2021年广东中考英语复习练习课件:18-专题十八 完形填空.pptx

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1、 中考英语 (广东专用) 第二部分 综合运用能力提升(中考题型专练) 专题十八 完形填空 A组 20162020年广东中考题组 话题一 科技与生活 Cloze(2020广东) We are now in the 22nd century. With the development of science and technology, people can change their bodies in the way they want. As years went by, Mr. Smith 1 his look. Several months ago, Mr. Smith went to a

2、 body engineering shop and 2 a small nose. Small noses were very 3 these years. After the operation, he looked at himself in the mirror (镜子) and found that his 4 hair no longer fit his new look. Then he wanted a change to long hair. When he was leaving, the shop keeper 5 told him that the shop had a

3、 special offer on ears. At last, Mr. Smith went out of the shop with a small nose, long hair and two new ears. In the next few weeks, Mr. Smiths interest in his 6 kept growing. He bought new eyes,new hands and new feet. After that, he looked very young for his age, and 7 different. He felt satisfied

4、 with himself. However, the 8 in the face and fingerprints brought him much trouble. He was 9 to enter places like railway stations and airports. In the end, he decided to have his old body back! To his surprise, Mrs. Smith was unhappy with his 10 because she could not bear (忍受) the bad smell of his

5、 old feet. 1.A.was bored with B.was relaxed about C.was excited about D.was pleased with 2.A.cared for B.waited for C.asked for D.sent for 3.A.popular B.similar C.strange D.useful 4.A.long B.short C.thick D.thin 5.A.silently B.foolishly C.carelessly D.suddenly 6.A.shape B.age C.life D.look 7.A.proba

6、bly B.hardly C.nearly D.completely 8.A.smile B.change C.color D.kiss 9.A.guided B.refused C.forced D.allowed 10.A.interest B.condition C.decision D.situation 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。在22世纪,随着科技的发展,人们可以随心所欲地改变自己的身体。史密斯先生 去做了一系列的整容,但外貌的变化给他的生活带来了麻烦,于是他又想变回原来的模样。 1.A 句意:随着时间的推移,史密斯先生对他的外表感到厌烦了。本题考查形容词短语。be b

7、ored with 对 厌烦;be relaxed about对放松; be excited about 对感到兴奋;be pleased with 对满意。由下 文可知,史密斯先生做了整容,可推知他对自己的外貌不满意,即厌烦。故选A。 2.C 句意:几个月前,史密斯先生去了一家人体工程店,想要一个小鼻子。本题考查动词短语。care for 照 顾;wait for 等待;ask for 要求,请求;send for 派人去请。故选C。 3.A 句意:这些年小鼻子很受欢迎。本题考查形容词。 popular受欢迎的;similar相似的;strange奇怪的; useful有用的。根据上下文可知

8、,小鼻子当时很流行,于是史密斯先生也想做一个。故选A。 4.B 句意:手术后,他看着镜子里的自己,发现他的短头发不再适合他的新外貌。本题考查形容词。long长 的;short短的;thick厚的;thin薄的。根据下一句Then he wanted a change to long hair.和第二段最后一句At last, Mr. Smith went out of the shop with a small nose, long hair and two new ears.可知,史密斯先生变成了长 头发,也就是他原来的头发是短的。故选B。 5.D 句意:他正要离开,店主突然告诉他,这家商店

9、的耳朵有特价。本题考查副词。silently静静地,默默地; foolishly愚蠢地;carelessly粗心地;suddenly突然地。店主在他就要离开的时候告诉他有特价,比较突然。故 选D。 6.D 句意:在接下来的几个星期,史密斯先生对他的外表越来越感兴趣。本题考查名词。shape形状;age年 龄;life生命,生活;look外貌。根据下文可知,史密斯先生对他的外表很感兴趣。故选D。 7.D 句意:从那以后,他看起来很年轻,完全不同了。本题考查副词。probably大概,很可能;hardly几乎不; nearly差不多,将近;completely完全地。故选D。 8.B 句意:然而,

