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1、Module 1 Unit 2 Its at the station. 外研版外研版英语英语四四年级上册年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 第一课时 我是小小足球员我是小小足球员 turn left street lost live turn right go straight on excuse me supermarket beside right cinema left behind rule 老师单击鼠标老师单击鼠标,出现,出现一个单词,看一个单词,看 哪组同学先读出来。先读出哪组同学先读出来。先读出来来后后, 用鼠标单击相应的球,足球射门成用鼠标单击相应的球,足球射门成 功,则功,则可加可

2、加一分一分。 老师在教室的某个地方 放一个东西,一名学生蒙上 眼睛。全班同学一起发出指 令告诉方向。 turn right turn left 找一找找一找 go straight on Watch the video. Listen, point and say. Listen and fill. _ Sam? Hes _ the door. Wheres behind Listen again and read after it. Wheres Sam? Hes behind the door. Play the game with your friends. Do you like Th

3、omas? Today, lets follow Thomas to visit Dodo Island! Listen and say. What can you see in the pictures? hill station houses Train, train, its a train. Hill, hill, this is a hill. House, house, theyre houses. Station, station, at the station. Lets chant together. Lets visit Dodo Island with Thomas! W

4、here is the train? up the hill Its up the hill. Lets visit Dodo Island with Thomas! Where is the train? down the hill Its down the hill. Lets visit Dodo Island with Thomas! Where is the train? near the house near Its near the house. Lets visit Dodo Island with Thomas! Where is the train? at the stat

5、ion at Its at the station. Its up the hill. 这是描述某地或某人、某物在哪里的句型。be动词要随 主语的变化而变化。 My school is next to the park. 例 My cat is behind the door. 例 句型结构: 主语 + be + 介词/介词短语 + 其他. Watch the video. Listen and read after it. Wheres the train? Its near the house. Wheres the train? Its at the station. Its up th

6、e hill. Its down the hill. Wheres the train? Wheres the train? Listen and number the pictures. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 Read in roles according to the following information. Amy: Tom: Amy: Tom: Amy: Tom: Amy: Tom: Wheres the train? Its up the hill. Wheres the train? Its down the hill. Wheres the trai

7、n? Its near the house. Wheres the train? Its at the station. Lets act out. I say you do. 一名学生说本节课学习的短语或者 句子,另一个学生表演相应的动作。 Its up the hill Practise. 一、选一选。 ( ) 1. The girl is behind the door. ( ) 2. The train is up the hill. ( ) 3. The train is down the hill. ( ) 4. Go straight on. A B C D B A D C Tr

8、y to do. 二、填一填。 1. The supermarket is _ the park. 2. Lingling lives _ No. 2 Park Street. 3. Go straight _, and you will see the library. 4. The book is _ the bag. 5. The train is _ the hill. A. at B. in C. near D. on E. up C A D B E 三、看图回答问题。 1.How many boys are there? 2.Where are they? 3.Where is t

9、he train? There are three boys. They are down the hill. It is up the hill. 1. 词汇:hill, house, station, train, up, down, near. 2. 句型:Where is? Hes/Its Sum up. 1.听录音,背诵活动二的对话。 2.结合本课内容创编一个新对话,并与同伴表 演出来 。 Homework 第二课时 Lets do and chant. Up, up, up the hill. Down, down, down the hill. Near, near, near

10、the house. At, at, at the station. Lets review. The train is going. Where is the train? First, it is ( ) the hill. Second, its ( ) the hill. Then, its ( ) the house. At last, its ( ) the station. up down near at The bus is up the hill. The bus is down the hill. The bus is near the park. The bus is a

11、t the station. Read and match. Then say. Describe the pictures. The bus is Read and translate. 1. left foot _ 2. right foot _ 3. all day _ 4. all night _ 5. come on _ 左脚左脚 右脚右脚 整天整天 整夜整夜 加油加油 Listen and say. Then chant. Watch the video. Listen and fill. _ foot, _ foot, left foot, right. _ all day, a

