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1、七年级英语第 1 页共 8 页20232024 学年度第一学期国庆作业反馈七年级英语2023.10选选择择题题(共共 50 分分)一一、听听力力(1 15 5 分分)第第一一部部分分听听对对话话回回答答问问题题,本本部部分分共共有有1 10 0道道小小题题,每每小小题题你你将将听听到到一一段段对对话话,每每段段对对话话听听两两遍遍。在在听听每每段段对对话话前前,你你将将有有5 5秒秒钟钟的的时时间间阅阅读读题题目目;听听完完后后,你你还还有有5 5秒秒钟钟的的时时间间选选出出你你认认为为最最合合适适的的备备选选答答案案。1.Which is the girls sister?ABC2.What

2、 sport is the boy good at?ABC3.What does the girl usually do after school?ABC4.What does Jack often do on Sundays?ABC5.Where does Jane come from?A.EnglandB.ChinaC.Japan6.What day is it today?七年级英语第 2 页共 8 页A.FridayB.SaturdayC.Sunday7.What does Jacks mother do?A.She is a doctor.B.She is a teacher.C.S

3、he is a nurse.8.What subject is Zhang Ming good at?A.EnglishB.ChineseC.Maths9.What doesAnnie want to do?A.She wants to do her homework.B.She wants to play with Jim.C.She wants to play computer10.What does the tall man teach?A.EnglishB.MathsC.ChineseB)听一段对话,回答第 11-12 小题。11.What team is Jack in?A.Bask

4、etball teamB.Football teamC.Volleyball team12.What does Jack look like?A.He is tall and thinB.He is short and strongC.He is tall and strong.C)听一篇短文,回答 13-15 小题。Toms familyToms fatherHe is a(an)_13_ teacher.His name is Jacky.He likes playing basketball.Toms motherShe is a music teacher.She is _14_ ye

5、ars old.TomOn Sundays,he usually does his homework and _15_.13.A.ChineseB.EnglishC.PE14.A.thirty-eightB.thirty-sevenC.thirty-six15.A.plays basketballB.watches TVC.reads books二二、单单项项填填空空(共共 15 小小题题,每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)16.Which of the underlined letter is pronounced differently(发音不同)from the others

6、?A.niceB.liveC.isD.slim17.Where _Andy _ from?Shanghai.A.does;isB.does;is comeC.does;comeD.do;come18.Simon is tall._ is in our school football team.We all like _.A.He;heB.He;himC.Him;heD.Him;him19.Many of us play _ sports _ our free time.A./;atB./;inC.the;inD.the;at20.Ma Long looks _ and plays table

7、tennis very well.He is my hero.A.handsomeB.strongC.modernD.free21.I like reading very much._.Reading is fun.A.Me tooB.Me alsoC.Yes,I doD.I think so22.He sat _ the bus to get a good view(风景)of the countryside.A.in the front ofB.in front ofC.behindD.beside23.Everyone in my family _ music.七年级英语第 3 页共 8

8、 页A.enjoys listeningB.enjoys listening toC.enjoy listening toD.enjoy listening24._?Its 11 October.A.What time is itB.What day is it todayC.When is it todayD.Whats the date today25.Dont worry!Let me _ you after _.A.help;a classB.help;classC.to help;the classD.to help;a class26._ does your father walk

9、 in the park every day?For two hours.A.WhenB.How longC.What timeD.How often27.Miss Green is a very_ teacher.She teaches very_.A.good;goodB.good;wellC.well;goodD.well;well28.Do you often _ football matches on TV?A.readB.look atC.watchD.see29.Which word has the sound/?A.gradeB.nameC.ageD.glad30.What i

10、s your father?_.A.He is very youngB.He is tallC.He is not very oldD.He is a doctor三三、完完形形填填空空(共共 10 小小题题,每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分)Mr.Brown is a 27-year old teacher.He is very friendly,31he is popular with hisstudents.He goes to work by32at 7:20 a.m.every day.His school starts at 8:00 a.m.Thebus ride u

