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1、第 1页(共 4页) 20192020 学学年年第第一一学学期期鼓鼓楼楼区区六六年年级级期期末末质质量量监监测测卷卷 英英语语 笔笔试试部部分分(共共 70 分分) 六六. 根根据据句句子子的的意意思思和和首首字字母母提提示示,用用所所缺缺单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。 (8 分分) 1. When my mum was a l_ girl, she wanted to be a dancer. 2. The film was very funny. We l_ again and again. 3. We shouldnt throw rubbish on the g_. We sh

2、ould put it in the bin. 4. We usually drink m_ water after a PE lesson. 5. Dont d_ there. Theres no place to park your car. 6. The students are talking about their p_ for the winter holiday. 7. Chinese New Year is getting near. Were all e_ about it. 8. Nancy is a new student in my class. Ill show he

3、r a_ our school. 七七、单单项项选选择择。 (10 分分) () 1. -Where _ you go for the summer holiday? - I went to Beijing. A. doB. didC. areD. were () 2. - Its _ today. We cant go and have a picnic.-What a pity! A. sunnyB. cloudyC. rainyD. fine () 3. To protect the Earth, we should not use too many _. A. waterB. plas

4、ticC. coal or oilD. plastic bags () 4. - What _ our classroom dirty? - Some paper and fruit skins _ it dirty. We should put them in the bin. A. make; makeB. makes; makesC. make; makesD. makes; make () 5. Ten years ago, I _ draw. Now, I _ draw very well. My pictures are very nice. A. could; couldB. c

5、ould; cantC. couldnt; canD. cant; cant () 6. The _ invented the compass. A. ChineseB. BritishC. AmericanD. Canadian () 7. - Billy, dont _ the window. Look here, please. - OK, Miss Fox. A. look forB. look outC. look out ofD. look after () 8. There _ some milk in the fridge yesterday. But now there _

6、any there. A. was; isB. wasnt; isC. were; arentD. was; isnt () 9. Read the sentences. Which intonation is not right? A. Do you throw rubbish on the floor? B. Can you dance? C. I go to school on foot. D. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? () 10. There are many interesting places in Beijing,

7、 such as (例如) the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and _. A. the BundB. the Palace Museum D. the Nanjing MuseumD. the Shanghai Museum 八八、选选择择合合适适的的词词组组完完成成句句子子,填填序序号号。 (7 分分) A. National dayB. all over the world.C. fit wellD. hold onto E. World Environment DayF. mobile phonesG. turned into 第 2页(共 4页) (

8、) 1. Please try this new dress on. It must _. () 2.At night, the flower _ a pretty girl. () 3. Now, we use _ to call people anywhere. () 4. There was a firework show in Xuanwu Lake Park on _. It was amazing. () 5. Internet is magic and helpful. We can have e-friends from _. () 6. _ is on 5thJune. ()

9、 7. It was windy. We couldnt _ the kite and it flew away. 九九、用用所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。 (8 分分) 1. We _(make) two big kites yesterday morning. 2. It often _(rain) in June in Nanjing. 3. My grandpa _(read) e-books after dinner every day. 4. Yu Gong wanted _(move) the mountain away. 5. Lets go _(skate)

10、tomorrow. 6. Id like to bring some _(mango) juice to the party. 7. Next week, we _(buy) some food for Chinese New Year. 8. Mike _(not go) to school yesterday. He was ill. 十十、从从栏栏中中选选出出栏栏的的正正确确应应答答,将将其其序序号号填填在在括括号号里里。 (8 分分) () 1. How was your holiday?A. We can put the rubbish in the bin. () 2. What

11、are you going to do tomorrow?B. She lost her new watch. () 3. How to keep our school clean?C. It was wonderful. () 4. Did Mike watch a film last Saturday?D. About how to protect the Earth. () 5. Helen looks sad. What happened?E. OK, Im sorry. () 6. What holiday is coming soon?F. No, he didnt. () 7.

12、What is the poster about?G. Its Christmas. () 8. You cant take your dogs into the shop.H. Im going to watch a film. 十十一一、看看图图,联联系系上上下下文文完完成成对对话话,每每空空一一词词(6 分分) 1.A: Be c_. Can you see the s_? B: What does it mean? A: It means the f_ is wet. B: Thank you. 2.A: Grandpa, how did you get n_ thirty years

13、 ago? B: I r_ n_. 十十二二、阅阅读读。 (15 分分) (A)请请仔仔细细阅阅读读短短文文,判判断断句句子子正正误误,用用“”或或“”表表示示。 (5 分分) Long long ago, there was a man. He loved gold(金子). Once evening, a fairy visited him. The fairy said, “I can give you one wish.” The man was very happy. He said quickly. “I want what I touch to turn into gold!”

