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1、陕西省渭南市蒲城县2023-2024学年高二下学期6月第二次对抗赛英语试题一、阅读理解Best Sleep Music AppsIf youre in search of a better nights sleep, trying a sleep music app might be the answer. Here are some sleep music apps to choose from.CalmCalm has an impressively large library of relaxation and sleep-causing sounds. It stands out fo

2、r providing the latest collection of modern music from popular artists. This app offers a free version, but to really take advantage of what Calm has to offer, you had better choose the paid version, which costs $ 69. 99 for one year. A lifetime membership is $ 399. 99.HeadspaceHeadspace is an app d

3、esigned in the simplest way that makes it quick and easy to use its library of sleep-specific music, so it is friendly to the aged. Helpful suggestions point out features like how to set a timer without making you feel the app difficult to use. Headspace only costs $ 39. 99 yearly.Relax MelodiesRela

4、x Melodies is designed to calm your mind with relaxing sounds. “Discover” page helps you find some app features, like bedtime stories and breathing exercises. Though its free version provides a great introduction to the idea of sleep music, the paid version unlocks a larger library of sounds. It onl

5、y costs S 49. 99 yearly or you can pay $ 8. 99 a month.PzizzOne thing that sets Pzizz apart is its voice narration (旁白) . Usually, the voice is low and calm. Of course, people can create the voice narration they like. If you find the presence of a voice to be comforting or benefit from someone helpi

6、ng you to relax your mind and body, then Pzizz is suitable for you. Monthly costs for it are $ 7. 99, yearly $ 49. 99 and lifetime $ 249. 99.1Which app would you recommend to your grandparents?ACalm.BRelax Melodies.CPzizz.DHeadspace.2What do Calm and Relax Melodies have in common?AThey provide free

7、service.BThey include collections of modem music.CThey offer physical exercises.DThey introduce users to a large library.3What can you do with Pzizz?AChat with someone before sleep.BCreate the voice narration you like.CListen to interesting childrens stories.DDo breathing exercises.The Olympic Cames

8、 are old and so are the fans. The median age (中位年龄) of American viewers of the games in Barcelona in 1992 was 39. That increased to 53 for the Rio de Janeiro games of 2016. Overall viewing figures are sinking, too. At the most recent games in Tokyo in 2021, they were a third lower than in 2008. Thom

9、as Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , has admitted that the games risk losing connection. To keep connected with society, the Olympics are expanding, adding what Mr. Bach described as “youth-based” sports. In Tokyo, climbing, skateboarding and surfing were put on the sche

10、dule. In Paris this year, breakdancing will feature for the first time. Undoubtedly the youth will be excited. But if Mr. Bach wants the Olympics to become more relevant to more people, the best idea would be to include e-sports. So far the IOC has approached e-sports like an uncool dad. An inaugura

11、l Olympic E-sports Week took place in Singapore in June. But the choice of events puzzled fans. The archery game, for instance, had been downloaded only 100 times before the tournament was announced. The most recognizable event. “Just Dance”, is not considered an e-sport by fans. The first experimen

12、t resulted in widespread doubt. Peak viewership was only more than 22, 000. E-sports command a huge audience. Attracting a big audience matters for the Olympics, which have seen the costs of infrastructure (基础设施) in recent years. The inclusion of e-sports would add income from media rights and spons

13、orship. Besides, the 1OC has other reasons for changing its stand. For one, e-sports may bring Olympic glory to a more diverse group of countries and just like traditional sports, it can show three of the Olympic values: excellence, friendship and respect.4What can we know from Paragraph 1?AThe Olym

14、pic Games are always popular in AmericaBThe viewing number of the Olympics is reducing.CThe IOC didnt realize the problems of the Olympics.DThe median age of Olympic viewers remained the same.5How do the Olympics keep connected with society?ABy adding more sports attracting the younger generation.BB

15、y focusing on more popular and contemporary events.CBy cutting down the number of traditional sports in the Olympic Games.DBy hosting the Olympics in more countries with diverse cultures.6What is the last paragraph mainly about?ADifferences between traditional sports and e-sports.BAdvantages of cult

