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1、外研版外研版英语英语三年级三年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 5 Unit 2 Nine girls? 第一课时 +1 +3 +5 4 与与老老 师合师合 影影 +2 全班全班 鼓掌鼓掌 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Revision. 5 Choose and say numbers. How many? Two. How many? Eight. How many? One, two, three, four, five! How many? One, two, three! Lets Chant How many? How many? One. One. One. How m

2、any? How many? Two. Two. Two. How many? How many? Three. Three. Three How many? How many? Four. Four. Four. How many? How many? Five. Five. Five. How many? How many? Six. Six. Six. How many? How many? Seven. Seven. Seven. How many? How many? Eight. Eight. Eight. Watch the video. How many? One, two,

3、three, four, five. Five! How many? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and ? Listen, point and say. Try to say. _? One, two, three, four, five. _! How many? One, two, _, four, five, six, seven, _ and ? How many Five eight three Listen and read after it. Role play and act out. nine 九 nine

4、chairs New Words. ten 十 ten Teddy bears eleven 十一 eleven eggs twelve 十二 twelve colours Minesweeper Game. one two four twelve nine eleven eight five six nine twelve seven three nine eleven ten twelve nine ten ten 看到数字下有“炸弹”就只能拍三下手。 desk dog panda chair door bird cat cap boy girl Revision. girl girls

5、boy boys cat cats dog dogs bird birds panda pandas cap caps 我最快我最快 老师准备动物或物体的卡片,出示卡片,学生快速答出单 词及复数形式,回答最快的同学加分。 Game. How many birds? One, two, three, four, five, six! Six birds? Oh! Seven. How many dogs? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! Nine dogs? Oh! Ten. Watch the video. How m

6、any girls? seven, eight, nine! Nine girls? Oh! Ten. How many boys? six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven! Eleven boys? Oh! Twelve. Listen and say. Try to say. _ girls? seven, eight, nine! _? Oh! Ten. _ boys? six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven! _? Oh! Twelve. How many Nine girls Eleven boys How many

7、 Listen and read after it. Role play and act out. 连词成句。 1. pandas, many, How (?) _ 2. two, four, six, five, One, three (!) _ How many pandas? One, two, three, four, five, six! Try to do. What have you learnt? 1. nine, ten, eleven, twelve, boys, girls 2. 询问数量及回答: How many ? / How many+复数名词? 数字. Sum u

8、p. 1. 练习本课单词,快速从1数到12。 2. 制作动物或物体图片,请家长出示图片, 在家用“ How many ? / How many dogs? 数字.”造句。 Homework 第二课时 three six two ten seven four one five eight twelve nine eleven 眼疾脑快眼疾脑快 3 6 2 10 7 4 1 5 8 12 9 11 眼疾脑快眼疾脑快 Eleven. Nine. Listen and do. Watch the video. Listen and say. Then sing and do the actions.

9、Lets sing together. TEN LITTLE FINGERS One little, two little, three little fingers, four little, five little, six little fingers, seven little, eight little, nine little fingers, ten fingers on my hands. How many chairs? Eight chairs. How many caps? Twelve caps. How many dogs? How many cats? How ma

10、ny red caps? How many blue caps? Play the game. Count and answer. How many girls? Six. Make a number poster. Then ask and answer. Write and say. 在中国“8”是最吉祥数字 幸运数字一直以来在中国的文化中扮演着重要的角色, 紫禁城据说就有9999个房间。另外,在挑选住所、电话号码, 甚至在挑选生日的时候,吉祥数字都是要考虑的因素。偶数 要比奇数更加吉祥。“2”意味着“和谐”,“6”寓意“顺 利”。最大的个位奇数“9”代表了“长久”。 在中国“8”是最吉祥

11、数字 但“8”才是最为吉祥的数字。数字“8”与广东话中 的“发”是谐音,意味着繁荣、财富和地位。尽管对数字的 这种认识起源于南方,但现在这个观念在北方也很流行。在 北京,如果想得到含有多个“8”的电话号码,必须要多付 钱。房地产项目中的8也很抢手,而面向外国顾客销售的楼 盘一般都不设13层,面向中国人的则不设4层和14层。 一、选择题。 1. How many _? A. dog B. dogs 2. How many? _. A. cat B. Nine B B Try to do. 3. _ desks? Seven. A. How many B. Whats A 二、算一算。 1.ten

12、 - six= 2. eleven - five= 3. three + five= 4. six + six= 5. twelve four= 6. four + six= four six eight twelve eight ten 三、数一数,填一填。 How many _? _. How many _? _. cats Six caps Twelve How many _? _. How many _? _. dogs Seven pandas Three 1. little, fingers, dogs, cats, caps 2. 询问数量及回答: How many ? / How many + 复数名词? 数字. Sum up. 1.听Listen and say录音并跟读模仿。 2.唱Ten little fingers歌给自己家人听。 2.课后和同伴用句型How many+复数名词?指 着熟悉的物品提问,并用所学的数词回答 。 Homework


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