11、sually33about 20 minutes.One day,his bus stops at a bus stop.Mr.Brownlooks out of the window and he sees a34.The woman is selling cakes.He wants to buy35.He doesnt have36at home this morning.The woman is not far from his bus,buthe doesnt want to go out.At that time,he sees a boy near the bus.Come he

12、re,boy!Mr.Brown says.Do you know37those cakes are?Mr.Brown asks the boy.Thirty cents for one.The boy answers.Mr.Brown gives sixty cents to the boy and asks him to38two cakes.Mr.Brownsays,One cake is for you and39is for me.After two minutes,the boy comes back withone cake.He40 the cake and gives thir

13、ty cents back to Mr.Brown and says,Theres only oneleft.31.A.soB.butC.becauseD.and32.A.carB.bikeC.busD.train33.A.spendsB.makesC.getsD.takes34.A.boyB.womanC.girlD.man35.A.itB.oneC.anyD.all36.A.breakfastB.lunchC.supperD.snack37.A.how heavyB.how bigC.how manyD.how much38.A.buyB.catchC.makeD.cook39.A.oth

14、erB.the otherC.othersD another40.A.seesB.eatsC.losesD.finds七年级英语第 4 页共 8 页四四、阅阅读读理理解解(共共 10 小小题题,每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分)AWe surveyed(调查)300 young people on what they like to do at weekends.One hundredpeople are from the ages of 1118,one hundred 1926 and one hundred 27-35.The followingshows their ans

15、wers:41.How many people enjoy taking a walk in the 1926 group?A.50B.20C.75D.1542.People in which group like playing computer games best?A.The 1118 groupB.The 1926 groupC.The 2735 groupD.Both Aand B43.Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart?A.Fewest people like taking a walk.B.The peopl

16、e of 1118 like taking a walk most.C.Eighty people like going to the movies in the 1926 group.D.The people of 2735 like watching TV most.BDo you know what“pay it forward”means?Its not paying for something before you buy it.“Pay it forward”is to do something nice for another person for no reason(理由).T

17、hen that personcan do something nice for other people.You may think it doesnt seem like much.But this kind act(行动)can spread(传播)really fast.One day,a woman buys McDonalds in Florida,US.She also buys the next personsmeal.Well,that person does the same thing,and the next person does too.Soon,250 peopl

18、e buymeals for another person!You can“pay it forward”by doing some other nice things for anyone around you.Just lookfor little things,like helping your mom clean the house without her asking.It can make a personsday.Then,tell them to do three kind things for another one.This way,anyone can act to ma

19、ke theworld a better place.44.How many meals does the woman in Florida pay for?A.1B.2C.250D.25145.In the last paragraph,the writer _.A.talks about how she does kind things at homeB.shows“paying it forward”is not good enough七年级英语第 5 页共 8 页C.tells us to do three kind things for momD.wants people to ac

20、t now to make a better world46.What is the best title for the passage?A.Paying for something before buying it.B.Buying meals for others.C.Kind acts going on.D.Doing three kind things a day.C“Its raining cats and dogs!shouts Grandpa.Little Richie comes running to the window.Hewants to see the cats an

21、d dogs.He likes cats and dogs,but when he looks out of the window,he isdisappointed.He only sees the rain.There are no cats or dogs at all.“It looks like the rain is coming down in sheets,”says Richies cousin Thomas.“Sheets?”Richie looks again.He doesnt see any sheets.Everyone in the family starts t

22、o look out of the window now.“Yes.Its really coming down in torrents!”Uncle Bob says when he looks out of the window,too.Richie thinks,“What is coming down?First someone talks about cats and dogs.Thensomeone talks about sheets.Now someone says it.Why cant I understand them?”“Wow!”Aunt Susie shouts w