16、urally diverse nations in e-sports.CSuggestions on building a safe gaming environment for e-sportsDPotential benefits of including e-sports in the Olympics.7In which column of the newspaper can you read the passage?ALiterature.BTravel.CSports.DFood.Pick up any packaged processed food, and theres a d

17、ecent chance that one of its listed ingredients will be “natural flavor”. The ingredient sounds good, particularly in contrast to “artificial flavor”. But what exactly does natural flavor mean? It refers to extracts (提取物) got from natural sources like. When consumers see “natural flavor” on a label,

18、 they are unlikely to assume that someone is squeezing the juice from oranges into their bottle. They know even though natural flavor must come from natural sources, it neednt all come from the plant or meat. For example, orange flavor might contain not only orange extract, but also extracts from ba

19、rk and grass. Nor is the common belief true that ingredients extracted from nature are necessarily safer than something artificially made. So if flavors like orange are needed, why not just use oranges? The answer comes down to “availability, cost and sustainability”, according to flavor chemist Gar

20、y Reineccius of the University of Minnesota. “If youre going to use all your grapes on grape soda,” Reineccius says, “you dont have any grapes for wine making; the products are going to be exorbitant and most people cant afford them.”Actually, while chemists make natural flavors by extracting chemic

21、als from natural ingredients, artificial flavors are made by creating the same chemicals artificially. The reason why companies bother to use natural flavors rather than artificial flavors is simple: marketing. “Many of these products have health titles,” says Platkin, professor from Hunter College.

22、 “Consumers may be talked to believe products with natural flavors are healthier, though theyre nutritionally no different from those with artificial flavors. Natural flavors may involve more forest clear-cutting and carbon emissions from transport than flavors created in the lab.”Platkin suggests g

23、etting more transparent labeling on packaging that describes exactly what the natural or artificial flavors are, so consumers are not misled into buying one product over another because of “natural flavors”. Reineccius also offers some simple guidance: “Dont buy anything because it says natural flav

24、ors. Buy it because you like it.”8Which is a misunderstanding about the “natural flavor” juice according to Paragraph 1?AIt comes from 100% original fruit.BIt is nothing but advertising tricks.CIt is absolutely safer than juice with artificial flavors.DIt certainly contains extracts made in the lab.

25、9What does the underlined word “exorbitant” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?ASuitable.BExpensive.COfficial.DFlexible.10Why do companies use natural flavors in their products?ATo promote the sales.BTo cut the costs.CTo advocate a healthy diet.DTo avoid food safety issues.11What can we conclude from the

26、passage?ACary and Platkin hold opposite perspectives.BNatural flavors are more environmentally-friendly.CCompanies are banned to produce artificial flavor food.DNatural and artificial flavors are more alike than you think.For most ordinary purposes, machine translation (MT) has got a lot better in t

27、he past years. The biggest source of improvement has been the adoption of “deep learning” in training translating systems. But improvement has also come about through the expansion of clever companies solving individual tasks. Some have created specialist dictionaries so that important terms can be

28、translated accurately and consistently. Other inventions combine MT with a human translators editing tools, which means translators spend most of their time checking and perfecting MT output, rather than doing the work of the translating themselves. For some translators, being a machines editor may

29、sound depressing. This can be seen the other way around, however. A human repeatedly translating identical formulae can get bored. Allowing the machine to do these boring jobs frees the translator to apply specialized knowledge, solving more intellectually satisfying problems. What are those problem

30、s? One Madrid-based translator for a big law firm describes a recent task. It involved making a critical distinction in a legal document: a Spanish word (dolo) thats properly translated as “wilful misconduct” was translated only as “misconduct” by software. Since the law requires considerably severe

31、r punishment when the misconduct is “wilful”, the omission (省略) was potentially disastrous. Today, many translation firms are proud of using MT, not as a crutch (依赖) but as a means to cut costs and turnaround times. Part of their job becomes knowing what can be automated and what cannot. Instruction

32、 manuals can be left to MT while others like a novel legal argument cannot. The bad news for some translators is that a tap of repeatable, easy work is being turned off. The good news is that what remains will be brain-challenging stuff for people who know a language and something else. Tales of art