14、the fairy asked, “Are you sure?” “Yes!” answered the man. “ OK, I promise(答应) you!” the fairy said and then left. Soon, the man touched the chair. The chair turned into gold. He touched the walls, and they all turned into gold. He cried, “Im going to be rich!” Then, it was time for dinner. He sat do

15、wn to eat. As soon as he touched his food, it turned into gold. Every time he tried to eat, the food turned into gold. The man was now very rich, but he was not happy. 第 3页(共 4页) () 1. The man went to visit the fairy () 2. The fairy turned into gold. () 3. The man wanted to be rich at first. () 4. T

16、he chair and the walls turned into gold. The man was happy. () 5.At last, the man was rich and happy. (B)阅阅读读短短文文,选选择择正正确确答答案案。(5 分分) One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He wore very old clothes. He came into the room. But nobody(没人) looked at him. Nobody asked him to sit at the table. He was

17、nt happy. But he didnt say anything. Mr. Smith went back home quickly and put on his best(最好的) clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone looked at him. They asked him to sit at the table and gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off his coat and put it on the table and said, “Eat, coat!” The

18、other people were surprised(惊讶的) and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?” Mr. Smith smiled, “I am asking my coat to eat the food. When I wore old clothes, you didnt look at me. You didnt ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now, I see, you g

19、ive the food to my coat, not to me.” () 1. Where did Mr. Smith go one day? A. He went to a birthday party.B. He went to a dinner party. C. He went to a Christmas party.D. He went to buy some new clothes. () 2. What did Mr. Smith wear at first? A. He wore some paper clothes.B. He wore his best clothe

20、s. C. He wore very old clothes.D. He wore new clothes. () 3. Why did Mr. Smith go back home quickly? A. Because his coat was wet. B. Because he didnt like the food at the party. C. Because some people asked him to go back. D. Because he went back for his best clothes. () 4. What did people do after

21、seeing Mr. Smith in his best clothes? A. They didnt look at him. B. They didnt ask him to sit at the table. C. They gave him some good food to eat. D. They took off his coat and put it on the table. () 5. Which sentence about the story is right? A. Agood coat should eat good food. B. Mr. Smith is fo

22、olish. C. Someone in good clothes should eat good food. D. We cant judge(判断) a man by his clothes. (C)完完形形填填空空。(5 分分) We 1._ reuse what we have. Reuse 2._ “use again”. Use things for a long time. When we buy things, make sure that they can last long. We should also 3._ them carefully so that they wi

23、ll last long. Dont use a 4._ cup. Use a china cup or a glass 5._ you can use them again. () 1.A. cantB. shouldC. shouldnt () 2.A. meanB. meansC. doesnt mean () 3.A. look forB. look outC. look after () 4.A. paperB. glassC. china () 5.A. butB. orC. because 第 4页(共 4页) 十十三三、书书面面表表达达。 (8 分分) 同学们,春节就要到了,1

24、 月 25 日将是大年初一。刘涛正在给他的网友 Peter 写邮件,他想告诉 Peter 自己的春节计划。 要求:1. 根据提示和图片的意思完成邮件,信息不要缺漏。 2. 语句通顺,条理清除,30-50 词。 Dear Peter, It was nice to get your email. Im so happy about Chinese New Year. Before Chinese New Year, _ _ _ _ _ _ Love, Liu Tao 20192020 学学年年第第一一学学期期鼓鼓楼楼区区六六年年级级期期末末质质量量监监测测卷卷 笔笔试试部部分分 六六、根根据据句

25、句子子的的意意思思和和首首字字母母提提示示,用用所所缺缺单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。 1. little2. laughed3. ground4. much5. drive 6. plans7. excited8. around 七七、单单项项选选择择。 1-5 BCDDC6-10 ACDDB 八八、选选择择合合适适的的词词组组完完成成句句子子,填填序序号号。 1-5 CGFAB6-7 ED 九九、用用所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。 1. made2. rains3. reads4. to move5. skating 6. mango7. are going to buy8. didnt go 十十、从从栏栏中中选选出出栏栏的的正正确确应应答答,将将其其序序号号填填在在括括号号内内。 1-5 CHAFB6-8 GDE 十十一一、看看图图,联联系系上上下下文文完完成成对对话话,每每空空一一词词。 1. careful; sign; floor2. news; read; newspapers 十十二二、阅阅读读。 (A) 1-5 (B) 1-5 BCDCD (C)1-5 BBCAC 十十三三、书书面面表表达达。 略


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