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1、四川省泸州市合江少岷初中2024-2025学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题一、单项选择1Whats the _ of the pandas in the wild?About 1,900 in China. After years of protection, their number has grown.AbehaviourBpopulationCmenu2When I saw Jack yesterday, he _ for the English test.ApreparesBpreparedCwas preparing3Shall we go to Zhongshan Park or

2、Haiwan Park?_ is OK. They both have beautiful views.ANeitherBEitherCAll4Lots of children will go to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom (长隆海洋王国) with their parents _ the summer vacation starts.Aas soon asBeven ifCso that5Many people these days go to the countryside because they want to _ some fresh air.Atake do

3、wnBtake offCtake in6I cant _ this math problem. Can you help me?Acut outBput outCwork outDcheck out7Marys parents usually encourage her _ her feelings bravely.AexpressBexpressingCto expressDexpressed8Please dont feed animals at the zoo, _ the animal keeper allows you to do so.AifBunlessCandDbut9Life

4、 is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance (平衡), you _ keep moving.AcouldBcould notCshouldDshouldnt10Mike is very interested in Chinese culture, and he _ Chinese for three years.AlearnsBis learningCwill learnDhas learned二、完形填空We drink one of the worlds most popular drinksteaon May 21, Internati

5、onal Tea Day. We all know that China is the birthplace of tea 11 . But do you know about the tea cultures of some 12 countries?Tea was brought to 13 from China in the ninth century. Then in the late 12th century, the Japanese monk (僧侣) Eisai 14 tea to Japan from China again, Eisai wrote a book prais

6、ing tea as a 15 that was especially good for the heart. The custom (习俗) of teadrinking later became an important part of Japanese culture. In Japan, 16 tea is an art. People use beautiful tea bowls and 17 the peace and calm of the tea room. India is one of the largest tea producers in the world. It

7、also learned the art of tea-drinking from China centuries ago. Tea is very 18 in India. In fact, 70 percent of the tea it produces is loved 19 its own people. “Chai” is the Hindi (印地语) word for tea. Traditional Indian chai is a type of 20 tea. But unlike Chinese black tea, chai is 21 together with s

8、trong spices such as ginger (姜). Turkey also has a tea culture. If you ever find 22 in Turkey, one thing you have to do is to enjoy special tea there. Tea was brought to the country 23 China in the nineteenth century. The traditional Turkish tea cup is in the shape of a tulip (郁金香). The tea is 24 se

9、rved very hot and one has to hold the cup by its lower rim (边沿). Most often, salty or sweet biscuits, 25 “kurabiye”, are served along with the tea.11AcultureBhistoryCpriceDrule12ArichBotherCgreatDsmall13AThailandBJapanCIndiaDTurkey14AboughtBlearntCplantedDintroduced15AmedicineBfoodCdrinkDplant16Agro

10、wingBservingCpickingDproducing17AwasteBenjoyCseeDhear18AexpensiveBpopularCcheapDboring19AbyBwithCatDfor20AredByellowCwhiteDblack21AmixedBcarriedCseparatedDcut22AmyselfBhimselfCherselfDyourself23AtoBfromCwithDin24AusuallyBseldomCneverDever25AincludedBcalledCtakenDgrown三、阅读理解This famous poem (诗), Happ

11、y Rain on a Spring Night, was written by Du Fu (712770, the Tang Dynasty) when he was living and farming in Chengdu. His farming experience taught him to be thankful (感谢) to nature and it is shown in this poem. The very first word, “good”, shows the poets joy and love for the spring rain. The rain i

12、s good because it “knows” the proper time to come. Here the poet uses personification (拟人), as if the rain was smart enough to come in time for the farmers busy season. When the rain comes, it appears during the night without making any noise. Unlike the summer storms, the spring rain finishes its t

13、ask without being known. In the third couplet (对句), the poet describes a peaceful scene to us. In the night sky, the clouds look dark and heavy. Its a sign that there will be enough rain during the night. The light from the boat makes the dark scene a bit livelier. Lastly, the poet starts to imagine

14、. Tomorrow morning, he thinks, the city of Chengdu will become beautiful when all of the flowers bloom after the rain.26What does Du Fu want to show in this poem?AHe is thankful to nature.BHe loves and enjoys farming.CHe enjoys the rain in spring.DHe expects the flowers to bloom.27How does Du Fu fee

15、l about the spring rain according to the poem?ASad.BWorried.CTired.DHappy.28Which of the following uses personification?AGood rain knows its time right.BIt will fall when spring comes.COer wild lanes dark cloud spreads.DThe towns heavy with blooms.29What does the underlined word “bloom” mean in Para

16、graph 5?ADisappear.BOpen.CDie.DClose.30Whats the best title for this article?ALearn to Read PoemsBDu Fu and His Famous PoemsCA Famous Poem by Du FuDA Famous PoetDu FuThe Big Stone River is one of the most amazing stone rivers in the world. The Big Stone River is the most interesting sight (景象) of Ta

17、ganai Park in Russia. Different from other rivers, it is filled with rocks and stones. Not a drop of water can be seen. Interestingly, as one comes near to the rocky river, the sound of running water can be hear rocks fell down from the mountains slowly and made the river of rocks.The Big Stone Rive

18、r is about 6 km long and is made up of many small rocky rivers. It cuts through a thick forest like a real river. It is about 200 meters wide and in some places, it is up to 700 meters wide. Some of the rocks weigh up to 10 tons each and the layer (层) of rocks goes down 6 meters deep.Scientists beli

