2024新人教版七年级上册《英语》Starter Unit(1-3)单词讲义.docx

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1、2024新教材七上单词讲义Stater Unit(1-3)Starter Unit11. starter unit 过渡单元 拓展:start stt v. 开始; 启动; 创办; 从开始 n.开端; 第三人称单数: starts; 过去式: started;必备搭配: start sth. I start work at nine.我每天九点开始工作 start to do sth. 开始做某事My classmates start to do their homework .我的同学开始做他们的作业。 start doing sth.开始做某事 (与start to do区分不明显,可以互

2、换使用)I start reading the storybook for the little baby. start with以开始Our day starts with a cup of coffee.我们的一天从一杯咖啡开始。2. section seknn. 部分; 部件; 章节; 复数:sections section A /BThat section of the road is still closed.那段公路依旧封闭 填空:在这一部分,你将听到两篇文章 In this section you will hear two passages.3. greet / rit / v

3、. 招呼,问候,欢迎,迎接; 必备短语:greet sb问候某人Here are three things about how Chinese greet the Start of Summer.以下是有关中国人迎接立夏到来的三件事。 填空:想想我们是如何问候别人的。Think about how we greet people .4. spell / spel/ v.用字母拼,拼写第三人称单数spells 现在分词spelling 过去式spelt或spelledHow do you spell potato? “potato”怎么拼写?Bob: Can you spell it, plea

4、se? 鲍勃:“你能拼写一下它吗?” 汉译英:你怎样拼写你的名字?(课文原句) How do you spell your name? “potato”怎么拼写? How do you spell potato? 5. conversation/ knvse()n /n.谈话,交谈 复数conversations 必备短语:have conversations with 与交谈 填空:你用英语同你的朋友对话吗?Do you have conversations with your friends in English?弄清楚人们是如何开始他们的对话的。(课文原句)Find out how pe

5、ople start their conversations ?6. bell/ bel /n.钟,铃;钟声,铃声(the bell);v.发出响铃(或敲钟)般的声音。He heard the school bell ring. 他听见学校的铃响了。I rang the bell, but there was no answer.我按了门铃,但没有人应门。Starter Unit21. bottle/ bt()l / n.瓶子;一瓶(的量);v.装瓶; 复数:bottles a bottle of 一瓶This is our last bottle of water.这是我们最后的一瓶水了。

6、趁热打铁:一瓶牛奶在桌子上A bottle of milk is on the table.2. eraser/ rez(r) /n.橡皮擦,黑板擦 复数erasers There is an eraser and a blue watch in the box.盒子里有一块橡皮和一块蓝色的手表。 趁热打铁:填空艾伦,我在你的椅子下面发现了一块红色的橡皮Allan, I found a red eraser under your chair.3. key / ki /n.钥匙;(电脑、打字机或乐器的)键;关键,要诀; v.键入;成为(获胜)的关键;复数keys 必备搭配:a set of ke

7、ys 一串钥匙 the key to 的关键/ 钥匙Drat! I forgot my key. 真见鬼!我忘带钥匙了。Confidence is the key to success.信心是成功的关键。 趁热打铁:我在桌子上发现一串钥匙I found a set of keys on the table.4. need/ nid /v.需要 n.需要 必备搭配:(观察例句总结用法)Children need their parents.孩子们需要父母。All plants need light and water.一切植物都需要阳光和水。 某人/某物需要. sb/sth need+sth.

8、You need to practise every day. 你需要每天练习。 某人需要做某事Sb. need to do sth. The car needs repairing. 这辆车需要修理了。 某物需要被(物做主语表示被动) Sth. need doing/to be done 趁热打铁:The plant needs watering这植物需要浇水Starter Unit31. fun/ fn /n. 乐趣;快乐 adj.有趣的,令人愉快的funny adj. 有趣的,滑稽的。 必备搭配: (观察例句总结用法)Time flies when youre having fun.你开

9、心的时候,时光飞逝。Im having fun visiting my anut in Canada. 我在加拿大拜访我的姑姑正玩得很开心。Dont make fun of him. 别拿他开玩笑。 过得开心 玩得愉快have fun 做某事很开心have fun doing sth. 取笑(或嘲弄、奚落)某人,拿某人开玩笑make fun of sb.2. yard/ jd /n. 后院,院子;复数yardsI saw him standing in the yard.我看见他站在院子里。3. carrot/ krt /n.胡萝卜;复数carrotsIts eating a carrot.它

