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1、Module 8 20202020秋外秋外研版五年级研版五年级英语上册优质课件英语上册优质课件 Unit1 Unit2 Unit1 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版外研版英语英语五五年级年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 8 Unit 1 What time does your school start ? 第一课时 A GOOD FRIEND I cant sing and I cant dance. I cant fly to the moon. But I can be

2、 a very good friend, a very good friend to you. I cant row a boat or bake a cake. I cant ride a bike. But I can be a very good friend, a very good friend to you. I cant read and I cant write. I cant speak a word. But I can be a very good friend to you. Woof, woof, woof ! Lets chant. swim carry a des

3、k ride a bike read books loudly play chess draw pictures I can_. Lets say. Whats the time now? Its five oclock. What time is it? Its three oclock. Listen and chant. Watch the video. 上学 上课 start Back Find and fill. What are they talking about? Listen, read and act out. Watch the video. 1. Why does Am

4、y want to go to bed? Because she doesnt want to be late for school. 2. What time does Amys school start? Her school starts at nine oclock in the morning. 3. What time does Amy get up? She gets up at half past seven. Listen and answer the questions. 4. Does Amy do exercise every morning? 5. Does Amy

5、skip in the playground? 6.Does Lingling like Amy skipping with her? No, she doesnt. Yes, she does. Yes, she does. Amy: Lets go to bed, Lingling. I dont want to be late for school tomorrow. Lingling: Whats the time now? Amy: Its nine oclock. Listen and read after it. Lingling:What time does your scho

6、ol start? Amy:My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. Lingling:What time do you get up? Amy:I get up at half past seven. Lingling:Ill get up at half past seven too. Do you walk to school? Amy:Yes, I do. Our house is very near the school. Lingling: Do you do exercise every morning? Amy: No, w

7、e dont. We play in the playground before nine oclock. Lingling: Do you skip in the playground? Amy: Yes, I do. Join me tomorrow! Lets take my skipping rope. Amy: I like coffee. I like tea. I like Lingling skipping with me. Lingling: I like coffee. I like tea. I like Amy skipping with me. Amy:Thats f

8、antastic, Lingling! You can skip very well. What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. 详解:此句用于询问做某事的具体时间,what time意为“几 点;什么时候”,用来询问做某事的具体时间。does为助动 词。当主语不是第三人称单数时,does应改为do。答语中具 体时间的前面要用介词at。 What time does the show begin? At eight oclock. 例 I like coffee. I li

9、ke tea. I like skipping with my friend. Group work. I like. I like . I like .ing with my friend. 四人一组,其中两人扮演 Amy 和 Lingling 进行动作表演,另外两人进行配音,哪组配合的 最默契则获胜。 Game. ( )1.be late for A. 迟到 B. 晚睡觉 ( )2.go to bed A. 上床睡觉 B. 睡着了 ( )3.do exercises A. 锻炼 B. 做练习 ( )4.in the playground A. 在操场里 B. 在操场上 一、我能选出下面词组

10、的汉语意思。 Try to do. A A B B 二、连词成句。 1. want, dont, be, I , to, late(.) _ 2. now, time, it, is, What(?) _ 3. Lingling, to, go, Lets, bed(.) _ 4. time, start, school, does, What, your(?) _ I dont want to be late. What time is it now? Lets go to bed, Lingling. What time does your school start? 1.重点词汇:exe

11、rcise, playground, before 2.重点句式: What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. Do you every morning? Sum up. 1. 谈谈自己心目中的理想学校。 2. 制作自己一天的timetable。 Homework 第二课时 Get up, get up, I get up. Go to school, go to school, I go to school. Do homework, do homework, I do m

12、y homework. Watch TV, watch TV, I like watching TV. Go to bed, go to bed, I must go to bed. Say and do. A: What time does your school start? B: My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. A: What time do you get up? B: I get up at half past seven. Listen and say. What does he do every day? Pract

13、ise. get up go to school do homework watch TV seven thirty half past eight half past five seven oclock What time is it now? What time do you get up? I get up at. What time do you. I . get up go to school do homework go to bed watch TV go to bed seven thirty half past eight nine oclock half past five

14、 seven oclock Group work. What time does he/she. He/She . get up go to school do homework go to bed watch TV go to bed seven thirty half past eight nine oclock half past five seven oclock get up have breakfast go to school watch TV do homework go to bed Lily 6:30 7:00 Make a survey. Lily gets up at

15、half past six. She has breakfast at seven oclock. Group report. 1._ 2._ 3. _4. _ 一、根据图片提示,写出短语。 go to school watch TV do homework go to bed Try to do. 二、连一连。 My sister goes to bed at ten oclock. I watch TV at seven oclock. Li Chao does her homework at half past five. Wang Jun gets up at half past se

16、ven. My brother goes to school at half past eight. 英国人吃饭的规矩 英国的饭菜简单,但是吃饭的规矩复杂。最主要的 是坐直,学别人的样,吃饭的时候不准高高兴兴地问别 人,并和别人不停地交谈。每个人不能把自己使用的匙 子留在汤盆或咖啡杯或其他菜盘上。汤匙应放在汤盆的 托碟上,咖啡匙要放在茶托上。喝汤时最好不弄出响声, 并用匙的一侧从里往外舀,不能用匙头,更不能端着汤 盆把盆底剩的汤全喝光。不论吃什么东西,都尽量别弄 出声响,否则,就会被认为是不懂规矩。每餐一般只上 一道主菜和沙拉,最后上一道甜食。 如果客人没有吃饱,可向女主人夸赞她做的美味并 再

