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1、苏教版译林六年级英语(上册)苏教版译林六年级英语(上册)2014.9 单元练习(一)单元练习(一) 学校: 班级 姓名 等第 听力部分听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. fool B. foolish C. foot ( ) 2. A. shout B. short C. shoes ( ) 3. A. laugh B. life C. live ( ) 4. A. never B. clever C. ever ( ) 5. A. walked B. looked C. liked ( ) 6. A. visited B. shouted C. showed

2、 ( ) 7. A. person B. people C. purple ( ) 8. A. point at B. point to C. point out ( ) 9. A. look after B. look like C. look for 二、听录音,选择图片。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听问句,选择答句。 ( ) 1. A. Yes, he was. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. A. They showed his shoes. B. They showed his new clothes. C.

3、 They showed his new glasses. ( ) 3. A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, there isnt. C. Yes, there were. ( ) 4. A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasnt. C. No, he isnt. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he wasnt. 四、听录音,填词。 Long long ago, there _ a fox. He _ in the forest with his family. One day, he _ aroun

4、d the forest and _ for something to eat. After a while, he was _ but didnt find anything. Suddenly he saw a well(井). He was very happy. He quickly _to the well and _ _ the well. The well was so deep(深) that the fox _ not come out from the well again. How _ the fox was! 笔试部分笔试部分 一、选择填空。 ( ) 1. The ma

5、gician(魔术师) has a _ box. The rabbit in it turned into a bird. a. magic b. clever c. foolish ( ) 2. Mr. Smith had some nice, blue coats and sweaters. He them very much, but his wife didnt like them because they old a. loves, are b. loved, were c. loved, are ( ) 3. -There _ a plane in the sky. -It isn

6、t there now. a. is b. were c. was ( ) 4. Be _. The basketball match will start. a. clever b. hard. c. quick ( ) 5. Each _ has one computer. a. students b. students c. student ( ) 6. -Whos the next? -_ a. Its my turn. b. Wonderful, Willy! c. Yes, I can. ( ) 7. It a cold winter day yesterday. We only

7、wanted to stay at home. a. is b. was c. be ( ) 8. The Scottish man is wearing _. a. a pair of jeans b. a kilt c. a dress ( ) 9. The two boys read the book and _, “Ha! Hes a foolish king.” a. cried b. laughed c. told ( ) 10. A tall boy _ at the thief and _, “Stop thief!” a. laughed, cried b. pointed,

8、 shouted c. pointed, laughed. 二、词组互译 1. 指着_ 2. 非常合身_ _ 3. 变成一个国王_ 4. 说下个句子_ _ 5. 愚蠢的人_ _ 6. 讲个故事_ _ 7. walk through _ _ 8. magic clothes _ _ 9. American cowboy _ _ 10. think hard _ _ 三、在 II 栏中找出 I 栏相对应的答句,将序号填在提前的括号内。 I II ( ) 1. Was there a house on the mountain? A. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. Look, the cow

9、boy is wearing jeans. B. No, there isnt. ( ) 3. Where do you live? C. Its in July. ( ) 4. Is he thinking hard? D. I live in Nanjing. ( ) 5. When is your birthday E. How cool! 四、连词成句。 1. some flowers, were, there, the loins house, in front of _ 2. two men, for the king, wanted to , make new clothes _

10、 3. an old woman , at night, walked through , the city _ 4. one day, a party, at the princes house, there was _ 5. a prince , then, turned into, the lion, _ 五、选择括号内合适的词填空。 1. Miss Fox is _ (tell/ telling) a story. 2. One day, I _( watch/ watched ) a film about Harry Potter. 3. She _(lived / lives )

11、in the city and there is a tree in front of her house. 4. I want to _( drink/ drinking ) some juice now. 5. Listen! The students _( are / were ) singing in the music room. 六、按要求完成句子。 1. 小男孩指着一个红苹果,爸爸把它摘了下来。 The little boy _ _ a red apple, then his dad picked it . 2. 请穿上这漂亮的连衣裙。 Please _ _ this beaut

12、iful dress. 3. One day, two men visited the king. ( 就划线部分提问。) _ 4. The king is wearing some clothes. (改为否定句。 ) _ 5. Clever people can see them. (改为一般疑问句。 ) _ 七、选择合适的词填空。(10 分) The king ( likes,liked) new clothes. The two men (wanted,wants) _(to make,make ) new clothes for the king. The king was very

13、 happy. The two men (looked , showed) the king his new clothes, and (said, pointed) to him,_ (clever, foolish)people (could, couldnt) see them. Though(虽然) the king (sees, saw) nothing, he still (walked, walks) through the street in his new clothes. A little boy _(see, told) the truth(真相). 八、完型填空。 Ya

14、ng Ling _ in Guangzhou. Her good _ Sun Mei lives in Beijing. Last winter Sun Mei came to Guangzhou to see Yang Ling. They were _ to see each other. They _ about the weather in their cities. The weather in the cities was nice. All the children like snow. Last year, Sun Mei _ snowmen with her family.

