初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 6 The power of plants单词详解(2024秋).doc

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1、七年级英语上册Unit 6单词详解within /wn/ prep. 在(建筑或地区)里常用搭配within reach (在伸手可及的范围内)within walking distance (在步行距离内)within reason (在合理范围内)例句Please stay within the boundaries of the park. (请呆在公园的范围内。)quarter /kwt/ n. 一刻钟,十五分钟复数形式quarters常用搭配quarter past (几点过一刻)quarter to (差一刻到几点)fiscal quarter (财政季度)例句Ill meet y

2、ou at a quarter past three. (我会在三点过一刻见你。)past /pst/ prep. 晚于,在.之后常用搭配past midnight (午夜过后)past experience (过去的经验)walk past (走过)例句Its already past eleven oclock. (已经超过十一点了。)No. (number) /nmb/ abbr.(number 的书面序写) 第号常用搭配No. 1 (第一号)No. 2 bus (2号公交车)No. 10 Downing Street (唐宁街10号)例句My house is No. 12 on th

3、is street. (我的房子在这条街上是12号。)workshop /wkp/ n. 车间,工场复数形式workshops常用搭配woodworking workshop (木工车间)art workshop (艺术工场)writing workshop (写作工坊)例句He attended a photography workshop. (他参加了一个摄影工作坊。)collect /klekt/ v. 收集,采集;使集中三单形式collects过去式collected现在分词collecting常用搭配collect stamps (收集邮票)collect data (收集数据)co

4、llect garbage (收集垃圾)例句She collects old coins as a hobby. (她把收集旧硬币作为一种爱好。)sunlight /snlat/ n. 阳光没有复数形式。常用搭配direct sunlight (直射阳光)sunlight exposure (阳光照射)block sunlight (阻挡阳光)例句Plants need sunlight to grow. (植物需要阳光才能生长。)root /rut/ n. 根复数形式roots常用搭配root cause (根本原因)root system (根系)take root (扎根)例句The t

5、rees roots are very deep. (这棵树的根很深。)send /send/ v. 送出,发出三单形式sends过去式sent现在分词sending常用搭配send a message (发送信息)send an email (发送电子邮件)sent sth. to sb.(给某人发送某物)例句Please send me the details by email. (请通过电子邮件把详情发给我。)rise /raz/ v. 升高,上升三单形式rises过去式rose现在分词rising常用搭配rise in temperature (温度上升)rise early (早起)

6、rise to power (上台掌权)例句The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)stem /stem/ n. (植物的)茎,梗,柄复数形式stems常用搭配flower stem (花茎)stem cells (干细胞)stem from (起源于)例句The rose has a thorny stem. (玫瑰有刺茎。)mix /mks/ v. (使)混合,拌和三单形式mixes过去式mixed现在分词mixing常用搭配mix ingredients (混合原料)mix well (充分混合)mix colors (混合颜色)例句You should

7、 mix the flour and water thoroughly. (你应该把面粉和水彻底混合。)produce /prdjus/ v. (自然地)生产,产生,出产三单形式produces过去式produced现在分词producing常用搭配produce goods (生产商品)produce energy (产生能量)produce results (产生结果)例句The factory produces thousands of cars each year. (这家工厂每年生产数千辆汽车。)importantly /mprtntli/ adv. 重要的是常用搭配most imp

8、ortantly (最重要的是)importantly enough (相当重要)importantly noted (重要的是注意到)例句Importantly, he was on time for the meeting. (重要的是,他准时参加了会议。)sugar /g/ n. 糖复数形式sugars常用搭配sugar cane (甘蔗)sugar content (含糖量)sugar free (无糖)例句Too much sugar is bad for your health. (摄入过多的糖对健康不利。)product /prdkt/ n. (自然过程或化学反应的)生成物复数形

9、式products常用搭配chemical product (化学产品)final product (最终产品)product launch (产品发布)例句This company makes a variety of beauty products. (这家公司生产各种美容产品。)oxygen /ksdn/ n. 氧没有复数形式。常用搭配oxygen tank (氧气罐)oxygen level (氧气水平)oxygen mask (氧气面罩)例句We need oxygen to survive. (我们需要氧气来生存。)though / conj. 虽然,尽管常用搭配even thou

10、gh (即使)as though (仿佛)although (虽然)例句Though it was raining, we went for a walk. (虽然在下雨,我们还是去散步了。)breathe /bri/ v. 呼吸三单形式breathes过去式breathed现在分词breathing常用搭配breathe deeply (深呼吸)breathe air (呼吸空气)breathe easier (松一口气)例句Humans need to breathe oxygen to live. (人类需要呼吸氧气才能生存。)dark /dk/ adj.昏暗的;黑暗的副词形式darkl

