2021年江苏中考英语复习练习课件:08专题八 动词和动词短语.pptx

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1、 中考英语 (江苏专用) 专题八 动词和动词短语 考点一 动词 .单项选择单项选择 1.(2020南京,2)Chinas efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 will the worlds ability to limit the harm in the near future. A.imagine B.invent C.insist D.improve 答案答案 D 句意:中国遏制新冠肺炎传播的努力,将在不久的将来提高世界限制其危害的能力。本题考查 动词词义辨析。imagine想象;invent发明;insist坚持;improve改善,提高。故选D

2、项。 A组 20162020年江苏中考题组 2.(2020泰州,5)Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in a different way. I agree. Most poets(诗人) describe this season to a feeling of sadness, but in Lius eyes autumn is full of life and hope. A.excuse B.express C.expect D.explain 答案答案 B 句意:刘禹锡的秋词用一种不同的方式描写了秋天。我同意。大多数诗人描写这 个

3、季节来表达悲伤的情绪,但是在刘禹锡的眼中,秋天是充满生命力和希望的。本题考查动词词义辨析。 excuse原谅;express表达;expect期待;explain解释。故选B项。 3.(2020无锡,13)Weve discussed this many times. No jeans to the party! Very well then, if you . But wheres my suit? A.suggest B.imagine C.agree D.insist 答案答案 D 句意:我们已经讨论过这件事很多次了。不准穿牛仔裤参加聚会!那么好吧,如果你坚 持的话。但是我的西装呢?本题

4、考查动词词义辨析。suggest建议;imagine想象;agree同意;insist坚持。根据 But wheres my suit?可知,如果对方坚持不让穿牛仔裤,就改为穿西装。故选D项。 4.(2020扬州,11)Im tired out. I have stayed up late the whole week. Youd better your time better and have things organized. A.make B.have C.take D.manage 答案答案 D 句意:我很累。我已经熬夜一整个星期了。你最好更好地有效利用你的时间并把事情 安排好。本题考

5、查动词词义辨析。manage ones time合理安排、有效使用某人的时间。故选D项。 5.(2019连云港,7)Through the stories behind the idioms, we would be able to fully Chinas culture, his- tory and tradition. A.understand B.search C.compare D.imagine 答案答案 A 句意:通过成语背后的故事,我们能够充分理解中国的文化、历史和传统。本题考查动词词义 辨析。understand理解;search搜寻;compare比较;imagine想象。

6、根据语境可知选A项。 6.(2019泰州,3)After the terrible explosion(爆炸)in Xiangshui, Yancheng, many people from cities around came to hospitals to blood. A.devote B.create C.donate D.celebrate 答案答案 C 句意:在盐城响水可怕的爆炸事故后,很多来自周边城市的人都去医院献血。本题考查动词词 义辨析。devote致力;create创造;donate献(血);celebrate庆祝。donate blood为固定搭配,符合语境。故选C 项。

7、 试题评析试题评析 命题者以3月21日盐城响水化工厂爆炸及后续的事件为背景,体现了试题的时效性、地域性,同 时也强化了人们的环保意识,体现人们对受害者的爱心和关怀,具有一定的正能量。 7.(2018苏州,7)What do you think of Jason? He has me with his good sense of humour. A.impressed B.admired C.reminded D.warned 答案答案 A 句意:你认为Jason怎么样?他良好的幽默感让我印象深刻。本题考查动词词义辨析。 impress使留下深刻印象;admire钦佩;remind提醒;warn

8、警告。根据题意和设空处后的介词with可知,用短语 impress sb. with.以给某人留下深刻印象。故选A项。 8.(2018盐城,13)Yueda Group has found a way to the waste and doesnt put it into the river any more. A.produce B.recycle C.require D.protect 答案答案 B 句意:悦达集团已经找到一种方法来回收利用废弃物,再也不会把废弃物排放到河流中了。本 题考查动词词义辨析。produce生产;recycle回收利用;require需要;protect保护。根据