19、eve it is the consequence of the movement of glaciers (冰川) about 10,000 years ago. At that time, ice covered the top of the mountains. As time went by, the ice turned into water. The Seeing the amazing river is a great experience. The best way to experience this natural wonder is from above. Come an

20、d visit it when you come to Russia.31Why is the Big Stone River special?ABecause it is in Taganai Park.BBecause it is full of fish.CBecause it is impossible to see water there.DBecause the sound of running water is loud.32How wide is the widest part of the Big Stone River?A6 meters.B200 meters.C700

21、meters.D6,000 meters.33What does the underlined word “consequence” mean in Paragraph 4?AReason.BResult.CEnd.DBeginning.34Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe Big Stone River is the only stone river in the world.BThe Big Stone River is a real river through a thick forest.CThe

22、Big Stone River is made up of some big rocky rivers.DEnjoying the Big Stone River from a higher place is the best way.35What would be the best title for the passage?AThe Big Stone RiverBA Very Amazing StoneCAn Unforgettable ExperienceDA Running RiverGiant PandasWhere they live: Mainly in Sichuan, al

23、so in Shanxi and Gansu.Why they are in danger: They dont have enough food. They dont give birth to many babies.Fun facts:A new baby panda is as small as a mouse.Pandas spend almost the whole day eating. But they only take in 20% of what they eat. Pandas poop (排便) over 12 times a day. Pandas have bee

24、n on the earth for about 3 million years.Siberian Tigers (东北虎)Where they live:Northeastern China and Russia.Why they are in danger:People hunt them and destory their habitat (栖息地). Baby tigers are weak and often die early.Fun facts:A father tiger always leaves his family without saying goodbye. Then

25、 the mother tiger takes care of the babies. She is very careful. She hides her babies when she goes out hunting, and takes a different way home.36Where do giant pandas live?AIn Sichuan and Guangdong.BIn Shanxi and Guangxi.CIn Northeastern China and Russia.DIn Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu.37Which animal

26、 is as small as a new baby panda?ABCD38How many times do pandas poop a day?AThree times.BTen times.CMore than 12 times.DOver 20 times.39Where do Siberian Tigers live?AIn Southeastern China and Russia.BIn Northeastern China and Russia.CIn China and Northeastern Russia.DIn China and Southeastern Russi

27、a.40Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AGiant pandas have enough food.BBaby tigers are very strong.CA father tiger always hides his babies when he goes out hunting.DThe mother tiger takes care of the baby tigers.There are many books for children in America this year. Lets have a

28、 look at some of them.BookWhat the Book Is AboutWho Likes the Book MostPoached ($15)There is a big koala in Fun Jungle. Unluckily, the koala goes missing and fingers point to Teddy! Teddy wants to catch the real bad guy. Will Teddy find him? If someone thinks family or summer time is important, he o

29、r she will enjoy the book.Three Bird Summer ($18)12-year-old Adam spends summer with his grandma in Minnesota. He has a new neighbor, Alice. As time goes by, their friendship (友谊) develops. Throughout this unusual summer, Adam begins to find Alices familys secrets. If someone thinks family or summer

30、 time is important, he or she will enjoy the book.Quinny and Hopper ($23)This summer, Quinny moves to Whisper Valley. Its boring until she meets Hopper. Quinny thinks their friendship will never end. But school begins. There is a new rule for the third grade students. It says boys and girls cant pla

31、y together. What will happen to their friendship?Kids in the third and fourth grades will enjoy the book. 41What happens in Fun Jungle?ATeddy steals the koala.BThe koala is missing.CTeddy becomes a bad guy.DTeddy makes friends with the koala.42What are Three Bird Summer and Quinny and Hopper both ab

32、out?ATravel.BAnimals.CFriendship.DFamily.43How much should John pay if he wants to buy one Poached and two Three Bird Summer?A$48.B$51.C$58.D$64.44What can we know from the poster (海报)?ATeddy catches the real bad guy in the end.BThe secrets of Alices family are scary.CQuinny and Hopper is the most e

33、xpensive.DStudents cant play together in Quinnys school.45Where can we find the poster?AIn a museum.BIn a restaurant.CIn a gym.DIn a bookstore.四、短文填空We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling 46 (happy) or forgetting how great you are, there are six ways to

34、make you 47 (feel) good about yourself.Look in the mirror and say to 48 (you), “Im a special person and theres no one 49 the world like me. I can do anything!” It may not 50 (sound) so good, but it really works!Do something nice for someone. 51 (help) others always makes you feel good.Smile! Be 52 (

35、friend) to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished.Read and start 53 diary. Turn of

36、f the TV and let your imagination (想象) fly! If you have any thoughts, dreams or anything you want, write 54 (they) down! Writing always helps to express your feelings.Stay 55 your family. We all have our family time. Talk with your mom and dad or maybe even your cousin.五、书面表达56以谈论“健康与急救(Health and first aid)”为话题,针对健康与安全等问题,利用所学知识提出简单的建议。写作方法“总分总”法对健康与急救提建议总:总说健康的重要性;分:针对如何拥有健康,分层次、具体地提出建议和方法;总:总结概括以上提出的建议和方法,提出愿望。3)写作任务请结合你了解的健康知识,写一篇题目为“The Ways to Keep Healthy”的短文。要求:80词左右。参考短语:a balanced diet均衡的饮食The Ways to Keep Healthy_试卷第9页,共10页


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