10、脸部和指纹的变化给他带来了很多麻烦。本题考查名词。smile微笑;change变化;color颜 色;kiss吻。根据上下文可知,他整容后,脸部和指纹都发生了变化,而这种变化给他带来了麻烦。 9.B 句意:他被拒绝进入火车站和机场之类的地方。本题考查动词词义辨析。guide指导;refuse拒绝;force 强迫;allow允许。由于史密斯先生整容后样貌发生巨大变化,所以他被拒绝进入火车站和机场之类的地 方。故选B。 10.C 句意:史密斯太太对他的决定不满意,因为她忍受不了他之前的臭脚。本题考查名词词义辨析。in- terest兴趣;condition条件;decision决定;situat

11、ion情况。根据上一句In the end, he decided to have his old body back!可知,史密斯先生决定要回他原来的身体,而史密斯太太很不满意这个决定。故选C。 重点词汇重点词汇 with the development of science and technology随着科学技术的发展;as years go by随着时间的 推移; at last最终,终于;feel satisfied with 对感到满意;to ones surprise令某人惊讶的是 话题二 寓言故事 Cloze(2020广东广州) One sunny morning, when

12、Zebra(斑马) visited the river for a cool drink, he heard a tiny voice “Help me, Zebra!” Zebra looked around and found Wasp(黄蜂) 1 in a spider web in a thornbush(荆棘丛). Carefully, Zebra reached into it, but the thorns 2 him. “Ouch!” Zebra stepped back and was leaving. “Please help me,” said Wasp. “One da

13、y I will 3 your help.” Zebra laughed. “Im fast and strong. Besides, I have a big family. Why would I need help from a 4 wasp?” “Please try one more time,” Wasp said. Zebra knocked at the web again. 5 , this time it was enough to free Wasp. “Try to stay out of trouble,” Zebra said. “I might not be ne

14、arby the next time a spider gets 6 .” Then he left. All day, Zebra stayed with his family until he noticed his favourite fruitsome berries! The hungry Zebra ran to 7 the berries. Wasp was resting in the bushes when she saw Zebra. She also found Lion hiding quietly ahead. If Zebra got t oo close to L

15、ion. Thinking quickly, Wasp flew down and gave Lion a sudden sting. The 8 lion cried. “Roooooaaar!” Zebra heard the loud cry. In a second, he turned around and ran back to his 9 . A moment later, Wasp flew around Zebras head. “Try to stay out of trouble,” Wasp said with a 10 . “I might not be nearby

16、 the next time a lion gets hungry.” 1.A.resting B.playing C.caught D.hidden 2.A.hurt B.hit C.refused D.killed 3.A.remember B.return C.repeat D.report 4.A.noisy B.lazy C.shy D.little 5.A.Sadly B.Suddenly C.Luckily D.Strangely 6.A.sleepy B.angry C.thirsty D.hungry 7.A.smell B.taste C.touch D.watch 8.A

17、.surprised B.excited C.interested D.bored 9.A.friend B.family C.river D.fruit 10.A.laugh B.shout C.wish D.promise 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇寓言故事。文章讲述一匹斑马在河边喝水时听到黄蜂呼救,因为它被蜘蛛网缠住了。斑 马第一次尝试救黄蜂时被荆棘丛中的刺扎到,打算离开,黄蜂请求斑马再做一次尝试并答应日后会回报斑 马。斑马认为小小黄蜂不可能会帮到它,但有一次斑马在觅食时遇到危险,黄蜂却救了它。故事告诉我们 你对他人的付出总有一天会得到回报,而且永远不要小看那些看起来比你弱小的人。

18、1.C 句意:斑马环顾四周,发现黄蜂被荆棘丛中的蜘蛛网缠住了。本题考查非谓语动词。rest休息;play玩; catch抓住;hide躲藏。由上文黄蜂呼救可知,黄蜂被蜘蛛网缠住了。故选C。 2.A 句意:斑马小心翼翼地探身进去,但荆棘刺伤了它。本题考查动词。hurt伤害;hit击,打;refuse拒绝;kill 杀害。本句指的是荆棘丛中的刺伤到了斑马。故选A。 3.B 本题考查动词。remember记得;return回报;repeat重复;report报告。return ones help回报某人的帮助, 报答某人。黄蜂承诺日后会报答斑马。故选B。 4.D 此处表示“为什么我会需要一只小黄蜂的

