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1、河南省平顶山市汝州市2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末英语试题一、阅读理解Notice In Ruzhou there is going to be a bike tour and race on July 20th and 21st (Sat. Sun.). At 5:30 a.m., the ride will leave Shibiao and ride the first 30 kilometers as a training stage. Then the next 30 kilometers stage, from Jiliao to Linruzhen will be the

2、 first competitive part of the tour. Then we will take all the riders and their bikes from Linruzhen to Dayu. The second racing stage of the tour will be from Dayu to Fengxue Temple, covering 25 kilometers. All the riders will stay at Fengxue Temple on Saturday night. Sunday morning is free for play

3、ers in Fengxue Temple. At noon, we will take all the riders and their bikes back to Shibiao. Cost: 400 yuan Telephone: 0375-6865535Bicycle Race Organizing Committee (组委会) June 22nd, 2024根据表格内容,选择最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1What is the information mainly about?AA famous player.BA bicycle tour and race.CT

4、he cost of the sport event.DFengxue Temple.2How long will you ride if you take part in the bike tour in total?A30 kilometers.B55 kilometers.C60 kilometers.D85 kilometers.3What does the underlined word “competitive” mean in the passage?A更好的B对手C竞争的D能胜任的4Where dont the riders need to ride?AFrom Linruzh

5、en to Dayu.BFrom Jiliao to Linruzhen.CFron Dayu to Fengxue Temple.DFrom Shibiao to Jiliao.5Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe riders will start at Shibiao.BThe riders need to leave Fengxue Temple on Sunday morning.CYou need to pay 400 yuan if you want to take part in th

6、e race.DYou need to call 0375-6865535 if you want to take part in the race.Bruce was my good friend. He liked drawing horses. He drew the horses very well, but he always began with the tail (尾巴) . I was surprised because I thought all people began with the head of the horse. In fact, it could not re

7、ally make any difference whether the painter begins with the head or the tail or the belly (肚子) or the foot of the horse. Most great painters do not follow other peoples rule. They make their own rules. It is the same to writing. The question, “How shall I begin? ” only means that you want to begin

8、with the head instead of beginning with the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced enough to trust (信任) your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。6How was the horses Bruce drew?ANormal.BTerrible.CGood.DToo

9、 bad.7Why was the writer surprised?ABecause Bruce made his own rule.BBecause Bruce liked drawing the horses.CBecause Bruce began to draw at the head of the horses.DBecause Bruce began to draw at the tail of the horses.8People are not yet experienced because _.Athey always asked questionsBthey do not

10、 trust their own powersCthey dont know where to beginDthey want to begin at the head of the horses9What will you do when you become more experienced?AYou will begin with the tail.BYou will think of the beginning.CYou will never ask the question.DYou will write the end of the story.10What is the best

11、 title of the passage?ATrust your own powersBHow to write a storyCHow to draw a horseDHow to write your own booksChengdu, an important city in southwestern China, is combining (联合) hot pot with buses. Passengers can enjoy hot pot while visiting the citys most famous streets. Chinas first hot pot-the

12、med (主题) bus is launched (推出) in Chengdu. It opens a new experience of Chengdu night play. Tourists can sit on the bus and eat hot pot while enjoying the beauty of Chengdu along the way. The “ticket” for the hot pot bus is 89 yuan. The car accepts orders from May 20 and ends on June 19. It will only

13、 run for one month, and the opening time is 19: 00 every day. The seats have been changed to sit in pairs, and napkins are placed on the table. There are 8 dining tables in the whole car. The food on the bus is mainly provided by Dalongyi Hotpot. All food is cooked well. People dont need to heat the

14、 food and can eat it at once. Because of the different tastes of tourists, the bus makes the taste of the hot pot meet the needs of as many people as possible. There is also a driving helper explaining the cultural beginning of the Chengdu hot pot and the stories of the places of interest along the

15、way to the hot pot lovers, so the whole trip is not boring. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。11What does the underlined word “It” refer to?AThe bus.BThe street.CThe city.DThe country.12When can you take the hot pot-themed bus?AAt 20: 00 on May 18.BAt 19: 00 on May 20.CAt 17: 00 on June 19.DAt 19: 00

16、on June 20.13What does Paragraph 3 talk about?AThe history of the bus.BThe tastes of tourists.CThe needs of people.DThe food on the bus.14The driving helper introduces _ to the passengers.AChengdu hot pot and pandas in SichuanBthe history of Chengdu and friendly peopleCChengdu hot pot and famous pla

17、ces along the wayDthe history of Chengdu and places of interest15In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?ATravel & food.BFood & Health.CHealth & Sports.DCulture & Education.In Western countries, people often greet each other by saying “How are you?” , while Chinese peopl

18、e might ask each other “Have you eaten yet?” 16 And its food culture has attracted (吸引) many people from other countries, including (包括) Sally. When Sally was little, her family often went to Chinese restaurants on weekends, she was interested in Chinese food. 17 From then on, she has tasted many mo

