2020冀教版英语四年级上册 unit 3全套单元优质课件.pptx

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1、 冀教版冀教版 五年级上册英语全套优质课件五年级上册英语全套优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 Unit 3 A travel Plan Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应 章节内容,方便使用。章节内容,方便使用。 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Again, Please! Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教版冀教版五年级上册五年级上册 Lesson 13 Lead-in Whats the capital city of China? Beiji

2、ng What do you know about Beijing? New words love 爱;喜欢爱;喜欢 travel 旅行旅行 interesting 有趣的;有吸引力的有趣的;有吸引力的 place 地方;场所地方;场所 I love to travel. 1 2 I love to travel! It is fun! I want to go to Beijing. I want Danny and Jenny to come, too. Beijing is a big city. There are many interesting places in Beijing.

3、 It is great. This is the Palace Museum in Beijing. It is beautiful. Tiananmen Square is in Beijing. It is very famous. This is the Great Wall. It is very long. Do you know other famous places of Beijing? This is the Temple of Heaven. Its great. This is Hutong in Beijing. Its old and long. This is B

4、eijing Xiangshan. Its beautiful. Language points love意为“爱”,可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。意为“爱”,可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。 例句例句:我爱我的国家。我爱我的国家。 I love my country. 我爱读书。我爱读书。 I love to read books. 1. I love to travel! 我爱旅行!我爱旅行! (1)相同点相同点:两个词都含有“喜欢,喜爱”的意思,:两个词都含有“喜欢,喜爱”的意思, 有时可以互换。有时可以互换。 例例句句:我喜欢打篮球。:我喜欢打篮球。 I love/like playin

5、g basketball. 辨析辨析 love和和 like (2)不同点不同点:love在感情色彩上比在感情色彩上比like强烈,而强烈,而like指指 表示一般的喜欢。如表示一般的喜欢。如亲人之间一般用亲人之间一般用love,而,而朋友间用朋友间用 like则比较合适。则比较合适。 例句例句:我爱我的母亲。我爱我的母亲。 I love my mother. (1)want意为“想要”,后面可以接名词作宾语,意为“想要”,后面可以接名词作宾语, 也可以接动词不定式作宾语。也可以接动词不定式作宾语。 例句例句:我想要去散步。我想要去散步。 I want to go for a walk. 2.

6、 I want Danny and Jenny to come, too. 我想要丹尼和詹妮也一起来。我想要丹尼和詹妮也一起来。 (2)want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事,其中动词想要某人做某事,其中动词 不定式不定式to do sth.为宾语为宾语sb.的宾语补足语。的宾语补足语。 例句例句:我想要你帮帮我。我想要你帮帮我。 I want you to help me. 他想要我浇花。他想要我浇花。 He wants me to water the flowers. There be句型表示“某地有某物”,其中句型表示“某地有某物”,其中be动词与后动词与后 面第一个名词保

7、持单复数一致。面第一个名词保持单复数一致。 例句例句:桌子上有一本书。桌子上有一本书。 There is a book on the desk. 河中有两只鸭子。河中有两只鸭子。 There are two ducks in the river. 3. There are many interesting places in Beijing. 在北京有许多有趣的地方。在北京有许多有趣的地方。 Lets do it! a. Li Ming loves to _. b. He wants his _ to come. c. There are many _ in Beijing. d. Beiji

8、ng is the capital _ of China. 1. Read Part 1 and write. travel city interesting friends places travel friends interesting places city 2. Pair work. Ask and answer. Do you love to travel? Are there any interesting places there? What are they? Do you love to travel? Yes. Where do you want to go? I wan

9、t to go to. Play roles Do you love to travel? Yes. Where do you want to go? I want to go to Beijing. Who do you want to go with? I want to go with my family. Are there any interesting places there? Yes, there are. What are they? They are the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum and so on.

10、 Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教版冀教版五年级上册五年级上册 Lesson 14 Lead-in the Palace Museum Tiananmen Square the Great Wall Do you want to travel to Beijing? What will you say to your mother or father? New words may 可以可以 young 年轻的;幼小的年轻的;幼小的 come 来来 great 极好的;伟大的;巨大的极好的;伟大的;巨大的 May I travel to Beijing? Mum, may I tr

11、avel to Beijing? To Beijing? Im afraid not. Youre too young, Li Ming. You can come, too! Please, Mum? Beijing is the capital city of our country! Okay, Li Ming! You are a good boy. You work hard in school. You may go. And I can come with you. Great! Thanks, Mum! May I go to the Great Wall? Yes, Li M

12、ing, you may. May I go shopping? Yes, you may! May I live in Beijing, Mum? No, you may not, Li Ming. Language points 1. Mum, may I travel to Beijing? 妈妈,我可以去北京旅行吗?妈妈,我可以去北京旅行吗? may在本句中用作情态动词,意为“可以”,表示请求、在本句中用作情态动词,意为“可以”,表示请求、 允许,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。允许,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。 例句例句:妈妈,我可以看电视吗?妈妈,我可以看电视吗? 不,你不

