人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake -Section B 3a —4 Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:a0042).docx

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人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake -Section B 3a —4 Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:a0042).docx_第1页
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人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake -Section B 3a —4 Self check-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:a0042).docx_第5页
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1、 初中英语八年级上册 Unit 8 教学设计 Excellent Chefs Wanted Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B Review to cultivate the students love for our traditional food, culture and life. (体验中西方 不同饮食文化;培养学生对家乡传统食物、文化和生活的热爱。) V Teaching key points: (重点重点)To review the process of making food and write a rec

2、ipe effectively VI Teaching difficult points:(难点难点)To experience the difference between Chinese and Western cooking culture;to grasp the writing skills. VII Teaching methods and learning methods:(教法和学法教法和学法) 1. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method, Students-oriented method, Situational teach

3、ing method, Communicative teaching method, Competitive teaching method, Multimedia assisted teaching method. 2. Learning methods: Autonomic learning method, cooperative learning method, communicative learning methods, competitive learning method. VIII Teaching procedures: Step1: Warm-up Students are

4、 expected to answer quickly and properly, the group that answer the most quickly and properly would get the most information cards and would be the winner. The winner would be the boss of the Chinese Restaurant and will recruit the excellent chefs. This group competition is trough the whole process

5、of learning before sharing the information cards in step 7. (创设情境,介绍本堂课小组竞争活动规则。本堂课以小组竞争活动贯穿始终,信息卡的 内容是关于学生的家乡-山西阳泉的特色美食,在分享信息卡环节,将会揭晓阳泉特色美食 即为本季中餐厅的主打菜系。本活动,极大的调动了学生的学习积极性。) Step2: Review The process of making a turkey dinner. 1. Play a short video of giving thanks and talk about Thanksgiving day.

6、2. Retell the process of making a turkey dinner. (To review the way to describe a process by retelling the process of making a turkey dinner. 通过 观看小视频引出感恩节及火鸡, 进而让学生进行口头表达制作火鸡过程, 复习过程表达法。 ) Discussion 1. What traditional food do we eat on special holidays in China ? 2. What do we usually eat on birt

7、hday? (Have a discussion and prepare for subsequent learning. 由西方传统美食过度到学生自由讨论 中国节日传统美食,引出蛋糕和面条,为下一步蛋糕做法和云南米线食谱的学习打基础。) Step3: Pre-writing Task1: Listen & Watch How to make a cake (fill in the blanks and summarize the elements or main points) ( To practice listening skills and to know the process of

8、 making a cake. 通过听、观看视频两个环 节,让学生掌握蛋糕的制作方法。锻炼学生听说技能。) Task2:Watch & Learn(Play a short video ) 1. What noodles do people both in the north and south prefer / like to eat? 2. What do the noodles symbolize?/whats the meaning of noodles?/Why do people have noodles on birthday? (To know the difference a

9、nd tradition of Chinese noodles and rice noodles. To perceive the process of making noodles. 初步了解北方面条与南方米线的传统与区别及其象征意义,以视 频方式直观感知其制作过程。) Task3: Read & Write How to make Yunnan Rice Noodles 1. In which province can we eat the most delicious rice noodles? 2. Fill in the blanks and summarize the elemen

10、ts or main points of the recipe. (To give students reading practice and guide them to summarize the elements to cultivate their systematic thinking ability. 学生进行阅读训练,引导学生总结云南米线食谱要素,培养其系 统性思维品质。为合作探求食谱的构成打基础。) Task4: Retell the process according to the pictures(Pair work) (Work in pairs to retell the

11、 process of making Yunnan Rice Noodles and then show to the class. To practice their oral English ability. 结对复述云南米线的制作过程,训练学生口语表达能力。) Task5:Cooperative inquiry (group work) Use “W-” and “How” questions to know the parts of a recipe Time Place Recipe Tools and ingredients Process Special meaning (To

12、cultivate the students logical thinking ability, systematic thinking ability, enlightening thinking ability and cooperative learning ability. 学生根据要点提示,使用特殊疑问词总结食谱的要点。 培养了学生的逻辑性、系统性、启发性思维能力及合作学习能力。) Step4: While-writing: To advertise the special food in your hometown Task 6: Share and count the infor

13、mation cards. (The special food of hometown-Yangquan) 1. Which group will be the boss? 2. Which city will be chosen? 3. Whats the special food there? (To share their information cards and learn English version of the special food in Yangquan. To cultivate their love for local food, culture and homet

14、own. 展示信息卡内容,揭晓入选城市 家乡阳泉,学习家乡美食英文表达,增强对家乡饮食、文化的热爱。揭晓获胜小组及中餐厅 店主。) 1. Enjoy an English Micro class: structures of writing a recipe Give writing guidance and summarize the structures of writing a good recipe by watching an English micro class. (学生通过观看微视频总结和掌握食谱的写作方法。) 2. Choose one dish to write a rec

15、ipe. Students choose randomly to write a recipe. Different groups will have various choices. To advertise the special food in Yangquan. It is aimed to enhance the enjoyment of the class. (通过 任意抽选的方式,决定每组所写食谱菜名。增强课堂趣味性。) Task 7. Practical writing (To cultivate students practical writing skills. 通过实操性

16、写作输出,培养学生写作能力。制定 食谱,宣传家乡特色美食。) Step5: Post-writing: Task 8: Group evaluation 1. Check and correct 2. Find the best recipe 3. Find the best chefs (Work in groups to evaluate the students recipes and find the best one to show to the class. And the writer of this best recipe will be the excellent chef

17、wanted! This activity is conducive to cultivating their thinking abilities in terms of criticalness, systematicness and logicality. For another, students cooperative learning ability are expected to be improved.小组活动评估食谱 写作成果,培养学生批判性、逻辑性、系统性思维,提高其小组合作能力。展示优秀食谱环 节,使学生写作能力得到提升。) Step6: Love our food. L

18、ove our culture. Love our hometown. Love our life. In this step, students read these sentences loudly and emotionally. (学生大声朗读, 再次升华学 生对家乡阳泉、及其饮食、文化的热爱!) Step7: Homework Rewrite your recipe and let more people know the special food of our hometown. IX Blackboard design(板书设计板书设计) X Reflection(教学反思教学反

19、思) This lesson is focused on review and writing. Students comprehensive language applying abilities are expected to be improved in this period. Therefore, such practice as listening, observing, speaking, reading and writing should be given during the process of learning. The students learning intere

20、sts have been stimulated effectively by creating an authentic and interesting situation as well as various activities. Group competition and cooperation has been through the whole process of learning. The students are the real communicators and their subjectivity has been exerted effectively. The te

21、acher should act as a guide, an organizer and helper. To sum up, this lesson is thoughtful, interesting and effective. However, more show time should be given to the students to present their recipes. (本课是一节复习与写作课, 旨在提高 学生的综合语言运用能力。因此,学生在听、说、读、写、看方面应得到充分训练。通过有 效设置真实、生动有趣的情境及丰富的活动,学生的学习积极性得到了充分地调动。小组

22、合 作探究学习贯穿整个学习过程,始终以学生为主体,充分发挥了学生的主体性作用。教师扮 演着引导者、组织者和帮助者的角色。总体来讲,本堂课是“有思想、有趣味、有效益的” 一堂课。不足之处在于,在成果展示环节,应给学生更多展示食谱的机会与时间。) Excellent Chefs Wanted Unit 8 Section B 3a-self check Review & Writing When to eat Where (place) What to prepare How to make Beginning Body Ending Why Special meaning Feelings/sharing Jigsaw


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