11、y常用搭配dark room (黑暗的房间)dark chocolate (黑巧克力)dark clouds (乌云)例句The room was so dark that I couldnt see anything. (房间太暗了,我什么都看不见。)rest /rst/ n. 休息(时间)复数形式rests常用搭配take a rest (休息一下)get some rest (休息一下)rest area (休息区)例句After a long day of work, I need to take a rest. (工作了一整天后,我需要休息一下。)natural /ntrl/ adj

12、. 自然的,天然的副词形式naturally常用搭配natural beauty (自然美)natural resources (自然资源)natural habitat (自然栖息地)例句The waterfall is a natural wonder. (瀑布是一个自然奇观。)pun /pn/ n. 双关语复数形式puns常用搭配make a pun (开双关语的玩笑)pun intended (有意开双关语)pun of the day (每日双关语)例句He always makes puns to lighten the mood. (他总是开双关语来缓和气氛。)text /tks

13、t/ n.(书、杂志等的)正文复数形式texts常用搭配text message (短信)textbook (教科书)text analysis (文本分析)例句The important information can be found in the text. (重要信息可以在正文中找到。)enter /ntr/ v. 进入三单形式enters过去式entered现在分词entering常用搭配enter a room (进入一个房间)enter a competition (参加比赛)enter into a contract (订立合同)例句Please enter your pass

14、word to access the website. (请输入密码以访问网站。)simple /smpl/ adj. 简单的,简易的副词形式simply常用搭配simple task (简单任务)simple solution (简单解决方案)simple life (简单生活)例句The instructions are written in simple English. (指示用简单英语写成。)sunflower /snfla/ n. 向日葵复数形式sunflowers常用搭配sunflower field (向日葵田)sunflower oil (向日葵油)sunflower see

15、ds (向日葵籽)例句She planted sunflowers in her garden. (她在花园里种了向日葵。)seed /sid/ n. 种子,籽复数形式seeds常用搭配plant seeds (种植种子)flower seeds (花籽)fruit seeds (果实种子)例句We need to buy some vegetable seeds for our garden. (我们需要为花园购买一些蔬菜种子。)rainforest /renfrst/ n.(热带)雨林复数形式rainforests常用搭配tropical rainforest (热带雨林)Amazon r

16、ainforest (亚马逊雨林)protect the rainforest (保护雨林)例句Many rare species can be found in the rainforest. (雨林中可以找到许多稀有物种。)raincoat /renkot/ n. 雨衣复数形式raincoats常用搭配wear a raincoat (穿雨衣)waterproof raincoat (防水雨衣)yellow raincoat (黄色雨衣)例句Dont forget to bring your raincoat, it might rain later. (别忘了带上雨衣,可能会下雨。)ow

17、n /on/ pron. 自己的,属于自己的常用搭配my own (我的自己的)your own (你的自己的)his/her own (他/她的自己的)例句She has her own car. (她有自己的车。)cloud /klad/ n. 云复数形式clouds常用搭配white clouds (白云)dark clouds (乌云)cloudy sky (多云的天空)例句There are fluffy clouds floating in the sky. (天空中飘着蓬松的云。)somewhere /smwr/ adv. 在某处;到某处常用搭配go somewhere (去某个

18、地方)be somewhere (在某个地方)somewhere nice (某个好地方)例句Lets go somewhere for our vacation this year. (今年我们去某个地方度假吧。)influence /nfluns/ v. 影响,对起作用三单形式influences过去式influenced现在分词influencing常用搭配have an influence on (对.有影响)exercise influence (施加影响)positive influence (积极影响)例句Her words influenced my decision. (她的

19、话影响了我的决定。)climate /klamt/ n. 气候常用搭配change in climate (气候变化)tropical climate (热带气候)harsh climate (恶劣气候)例句The climate in this region is very hot and humid. (这个地区的气候非常炎热潮湿。)corn /krn/ n. 玉米复数形式corns常用搭配sweet corn (甜玉米)popcorn (爆米花)cornfield (玉米田)例句I like to eat corn on the cob. (我喜欢吃带皮的玉米。)silk /slk/ n