17、要点鸡肉、牛排或其他菜,女主人会多加一份菜给他, 但不再多加。不能在别人面前打饱嗝。端上咖啡时要就 着杯子喝,咖啡匙要放在托盘上。不能在餐桌上抽烟。 吃完饭,客人要将餐巾放在餐桌上,然后站起来。男士 们要帮女士们挪开椅子。如果主人还要留客人再吃一顿 饭,餐巾可按原来的折痕折好。餐后,客人要坐上一两 个小时,然后向主人道别。 重点短语:get up, go to school, do homework, watch TV, go to bed 重点句式:What time do you do sth? I do sth at. Sum up. 1. 和同桌练习对话。 Homework 2.回家问

18、问爸爸妈妈一天的生活时间安排。 外研版外研版英语英语五五年级年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school. 第一课时 exercise skippingrope You say you do. Walk, walk, walk to school. Run, run, run to the zoo. Jump, jump, jump like a rabbit. Play, play, play in the playground. Amy walks to school, too. Lets

19、see! Listen and chant. Watch the video. Free talk. 中国学校中国学校oror英国学校英国学校 Students start school at eight oclock. China Students play in the playground before nine oclock. England Differences between you and me I get up at 7:00 this morning. I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning. I get up at What did Ling

20、ling do yesterday? Lets go and see together. Listen and read. Watch the video. Listen and choose. 1)School starts at 9 oclock._ 2)The children do morning exercises._ 3)The children play in the playground._ A.England B.China A B A 1.What time do children start school in the UK? 2.What do children do

21、in the playground? 3.What did Lingling do with the girls? In the UK they start school at nine oclock. They all play in the playground. She skipped with the girls. Listen again and answer. 15 Marling Street London, NW2 UK Dear Daming, Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school. In the UK they don t star

22、t school at eight o clock. They start at nine o clock. They dont do morning exercises here. They all play in the playground. I skipped with the girls. The bell rang at nine oclock. Then we went into the classroom. Love, Lingling Listen and read after it. 15 Marling Street London, NW2 UK Dear Daming,

23、 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school. In the UK they don t start school at eight o clock. They start at nine oclock.They dont do morning exercises here. They all play in the playground. I skipped with the girls. The bell rang at 9 oclock. Then we went into the classroom. Love, Lingling 称呼称呼 信的正文

24、信的正文 签名签名 地址地址 Read and Fill in the blanks. Dear Sam, Yesterday I _ to Linglings school. In China they dont start school at _. They start at _ oclock. They dont play in the _. They do _here. The bell _ at eight oclock. Then we went into the _. Love, Amy went nine oclock eight playground morning exer

25、cises rang classroom 一、汉译英。 1.做早操_ 2.在教室里_ 3.在操场上_ 4.在英国_ 5.在学校附近_ do morning exercises in the classroom in the playground in England near the school Try to do. 二、根据句子提示写出下列各句描述的是英国学校“E” 的习惯还是中国学校“C”的习惯。 ( )1.The school starts at nine oclock. ( )2.The school finishes at half past four. ( )3.The chil

26、dren all play in the playground. ( )4.The school starts at eight oclock. E C E C 重点句式: Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school. I skipped with the girl. The bell rang at nine oclock. Then we went into the classroom. Sum up. 写一封信给你的朋友介绍你们学校的 情况。 Homework 第二课时 Look! What time is it now? Its three oclo

27、ck. What do you do at three oclock? I have Music at three oclock. Mime, ask and answer. Look! What time is it now? Its three oclock. What do you do at three oclock? I have at three oclock. Name Time Classes A 3 oclock Music B C D Make a survey. Name Time Classes A 3 oclock Music B C D Make a report.

28、 A has Music at three oclock. B What do you do at eight oclock every weekday? I go to school. Did you go to school at eight oclock yesterday? No, I didnt. I went swimming. Make a timetable. Then ask and answer. Every weekday Yesterday 8:00 go to school went swimming 10:00 do morning exercises played

29、 basketball 17:30 go home did homework 21:30 go to bed watched TV Do and say. What do you do at oclock every weekday? I . Did you yesterday? No, I didnt. Every weekday Yesterday 8:00 go to school went swimming 10:00 do morning exercises played basketball 17:30 go home did homework 21:30 go to bed wa

30、tched TV Group work. Time weekend Yesterday 7:20 go to school. . 10:00 17:30 21:30 Make your own timetable. 找找 规 sun rice juice house head hear s h 律 找找 规 this mother that zoo nose those z 律 找找 规 fish shoe shorts red river robot r 律 s, c z, s th sh r h sun zoo this shoe red house rice nose mother fi

31、sh robot head Listen and repeat. 一、选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1.A. rice B. clean C. cloud ( )2.A. this B. that C. mouth ( )3.A. sun B. treasure C. school ( )4.A. zoo B. book C. foot ( )5.A. nose B. son C. start A B C A A Try to do. 二、连词成句。 1.do, do, you, at, what, ten _ 2.yesterday, Did, basketball, play

32、, you _ 3.every, I, TV, day, watch _ What do you do at ten? Did you play basketball yesterday? I watch TV every day. 重点音标:c/s发音s; z/s发音z;th发音 ; sh发 音; h发音h; r发音r 重点句式:What do you do at three oclock? What do you do at .oclock? Did you do sth at.oclock yesterday? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. Sum up. Homework 找找还有哪些单词中c/s发音s、z/s发 音z、th发音、sh发音、r发音r、h 发音h。


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