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1、外研版外研版英语英语三年级三年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 5 Unit 1 How many? 第一课时 desk dog panda chair door bird cat cap boy girl Revision. black blue yellow green red orange purple how many New words. one 一一 one cap two 二二 two cats three 三三 three dogs four 四 four birds five 五 five apples six 六 six balls seven 七 seven

2、pandas eight 八 eight girls Game. eight how many four seven four two three how many five two five one six rule 老师单击鼠标,会出现一个单词,老师单击鼠标,会出现一个单词, 看哪组同学先看哪组同学先读并说出意思。读并说出意思。先先 读并说对意思的读并说对意思的同学,用鼠标单同学,用鼠标单 击相应的球,足球射门成功,则击相应的球,足球射门成功,则 可累积加一分。(点击此处文档可累积加一分。(点击此处文档 消失消失) ) 抢答我最棒抢答我最棒 Watch the video. One, tw

3、o, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Listen, point and say. Listen again and read after it. How many? Two. How many? Four. 同桌中一人任意指着课本上的某幅画,问: How many?另一人用one,two,three,four, five,six,seven,eight回答。 Pair work. Watch the video. How many? One! Four! Five! Two! Three! Six! Sev

4、en! Eight! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Listen, point and find “one” to “eight”. How many? One! Four! Five! Two! Three! Six! Seven! Eight! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Listen and read after it. Try to say. How many? _! One _! _! _! _! _! _! _! Two Three Four Fiv

5、e Six Seven Eight One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! 选一选。 ( ) 1. How many? _. A. one B. cap C. Two C Try to do. ( ) 2. _? Eight. A. Whats your name B. How are you C. How many C What have you learnt? 1. 1到8八个数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight 2. 询问数量及回答: How many ? 数字. Sum

6、 up. 1.用英语从1数到8。 2.请家长在家中指出一些物品,来练习句型 “ How many ? 数字.”。 Homework 第二课时 How many? One, two, three, four, five, six! Pair work -How many? - 眼疾脑快眼疾脑快 老师随意出示手指,也可以在黑板上写出数字,问:How many?同学们要根据看到的数字回答,看谁反应最快,最快 的加分奖励。 Game. Listen and say. Match and say. one seven two three five four eight six Practise. Wri

7、te and say. 西方人眼中的数字 生活中的数字无处不在,但是有些数字带有固定的象征 意义。由于中西方国家文化背景和风俗习惯的不同,它的意 义和用法也有很大的差异。就像咱们中国人偏爱数字8和6, 忌讳4一样,西方人认为3和7是大吉大利的数字,会给人带 来幸福和快乐。西方文化认为世界是由大地,海洋与天空三 者合成的;大自然由动物,植物和矿物构成,所以他们就特 别喜欢3这个数字。 西方人眼中的数字 但是西方人认为13是个不祥的数字。重大活动不安排在 13号,请客避免13人入席,电影院里没有第13排和13号座位。 这是因为耶稣受难的前夜,和12个门徒共进晚餐,师徒13人 中出现了一个叛徒犹大,

8、因此,信封基督教的民族都认为13 是个不祥的数字。 根据图片选择数词。 A. one B. three C. six D. eight E. two F. four G. seven H. five ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) C F E H B D A G Try to do. 1. 1到8八个数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight 2. 询问数量及回答: How many ? 数字. Sum up. 1.新单词要求会听,会读,会说。 2.和同桌玩伸手指游戏,互相提问How many? 并回答。 3.用英语说出自己爸爸妈妈的电话号码。 Homework


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