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1、新人教版英语七年级上册 Unit 5 Fun Clubs 教材解读该主题属于“人与自我”范畴下的“生活与学习”主题群,涉及子主题内容为“多彩、安全、有意义的学校生活”。本单元的核心语言主要围绕俱乐部、俱乐部的活动、能力介绍等方面展开。涉及俱乐部的介绍(club, choose, drama, join),俱乐部活动(play Chinese chess, musical instrument, paint, climb, act out, nature, beef, take photos, collect, insect, discover, wildlife),描述能力(I can do

2、sth./I cant do sth./Can you do sth.?/What club do you want to join?)等。该单元旨在培养学生本单元的主旨意义在于引导学生认识到学校生活的多彩、安全和有意义,激发他们积极参与学校活动的兴趣,培养他们充实自己的课余生活,提高自己的综合素质。通过本单元的学习,学生能够了解到不同的俱乐部和活动,认识到参加这些活动的意义和价值,从而丰富自己的学校生活,提高自己的生活质量。增强学生对学校生活的热爱。本单元通过介绍各个俱乐部和活动,让学生感受到学校生活的丰富多彩,激发他们对学校生活的热爱,让他们愿意积极参与其中,提高自己的综合素质。培养学生的


4、与学校活动的兴趣,培养他们充实自己的课余生活,提高自己的综合素质。通过本单元的学习,学生能够了解到不同的俱乐部和活动,认识到参加这些活动的意义和价值,从而丰富自己的学校生活,提高自己的生活质量。单元课程标准要求1.词汇:club,join, choose,drum,feeling, news, musical,exactly, drum, activity,paint.,climb, more,act ,interested, nature ,beef, soon, than,mind, for, collect interest, discover, well, life,sing, swi

5、m, run, fast, dance, fly, so ,watch, cook, noodle open,take ,visit, park, when ,share,play ,Chinese ,chess, musical instrument,act ou,t at home, interested in ,more than, fall in love with, take photos/take a photo. 2. 句型: Can you play ping pong? Yes, I can. No, I cant.Can he play the violin?Yes, he

6、 can.No, he cant.Can they play chess? Yes, they can.No, they cant.I can run fast, but I cant swim.Emma can sing well, but she cant play any musical instruments. 3. 灵活使用目标语言询问并回答能做的事情以及想要加入的俱乐部,创编一段对话,用目标语言谈论想要加入的俱乐部,举例阐释对加入俱乐部的理由,认识到每个学科都有自己的价值和听辨并准确认读/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/辅音音标以及带有这些音素的单音节词

7、汇,建立音素意识;4. 听辨并准确认读单词在句子中的失去爆破;在口头表达中做到单词发音清晰、准确,句子5. 理解含有情态动词can表示能力的表意功能,并能正确使用该结构表达自己能做的事情;6.能梳理和归纳情态动词的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及回答的用法。完成一份关于班级同学能做或不能做的事情的简要报告,并且在班级进行汇报。朗读流畅。识别句中失去爆破符号。.7.通过观察语篇形态认识广告类的应用文,理解三则广告俱乐部纳新的事实性信息;梳理、归纳出主题图和结构图,根据结构化图形口头完成广告播报;关联自身的个人信息,写一封俱乐部成员申请信,阐述自己想要加入俱乐部的优势,认识到参加这些活动的意义和价值,从而

8、丰富自己的学校生活设计一份“创造自己的俱乐部”,设计一个你想在学校举办的俱乐部,制作海报进行新成员的纳新,并面试班级同学,为俱乐部找到新成员,参加班级“最受欢迎俱乐部”的评选。并以评价量规规范周课程表的制作。教法导航1. 启发式教学,通过问题引导学生主动思考和探索。2. 情境教学,创设贴近学生生活的情境,促进语言习得3. 情境教学,创设贴近学生生活的情境,促进语言习得。任务型教学布置与学生生活密切相关的任务,促进学生合作学习和实践。4. 结合多媒体教学资源,争抢学生的学习兴趣。5. 鼓励学生参与课堂讨论,培养批判性思维能力,实时进行课堂小结,巩固所学知识。 学法导航1. 预习提前阅读教材,了解