9、句中的doesnt put it into the river any more可知,要回收利用废弃物。故选B项。 9.(2018无锡,13)I dont have much money, but Id like to buy my dad something really special, if you know what I . A.want B.care C.mean D.prefer 答案答案 C 句意:我没有很多钱,但是我想给我爸爸买一些真正特别的东西,你懂我的意思吧。本题考查动 词词义辨析。want想要;care关心,关注;mean意思是,意味着,打算;prefer较喜欢。说话者希

10、望对方能理解他 的言下之意,即他想要买物美价廉的东西。故选C项。 10.(2018连云港,10)The total number of online literature website users had to 352 million by the end of June, 2017. And the number is still growing. A.increased B.influenced C.included D.introduced 答案答案 A 句意:到2017年6月底,在线文学网站用户总数已经增至3.52亿。而且该数字仍然在增长。本题 考查动词词义辨析。increase增加

11、;influence影响;include包括;introduce介绍。根据the number is still grow- ing可知此处表示“增长”。故选A项。 知识拓展知识拓展 increase to 增长到;increase by 增长了。 11.(2018扬州,4)I offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she it. Maybe she can manage herself. A.received B.returned C.refused D.rewarded 答案答案 C 句意:我向Sandy伸出了援助之手。然而,她拒绝了。也许她自己能行

12、。本题考查动词 词义辨析。receive收到;return返回,退还;refuse拒绝;reward奖励,奖赏。根据答语及However可知,前后句子 意思相反,refuse符合语境。故选C项。 12.(2017连云港,9) The newly-opened company the local people with more chances to work. A.gives B.provides C.offers D.shows 答案答案 B 句意:这家新开张的公司给当地人提供了更多的工作机会。本题考查动词词义辨析。give给,其 结构为give sb. sth.;provide提供,其结构

13、为provide sb. with sth.;offer提供,其结构为offer sb. sth.;show展示,其 结构为show sb. sth.。故选B项。 13.(2017苏州,6)Sorry, Ive forgotten your name. Can you me? Im Daniel. A.remind B.receive C.respect D.remember 答案答案 A 句意:不好意思,我忘记你叫什么了。你能提醒我一下吗?我叫Daniel。本题考查动词 词义辨析。remind提醒;receive收到;respect尊重;remember记得。根据答语可知,第一个人想要第二个

14、人给 他提个醒。故选A项。 14.(2016南京,5)Can you help me those exercise books? I got a different number each time. A.carry B.move C.write D.count 答案答案 D 句意:你能帮我数一数那些练习本吗?我每次都数出不同的数字。本题考查动词词义辨析。car- ry提,搬;move移动;write书写;count数数。根据题干第二句I got a different number each time.可知,说话者是 想让人帮忙数练习本。故选D项。 命题解读命题解读 近年来动词词义辨析已成为

15、中考试题的必考点之一。命题者在设题时除了考查考生对动词的 辨析能力,还考查学生利用语境解决问题的能力。如本题,如果不看第二句,A、B两个选项都能填入空 格。考生做题时一定要注意语境的提示,选择符合语境的动词。 .词汇运用词汇运用 1.(2020宿迁,50)Students should (归还)these magazines to the library before this term is over. 答案答案 return 情态动词后面用动词原形。故填return。 2.(2020镇江,43)Please (将圈起来)the new words and look them up in t

16、he dictionary. 答案答案 circle 本句为祈使句,用动词原形。故填circle。 3.(2019镇江,44)Dont give Eddie anything to eat. I (喂,喂养) him just now. 答案答案 fed 根据时间状语just now可知,此处应用一般过去时,表示说这句话之前的动作。feed sb.喂养某 人。故填fed。 4.(2017盐城,62)Its wrong of us to believe or (扩散) some untrue news on the Internet. 答案答案 spread 本题为Its+adj.+of sb.