20、. 丝绸常用搭配silk dress (丝绸裙子)silk scarf (丝巾)silk production (丝绸生产)例句She wore a beautiful silk gown to the party. (她在派对上穿着一件漂亮的丝绸长袍。)rose /roz/ n. 玫瑰;蔷薇复数形式roses常用搭配red rose (红玫瑰)rose garden (玫瑰园)wild rose (野玫瑰)例句He gave her a bouquet of red roses. (他送给她一束红玫瑰。)cotton /ktn/ n. 棉花常用搭配cotton fabric (棉布)cott

21、on shirt (棉衬衫)cotton industry (棉花产业)例句The softness of cotton makes it comfortable to wear. (棉花的柔软使得它很舒适穿着。)bamboo /bmbu/ n. 竹,竹子复数形式bamboos常用搭配bamboo forest (竹林)bamboo shoots (竹笋)bamboo furniture (竹制家具) 例句The panda was happily munching on bamboo. (熊猫正愉快地啃着竹子。)popular /ppjl/ adj. 受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的副词形式popul

22、arly常用搭配popular culture (流行文化)popular choice (大众选择)popular destination (受欢迎的目的地) 例句The new movie is very popular among teenagers. (这部新电影在青少年中非常受欢迎。)health /hl/ n. 健康(状况)复数形式healths常用搭配good health (良好的健康)public health (公共卫生)health care (医疗保健) 例句Regular exercise is important for maintaining good healt

23、h. (定期锻炼对保持良好健康很重要。)key /ki/ adj. 至关重要的;必不可少的;关键的副词形式keyly(较少使用)常用搭配key point (关键点)key factor (关键因素)key role (关键角色) 例句Communication is key to a successful relationship. (沟通是成功关系的关键。)teahouse /tihas/ n. 茶馆,茶楼,茶室复数形式teahouses常用搭配traditional teahouse (传统茶馆)Japanese teahouse (日本茶室)teahouse menu (茶馆菜单) 例

24、句We visited a traditional Chinese teahouse during our trip. (我们在旅行期间参观了一家传统的中国茶馆。)news /njuz/ n. 消息复数形式news(不可数名词,无复数形式)常用搭配breaking news (突发新闻)news report (新闻报道)news channel (新闻频道) 例句I watch the evening news every day. (我每天都看晚间新闻。)coffee /kfi/ n. 咖啡复数形式coffees常用搭配cup of coffee (一杯咖啡)coffee shop (咖啡

25、店)coffee break (咖啡时间) 例句She enjoys a cup of coffee in the morning. (她喜欢早上喝一杯咖啡。)secret /sikrt/ n. 秘密复数形式secrets常用搭配keep a secret (保守秘密)tell a secret (透露秘密)family secret (家庭秘密) 例句Can you keep a secret? (你能保守秘密吗?)husband /hzbnd/ n. 丈夫复数形式husbands常用搭配loving husband (爱护妻子的丈夫)husband and wife (夫妻)ex-husb

26、and (前夫) 例句She introduced her husband to her colleagues. (她把丈夫介绍给同事们。)adult /dlt/ n. 成人, 成年人复数形式adults常用搭配adult education (成人教育)young adult (年轻人)例句This movie is suitable for adults only. (这部电影只适合成年人观看。)weekend /wikend/ n. 周末复数形式weekends常用搭配weekend getaway (周末短途旅行)spend the weekend (度过周末)weekend plan

27、s (周末计划) 例句We have plans to go hiking this weekend. (我们计划这个周末去徒步旅行。)chat /tt/ n. 闲谈,聊天复数形式chats常用搭配have a chat (聊一聊)chat room (聊天室)friendly chat (友好的聊天) 例句We had a long chat about our school days. (我们聊了很久关于我们的学生时代。)relax /rlks/ v. 放松,休息三单形式relaxes过去式relaxed现在分词relaxing常用搭配relax at home (在家放松)relax y

28、our mind (放松心情)take time to relax (抽时间放松) 例句She likes to relax with a good book. (她喜欢通过读一本好书来放松。)yard /jd/ n. 庭院复数形式yards常用搭配front yard (前院)back yard (后院)yard sale (庭院拍卖) 例句The children are playing in the yard. (孩子们正在院子里玩耍。)biscuit /bskt/ n. 饼干复数形式biscuits常用搭配chocolate biscuit (巧克力饼干)biscuit tin (饼干盒)digestive biscuit (消化饼干) 例句Would you like a biscuit with your tea? (你想要一块饼干配茶吗?)connect /knkt/ v. 联结,连接三单形式connects过去式connected现在分词connecting常用搭配connect to the internet (连接到互联网)connect the dots (连接点)connect with people (与人联系) 例句Please connect the device to the charger. (请将设备连接到充电器。)10


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