9、单元主体和知识点,圈化,生词难句准备。课堂上向老师提问。2. 复习及时复习数学内容,巩固记忆。结合课后练习和单元测试,查漏补缺。 3. 做笔记认真听讲,记录重要知识点和剧情结构,整理笔记,形成知识体系,便于复习和记忆。 课时分配第1课时: Section A 1a-Pronunciation 2第2课时: Section A 2a-2e第3课时: Grammar Focus第4课时:Section B 1a-1d第5课时: Section B 2a-2b第6课时: ProjectPeriod 1 Section A 1a-Pronunciation2授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课

10、时目标】1. 重点单词:club,join, choose,drama, feeling, news2.重点词组:play Chinese chess,art club, science club.chess club,read with feeling.3.重点句式: I want to join art club.Can you draw? Yes, I can.No, I cant. I can draw well. Teng Fei can play Chinese chess.Sam cant play ping pong. 4.能够通过听获取三段小对话中学生想要加入的社团和理由,以

11、及社团活动的时间和地点,根据所听内容和教材提供的信息,完成细节信息的补充。5.能够使用对话中的句型,询问并回答想要加入的社团及对能力问答的基本信息等;能够在小组内相互礼貌得体地完成角色扮演,语言运用得体、正确。对班级同学想要加入的社团进行调查,完成一次汇报,并在班级展示。6.能正确识别并读出辅音音素(/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/),能正确读出含有以上辅音音素的常见单元音词汇,根据所给的失去爆破的符号,识别并正确读出句子中单词的失去爆破,做到举一反三。【教学重难点】1. Talk about clubs at your school 2. Talk about

12、abilities using can.【教学过程】 Step1Today we are going to learn Unit 5. First lets look at the title and the picture. What are we going to learn this unit? Yes, we are going to learn something about fun clubs. Look at the picture and share the three questions.What are the students doing?What club do you

13、 think they are in?Do you want to join this club?Step2Lets learn about the objectives of this unit. By the end of the unit, we will be able to talk about clubs at school. We will talk about abilities using can. We can find out what people do in different clubs and discover your interests and talents

14、.Step3We are going to learn Section A how to choose a school club. Do you know school clubs? Are you in a school club? Do you want to share? Look at the pictures and talk about the clubs in your school.Step4Lets look at the pictures. Can you tell me something about what the pictures are about? What

15、clubs are they about? Yes, we can see some clubs. Some students are playing chess, some are playing ping-ping. We can else see a boy who makes his face funny. Please match the clubs with the pictures from A to F.Step5Listen to the three conversations and fill in the chart. Which club does each stude

16、nt want to join?Step6Listen to three conversations again and complete the sentences with the words in the box. We are going to listen twice.Teng Fei can_Sam cant _Lin Hua can _Step7Try to repeat after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation.Step8Lets try to role-play the conversation and sho

17、w yourselves in front of the class. Try to use your own words. Practice the conversations with your partner. Then make your own conversations.Hello! I want to join.Great! Can you .?Yes, I can./No, I cant.Step9Interview three classmates and complete the chart, then tell your group about the results.N

18、ameClubReasonsLi Jingjing Swimming clubI can.I cant .Step10Were going to learn about consonant sounds. Lets listen and repeat. Please pay attention to the sounds. What is the pronunciation of /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/?Please write the sounds of the letters in your notebook. What is the pronunc

19、iation of b、g、v、p、t、d、k、f? Please write the sounds of the letters in your notebook.Step11Listen and circle the sentences you hear, then repeat them.I will show you some other words .Look at the words . Listen and repeat. Notice that the letters in brackets are silent. Do you know how to pronounce th

20、e words that are in bracketsStep 12Summary1.We know talk about clubs at school.2.We are able to pronounce the words with/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ and learn about the words that are silent.3.We are able to make up a conversation about how to ask and answer about the clubs that you want to join.