33、ificial intelligence usually test humans against machines. But the translators of the future will be neither entirely human nor machine. They will be human beings with mechanical enhancements.12What can we learn about machine translation from Paragraph 1?AIt has been mostly used by specialists.BSome

34、 clever companies have made a fortune from it.CIt has replaced human translators in some simple tasks.DLots of efforts have been made to improve it.13What can be inferred from the case mentioned by the Madrid-based translator?AMachine translation can be inaccurate.BExperienced translators are hard t

35、o find.CMachine translation has never led to misjudgments.DIt is difficult for translators to tell “wilful misconduct” from “misconduct”.14What is many translation firms attitude towards using machine translation today?ACritical.BPositive.CUninterested.DDoubtful.15Which of the following can be the b

36、est title for the text?ATechnology Contributes to Productive TranslatorsBAll Translation Work Can Be Done by Machine TranslationCThe Translator of the Future Is a Human-machine HybridDCareer Opportunities in the Field of Translation Are IncreasingAnimals deserve to live a safe and healthy life as mu

37、ch as humans do. Sadly, this does not have universal acceptance. Some people try to get profit from everything and sometimes animals become victims. It is vital that we take action to protect animals. 16 Spread awareness. One way to protect endangered animals is to create awareness about them. You c

38、an create local community groups that work for this cause. Having seminars (研讨会) is another way of creating awareness. 17 Our routine activities directly or indirectly influence their lifestyle. 18 It is important to watch the road when you are going through roads in forest areas. Many animals die w

39、hile trying to cross the road because people do not pay attention to them. So we can save their lives by being more careful. Avoid plastic items. Do you know what happens to a plastic bag thrown into a river? 19 Plastic is a big threat to wildlife. And we have to reduce the overconsumption of life-t

40、hreatening products to protect the endangered species. Prevent plastic items such as bags and containers. Shop in a handmade woven bag and recycle the boxes. Spend time rescuing animals in your locality. As a volunteer, you can offer support to animal rescue teams in your area. 20 Spending a portion

41、 of your daily or weekly schedule is one step towards saving wildlife and protecting endangered species.AChange your regular routine.BSuch organizations are always short of funds and are looking for animal lovers to support the cause.CSo, we highly suggest careful use of water.DDrive carefully in fo

42、rest areas.EBelow are some simple ways in which we can all contribute towards the protection of endangered animals.FAlso, familiarize people around you with the importance of the animals in your surroundings.GIt is probably eaten by an adult turtle, choking it to death.二、完形填空Last year, my friend, Ky

43、dee Williams, and I started a non-profit project. Because we wanted to do 21 work differently. Thus. The Pop-Up Care Shop was born. TPUCS is a traveling shop of 22 donated goods for people in need. During the holidays, we held clothing drives and then went to womens shelters. Our main 23 was to help

44、 inspire women who were homeless with hope as well as bring a little holiday cheer to our local communities. Starting any project or movement wasnt 24 . Brainstorming and coming up with cool ideas was the fun 25 . But actually bringing those 26 to life can seem almost impossible at times. However, t

45、here were lessons about 27 that we didnt fully realize until we started this journey. From our experience, we learned smaller shelters, especially those in less-commercialized areas were often ignored when it came to getting community 28 . Actually, they were typically more open to new and creative

46、ideas and would 29 welcome volunteers who offered help. Under our inspiration, many selfless people 30 themselves to non-profit work. Many shelters are understaffed and the 31 overworked. Working directly with them 32 us understand the specific needs of the shelter. While material things like 33 , c

47、lothes, money, and shelter can help people survive, what truly helps people live is the intangible (无形) necessities like 34 , presence and patience. Even though we cant help every single person in the world, we can make a world of 35 for at least one person.21AherbBlabourCcharityDsports22AawkwardBfr

48、eeCillegalDdigital23ApaceBfailureCphaseDgoal24AeasyBpessimisticCpreciseDpremier25AcueBcampaignCpartDadversity26AlanternsBideasCmistakesDtraces27Atesting outBgiving upCgiving backDgoing out28AtechniqueBsupportCmotionDoutcome29AgreatlyBbravelyCsuddenlyDrecently30AapprovedBevaluatedCcomfortedDdevoted31AmessengerBjournalistCwitnessD


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