17、 to do sth.结构, or连接两个并列的不定式作真正的主语,前文已给出 to,此处只需填动词原形。 考点二 动词短语 .单项选择单项选择 1.(2020苏州,7)Tony, come over. What do the letters “KIT” mean in the text message? Dont you know that, Amy?They “keep in touch”. A.search for B.ask for C.go for D.stand for 答案答案 D 句意:Tony,过来。短信中的“KIT”这几个字母是什么意思?你难说不知道吗,Amy? 它们代表“

18、保持联系”。本题考查动词短语辨析。search for搜索;ask for要求;go for选择;stand for代表。 故选D项。 2.(2020淮安,6)My brother often his spare time to help me with my spoken English. A.puts up B.gives up C.opens up D.tidies up 答案答案 B 句意:我哥哥经常放弃他的业余时间来帮助我学习英语口语。本题考查动词短语辨析。put up 建造,张贴;give up放弃;open up打开,开放;tidy up整理。give up ones spare

19、 time放弃某人的业余时间,符合 语境。故选B项。 3.(2020宿迁,10)Dad, would you please a brighter light in my bedroom? Certainly. A.put in B.hand out C.hand in D.put out 答案答案 A 句意:爸爸,请您给我的卧室里安装一盏亮一点的灯好吗?当然可以。本题考查动词短 语辨析。put in投入,安装;hand out分发;hand in上交;put out扑灭。故选A项。 4.(2020盐城,12)These activities at bedtime can get kids ex

20、cited and make it hard for them to and sleep. A.come down B.break down C.calm down D.sit down 答案答案 C 句意:这些睡前活动会让孩子们感到兴奋,使他们难以静下来入睡。本题考查动词短语辨析。 come down崩塌,落下;break down出故障;calm down安静,平静;sit down坐下。睡觉前需要平静的状态,calm down符合语境。故选C项。 5.(2020泰州,12)Sandy seldom goes out at weekends because reading most of

21、her free time. A.takes up B.takes on C.takes off D.takes out 答案答案 A 句意:Sandy很少在周末外出,因为阅读占用了她大部分空闲时间。本题考查动词短语辨析。 take up占用(时间),占据(空间);take on呈现,承担;take off脱下,起飞;take out切除。take up ones time占用某 人的时间,符合句意。故选A项。 6.(2020连云港,10)The Chinese language has become a bridge to China the rest of the world. A.con

22、nect.to B.translate.into C.compare.with D.separate.from 答案答案 A 句意:汉语已经成为连接中国和世界上其他国家的桥梁。本题考查动词短语辨析。connect. to.把和相连;translate.into.把翻译成;compare.with.把和相比;separate. from.把和分开。此处把汉语比作桥梁,连接中国和世界,故选A项。 7.(2019扬州,12)Honey, come and help me the picture of balloons from the magazine. OK, Granny. Im coming.

23、 A.carry out B.work out C.cut out D.hand out 答案答案 C 句意:宝贝,来帮我把这张气球的图片从杂志上剪下来。好的,奶奶。我这就来。本题 考查动词短语辨析。carry out实施,执行;work out计算出,解决;cut out剪下;hand out分发。根据语境可知,此 处指“剪下”。故选C项。 8.(2019南京,12)Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and which university is the best for her to attend. A.p

24、ut out B.stay out C.find out D.run out 答案答案 C 句意:Tina来到中国是为了体验中国文化,并弄清楚她最适合上哪所大学。本题考查动词短语 辨析。put out扑灭;stay out待在户外;find out弄清,查明;run out耗尽。and连接了Tina来中国的两个目的,一 是体验中国文化,二是弄清楚最适合自己的学校。故选C项。 9.(2019宿迁,12)Miss Lee likes . She tells everyone that she has got a new car. A.coming out B.showing off C.turni