21、Step 13Homework.1.Listen carefully and read the telescript fluently.2.Finish your task paper.3.Search for more information about how to ask and answer about the club you want to join.【板书设计】Period 1 Section A 1a-Pronunciation2What club do you want to join?I want to join art club.Can you draw? Yes, I

22、can.No, I cant.I can draw well.Teng Fei can play Chinese chess.Sam cant play ping pong. play Chinese chessart club science clubchess clubread with feelingPeriod 2 Section A 2a-2e授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1.重点单词:sing,swim,run,fast,dance,news,musical,exactly,drum,ability,paint2.重点词组:want to do,good ne

23、ws,play the guitar,ply the drums,sing well3.重点句式: What club do you want to join? Here is some good news. Do you want to join、What can you do? I can dance but I cant sing.4.能够通过听读对话获取腾飞、彼得和艾玛关于选择学校的社团及能做的事情等信息;能够识别对话中询问并回答能自己对能做的事情以及想要加入的学校社团,并采访同学想要加入的社团及理由,并在班级中完成角色扮演,认识到自己的兴趣和特长,提升愿意主动参加各类活动的意识。5.

24、运用相关语言表达方式,联系自身实际情况,调查同学想要加入的社团及理由,并在班级中完成汇报。【教学重难点】Find out what people do in different clubs【教学过程】Step 1PresentationToday we are going to learn Unit 5. First lets look at the picture. Look at the picture and answer three questions.What is the photo about?What can you see in the picture?Where are t

25、hey?Step 2Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.Step 3Read the conversation and complete the table.nameAbilityEmmaPeterEllaTeng FeiStep 4Listen again and try to repeat after the tape and pay attention to the letters that are silent.Step 5Lets try to role-play the conversation and show yo

26、urselves in front of the class.Step 6Circle can or cant with your own information. Then tick the clubs you want to join. You can add more items.AbilityClub I (can/cant) play a musical instrument.The music clubI (can/cant) swim. The sports clubI (can/cant) play chessThe chess clubI (can/cant) dance w

27、ell.The dance clubStep 8 Lets work in pairs. Talk about what clubs you want to join. A: What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the sport club.A: Can you.?B: Yes, I can./No, I cant. How about you?A: I .Step 9Please work in groups and after that you can show yourselves in front of the class.

28、Lets try to role-play the conversation and show yourselves in front of the class.8. Interview two classmates and take notes.questionClassmate 1Classmate 2What club do you want to join?Can you do sth?What can you do for the club?Give a report on the interview. Use your notes in the chart.wants to joi

29、n . club.He/She can do.He/She is interested in.Step 10Summary1. We know how to talk about clubs at school.2. We are able to abilities using can.3.We are able to make up a conversation about what club you want to join.Step 11 Homework1.Listen carefully and read the telescript fluently.2.Finish your t

30、ask paper.3.Search for more information about your ability and clubs.Period 2 Section A 2a-2e【板书设计】What club do you want to join?Here is some good news.Do you want to join、What can you do? I can dance but I cant sing.want to dogood newsplay the guitar,play the drumssing wellPeriod 3 Grammar Focus授课时

31、间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1. 重点单词:climb,more,fly,so,watch,cake,cook2.重点词组:play ping-pong,play chess,play the violin,like to play3.重点句式:Can you play ping pong? Yes, I can. No, I cant.Can he play the violin?Yes, he can.No, he cant.Can they play chess? Yes, they can.No, they cant.I can run fast, but I can

32、t swim.Emma can sing well, but she cant play any musical instruments. 4.通过观察示例句子,能梳理和归纳询问和回答关于有能力做事情的表达方式,掌握情态动词句式的用法。5.理解含有情态动词can表示能力句式的表意功能,初步建立使用情态动词can描述个人能力的意识,在实践中逐步应用句型。6.能结合自身实际,正确使用情态动词can,完成一份关于班级同学能做或不能做事情的简要报告,并在班级中分享。【教学重难点】正确使用情态动词can【教学过程】Step 1Today we are going to learn the grammar

33、 focus part. Lets read the sentences and find out the rules of sentence patterns. Read the sentences and look at the verbs in bold. Do they change form?They dont change forms.Step 2Read the grammar focus part. Work in groups. Read the sentences. Find out the rules of using can. After that, lets chec