23、hen she looks out of the window.“Its raining really hard.”Richie looks at his aunt.“Yes.It is raining hard,”he says,“but where are the cats,dogs andsheets?”“Richie,all those just mean its raining really hard,”says Grandpa.“So why didnt you just say that?”asks Richie.“We did.You dont know these sayin

24、gs,”says Richies cousin.“Well,now I do,”says Richie.“Oh,the cats out of the bag,then,”says Grandma.“What cat?”asks Richie.Everyone says,“Oh,not a real cat again.”“Right,”says Grandma.“The secret is out.”“I get it,”says Richie.47.The underlined word“disappointed”in the article means _.A.兴奋的B.紧张的C.失望的

25、D.忧虑的48.Who could Richie only understand at first?A.Grandpa.B.Cousin Thomas.C.Uncle Bob.D.Aunt Susie.49.Which of the following have the same meaning?Its raining cats and dogsIts coming down in sheets.Its coming down in torrents.The cats out of the bagA.B.C.D.50.Which of the following is TRUE accordi

26、ng to the article?A.The family has a big secret.B.There are cats in Richies family.C.Richie doesnt see any sheets in the rain.D.Thomas doesnt understand what Grandpa says.D七年级英语第 6 页共 8 页非非选选择择题题(共共 5 50 0 分分)五、填填空空(共共 15 小小题题,每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)A)根根据据中中英英文文提提示示或或音音标标写写出出单单词词,使使句句子子意意思思完完整整正正确确。

27、51.Amy and Tony are/membs/of the Writing Club.52.I think/d rf/lessons are interesting and l have learnt how to read a map.53.Some people can eat ten _/bls/of rice at a time which is not good for health.54.I learned to play/tens/when I was four years old.55.Today is Childrens Day.Students are(确实)happ

28、y.56.How many teaching(大楼)are there in your school?57.Our classroom is not big,but its very(明亮的).58.Can I(借)your ruler,Amy?Sure.B)根根据据句句子子意意思思,用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。59.Mr.Wu teaches(we)English this term.60.He(study)at home at weekends.61.We(not do)our homework on Saturdays.62.-What do you w

29、ant(drink)?-Just some water,please.63.Are these books those football(play)?64.How often does your school have a(parent)meeting?65.My mother usually(shop)online.六六、句句型型(共共 15 小小题题,每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)A)按按要要求求改改写写句句子子,每每空空一一词词。66.Im Millies sister.(改为一般疑问句)Millies sister?67.Sandy flies kites with h

30、er friends on Sunday.(改为否定句)Sandykites with her friends on Sunday.68.The girl in a red dress is Daniels sister.(对划线部分提问)is Daniels sister?69.I like playing football best.(改为同义句)Playing football issport.70.My brother often walks to school.(改为同义句)My brother often goes to school.71.She hopes she will b

31、e a successful dancer when she grows up.(同义句改写)Shea successful dancer when she grows up.72.There isnt much time to do my homework today.(同义句改写)There isnttime to do my homework today.B)根根据据汉汉语语意意思思,用用英英语语完完成成下下列列句句子子,每每空空一一词词。73.我希望你的梦想能够实现。I hope that your dream can.74.学习历史是一种乐趣。is fun.75.Millie 经常带

32、领妈妈参观她的学校。七年级英语第 7 页共 8 页Millie oftenher motherher school.76.你周日还做什么其他事情?do you do on Sundays?77.让我们来谈论我们的新学校吧。Letsour new school.78.-你喜欢新学校吗?-当然。-Do you like your new school?-.79.我们学校的图书馆在一楼。Our schoolthe ground floor.80.看这个牌子,上面写着禁止游泳。Look at the sign.It says Dont.七七、任任务务型型阅阅读读,每每空空一一词词(共共 10 小小题题