19、帮助?”。本题考查形容词。noisy吵闹的;lazy懒惰的;shy 害羞的;little小的。根据语境可知,斑马瞧不起黄蜂,认为小小黄蜂不可能帮到身强力壮的斑马。故选D。 5.C 句意:幸运的是,这次足够救出黄蜂了。本题考查副词。sadly伤心地;suddenly突然地;luckily幸运地; strangely奇怪地。斑马第一次救黄蜂没有成功,第二次成功了,所以很幸运。故选C。 6.D 此处表示“下一次蜘蛛饿的时候”。本题考查形容词。sleepy瞌睡的;angry生气的;thirsty口渴的; hungry饥饿的。根据文章最后一句中“I might not be nearby the nex

20、t time a lion gets hungry.”可知,选D。 7.B 句意:饥饿的斑马跑去品尝浆果。本题考查动词。smell闻;taste品尝;touch触摸;watch观看。根据语 境可知,斑马饿了,跑去吃浆果。故选B。 8.A 句意:受到惊吓的狮子嗥叫。本题考查形容词。surprised吃惊的;excited 兴奋的;interested感兴趣的; bored无聊的,厌烦的。狮子突然被黄蜂蜇了一下,肯定受到了惊吓。故选A。 9.B 句意:转眼间,它就转身跑回家人身边了。本题考查名词。根据上文可知,本来斑马是和家人在一起 的。故选B。 10.A 此处表示“黄蜂笑着说”。本题考查动词。l

21、augh大笑,嘲笑;shout呼喊;wish希望;promise承诺。根 据上文可知,斑马当初也是带着嘲笑的口吻对黄蜂这样说的。这里黄蜂是为了嘲笑斑马才说了同样的 话。故选A。 重点词汇重点词汇 look around环顾四周;knock at敲击;all day一整天;get close to靠近;in a second转眼间;turn around转过身 话题三 人生感悟 Cloze 1(2020深圳) A group of boys stood around a tree. “What a tall tree!”they said to each other. “It would be

22、1 to climb to the top!” The group of boys then decided to play a game to 2 who could climb to the top of the tree first. Their mothers were sitting not far away, looking on at their 3 as they played. One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the shortest child in the group. 4 tho

23、ught he would win. Then the game started. All of the boys tried their best to climb as high as they could. Although the other boys climbed faster than David in the beginning, he 5 the top of the tree fastest in the end. His mother was 6 . She asked him,“David, how did you reach the top of the tree s

24、o 7 ?” “It was easy,” David said. “The other children 8 looking down as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they were afraid of 9 . I, however, looked only up. When I saw how close I was, I kept going higher and higher 10 I reached the top.” It is true in life that if we just keep g

25、oing forward without looking back, we are more likely to reach our goals. 1.A.boring B.exciting C.dangerous 2.A.believe B.think C.see 3.A.students B.children C.teachers 4.A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Everybody 5.A.got up B.got on C.got to 6.A.proud B.worried C.frightened 7.A.carefully B.quickly C.quietly 8

26、.A.kept B.avoided C.practiced 9.A.taking down B.falling down C.calming down 10.A.if B.after C.until 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一群男孩决定进行一个爬树的比赛游戏,看谁先爬到树顶。令大家都 没想到的是,个子最矮的戴维竟然先爬到树顶,赢得了比赛。当妈妈问他为什么能爬得那么快时,小男孩说当 他爬树的时候自己会一直向上看,坚持向上爬直至爬到树顶。而其他男孩则相反,他们不停地向下看,爬得越 高越害怕摔下来,最终影响到了速度。其实生活也一样:如果我们不回头,坚持前进,我们更有可能达到

27、我们的目标。 1.B 此处意为“爬上树顶会很刺激!”本题考查形容词。boring无聊的;exciting令人兴奋的,刺激的;dan- gerous危险的。根据上下文,孩子们觉得爬到树顶一定会很刺激,所以才开始了爬树比赛游戏。故选B。 2.C 此处意为这群男孩决定进行一场比赛游戏,看谁先爬到树顶。本题考查动词。believe相信;think认 为;see看。根据语境可知,孩子们是想通过比赛来看看谁先爬到树顶。故选C。 3.B 句意:他们的妈妈们坐在不远处,看着孩子们玩耍。本题考查名词。student学生;child孩子;teacher老 师。相对于妈妈们来说,这群男孩是她们的孩子。故选B。 4.