12、nd marching all _. _ straight on, now _ _. Left foot, right foot, Left foot, right. _ _, kids! Youre _ all right! Left right Marching night Go turn right Come on doing Listen and chant with it. Left foot, right foot, Left foot, right foot, left foot, right. left foot, right. Marching all day, Come o

13、n, kids! and marching all night. Youre doing all right! Go straight on, now turn right. Lets chant together. Left foot, right foot, Left foot, right foot, left foot, right. left foot, right. Marching all day, Come on, kids! and marching all night. Youre doing all right! Go straight on, now turn righ

14、t. Go srtaight on! Listen and do. Station Zoo Supermarket Park School Cinema Zoo Supermarket Cinema Park School Wheres the supermarket? Go straight on. Turn left. Draw, ask and answer. Make new dialogues. Park School zoo Station supermarket Cinema 三人一组,两人问路,一人指路,编小对话。 beside, near, next to near表示“靠近

15、,在旁边”,距离稍微远一些。 There is a book beside the pen. 钢笔旁边有一本书。 例 The bedroom is next to the bathroom. 例 beside表示“在旁边,靠近”,距离稍微近一些。 I live near the park. 我在公园附近住。 例 next to表示“与相邻,紧挨着”,距离更近些。 用英语问路指路小指南 1. 在向人问路之前,一般先说句“Excuse me.”, 这样一方面可引起对方注意,另一方面又显得比较客气。 “Excuse me.”,译成汉语不一定总是“对不起”, 有时也可译为“劳驾”、“请问”等。若对方讲

16、的话你 没听清,你可以说“I beg your pardon?”(用升调) 或Would you please say it again? Im afraid I didnt quite catch you. 问完路之后,应向指路人表示感谢。 2. “向左(右)拐”英语有两种常见的说法:turn left(right)或turn to the left(right)。表示“在左(右) 边”,英语用介词on。如:Turn left and walk on, and soon youll see a tall building on the left. 另外,按照我 国的交通规则是“行人靠右”,而

17、在英国你会看到这样的 交通标牌“Keep to the left.” 3. 有时人们在给对方指路后,还会加上一些句子,以表 示他的引路信息介绍完毕。如:You cant miss it. You are sure to get there. You cant go wrong. 一、交际小高手。 ( ) 1. 你想知道Sam在哪里,你会这样问Amy: A. Where are you? B. Where is Sam? ( ) 2. 你看到一辆车正在爬坡,你会说: A. Look! A train is up the hill. B. Look! A train is down the hil

18、l. ( ) 3.你的车坏在车站附近,修车人打电话问你车在哪,你会说: A. Its at the station. B. My car is near the station. B A B Try to do. ( ) 4. 你想告诉别人你的房子在一个车站附近,你会说: A. My house is near the station. B. A station is near my house. ( ) 5. 你看到一只老虎正在下山,你赶紧打电话给警察说: A. Its up the hill. B. A tiger is down the hill. A B 二、根据图上的路线,重新将下面

19、句子进行排序。 1. And turn right. 2. Excuse me. Wheres the zoo, please? 3. Thank you so much. 4. Go straight on. 5. Youre welcome. zoo 2 4 1 3 5 三、译一译。 1. Its up the hill. _ 2. Go straight on and turn left. _ 3. Excuse me, where is the train station, please? _ 4. Its near the house. _ 它它在在上山上山。 直直走走,然后然后左转。左转。 你好,请问火车站在哪里?你好,请问火车站在哪里? 它在房子附近。它在房子附近。 1. 短语:go straight on, turn left/right, excuse me. 2. 句型:-Excuse me. Wheres the, please? -Turn left/right. Go straight on Sum up. 1.将活动四的韵句唱给自己的把爸爸妈妈听。 2.结合本课所学创编一个新对话,并与同伴表 演出来。 Homework


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