25、ng out D.taking off 答案答案 B 句意:Lee小姐喜欢炫耀。她告诉每个人她买了辆新车。本题考查动词短语辨析。come out出 版,发行;show off炫耀;turn out结果是;take off起飞,脱下。根据下句她告诉每个人她买了新车可知,她喜欢 炫耀。故选B项。 10.(2018苏州,11)Little Jenny looks unhappy today. Dont worry. A box of chocolates will her . A.give;up B.wake;up C.cheer;up D.pick;up 答案答案 C 句意:小Jenny今天看上去

26、不开心。别担心。一盒巧克力糖就会让她开心起来。本题 考查动词短语辨析。give.up放弃;wake.up叫醒;cheer.up使高兴;pick.up捡起。根据 unhappy及Dont worry.可知,说话者想让小Jenny开心起来。故选C项。 11.(2018连云港,11)Im sorry to on you, but there are one or two things I dont understand. It doesnt matter. A.cut down B.cut out C.cut in D.cut off 答案答案 C 句意:不好意思打断你,但是有一两件事情我无法理解。

27、没事儿。本题考查动词短语 辨析。cut down削减,砍倒;cut out突然熄火,裁剪;cut in插嘴,打断(谈话);cut off切掉。cut in on sb.打断某人 (谈话)。故选C项。 12.(2018盐城,9)These new types of energy cost very little and will never . A.look out B.come out C.run out D.stay out 答案答案 C 句意:这些新型的能源成本非常低,而且永远不会用完。本题考查动词短语辨析。look out当心, 小心,留神;come out出版,出现;run out用完

28、,耗尽;stay out不在家。故选C项。 13.(2018扬州,11)We should stop fireworks to reduce pollution. A.getting off B.turning off C.taking off D.setting off 答案答案 D 句意:我们应该停止燃放烟花以减少污染。本题考查动词短语辨析。get off离开,出发,动身; turn off关掉(灯、电源等);take off脱下,起飞;set off使爆炸。set off fireworks燃放烟花,符合语境。故选D 项。 14.(2017苏州,14)As soon as she at

29、home, Sally knew she had bought the wrong dress. A.handed it in B.tried it on C.cut it out D.made it up 答案答案 B 句意:Sally在家一试穿就知道她买错了连衣裙。本题考查动词短语辨析。hand in 上交;try on 试穿;cut out裁剪;make up组成,编造。故选B项。 15.(2017宿迁,9) Andrew once tried to a brighter light in his bedroom, but he failed in the end. A.put in B

30、.put on C.put out D.put up 答案答案 A 句意:Andrew曾设法在他的卧室安装一盏亮一点的灯,但最后失败了。本题考查动词短语辨 析。put in 安装;put on 穿上;put out扑灭;put up 搭建,张贴。根据a brighter light可知,此处指“安装”。故 选A项。 16.(2016连云港,6)The fire at around 3 a.m. local time when people were celebrating with fireworks. Im sorry to hear it. A.broke out B.ran out C.

31、went out D.put out 答案答案 A 句意:当地时间大约凌晨三点,当人们用烟火庆祝的时候,突然发生了火灾。听到这个 我很难过。本题考查动词短语辨析。break out 突然开始,爆发;run out用完,耗尽;go out外出娱乐,(灯光、 火)熄灭;put out扑灭。故选A项。 .词汇运用词汇运用 1.(2017苏州,45)Can I have some more sweets? OK, but eating too much sugar can to tooth problems. 答案答案 lead lead to为固定短语,意为“导致”。情态动词后用动词原形。 2.(2

32、016苏州,46)What did you do to celebrate Halloween last year? I up as Superman and played “trick or treat”. 答案答案 dressed dress up装扮。根据问句的时态可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填dressed。 B组 20162020年全国中考题组 考点一 动词 .单项选择单项选择 1.(2020安徽,25)Hi, Jill. Id like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma. Really?

