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  • 河北省石家庄市第四十二中学2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中英语试卷
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石家庄市第四十二中学石家庄市第四十二中学 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年度第二学期初一年级期中考试学年度第二学期初一年级期中考试英语试卷英语试卷 注意事项:本试卷分卷和两部分,卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共 100 分,考试时间 90分钟。请将选择题的答案填涂在机读卡上,非选择题写在答题纸上。注意事项:本试卷分卷和两部分,卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共 100 分,考试时间 90分钟。请将选择题的答案填涂在机读卡上,非选择题写在答题纸上。卷(选择题)卷(选择题)听力部分听力部分.听句子.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息选出句子中所包含的信息(共 5 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 2.5 分)()1.A.noisy B.lazy C.dirty()2.A.a fat tigerB.a big riverC.a cute villager()3.A.eat outB.get upC.go out()4.A.Lions are smart.B.Jeff likes lions best.C.Jeff doesnt like lions.()5.A.I am free on weekends.B.I dont have time on Saturday.C.I dont have time from Monday to Friday.听句子听句子,选出该句的最佳答语选出该句的最佳答语(共 5 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 2.5 分)()6.A.Thank you.B.Me,too.C.I dont like it.()7.A.Sounds good.B.Sorry,Ms Wang.C.Thats great.()8.A.20 minutes.B.5 kilometers.C.By subway.()9.A.Youre kind.B.Youre right.C.Youre welcome.()10.A.Shes fine.B.Shes tall.C.Shes a teacher.听对话和问题听对话和问题,选择正确答案选择正确答案(共 8 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 4 分)()11.What cant Mike do here?A.B.C.()12.How does Lucy go to school?A.B.C.()13.Where are the speakers(说话人)?A.In the zoo.B.In the classroom.C.In the supermarket.*()14.What can Peter do?A.Play chess.B.Play soccer.C.Play the guitar.()15.Who is good at drawing?A.Peter.B.Jill.C.Peters sister.*()16.What is Scott doing now?A.Reading a book.B.Cleaning the room.C.Watching Kung Fu Panda.()17.What does Scott think of the movie?A.Scary.B.Boring.C.Interesting.()18.What time do they meet?A.At 7:15.B.At 7:30.C.At 7:45.IV.听短文和问题听短文和问题,选择正确答案选择正确答案(共 7 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 3.5 分)()19.What day is it today?A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.()20.Where are the two old men?A.Near a pool.B.On a bridge.C.Under a tree.()21.What are the boys doing?A.Riding bikes.B.Taking photos.C.Playing cards.*()22.What is Cindys mother doing?A.Dancing.B.Cooking.C.Singing.()23.Who is buying a big cake for Cindy?A.Her father.B.Her brother.C.Her friends.()24.What does Kate give Cindy?A.A pen.B.A notebook.C.A Bing Dwen Dwen.()25.How does Cindy feel today?A.Sad.B.Happy.C.Sorry.V.听短文填空听短文填空(共 5 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 2.5 分)Information SheetLucy is a girl from 26._.Now Lucys parents are 27._ with her and ask her to study every night.Li Hua is 28._ years old.Li Hua is very 29._ and she has many friends.After school,Li Hua usually 30._ with her friends at school.笔试部分笔试部分.单项选择(.单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)31.Li Hong is _ late for class.She is always the first to come to school.A.sometimes B.usually C.often D.never32.Miss Li is good _ music,and she is good _ children in the music club.A.at,withB.for,atC.at,atD.with,at33.-Lets go to the _.-That sounds fun.I like animals.A.libraryB.stationC.zooD.club34.The school is far from my home,_ I take the bus every day.A.so B.but C.orD.because35.-Lets play _ guitar.-That sounds good.But I dont have _ guitar.A.a,the B.a,aC.the,aD.the,36.Cindy _ English very well.She often _ stories in English.A.speaks;tells B.tells;speaks C.talks;says D.says;tells37.The room looks _.Lets clean it together.A.dirtyB.tidyC.quietD.noisy38.Do you go to school _car?No,I often _ the subway.A.drive;take B.by;take C.in;on D.take;by39.Miss Liu teaches _ English this term.We all like _.A.our;she B.us;she C.our;her D.us;her40.What do you often do on Saturday evening?I _ watch TV _ play computer games.A.from;to B.either;or C.between;and D.not;but.完形填空(.完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)I am interested in music.I love playing the piano,41_ my parents have no money to buy me a piano.Theres a piano in our 42_,but we can use it only in the 43_ class.After class,our music teacher Mr Smith locks(锁)the door to the room,and nobody can use the 44._.When I pass by the piano room,I often put my head against the window and look inside.Mr Smith 45_ me do that quite often.One day,he 46_ me to come to his office and gives me a spare(备用的)47_ to the piano room.I can get into the piano 48_ before and after school to play the piano.I jump with joy when I 49_ the key.Now I go to school half an hour early to play the piano and I can 50_ very well.All I want to say to Mr Smith is,“Thanks.”41.A.or B.but C.so D.and42.A.restaurant B.house C.school D.library43.A.history B.art C.English D.music44.A.guitar B.drum C.violin D.piano45.A.sees B.feels C.helps D.lets46.A.wished B.asks C.teaches D.likes47.A.key B.toy C.money D.lock48.A.class B.shop C.room D.office49.A.use B.save C.buy D.get50.A.run B.dance C.sleep D.play.阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读 A、B、C、D 四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。AHAPPY FATHERS DAYThe Wilbur School would like the children of our school to bring their dads,grandpas and uncles to our Fathers Day Pizza NightWhen:Wednesday,September 1stWhere:The Wilbur School Meeting RoomTime:5:30pm-6:30pmCost:$10 per family memberIt will be great to see you!Please pay(缴费)at the school office by Monday,August 30th and tell us how many people of your family will come.We will have free soft drinks and water in the meeting room for everyone!No one can have beer or wine in the meeting room.51.Who can students bring to the party?A.Brothers B.Grandmothers C.Uncles D.Aunts52.How long is the Pizza Night?A.For half an hour B.For one hour C.For one and a half hours D.For two hours53.When can one pay the money?A.On August 30th B.On August 31st C.On September 1st D.On September 2ndBEvery school has its own rules.Some rules are the same.But some are different.Here are some school rules.Strict Japanese rulesMany Japanese schools ask students to wear uniforms.Some schools tell students they can not go to the movies,leave home at night or play computer games at home on school days._At some schools in the US,students must wear a pair of indoor shoes at school every day.This can keep the school clean.No strange hairstyles in the UKIn some English schools,students cant wear strange hairstyles.But the students can wear strange hairstyles in the World Cup years.54.What cant some Japanese students do on school days?A.Watch TV.B.Wear school uniforms.C.Play with friends.D.Leave home at night.55.Choose the best sentences to fill in the blank“_”in Paragraph 3.A.Beautiful shoes in the US.B.Dirty shoes in the US.C.Expensive shoes in the US.D.Clean shoes in the US.56.What would be the best title of the passage?A.Follow the school rules.B.How strange these countries are.C.School Rules in the World.D.Dont wear uniforms at school.CMy family go to the zoo every second Sunday every month.Its very hard to find a place to park(停车)the car in front of the zoo,so we usually take the bus.I dont mind the long time on the bus because the zoo is so amazing!The animals I like best are the baby pandas and the monkeys.My sister likes elephants and monkeys.She doesnt like the snakes(蛇).She covers her eyes with her hands when we walk close to the snakes.There are new animals in the zoo every month,so I always want to see all the animals.It is sad when it is time to leave,as we can see only half of the animals every time.I always ask my parents to let me stay longer,but they give me the same answer each time,“Its time to go.We need to catch the bus.”I hope I can visit the zoo more often.57.The writers family usually go to the zoo _.A.on foot B.by bike C.by bus D.by car58.What does the underlined word“amazing”mean?A.Great B.Far C.Noisy D.Safe59.Every month the zoo has _.A.new plants B.new animals C.new workers D.new rooms60.What is the writers wish?A.To take the early bus.B.To see half of the animals.B.To go to the zoo more often D.To stay with his family for longer.DPeople in Los Angeles love cars very much.The city is very big,and its public transportation(公共交通)is slow.So people drive everywhere.But now,a lot of people who like riding are trying to get people out of their cars but on bikes.Devon says he has to be careful when he rides his bike on the streets.A lot of people drive very fast,and its very difficult to be careful.Although riding a bike to work can be dangerous,he likes to ride his bike to work.Its much better than driving a car.For example,I dont have to think about where to park the car.Roger drives to work.You always have to look at the both sides because someone would rush(冲)across by bike.Or you can easily get into an accident.If some people live and work near each other,they can ride to work together to make the bike ride relaxing.They call a bike train.Anna helps make the group L.A Bike Trains.Youre in a big group.If youre