34、k the answers. Work in groups. Lets talk about the rules about can.Step 3Since we have talked about the rules of the use of can. Read the sentences below. Match the two parts to make sentences. Then make more sentences with can. After that, lets check the answers together.A fish can swim. A duck can

35、 swim. A parrot can speak and fly.A dog can run fast.A cat can climb trees.Step 4So What is the rule of use of the can. Work in the groups and share your answer.Step 5Lets read the passage. Complete the passage with the words in the box. After that, we will share the answers together.Step 6Work in g

36、roups and do a survey in class.Interview your classmates and tick can or cant. Then give a report.abilitycanCantPlay a musical instrumentswimcook.After the survey, please make a report about it. In my survey, . can do.cant do. is good at.Step 7Summary1. We know how to use can to talk about ability.2

37、. We are able to do a survey and make a report.Step 8 Homework1.Read the passage fluently and recite it.2.Finish your task paper.3.Introduce your classmates ability.Period 3 Grammar FocusCan you play ping pong? Yes, I can. No, I cant.Can he play the violin?Yes, he can.No, he cant.Can they play chess

38、? Yes, they can.No, they cant.I can run fast, but I cant swim.Emma can sing well, but she cant play any musical instruments. 【板书设计】Period 4 Section B 1a-1d授课时间_实有人数_缺席人数_缺席原因_【课时目标】1. 重点单词:open,take,visit,park,act,interest,nature,beef,soon,than,mind,fall,collect,insect,discover,wildlife2.重点词组:act ou

39、t, at home,interested in,more than,fall in love,take photos3.重点句式:I am good at telling stories. I am interested in nature. I can read maps. Can you cook?Do you like reading?Can you take good photos? Join our cooking club/book club.4.获取短文中有关烹饪社团、读书社团、自然社团的基本信息,梳理、概括社团的活动、时间、地点、联系方式等内容,借助可视化图形呈现结构化知识。

40、5.基于结构化知识和重点语言知识,运用目标语言,以第三人称视角复述文章内容;6.结合自己的实际情况,阐述自己如何选择这三个学校社团,并阐述理由,完成一份汇报,并在班级前进行展示【教学重难点】1.Discover your interests and talents.【教学过程】Step 1Today we are going to learn Section B What can you learn in a school club? Lets think about it. Are you in a school club? What do you do in a school club?

41、What can you learn from it?Step 2Work in groups and read the comments from some students and discuss what clubs they should join.Alice is good at telling stories and act out stories with brothers at home, so she can go to a story-telling club.Lin Hui is interested in nature and loves hiking, so he c

42、an go to a nature club.Jack cant cook but he loves great food and want to cook for his family.Step 3Look at the passage. What can you see in the picture? What kind of passage is it?Step 4Read the ads. Choose a suitable club for each student in 1a and tell your reasons. Lets check the answers togethe

43、r.Step 5Read again and complete the table below.Cooking clubBook clubNature ClubWhat to do Where to meetWhen to meetWho to write to After finishing the table, lets check the answers together.Step 6Read again and work in groups and draw a mind map according to the passage. The mind map includes what

44、to do, where to meet, when to meet, who to write to. After that I will ask some of you to share your mind map with us.Step 7According to your mind map, please try to retell your passage and show yourself in front of the class.You can start like this.Cooking club wants students who love Chinese food

45、and can cook. In the club, you can learn to cook your favourite Chinese food, Mapo tofu, beef noodles and jiaozi, baozi, Students can soon cook fortheir family. The meeting place is 303. The time is 3 pm on Wednesday.Step 1Since we have known about the information about ads. Work in groups. Lets thi

46、nk about the questions. Discuss these questions.What food can you cook? What other food do you want to cook?What can you learn from a book club?What do you want to do in a nature club?Which of the clubs do you want to join and why?Which club are you in at school? What do you do there?After that, make a report about which club you want to join.9.Lets think about it. What can you learn in a school club? Work in groups and share the answers. After that, come to the front and show yourself in fr


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