33、Make sure the news is true before you it. A.receive B.spread C.cancel D.hear 答案答案 B 句意:你好,吉尔。我想和你分享关于珠穆朗玛峰高度的最新消息。真的吗?在你传播 这条消息之前,你要确保它是真的。本题考查动词词义辨析。receive收到;spread传播;cancel取消;hear听 见。和别人分享一则消息就相当于在传播它,故选B。 2.(2020湖北武汉,34)What makes you were going to sell the house? I hear that youve got a job abr

34、oad. A.doubt B.wonder C.promise D.suppose 答案答案 D 句意:什么使你认为我们要卖掉房子?我听说你已经在国外得到了一份工作。本题考 查动词词义辨析。suppose意为“认为,推断”,结合句意可知本题选择D。doubt怀疑;wonder想知道; promise承诺,许诺。 3.(2020新疆,32)Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What most is how you see yourself. A.drinks B.matters C.cares D.minds 答案答案 B 句意:不要在意那些

35、嘲笑你的人。最要紧的是你怎么看待你自己。本题考查动词词义辨析。 drink喝;matter要紧;care关心,在乎;mind介意。由句意可知本题选择B。 4.(2020浙江温州,3)Jim is going to join the Art Club because he likes . A.cooking B.drawing C.running D.reading 答案答案 B 句意:吉姆打算去参加美术俱乐部,因为他喜欢绘画。cook烹调;draw绘画;run跑步;read阅读。 关键词the Art Club与绘画有关。故选B。 5.(2019江西,29)Youll have to the

36、books because there arent enough for everyone. A.pack B.sell C.choose D.share 答案答案 D 句意:你们将不得不共享这些书,因为这些书不够每个人用。本题考查动词词义辨析。pack收 拾(行李);sell 出售;choose选择;share分享,共享。根据后半句可知,书不够每人一本,需要合用。故选D项。 6.(2019湖北武汉,36)Have you chemistry for the coming exam? Yes. Im quite ready for it. A.repeated B.copied C.marke

37、d D.reviewed 答案答案 D 句意:你为即将到来的考试复习化学了吗?是的,我已经准备好了。本题考查动词词义 辨析。repeat重复;copy复制;mark做记号;review复习。根据语境可知考试即将到来,此处应表示“复 习”。故选D项。 7.(2019河南,25)You cant change who you are by reading a book or change the way you act by watching a video. What is what you do, not what you know. A.includes B.decides C.means

38、D.matters 答案答案 D 句意:你不能通过阅读一本书来改变你的身份,也不能通过看一段视频来改变你的行为方式。 重要的是你做什么,而不是你懂得什么。本题考查动词词义辨析。include包括;decide决定;mean意味着; matter重要,相当于be important。故选D项。 8.(2019安徽,37)Hello, Beijing Hotel. Can I help you? Yes, Id like to a single room for two nights. A.enter B.move C.book D.provide 答案答案 C 句意:您好,这里是北京旅馆。我能为

39、您效劳吗?是的,我想预订一个单人间,住两晚。 本题考查动词词义辨析。enter进入;move移动;book预订;provide提供。根据语境可知,这是客人在电话预 订房间。故选C项。 知识拓展知识拓展 book作为名词,意思是“书”;作为动词,意思是“预订”。 9.(2019内蒙古呼和浩特,3)Jack, lets have a picnic after school. Sorry. I have Frank to work on the biology report with him. A.advised B.expected C.suggested D.promised 答案答案 D 句意

40、:Jack,咱们放学以后去野餐吧。对不起,我已经答应Frank和他一起做生物报告 了。本题考查动词词义辨析。advise建议;expect期待;suggest建议;promise承诺。根据Sorry.可知,Jack已经 答应了Frank和他一起做生物报告,不能去野餐了。故选D项。 10.(2018安徽,34)Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work. Dont worry. I will you then. A.notice B.allow C.remind D.promise 答案答案 C 句意:恐怕下班后我可能会忘记买面包。不

