Continuation Writing 教学设计-2025届高三英语一轮复习.docx

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1、Continuation Writing教材分析该文本既符合理论要求,也符合基本的命题规律,文本的选择更是十分新颖,贴近生活,语言真实地道,表达精准。在有趣事件描写的背后体现了一种国外文化,既有诗和远方,也很接烟火气,高到跨文化交际的素养培养,低到原汁原味的生活场景的实际运用,充分体现了英语的考察侧重逐步向综合运用能力方面靠拢。文本概要:从记叙文的要素来看,具体如下。语篇概要:在母亲节,双胞胎想做份早餐给妈妈一个惊喜,但是做的乱七八糟。人物:双胞胎,妈妈时间:母亲节地点:在家事件:做早餐起因:想给妈妈一个惊喜写作依据:读后续写的目的:读写结合,以读促写。阅读为辅,写作为主。阅读为下文写作提供背

2、景材料或者铺垫。教学重难点:重点1.引导学生通过基于读后续写“543”法则中“5Ws”的阅读从不同角度解读文本领悟文章精神内涵和语言特点,为写作提供铺垫。2.引导学生通过基于读后续写“543”法则中“4Ss”和“3Ps”为续写搭建框架和支架,依照写作标准进行续写和评价。难点:通过人物动作和感情线合理推测故事发展。高考真题呈现A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISEThe twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day How please

3、d and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do. The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 a.m. The pair went

4、down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two o eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next

5、, Jeff turned on the second stove bumer to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned do

6、wn the fire so it cooked nicely. Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff t

7、o clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of bumping. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.注意:1. 续写词数应为150 左右;

8、2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1: As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.Paragraph2: The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.Teaching aims:1. Read to understand and grasp the key plot.2. Discuss and perform to feel the emotions and character

9、s.3. Continue to write based on the previous plot and language features.教学重难点重点:1.引导学生通过基于读后续写“543”法则中“5Ws”的阅读从不同角度解读文本领悟文章精神内涵和语言特点,为写作提供铺垫。2.引导学生通过基于读后续写“543”法则中“4Ss和“3Ps”为续写搭建框架和支架,依照写作标准进行续写和评价。难点:通过人物动作和感情线合理推测故事发展。解决方案:1. 合理安排时间,实现重点突出,难点突破。2.小步子理论,通过搭支架,跟踪观察学生的微表情控制节奏,以学生为主体,让学生切实参与,实时关注课堂生成。

10、3.同桌合作,小组合作,合作探究,突破难点。教学方法及辅助教学方法:读后续写“543”法则,情景教学法,任务导向法,合作探究法。辅助:板书,PPT,投影仪。课前活动1.复习掌握记叙文的文本特点,本学期积累的美文美句。2.动手能力强的几名同学录制做饭视频。教学过程(如下)教学环节师生活动设计意图核心素养提升点Step l Lead-in (3mins)Task1.Greeting:T says hello to Ss and let them read the learning objectives together.Task2.Tcreates a situation:let students

11、 watch a video with three questions.1. What does the video talk about?2. Do you know when is Mothers Day?3. What gift did you give your mother on Mothers Day? 学生活动:学生齐读教学目标,带着问题观看视频,回答问题。老师活动:开场,播放视频。Task1.学生齐读教学目标,了解本堂课学习目的。Task2通过创设情境,孩子们带着问题有目的的观看视频,激发学生的学习兴趣,自然进入主题,形成阅读和写作期待Step ll Analyze the f

12、ive passage.Activity 1. Fast reading, read for 5 elements(5Ws). (3mins) T set the situation and let students read narrative passage and find out the 5 elements in 2 min.Activity 2. Detailed reading.Task 1.Read para.1 and answer questions.1. What did the twins plan to do?2. How did they feel when the

13、 idea came to them?Analyze and appreciate the answer sentence.The twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day.Task 2.Read para.2 and find out verb phrases of cooking.Watch a video of cooking performed by students.学生活动:学生快速阅读文本,找出五要素,并回答。老师活动:设

14、置情境,引导学生。Task 1.学生活动:阅读第一段并回答问题。赏析重点语句。老师活动:引领学生赏析重点语句。Task 2.学生活动:学生大声朗读第二段并找出做饭的动词短语。观看视频。老师活动:播放视频,承前启后继续引导学生阅读Task 3.学生活动:阅读文本并回答问题。Task1.学生根据关键词复述文本。老师活动:鼓励学生,订正学生出现的错误。Task 2.学生活动:学生根据小山图回答问题书写对文本的总结。老师活动:检查并订正学生的错误。为了降低难度,阅读文本环节设置了快速阅读,细节阅读和读后总结三个活动。Activity 1.由浅入深关注深度学习,从多角度挖掘文本,基于“5Ws”法则,通过

15、创设情境引导学生在语境中关注主题,人物,故事情节及语言等小说要素语篇学习,在活动中拓展思维,训练表达,为接下来的续写提供情节和语言支架。Task 1.解构文本,在加工表层信息的基础上对相关信息进行整合与阐释。赏析重点语句,为后面写作做铺垫。Task 2.学生大声朗读文本并找出做饭的动词,赏析文本语言风格,观看做饭视频,直观地感知双胞胎想给妈妈惊喜的努力。Task 3.基于不同信息点的整合,形成信息链。Task1.学生通过根据关键词复述文本巩固复习文本达到输出。Task 2.根据情景小山图完成故事加深对文本的理解,进一步巩固文中关键词汇和句式,逐步去支架,达到课堂生成,同时衔接对下文的预测。1.

