came back last Sunday. -Did you go there by train? -Now, we went there by plane. Sum up. 1.将The London Eye唱给自己的家人听。 2.用所学句型向同伴介绍你假期都做了什么。 Homework


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