初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 3Family ties语法讲解(2024秋).doc

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1、七年级英语上册Unit3语法讲解一、语法解析名词所有格* 名词的主格和宾格形式上没有区别。但所有格多作定语(有时作表语),表示人和物的隶属关系。Eg: 所有格作定语:Tonys mother is a doctor. 托尼的妈妈是一名医生。所有格作表语: This house is Tonys. 这所房子是托尼的。* 所有格形式的分类(一)用来表示有生命的所有格1.一般情况为:名词 + s如: Bettys pen 贝蒂的笔2.若某单词是以s结尾,则只需在词尾加 即可如: Hans book 汉斯的书the students desks 学生的桌子3.表示几个人共同拥有时,在最后一个名词后加s

2、如: Lily and Lucys room 丽丽和露西共同的房间4.表示每个人各自拥有时,在每个名词后加s如: Mikes and Tonys desks 麦克和约翰各自的书桌5.表示时间、距离、国家等的名词,单数加s ; 复数加如:five minutes walk 步行五分钟的路程 Chinas development 中国的发展注意:1)表示“家”、“店铺”、“办公室”等处所时,由“名词 + s”所有格所修饰的名词house、shop、office常被省略Eg: at my mothers (home) 在我妈妈家at the doctors (office) 在医生的诊所2)基数词

3、+ 连字符 + 可数名词单数,一般作定语修饰名词,它相当于“基数词 + 名词所有格”Eg: a two-day holiday = a two days holiday 两天的假期3)很多节日的表达都是用的是s所有格形式Eg: Fathers Day 父亲节(二)用来表示五生命力的所有格1)“ of + 名词 的所有格形式主要用于表示无生命力名词的所属关系。如:a leg of the table 桌子的一条腿2) of所有格有时也可用于人或有生命的东西,表示所属关系,特别是当这些所有者有较长的定语时。如: the name of the brave young man 这个勇敢的年轻人的名字

4、3) 表示某物的一部分或抽象概念。如: the top of the house 房屋的顶部注意:有的名词所有格可以用两种方法表示。如: a photo of my family = my familys photo 我家人的照片(三)双重所有格双重所有格主要表示整体中的一部分(被修饰名词前通常有表示数量的词a, two, many等)或感情色彩(被修饰名词前通常有指示代词this, that, these, those等)。双重所有格一般有两种形式1)of + 名词所有格如:a teacher of my sisters 我姐姐的一位老师2)of + 名词性物主代词如: a new frie

5、nd of mine 我的一个新朋友注意:双重所有格和of所有格意义不同。如:a picture of his brothers 他弟弟的一张照片(强调是他弟弟众多照片中的一张,照片上不一定是他弟弟本人)a picture of his brother 他弟弟本人的一张照片(强调照片上是他弟弟本人)二、音标/ u: / 发音要领:口腔打开,嘴张大,下巴放低,舌平放,舌尖不抵下齿,轻松发音。 字母组合:u - ruler; ou - soup; oo - food; ui - fruit; ew - flew; / / 发音要领:嘴张大,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形。 字母组合:oo

6、- look/ / 发音要领: 嘴型扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起字母组合: u - bus; o - love; oo - blood; ou - enough;三、写作话题:Write a short paragraph about your family members support* 提示:1.When did your family members support each other? Think of a moment.2.Who were the family members?3.What happened?4.What do you think of the family

7、members?* 写作步骤定文体(记叙文)、人称(第一人称)、时态(一般现在时、一般将来时)* 范文:Hello, everyone! There are three people in my family - my father, my mother and I.Im very lucky to have a supportive family when it comes to my English composition.They understand the importance of learning a second language and encourage me to pra

8、ctice and improve my English skills.At first, my parents always provide me with the resources I need to enhance my English writing.They bought me English grammar books, dictionaries and even enrolled me in an online English course.They believe that constant exposure to the language and regular pract

9、ice are the keys to becoming fluent in English.Then, my parents often engage in conversations with me in English.They ask me about my day, my interests and my thoughts on various topics.This not only helps me improve my speaking skills but also allows me to express myself more confidently in English.At last, my parents encourages me to read English books, newspapers and articles.They believe that reading extensively in English can broaden my vocabulary and improve my comprehension skills.Thanks too my parents, I can have a happy life.I love them very much.2


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