15、( ) 1. A. live B. lives C. living ( ) 2. A. boy B. friend C. girl. ( ) 3. A. sad B. hungry C. happy ( ) 4. A. talked B. walked C. played ( ) 5. A. make B. made C. making 九、阅读短文,填入所缺单词,将所给词填入恰当位置 said stayed wanted was asked Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite诚实且有礼貌 boy. One day, it S

16、unday. Tony, his sister and his mother at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he to eat one. His mother gave him four and , “Lets share them.” “Which pear do you

17、 want, Tony?” his mother. “The biggest one 最大, mum.” “What?” said his mother, “You should be polite and want the smallest one 最小.” “Should I tell a lie 撒谎 just to be polite, mum?” 十、回答问题。 Once upon a time, there lived a black crow(乌鸦) in a small village. He drank water from the lake near the village

18、. Recently(近来), there was no rain and the lake was dry. The crow didnt have any water to drink. He looked everywhere for water. One day he saw a big bottle on the ground. There was some water in it. Suddenly he got an idea. He dropped many stones into the bottle. After a long time, the water came up

19、 to the top of the bottle. Now the crow could drink the water. What a clever crow. 1. Where did the crow live? _ 2. Why was the lake dry? _ 3. Did the crow have any water to drink recently? _ 4. How did the crow get some water to drink? _ 5. Was the crow clever? _ 附加题:挑战自我。尝试来学习一些常用的不规则动词的过去式附加题:挑战自

20、我。尝试来学习一些常用的不规则动词的过去式 一、有趣经典故事 City Mouse and Country Mouse(城市老鼠和乡村老鼠) One day, a city mouse met a country mouse in the field. The country mouse was eating nuts 坚 果. The nuts were not good food for the city mouse. He said to the country mouse, “Come with me. You can find the good food easily in the

21、city.” The country mouse was surprise 惊奇 and wanted to go with his friend. They walked and walked. At last, they came to the city. There was a lot of food in the house. The country mouse was very happy. They sat down and started to eat. Suddenly, they heard a sound. There were some people. The city

22、mouse was afraid. He shouted and started to run. The two mice 两只老鼠 ran and ran in fear 恐惧. The country mouse felt so afraid. He didnt want to live in the city any more. He wanted to go back to the field 田野 to eat food without fear 没有. 不规则的动词过去式:meet-met 遇见 come-came 来到 sit-sat 坐下 runran 跑 feel-felt

23、感到 判断正(T)误(F) 。 ( ) 1. The city mouse lived in city in fear. ( ) 2. The country mouse didnt like to eat good food. ( ) 3. There was a lot of good food in the city. ( ) 4. The city mouse was very happy in the field. ( ) 5. The country mouse didnt want to live in the city, because he didnt want to liv

24、e in fear. 二、选出发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. car B. far C. class D. bag ( ) 2. A. coat B. come C. nice D. doctor ( ) 3. A. thank B. father C. together D. clothes ( ) 4. A. from B. brother C. dog D. not ( ) 5. A. dress B. these C. pen D. pencil 苏教版苏教版译林六年级英语(上册)单元练习(一)译林六年级英语(上册)单元练习(一) 听力原稿及评分标准听力原稿及评分标准 一、听录音

25、,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(19) 1. B. foolish 2. A. shout 3 A. laugh 4. B. clever 5. A. walked 6. C. showed 7. B. people 8. A. point at 9. A. look after 二、听录音,选择图片。(16) 1. The little cat is hungry and she goes to the lake to fish. 2. Long long ago, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. 3. Today is Sunday,

26、 I want to take a good bath for relaxation. 4. Three pigs are very happy, they sing and dance. 5. The monkeys like some peaches, they can climb the tree and get them. 6. The crow is thirsty, and he thinks hard, then he put some stones into the bottle. 三、听问句,选择答句。(25) 1. Was the king happy when he wa

27、s wearing his new clothes? 2. What did the two men show the king? 3. Were there a lot of people in the street? 4. Was the boy foolish? 5. Was the king clever? 四、听录音,填词。 (0.510) Long long ago, there was a fox. He lived in the forest with his family. One day, he walked around the forest and looked for

28、 something to eat. After a while, he was tired but didnt find anything. Suddenly he saw a well(井). He was very happy. He quickly walked to the well and jumped into the well. The well was so deep(深) that the fox could not come out from the well again. How foolish the fox was! 笔试部分 一、选择填空。 (110)1-5 a

29、b c c c 6-10 a b b b b 二、词组互译。(110)略 三、在 II 栏中找出 I 栏相对应的答句,将序号填在提前的括号内。(15)b e d a c 四、连词成句。(25) There were some flowers in front of the loins house. Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. An old man walked through the city at night. One day, there was a party at the princes house. Then th

30、e lion turned into a prince. 五、选择括号内合适的词填空。(15)telling, watched, lives, drink, are 六、按要求完成句子。(25) try on Who visited the king one day? The king isnt wearing any clothes. Can clever people see them? 七、选择合适的词填空。(10 分) liked, wanted, to make, showed, said, foolish, couldnt, saw, walked, told. 八、完型填空。(15)b b c ab 九、阅读短文,填入所缺的单词。(15)was, stayed, wanted, said, asked 十、回答问题。(15)略 附加题部分:一、有趣经典故事(5 分)F F T F T 二、选出发音不同的单词(5 分)d c a b b


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