10、在吃胡萝卜。He made a snowman with a carrot nose!他堆了一个长着胡萝卜鼻子的雪人!4. goose/ us /n.鹅;鹅肉;复数geese复数oo-ee : foot-feet 脚 tooth-teeth牙齿What colour is the goose?这只鹅是什么颜色?The big white goose became a black goose.这只雪白的大鹅变成了一只黑鹅 拓展:常见复数由oo变ee : foot-feet 脚 tooth-teeth牙齿5. count/ kant /v.(按顺序)数数;计数,重要第三人称单数counts现在分词

11、counting过去式countedLets count bananas.让我们来数香蕉吧。Count to ten.数到十。 趁热打铁:翻译Dont count the days. Make the days count.别只是掰着指头数日子,要让每一天都过得有意义。6. another/ n(r) / pron.又一个,再一个;另一个,adj.再加一个的;另一的,不同的;He took another bite of apple.他又咬了一口苹果。词义辨析:another、other、the other和othersanother通常用来指三者或三者以上中的另一个,既可以作为代词也可以作为

12、形容词。I have finished this book, please give me another.(我已经读完这本书了,请再给我一本。)other表示其他的、另外的,泛指另一个或另一些。作为定语时,通常与可数名词复数连用We learn English, Chinese, Maths and other subjects.(我们学习英语、语文、数学和其他科目。)如果前面有the、some、any、each、every及形容词性物主代词时,可以与可数名词单数连用,例如,every other day(每隔一天)。the other多指两者中的另一个,也可以指三者及以上中剩下的最后一个。

13、可以独立使用,也可以在后面接上名词I have two hands. One is the right hand and the other is left.我们有两只手,一只是右手,另一个是左手。)others是other的复数形式,泛指别的、其他人。=other+可数名词复数,She has more concern for others than for herself.她关心别人胜过关心自己 趁热打铁:I dont like this shirt. Please show me .There are two apples. One is red and is green.Some st

14、udents are reading , are writing.He has eaten one apple. He wants one.I have two pens. One is black and is blue.答案:1. another 2. the other 3. others 4. another 5. the other7. else / els / adv. 此外,其他;别的, adj.其他的,另外的常放在who what something等词后。Would you like anything else?你要点别的什么吗?I didnt know what else

15、to say.我不知道还能再说点什么。Does anyone else want to come? 还有人想来吗?8. circle/ sk()l /n.圆,圆圈,圈子,循环,周期 v.圈出,圈起复数circlesThe children stood in a circle.孩子们站成一圈。He has a small circle of friends.他有一个小小的朋友圈子。 趁热打铁:Circle the names, please.请把名字圈出来。9. look相关短语look at看=have a looklook for寻找look forward to doing期待;盼望做某事

16、look up仰望;查阅;look after照顾;关心look back回顾;回头看look like 看起来像look after照顾look through浏览look out当心 趁热打铁:Please look up the word in the dictionary.请在词典里查阅一下这个词汇。She likes looking through newspapers. 她喜欢浏览报纸。 Look out ! A car is coming. 当心!有辆车开过来了。Hes looking for his pen.他在寻找他的钢笔。Look at the blackboard and

17、 answer the question.看黑板并回答这个问题。You must look after your younger brother when your parents are out.当你父母在外时,你必须照顾你的弟弟。语篇填空:从方框中选择合适单词补全文章,有的需要变形。 eraser bottle greet unit conversation startspell bell thing fun funny sectionIn .1. unit 1, first of all, we learn many useful things. Everyone 2. greets e

18、ach other in the classroom. Then we start our lessons 3. with interesting 4. conversations. We also learn how to spell new words. After that we5. start to make conversations with our partner. When the 6. bell rings, its time for a break. After that, I drink a 7. bottle of milk and use an8. eraser to

19、 correct my mistakes(改正错误). Finally, we all enjoy this unit and are happy to learn new knowledge and skills. We look forward to more exciting 9. things in our English learning journey. Every can have 10. fun in English class.count, circle, fun, cute, relax, carrot,goose, other, look at, different, l

20、ike, yard,In the 1. yard, there are some 2. carrots growing. A 3. goose is walking around. I like to 4. count the number of geese here. Sometimes I go to another yard to play. There, I see different things. 5. Other children are playing games and there are some 6. circles drawn on the ground. I 7. l

21、ook at them and think they are interesting. I always have 8. fun in these yards and enjoy myself a lot. When Im in the yard, I also like to observe the gooses behavior. Its really 9. cute. And I sometimes pick up a carrot and show it to the goose. It seems to be very curious. I feel very 10. relaxed and happy, and it makes my daily life more colorful.


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