afraid of riding alone,you can now ride with other people.Anna says that people would feel safer(更安全的)by riding together in a group.61.Most people in Los Angeles use in their lives.A.carsB.busesC.trainsD.bicycles62.Devon thinks it is to ride his bike on the streets.A.safeB.dangerousC.boringD.exciting63.Why does Roger think it is easy to get into an accident when she drives to work?A.Because she drives fast.B.Because she doesnt look carefully at the both sides of the road.C.Because someone would ride a bike and rush across the street suddenly.D.Because too many people drive cars in Los Angeles.64.Who helps make the group-L.ABike Trains?A.Devon B.Anna C.Roger D.We dont know.65.From the passage,we know that .A.riding in a bike train can help people feel saferB.Devon is one bicyclist of the groupBike TrainsC.Roger likes riding her bikes to workD.Devon thinks riding a bike is more difficult卷卷(非选择题).任务型阅读任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)David gets up at 7:40.He leaves home at 8:15 and walks to school.His first lesson starts at 9:00am.All his lessons are one hour.After the second lesson,he has a short twenty-minute break.Then there are two lessons before lunch.His favorite subjects are science and PE.Lunch is at 1:20.He always has lunch in the school dining hall.On Wednesday he has a quick lunch because he has to go to the computer club.Theres always one lesson in the afternoon.It finishes at 3:10pm.On Wednesday and Friday,David plays football after school.Hes in the school team so he often plays a game on Saturday afternoon,too.David has an hours homework every day.He usually does it in his bedroom after dinner but he sometimes gets up early and does it before breakfast the next day.66、67 题完成句子,68、69、70 题简略回答问题。66.David _ at 7:40.67.Davids favorite subjects are _.68.Why does David have a quick lunch on Wednesday?_69.What does David often do on Saturday afternoon?_70.Do you think David have time to do homework every day?Why?_.词语运用.词语运用(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Im 71._ 11-year-old boy.It is Saturday today.My parents and I get up early and my little sister 72._(dress)herself quickly.We eat breakfast early 73._ we want to leave for the zoo early.When we get to the zoo,there are many people in it.My mother likes pandas well,so we go to see them first.Look!Some 74._ (panda)are eating under trees.My mother says,“They are so 75.c_!”But I think they are kind of lazy.They sleep all day.Next,we see the giraffes.My sister is 76._ (real)happy.They are her favorite animals.My sister wants to give some food to them.But my mother 77._(stop)her,“Dont do that!We cant give food to these animals.Its one of the 78._(rule)in the zoo.”Then we see many other animals in the zoo.After we come back home from the zoo,our parents tell us,“Animals are our good friends.We should be kind to them.Many animals are 79._ danger now.We can do some things to save 80._(they).”It is a great day and I learn a lot.连词成句.连词成句(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)81.listen to,in class,dont,music_.82.how,to,they,day,school,get,do,every_?83.play,brother,can,the,your,drums_?84.usually,on,they,exercise,weekends_.85.think,kind of,I,monkeys,are,smart _.书面表达.书面表达(10 分)假如你是李明,你在美国的笔友 Mike 来信想了解你的情况,请根据提示信息,给你的笔友写封邮件。能力唱歌,弹钢琴。日常生活家离学校 2 公里远。通常乘坐公交车上学。有时骑自行车。校规不能迟到。不能在走廊跑。喜欢的动物猫,因为很聪明。要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整,可适当发挥。2.文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);3.词数:至少 70 个词。已给出部分不计入总词数。Dear Mike,How are you?Thanks for your last letter.You want to know about my daily life.Let me tell you._Yours,Li Ming 英语答案英语答案听力:1-5 CCABB 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 CAAAB 16-20 BCABC 21-25 ABACB 26.Australia 27.strict 28.13thirteen 29.friendly 30.dances单选:31-35 DACAC 36-40 AABDB完型:41-45 BCDDA 46-50 BACDD阅读:51-53 CBA 54-56 DDC 57-60 CABC 61-65 ABCBA任务:66 gets up 67 science and P.E.68 Because he has to go to the computer club.69 He often plays a game.70 Yes.Because He usually does his homework in his bedroom after dinner.Yes.Because he can do his homework in his bedroom after dinner.(写明原因即可)词汇:71.an 72.dresses 73.because 74.first 75.pandas 76.really 77.stops 78.rules 79.in 80.them连词:81.Dont listen to music in class.82.How do they get to school every day?83.Can your brother play the drums?84.They usually exercise on weekends.85.I think monkeys are kind of smart.
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