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冀教版冀教版三年级上册三年级上册Unit 3 Colours and lettersLesson 4 My letter book 游戏说明:可从任意字母开始,让学生以游戏说明:可从任意字母开始,让学生以“开开火车火车”的方式接龙,也可以的方式接龙,也可以“串糖葫芦串糖葫芦”的方式,的方式,让学生说字母再任意指向其他学生。让学生说字母再任意指向其他学生。Drive a train_ pple_ ook_ at_ eskabcdLets review Words with letters Aa-Nn_ gg_ ish_ irl_ andefgh_ nki_ am_ id_ ight_ apjklm_ inen_ encil_ uler_ rangepro_ ueenqWords with letters Oo-Zz_ eat_ chools_ egetablev_ mbrellau_-rayX_ interw_ ebraz_ ellowyOoisfororange,o,o,o.Ppisforpencil,p,p,p.Qq isforqueen,q,q,q.Rrisforruler,r,r,r.Ssisforschool,s,s,s.Tt is for tea,t,t,t.Listen and chant.Uuisforumbrella,u,u,u.Vvisforvegetable,v,v,v.Ww isforwinter,w,w,w.XxisforX-ray,x,x,x.Yyisforyellow,y,y,y.Zz is for zebra,z,z,z.Chant in groupsOoisfor_,o,o,o.Ppisfor_,p,p,p.Qq isfor_,q,q,q.Rrisfor_,r,r,r.Ssisfor_,s,s,s.Tt is for _,t,t,t.Uuisfor_,u,u,u.Vvisfor_,v,v,v.Ww isfor_,w,w,w.Xxisfor_,x,x,x.Yyisfor_,y,y,y.Zz is for _,z,z,z.Look and sayQAZWERTYUIOPSDFGHJKLXCVBNM1Whats this?QWERTY Keyboard柯蒂键盘柯蒂键盘Read and order.QAZWERTYUIOPSDFGHJKLXCVBNM1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526Letters are very helpful(有用的有用的)in our life.So lets make a letter book(字母书字母书).Look,make and say.Look,my letter cards!Step 1:Lets make the letter cards from Oo to Zz.The letter cards are now in order.按顺序排列按顺序排列Step 2:Put all the letter cards from Aa-Zz in order and make it a book.This is my letter book.Step 3:draw one card in order and make the chant below.Aa.Aa is for apple,a,a,a.Aa is for apple,a,a,a.Bb is for book,b,b,b.Cc is for cat,c,c,c.Dd is for desk,d,d,d.Ee is for egg,e,e,e.Ff is for fish,f,f,f.Gg is for girl,g,g,g.Hh is for hand,h,h,h.Ii is for ink,i,i,i.Jj is for jam,j,j,j.Kk is for kid,k,k,k.Ll is for light,l,l,l.Mm is for mind map,m,m,m.Nn is for nine,n,n,n.Lets chantOo is for orange,o,o,o.Pp is for pencil,p,p,p.Qq is for queen,q,q,q.Rr is for ruler,r,r,r.Ss is for school,s,s,s.Tt is for tea,t,t,t.Uu is for umbrella,u,u,u.Vv is for vegetable,v,v,v.Ww is for winter,w,w,w.Xx is for X-ray,x,x,x.Yy is for yellow,y,y,y.Zz is for zebra,z,z,z.SummaryMake my own letter book(Aa-Zz)1.Write letters from Aa to Zz in the correct order.2.Practice the chant.3.Sing the chant to your family.Homework