28、A 句意:他是这群孩子中个子最矮的。谁也没有想到他会赢。本题考查不定代词。nobody没有人; somebody某人;everybody每个人。根据上下文,由于戴维是个子最矮的孩子,所以没人会想到他会赢。故 选A。 5.C 句意:尽管一开始其他男孩爬得都比戴维快,但是最终戴维是最快爬上树顶的。本题考查动词短语。 get up起床;get on上车;get to 到达。根据上下文可知,戴维是第一个到达树顶的。故选C。 6.A 句意:他的妈妈感到自豪。本题考查形容词。proud骄傲的,自豪的;worried担心的;frightened害怕 的。根据上下文,戴维赢得了比赛,妈妈为他感到自豪。故选A。

29、 7.B 句意:她问他:“戴维,你是怎么那么快爬到树顶的呢?”本题考查副词。carefully仔细地,认真地; quickly快地;quietly安静地。根据上下文,戴维是最快爬到树顶的,所以妈妈自然要问他为什么爬得那么 快。故选B。 8.A 此处意为其他男孩爬的时候不停地往下看。本题考查动词。keep 坚持,保持;avoid避免;practice练 习。根据上下文可知,别的男孩爬的时候一直往下看。keep looking down一直向下看。故选A。 9.B 此处意为当他们意识到自己有多高的时候,他们害怕掉下来。本题考查动词短语。take down拆除; fall down摔下来;calm

30、down镇静。根据上下文可知,其他男孩爬到高处时,害怕摔下来。故选B。 10.C 此处意为当我看到我有多接近时,我就越爬越高,直到到达树顶。本题考查连词。if如果;after 在 之后;until直到。根据上下文,我一直往上爬,直到爬到树顶。故选C。 重点词汇重点词汇 a group of 一群;far away远处;in the end最后;be afraid of 害怕;reach ones goal达到某人的目标 Cloze 2(2016广东) I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a

31、 new car, expensive clothes and so on. These are considered to be symbols of 1 on the material(物质的)level. When I was young, I was also 2 reaching for material success. So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money. But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was

32、 often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers. I became very unhappy 3 I could make a lot of money. I no longer felt proud of my job and even 4 myself for doing things like that. So I 5 my sales job and took another job, this time help- ing people 6 the poor and the weak. T

33、he sense of belonging(归属感)was great and suddenly I felt suc- cessful in my life again. I made less money, but I was 7 with myself. For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy. I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about 8 . And I feel the most succes

34、sful when I 9 my kindness everywhere I go. So be 10 to yourself:Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart. And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success. 1.A.luck B.success C.safety D.hope 2.A.sadly B.hardly C.crazily D.honestly 3.A.if B.since C.until D.althou

35、gh 4.A.looked down upon B.looked up to C.looked through D.looked into 5.A.made up B.gave up C.set up D.turned up 6.A.in danger B.in order C.in need D.in surprise 7.A.strict B.careful C.angry D.satisfied 8.A.trust B.love C.money D.health 9.A.throw B.spread C.sell D.lend 10.A.true B.brave C.friendly D

36、.terrible 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是记叙文,讲述了作者工作的经历和对工作的认识,特别是他对真正成功的理解让人很受启发。 1.B 由设空处后的内容可知此处是“成功的象征”的意思。故答案为B项。 2.C 句意:当我年轻的时候,我也疯狂地追求物质成功。sadly 悲伤地;hardly几乎不;crazily疯狂地;honestly 诚实地。根据句意可知答案为C项。 3.D 根据句意可知此处应用although引导让步状语从句。 4.A 由前后内容可知是对自己的工作不再感到自豪而且甚至是看不起自己。look down upon看不起,轻 视。 5.B 因此我放弃了销售工作而从事了另一份工作。g

37、ive up 放弃。 6.C in danger处于危险之中;in order 按顺序;in need 处于困难之中;in surprise吃惊。根据句意可知是帮助 处于困难之中的人们。故答案为C项。 7.D be satisfied with对感到满意。根据句意可知是对自己感到满意。 8.C 句意:当我喜欢我所做的事情时我感到自己是成功的,不那么在意钱。trust信任;love爱;money钱; health健康。根据句意可知答案为C项。 9.B throw扔;spread 传播;sell卖;lend借出。根据句意可知此处是在表达:当我在所到之处传播善良时我感 到的是最大的成功。故答案为B项

38、。 10.A 由设空处后的内容可知是要强调:对你自己要真实。true真实的;brave勇敢的;friendly友好的;terrible 糟糕的。根据句意可知答案为A项。 长难句长难句 But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers.但后来我认识到那不是我想要的,因为我经常被迫卖对于顾客来说也许不好的产品。 本句是个复合句。because I was often forced t