41、用担心。到时候我会提醒你。本题考查动 词词义辨析。notice注意到;allow允许;remind 提醒;promise承诺。根据语境可知,第二个人会在下班时提 醒第一个人买面包的。故选C项。 11.(2018内蒙古包头,30)I know what you are thinking about. I can your mind from the look on your face. A.stay B.spare C.read D.attend 答案答案 C 句意:我知道你正在想什么。我能从你脸上的表情猜测出你的心思。本题考查动词词义辨析。 stay停留;spare 抽出;read猜测,揣摩;

42、attend参加。read ones mind猜测某人的心思,符合语境,故选C项。 知识拓展知识拓展 read的词义很多,除了“阅读,朗读”等意思外,还有“猜测,理解,读到,写着”等意思。如:How do you read the present situation? 你对目前的形势有何看法? 12.(2018山东青岛,9)I cant find my mobile phone. Dont worry. Maybe you it at home. A.forgot B.missed C.lost D.left 答案答案 D 句意:我找不到我的手机了。不要担心。或许你把它落在家里了。本题考查动词

43、词义 辨析。forget忘记;miss思念;lose丢失;leave忘了带。把东西落在某处用leave。故选D项。 13.(2017内蒙古包头,26)What did he say in his letter?Is everything OK with hisfather? No idea. He didnt his parents in the letter. A.admire B.notice C.mention D.miss 答案答案 C 句意:他在信中说什么了?他父亲一切都好吗?不知道。他在信中没提到他的父母。本 题考查动词词义辨析。admire 赞赏;notice 注意到;menti

44、on 提到,写到;miss 思念。第一个人在询问信中的 内容,第二个人说信中没有提到他想知道的信息。故选C项。 14.(2016安徽,40)For our own safety, its important to the traffic rules on the way to school. A.follow B.change C.make D.break 答案答案 A 句意:为了我们自己的安全,在上学路上遵守交通规则是重要的。本题考查动词词义辨析。fol- low遵循;change改变;make制造;break违反。四个动词都能和后面的the traffic rules搭配。但根据For o

45、ur own safety可知,A项符合语境。故选A项。 .词汇运用词汇运用 1.(2020海南,80)Many doctors volunteered to (支持) Wuhan as soon as they got the news. 答案答案 support 不定式符号to后用动词原形。 2.(2019浙江宁波,39)At the meeting the boss (赞扬) John for the progress he made. 答案答案 praised 根据语境可知,开会在过去,此句应用一般过去时。故填praised。 3.(2018浙江杭州,70)You will r a w

46、arm welcome when you come to our village. 答案答案 receive 根据语境可知,此处为短语receive a warm welcome收到热烈欢迎。助动词will后用动词原 形。 4.(2017浙江台州,46)A true friend always (support) you whenever you are in trouble. 答案答案 supports 本句主语是A true friend,为第三人称单数,应用动词的第三人称单数形式。 考点二 动词短语 .单项选择单项选择 1.(2020辽宁营口,12)Tonys room is tidy,

47、 isnt it? Yes. Because he always his toys after playing with them. A.moves away B.puts away C.sweeps away D.gives away 答案答案 B 句意:托尼的房间很整洁,不是吗?是的。因为他总是在玩完玩具后就收起来。本题考 查动词短语辨析。move away搬走;put away将收好;sweep away消灭;give away赠送。 2.(2020内蒙古包头,27)Hes already playing in a band, and he only playing the guitar a year ago! A.took up B.set up C.put up D.gave up 答案答案 A 句意:他已经在乐队中演出了,他仅仅在一年前才开始弹吉他的!本题考查动词短语。take up开 始从事,占据;set up建立;put up搭建,张贴;give up放弃。由句意可知本题选择A。 知识拓展知识拓展 含有up的动词短语还有:wake up醒来;bring up抚养;make up和好,编造;eat


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