19、re different foods and drinks in China. She has tried hot dry noodles in Hubei and morning tea in Guangdong. 18 Take Sichuan food, for example. Sichuan is quite humid (潮湿的) . The people there prefer hot food. Yangzhou sits on the north bank of the Yangtze River, so it is “a land of fish and rice”. 1

20、9 Its not only about snacks, but also about the good time people share with their friends and family. 20 And this becomes Chinese food culture.根据材料内容,从所给的AE五个选项中,选出能填入空缺处的最佳答案,使短文通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。AIn Guangdong, morning tea is popular.BWhen she was 20, she studied in China.CEating has long b

21、een a big part of China.DBesides the delicious foods, Sally likes the culture behind them.EFrom the examples, we can see where people live influences (影响) what they eat.二、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。People often have different opinions on whether students shou

22、ld wear school uniforms. In daily life, we can find easily that most 21 wear school uniforms on weekdays. Different schools have 22 types of school uniforms. Some people design school uniforms very well. Students look beautiful and 23 in them. They like wearing this kind of school uniform very much.

23、 They think that students wearing uniforms at school can not only show good 24 but also show their discipline. Students should wear school uniforms, 25 in some parts of our country, some students dont like to wear uniforms at school. They think the school uniforms are too 26 . They like wearing jean

24、s or T-shirts. But teachers ask them to wear uniforms at school, and students have to 27 the school rules. Some students want to 28 their own uniforms. However, at a school in the United States, most students like wearing 29 . They think it is 30 for students to wear school uniforms. Teachers agree

25、that students can design 31 own uniforms. So some students design different 32 of school uniforms. In the end, students and teachers decide to choose from these new uniforms. Students wear jeans and sports shirts. When students have 33 classes, they have to wear sport shoes. This kind of uniform loo

26、ks cool on students. And it 34 students. We should 35 them. We should let students design their own uniforms, too.21AnursesBstudentsCdoctorsDfirefighters22AcolorfulBstrictCsameDdifferent23AlivelyBrichCproperDcrazy24AclothesBsuccessCspiritDmeaning25AOrBSoCButDAnd26AuglyBsimpleCdailyDsmooth27AbreakBma

27、keCfollowDchoose28AdecideBdesignCdiscussDdepend29AsocksBshoesCsunglassesDuniforms30ArightBworthCsimilarDshy31AhisBherCourDtheir32AcolorsBsizesCkindsDnumbers33AartBP. E.CmusicDscience34AfitsBchangesCprotectsDaccepts35Acome fromBhear fromCreturn fromDlearn from三、选词填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整

28、。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。并请将答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。I, alone, play, good, way, dark, why, be, eye, runThe school is across the street from my home. I often watch the boys 36 basketball after class or school. There 37 a boy who seems so small when he plays beasketball with other boys in the playground. Sometimes, I

29、watch him play basketball 38 . He practices over and over again, sometimes until its 39 .One day I asked him 40 he practiced so much. He looked directly into my 41 and without a moment of hesitation (犹豫) , he said, “I want to go to college (大学) . The only 42 is to get a scholarship (奖学金) . I like ba

30、sketball. If I were good enough, I would get a scholarship. I am going to play basketball in college. I want to be the 43 . My daddy told 44 , If the dream is big enough, the facts dont count. ”Then he smiled and 45 towards the court to practice over and over again.四、短文填空阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限

31、填一词。Saturday, August 16thSunny Baking (烘焙) is always on my dream list. Today my dream came true. My parents gave me an oven (烤箱) as my 13-year-old birthday gift. I couldnt wait 46 start to try baking. I made a big cake. 47 , I put some flour (面粉), three eggs, some butter and some sugar into a big bo

32、wl. And I mixed them together. Next, I poured (倒出) the mixture 48 the cake mould (模具) and put the mould into the oven. Then, I turned on the oven. Forty minutes later, my cake was done. I cut it into small pieces with 49 knife and invited my parents to have a taste. They both agreed that the cake wa

33、s nice. I ate one piece, too. It tasted great. 50 it was much too sweet because I put too much sugar. It doesnt matter. I am sure I will make a better cake next time. 五、补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。A: Excuse me, may I have a look at the black skirt? B: This one? A: Yes.

34、 51 ? B: No, Its a cotton one. A: 52 ? B: Yes, of course. You may have a try. 53 ? A: Size M. B: What about this one? A: This one fits me well. But Id like one a little light in color. B: Heres an orange one. 54 ? A: It looks very nice. Ill take it. B: Do you want anything else? A: 55 . Thank you. B: My pleasure. Please pay for them over there.六、书面表达56校刊的英文栏目发起了有关“什么样的周末有意义”的讨论。请以“What makes a meaningful weekend?”为题,用英语写一篇短文,向校刊投稿。要点:1. 你认为在周末做什么事情有意义;2. 你为什么这么认为。要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2. 词数80个左右。What makes a meaningful weekend?_试卷第7页,共8页


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