16、语言能力:整合运用语言进行表达,描述阐释意义。2.文化意识:联系生活,体会孩子们为妈妈做早餐中含有的浓浓爱意。3.思维品质:整合,归纳信息,分析故事的发展,培养思维的逻辑性。4.学习能力:自主学习,合作学习Step III. Predict the plot.Activity 1.Set the outline of each paragraph according to “4Ss” principle.Step 1: Write the last sentence which is the topic sentence.Step 2: Write the last sentence of t

17、he first paragraph which is the cohesion sentence.Step3: Write the emotion of the character according to Activity the prompt statement of each paragraph.Step 4: Complete the middle part of each paragraph.“As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.”“The twins carried th

18、e breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.”The outline of this paragraph:“The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.”The positive ending.The outline of this paragraph:Activity 2.Predict the plot in detail according to 3 principles.1.Action-Response2.Conflict-Solution3. Ne

19、gative-PositiveParagraph 1: As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.Paragraph 2: the twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up 1.学生活动:学生根据4Ss法则预测续写段落大意。老师活动:讲解并引导学生大胆预测。Activity 1.这是本节课的难点,因此教师放慢节奏,条分缕析,小步子时刻关注同学们的反应,学生在老师指导下对续写内容梗概大胆预测。Activity 2

20、.学生活动:学生在老师的指导下根据三大原则小组讨论预测两段续写内容细节,列出要点。老师活动:观察学生讨论,提供及时帮助,鼓励学生大胆预测1.学习能力:自主学习,合作学习。2.语言能力:推断作者的意图,情感,表达个人观点,情感。3.思维品质:推断事物之间的逻辑Activity 2.让同学们小组讨论,合作学习,发挥头脑基本准则的框架下丰富情节内容,列出要点,以培养学生的合作意识和创新精神Step IV: Lets write. Based on the previous plots and requirements, Ss finish the first paragraph. (about 80

21、 words)学生活动:学生在限时时间内完成第一段的书写。利用阅读环节的合理预测和语言风格及写作支架,根据讨论结果形成自己的观点,完成小说结尾的创作。Step V: Lets share and check. 1.Exchange drafts with partner and use the checklist to revise the drafts. Q1.Does the writer finish writing a logical and reasonable story?Q2.Does the writer use appropriate linking words or sen

22、tences to make the writing coherent with the previous story?Q3.Does the writer use accurate and abundant vocabulary and sentence structure?Q4.Does the writer use correct grammar (including tense and voice),punctuation and spelling?2.Show the version. 学生活动:1,同桌之间交换文稿,根据量表进行评价,选出优质文稿进行展示。2.赏析范文。老师活动:1

23、.解释评价标准。2.引领学生对优质文稿和范文进行赏析,订正学生错误。利用老师给出的评价量表,进行生生评价,了解评价标准,为以后的学习更明确方向。教师同时进行指导,评价。欣赏并朗读范文,让学生发生真实性的学习。1.思维品质:综合分析,做出评价。2.学习能力: 合作学习。3.语言能力:语言表达,阐释意义。StepVI: Emotional sublimationWhat words do you most want to say to your mother? please write it down on the paper. Collect the paper and send the sur

24、prise to mother.学生活动:分享并书写最想对妈妈说的话并上交。老师活动:收取学生的爱心纸条。通过写最想给妈妈说的话,激发学生的内心情感,让学生切身感知父母和孩子的浓浓深情爱意。同时衔接第二自然段要写的内容。1、文化意识:加深情感,切身感知。2、语言能力:语言表达Step VII: Homework1. Review the tips and guidance of continuation writing.2.Finish the story according to what we have learnt and discussed today. 学生活动:课下完成作业。课下巩

25、固复习所学读后续写的方法续写的方法和技巧,并在此基础上完成第二自然段。1、思维能力:逻辑思维能力。2、学习能力:独立巩固复习。3.语言能力:语言表达能力。板书设计:Continuation WritingAnalyze the given passage: 5WsSet the outline: 4Ss 读后续写教学设计Add details: 3Ps教后评价与反思高一学生通过学习已经初步了解了读后续写的基本要求,并在阅读能力和阅读速度方面进行了初步的训练,能够在课堂上进行组内英语交际和英语口语表达。本堂课在阅读此文章的基础上学习了以下6各方面。1.通过在速读与精读的交替训练中对预设问题的回答



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