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1、UNIT 2 SPORTS AND FITNESS 1.I prefer to play basketball rather than play football.我宁愿打篮球而不 愿踢足球。 【词汇精讲】 本句中 prefer 是动词,经常构成 prefer to do sth rather than do sth 表示“宁愿做而不愿意做”。 2.I prefer to play basketball rather than play football.我宁愿打篮球而不 愿踢足球。 【词汇精讲】句中 rather than.这一结构表示“而不是”,常用于连 接两个并列成分。 3. Paul

2、had to try out many times just for making the team. 保罗多次参加选拔,想要入选球队。 4. Everyone knew Paul had real skills,and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong desire to play for the team. 每个人都知道保罗有着真正的技术,他是一个非常努力的人,并且很渴 望为球队打球。 【词汇精讲】本句中的 desire 是名词,后面跟不定式,作定语。 5.And clearly,all the extra hours

3、that hed spent practising alone paid off. 很显然,他独自一人训练花的额外时间得到了回报。 【词汇精讲】本句中 pay off 是动词短语,表示“取得成功,有回报”, 还可以表示偿清贷款、债务等。 6.The other team just couldnt keep up with his energy and speed. 另一支球队无法跟上他的精力和速度。 【词汇精讲】本句中的 keep up with 用作及物动词,表示“跟上,保持 同步” 。 7. He made shot after shot,and the crowd couldnt sto

4、p clapping and cheering. 他一个接一个地投篮,人群忍不住鼓掌欢呼。 8.Paul knew that being shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more.保罗知道自己比其他球员矮意味着他需要多加练习。 【句式剖析】本句 that 引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中 being shorter than other players 作主语。 9.I dont think I can play anymore,coach.教练,我认为我不能再打了。 【句式剖析】本句中 I dont think 是否

5、定前置,是指如果带有否定的 宾语从句,宾语从句中的否定词通常提前,用来否定主句的谓语动词。 10.My friend suggested I should try long-distance running. 我朋友建议我应该试一下长跑。 11.it is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running,. 跑步前或跑步后适当热身或降温非常重要, 12.Scanning a text means reading it as quickly as possible to find specific info

6、rmation. 浏览一篇课文意味着尽可能快地读文章找到特定信息。 13.There will be times when you want to give up. 会有你要放弃的时候。 14.Its never too late to start getting into running and exercising. 开始跑步和锻炼永远不会太迟 15. Audiences are reminded to turn off the phones or put them on silence. 观众们请注意,请关闭手机或调成静音。 16. The gloves and mouth guards

7、 also help,in case anything happens.以 防万一发生什么事,手套和护口器都有帮助。 17. Is this where I sign up for the Annual Fun Run?这是我报名参加年度 趣味跑的地方吗? 18. I know youve had lots to occupy your time,so you probably didnt have time to watch the football match between Manchester United and Liverpool tonight. 我知道你有很多事情要做,所以你可

8、能没有时间看今晚曼联和利物浦 的足球赛。 19. Im a bit fed up with getting sick all the time.我一直有点厌烦生病。 20. As people often say,any exercise is better than none,but long-distance running in particular has a lot of benefits. 正如人们常说的,任何运动都比不运动好,但是长跑好处尤其多。 21. As people often say,any exercise is better than none,but long-d

9、istance running in particular has a lot of benefits. 正如人们常说的,任何运动都比没有运动好,但长跑好处尤其多。 22. It is a great sport for beginnersyou do not need a gym membership or any special equipment. 对于初学者来说,这是一项伟大的运动,你不需要健身房会员或任何特 殊设备。 23. Even a thirty-minute run will provide relief from aches or tension that you may

10、be suffering due to stress. 即使是三十分钟的跑步也能缓解你因压力而遭受的任何疼痛或紧张。 24. Make sure you are running the right amount that your heart,muscles and bones can take without getting hurt. 确保你跑的量正好合适,你的心脏、肌肉和骨骼能够承受而不受伤害。 25. Nothing gives one more satisfaction than realising that all the sweat and hard work were worth it in the end.没有什么比意识到所有的汗水 和辛勤工作最终是值得的更令人满意。 26. My friend suggested I should try long-distance running.我朋友建议 我应该试一下长跑。 27. Its never too late to start getting into running and exercising.开始跑 步和锻炼永远不会太迟


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