39、o sell products that might not be good for the customers是原 因状语从句,其中that might not be good for the customers是定语从句,先行词为products。 话题四 人际关系和社会交往 Cloze(2019广东) Cindy and Anna were best friends. Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not 1 on

40、 what to do. One day they decided to play in the garden near their school.“Come on, lets play chess,”Anna said. “I dont want to play chess,”Cindy replied. “We always do what you want to do, Cindy. Its my turn to make a 2 ,”Anna said. She was getting a little unhappy and 3 , leaving Cindy alone. Cind

41、y was very angry. 4 she got home, she found she still had Annas notebook in her schoolbag.“Well, I m not giving it back to her today. Im too mad at her,”Cindy thought. The next day at school, their teacher Mrs. Stone 5 their notebooks. But Anna didnt have hers, and she looked 6 . Cindy knew she shou

42、ld tell Mrs. Stone that she had the notebook, but she was 7 mad at Anna. When it was time for lunch, Cindy finally told Mrs. Stone the 8 .“Thank you for being 9 , Cindy. Im sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook,”said Mrs. Stone. Later, Mrs. Stone asked the two girls together

43、 and talked with them. Mrs. Stone helped them 10 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity. They became best friends again. 1.A.agree B.live C.depend D.try 2.A.promise B.project C.decision D.dialogue 3.A.went over B.went on C.went by D.went away 4.A.Because B.After C.Unless D.If 5

44、.A.gave away B.asked for C.handed in D.paid for 6.A.worried B.normal C.proud D.relaxed 7.A.still B.never C.usually D.almost 8.A.chance B.method C.truth D.rule 9.A.patient B.honest C.active D.quiet 10.A.describe B.explain C.guess D.realize 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Cindy和Anna这两个好朋友之间的故事。两人非常要好,但有时也会 发生

45、一些争执。最近又因为一件小事发生了矛盾,最后在老师的帮助下两人和好如初。 1.A 本题考查动词短语。agree on就达成一致意见。前面提到她们很开心地在一起玩,不会争吵,由 表示转折关系的连词but可知,她们也会有意见不一致的时候,故选A。 知识拓展知识拓展 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见;agree to do sth.同意做某事。 2.C 本题考查名词。promise 承诺;project 工程,计划;decision决定;dialogue对话。根据上文可知,Anna抱 怨说以前做什么事都是Cindy说了算,这次该轮到她做决定了。make a decision做决定,故选C

46、。 3.D 本题考查动词短语。go over 仔细检查;go on 继续;go by 经过;go away走开。由and前的unhappy和空 后的leaving Cindy alone可知,Anna生气地走开了,故选D。 4.B 本题考查连词。句意:到家后,她发现她的书包里还有Anna的笔记本。发现Anna的笔记本是在Cindy 到家之后才发生的,故选B。 5.B 本题考查动词短语。give away 赠送;ask for 要求;hand in上交;pay for支付,付款。此处应该是老师要 求大家上交笔记本,故选B。 易错警示易错警示 本题易误选C,考生会理解成“上交”笔记本,但本句的主语

47、是Mrs. Stone,而不是学生,所以只 能是向学生要笔记本。 6.A 本题考查形容词。老师要求学生上交笔记本,而Anna此时找不到自己的笔记本,自然会非常担心,故 选A。 7.A 本题考查副词。根据语境可知,Cindy仍然在生Anna的气,故选A。 8.C 本题考查名词。tell sb. the truth 告诉某人实情。根据下文可知,Cindy最终把实情告诉了Mrs. Stone, 故选C。 9.B 本题考查形容词。patient有耐心的;honest诚实的;active活跃的;quiet安静的。根据上一句可知,Cindy 告诉了Mrs. Stone实情,所以老师对Cindy的诚实表示赞

48、赏,故选B。 10.D 本题考查动词。describe描述;explain解释;guess猜;realize意识到。文章最后,在老师的帮助下,两个 人都意识到轮流做决定是个好主意,故选D。 重点词汇重点词汇 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 make a decision 做决定 give back 归还 be mad at sb.生某人的 气 take turns轮流 话题五 善行义举 Cloze(2018深圳) When I was young, I went to a boarding(寄宿)school in Edinburgh. It was far from home because I 1 on an island in the north o


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