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1、小学英语 (六年级上册) Unit 8 Chinese New Year (Period 4) Teaching contents 教学内容:教学内容: Checkout time Ask and Answer Ticking time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:教学目标: 1 能听懂, 会说, 会读, 会写词组: eat dumplings, red packets, have dinner, firecrackers and fireworks,Happy Chinese New Year, buy a lot of things

2、, excited 2 能听懂、 会说、 会读日常交际用语: It was nice to get your email.What are you going to do? What food are you going to make? What places are you going to visit? 3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Were going to 初步了解一般将来时的构成和用法。 4 能运用正确的英语格式和朋友写电子邮件 5.能运用已学句型谈论新年,和各种计划。 6.能了解“oo”在单词里的正确发音。 Focus of the lesson and predicted

3、area of difficulty 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1 熟练掌握 eat dumplings, red packets, have dinner, firecrackers and fireworks,Happy Chinese New Year, buy a lot of things, excited 2 能正确知道以下词组的用法:It was nice to./.be excited about / have a lot of fun 3 能熟练掌握并运用 be going to 的用法, 了解一般将来时的用法。 4 学会用英语写电子邮件 5 学会与他人交流,谈论所学话题。

4、Preparation 教学准备:教学准备: PPT,tape recorder Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 warm up 1. T: What day is it today? What are you going to do after school today? 2. T: I am going to see a concert. What are you going to do this weekend? S: Im going to Step 2 Presentation 1 T: What are you going to do a

5、t Chinese New Year? S: We are going to . T: Who are you going to visit? S: I am going to visit . T: What are you going to eat? S: We are going to eat . T: What food are you going to make? S: We are going to make . T: What places are you going to visit? S: We are going to visit . 2 T: Now open your b

6、ooks, its your turn to finish the questions on the book.(Ask and answer) 3 T: What are you going to do on Chinese New Year Eve? S: We are going to . (The three steps above are intended to ask students to master the phrases skillfully.The teacher should lead students to use the phrases such as eat du

7、mplings, have dinner, get red packets, light firecrackers and fireworks, say Happy Chinese New year,buy a lot of things, be excited about) 3 T: Su Hai is writing an email to Anna. But Su Hai forgot some important phrases. Can you help him? 4 Fill in the blanks on Page 86. 5 Read the passage one para

8、graph by one paragraph. Then T let students read in different styles. 6 T can give students some key words or phrases to let students say something about the Chinese New Year. Step 3 Consolidation T: Now your teacher needs your help. I have a close friend from America. She is now studying in Nanjing

9、 University. She is doing some projects about Chinese New Year. But she doesnt know much about Chinese New Year. She is very worried. Can you send an e-mail to her to tell her something about Chinese New Year? T: Pay attention to the formal of the e-mail. T should give students some ideas on how to

10、write an e-mail. You can start with “It was nice to .”The passage should be divided into at least three paragraphs.总-分总的结构 T can also give students some phrases of wishes on how to write an e-mail. Step 4.Ticking time a. 评价 I can talk about Chinese New Year T:Sounds good.(鼓掌) (指着图片上的新年图片)This is our

11、 Chinese New Year.People are very happy.The family members are together .(ppt 图片)And what are they doing?(介 绍)T :work in paris,and talk about the pictures .The best groups will get three stars.(ppt: 三颗星) Ss:生举手 T:How many stars can you get? T:Three ,two or one.(ppt 边说边。)Who can?( 举手示意) S1: Look at t

12、he picture,they are. T:Three stars.(师评,掌声,加星星) Next one? S2: The family are very happy .They are having big dinner. T: How many stars can he/she get? Ss:Three stars(生评,掌声,加星星) T: How many stars can you get? S3:Three stars. (自评,掌声,加加星星) T:Now, four students a group. talk about your familys activities

13、 on New Years DAY. Then tell me the stars he or she get? Ss:四人一组介绍。 T:How many stars can he/she get?(师巡视并问得多少颗星) b.评价 I can use “am/is/are going to”to talk T: (生谈论期间, 展台转换笔记本) Ok,boys and girls. I didnt drink much water in the moring, I am going to drink more water after this class. What are you goi

14、ng to do after this class? Ss: I am going to We are going to T: In this lesson,we know people are going to do many things on New Years Day. How about you? What are you going to do ?Please talk about it in groups. SS: 小组讨论。 4.补充习题(区别“OO”在不同单词中的发音) a.A Listen and number T:Boys and girls,You can get th

15、ree stars in ticking time.Can you get good mark in your exercise book?(音 b.A choose the fifferent one T:You did a ggod job just now, and now ,please finish exerciese 2.Please find the different one. e.g ( )A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good ( )A. book B. moody C. look D. cook T:Now ,lets check the

16、 answer.(切换投影) 拓展字母“oo”读音歌 “oo”发u:最常见,非重音中要短念。字母“k”前不能长,“好脚站木羊毛”短。 “血”与“水灾”真特殊,“oo”读细分辨。“oo”加“r”读作 ,“poor”读 好可怜。 注:“好脚站木”即:good,foot,stood,wood 第二句也可以是:“d、k 之前 oo 短,“foot”、“food”恰相反。 1.长音:bloom,boot,cool,foot,moon,root,school,soon,too,troop,room,zoo 2.弱读短:classroom,schoolroom,workroom,bedroom,boyhoo

17、d 3.k 前短:book,brook,cook,look,shook,took 4. :door,floor Step 5 Homework: 师边说边示意学生把作业读一遍。 1. Write down sth about Chinese New Year .Such as food,clothes or your activities. 2. Find out more words that pronounce /u/or /u:/,and write them down. Blackboard design 板书设计: What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? Who / what food / what places It was nice to . Be excited about Be going to Have a lot of fun


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