33、,每每小小题题 0.5 分分,满满分分 5 5 分分)Nowadays,many people drive their cars to work.There are a lot of cars in the street andthe traffic is very busy.So sometimes its difficult for people to get to work on time.When youare going to be late,you only dream of taking a plane there.Can you achieve your dream?Yes!Y

34、ou can take a plane only in months!Four engineers in Germany are interested in making planes.They are making a newplaneLilium jet.It doesnt look like a plane but an egg.Many people think it looks funny andinteresting.The great“egg”can take two people to the sky and fly there hundred kilometres inone

35、 hour.Thats really great.Some people call him Lilium jet“a flying car”.Why?Firstly,people learn to drive Liliumjet very easily.It is like driving a car.But it can go faster and farther than a car.Secondly,Lilium jet is not very big,only 1/4 of a plane.So it doesnt need an airport.Only a small placei

36、s OK.It can stop everywhere.In the future,the“flying car”will come into peoples life andchange our modes of trip.Lilium jet will come on the market soon.If you want to make your trip easy and full ofinterest,why not buy one?Im sure you will have a good time on it.Lilium jet a81carProblemsNowadays,ma

37、ny people go to work by82.People may be83for work because of the heavy traffic.IntroductionUnbelievably,people can84to work only in months.Four engineers from Germany are working together to85a newplaneLilium jet.It looks funny and interesting because it looks like an86.87reasons forcalling it“a fly

38、ing car”Firstly,its88for people to learn to drive it.Its just like drivinga car.Secondly,its89,only a quarter of a plane in size.So it can stopeverywhere.ConclusionBuy a Lilium jet and make your trip easy and90.七年级英语第 8 页共 8 页八八、首首字字母母填填空空(共共 10 小小题题,每每小小题题 0.5 分分,满满分分 5 分分)Soccer is a popular sport

39、.Many games are held in different places every year.The WorldCup is the game that a91the players want to play most.It is held every four years.O92the best team can win the game.In the 2018 World Cup,there were m93people who wentto the games or watched t94on TV day and night.They all got very e95and

40、hopedthat the team they like could become the worlds best team.Soccer is a t96sport.There are eleven p97in each team of a game.The earliestgames of soccer in England were not like what we k98today.Games were played b99towns.Each team had more than five hundred players,and each team had to t100to car

41、rythe ball to the other teams town.Today some towns in England still play games like this.九九、书书面面表表达达(1 10 0 分分)上个月,我校接待了十位来自新西兰的学生。他们多才多艺,体验了中国传统文化,游览了南京风景名胜,融入了我们的学校生活。请你为学校公众号编辑一篇推文,介绍其中的一位访问学生 Ronak。为了便于新西兰访问学校的老师和同学们共同阅读,请以英文撰写。要求:1.词数 70 词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.涵盖表格中所有要点,省略处请适当增加细节信息;3.文中不得提及真实校名

42、、人名等信息。Hello,everyone!Id like to introduce one of the exchange students Ronak for you.NameRonakCountryNew ZealandAge13LooksTall,strong Favourite subjectChinese,HobbySports,HeroFan ZhendongHis hopeMake more friends in China,郑和外国语初一第一次月考英语试卷答案 一、听力 1-5 BABCA 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 ACBBC 二、选择填空 16-20 ACBBB 2

43、1-25 AABDB 26-30 BBCDD 三、完形填空 31-35ACDBB 36-40ADABB 四、阅读理解 BAABD CCDAC 五、词汇运用 A members Geography bowls tennis really buildings bright borrow B us studies dont do to drink players parents shops 六、句型转换 Are you doesnt fly Which girl my favorite/favourite on foot hopes to be lots of 七、完成句子 come true Studying/Learning History shows around What else talk about/of Of course library is on go swimming 八、任务型阅读 81.flying 82.car 83.late 84.fly 85.make 86.egg 87.Two 88.easy 89.small 90.interesting 九、首字母填空 91 all 92 Only 93 many 94 them 95 excited 96 team 97 players 98 know 99 between 100 try


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