13、可以(看)。不,你不可以(看)。 No, you may not. May I watch TV, mum? (1)相同点相同点:两者都可以用来表示:两者都可以用来表示“请求”或者“允许”“请求”或者“允许”。 例例句句:我能借用一下你的钢笔吗?:我能借用一下你的钢笔吗? Can I use your pen? May I use your pen? (2)区别区别:在表示请求时,:在表示请求时,may比比can表示的语气更加委婉表示的语气更加委婉。 辨析辨析 can 和和 may 本句是一句常用交际用语,一般用来表示对上文的本句是一句常用交际用语,一般用来表示对上文的 请求、建议等进行委婉的

14、否定。请求、建议等进行委婉的否定。 例句例句:我可以乘汽车去学校吗?我可以乘汽车去学校吗? 恐怕不行。恐怕不行。 May I go to school by car? Im afraid not. 2. Im afraid not. 恐怕不行。恐怕不行。 too在本句中用作副词,修饰形容词在本句中用作副词,修饰形容词young,意为“太,意为“太, 非常,过于”,表示“程度”。非常,过于”,表示“程度”。 例句例句:我的鞋太小了。我的鞋太小了。 My shoes are too small. 3. You are too young. 你太小了。你太小了。 (1)very 意为“很,非常”,表

15、示肯定含义。意为“很,非常”,表示肯定含义。 (2)too 意为“太,超出一般”,在程度上比意为“太,超出一般”,在程度上比 very 更过分。更过分。 例句例句:Its very cold. 天天非常非常冷。冷。 Its too cold. 天天太太冷了。冷了。 辨析辨析 very 和和 too (还可以忍受的程度)(还可以忍受的程度) (超出一般,不可忍受了)(超出一般,不可忍受了) Okay也是一个常用交际用语,意为“好的,不错,也是一个常用交际用语,意为“好的,不错, 可以”。一般用来表示对对方建议、请求等的肯定回应。可以”。一般用来表示对对方建议、请求等的肯定回应。 其常见用法还有以

16、下几种:其常见用法还有以下几种: 4. Okay, Li Ming! 好的,李明!好的,李明! a. 用来表示“身体好,健康的”。用来表示“身体好,健康的”。 例句:例句:你好吗?你好吗? 我很好。我很好。 b. 用来表示“安全的”,用来安慰对方。用来表示“安全的”,用来安慰对方。 例句:例句:不要爬树。不要爬树。 不用担心。我没事。不用担心。我没事。 How are you? Im okay. Dont climb up the tree. Dont worry. Im okay. c. 表示“好吧,是啊”等意,用来表示同意或者采纳表示“好吧,是啊”等意,用来表示同意或者采纳 对方的建议。对

17、方的建议。 例句:例句: 我们去购物吧。我们去购物吧。 好的。好的。 Lets go shopping. Okay. d. 后面加问号用来征求对方意见,意为“好吗,怎么样”。后面加问号用来征求对方意见,意为“好吗,怎么样”。 例句:例句:我们去散步吧,好吗?我们去散步吧,好吗? Lets go for a walk, okay? e. 表示“不要紧,没关系”,用来回应对方的道歉。表示“不要紧,没关系”,用来回应对方的道歉。 例句例句: 抱歉,我迟到了。抱歉,我迟到了。 没关系。没关系。 Sorry, Im late. Thats okay. Lets do it! Shijiazhuang-B

18、eijing May I go to Beijing? May I go to the Great Wall? 1. Read Part 1. Draw for “may” and for “may not”. May I go shopping in Beijing? May I live in Beijing? 2. Read and Match. Then act. a. You can come, too. b. Great! c. I can come with you. d. You are too young. Mum, may I go to Shanghai? No, you

19、 may not. _. _. Please, Mum? Its a big city. Okay, Anna. You may go. _. _ Thanks, Mum. d a c b Play roles Mum, may I go to Wuhan? No, you may not. You are too young. Dad can come with me. Please, Mum? Its a beautiful city. Okay, you can come with your Dad. Great! Thanks, Mum. Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教

20、版冀教版五年级上册五年级上册 Lesson 15 Lead-in May I go shopping today? Yes, you may. May I play ping-pong? Yes, you may. May I drink some juice? No, you may not. Its time for dinner. New words call 打电话;通话,电话打电话;通话,电话 Make a call Li Ming: I want Danny and Jenny to come on our trip to Beijing. May I invite them, M

21、um? Mrs. Li: Okay, Li Ming. I will call Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Li: Hello. This is Mrs. Li. May I speak to Mrs. Smith? Mrs. Smith: This is Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Li: Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing. Can Jenny and Danny come? Jenny: Please, Mum? Please! Please! Mrs. Smith: Thats wonderful, Mrs. Li! Y

22、es, Jenny can go. I can talk to Dannys mother. Mrs. Li: Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith: When will you go to Beijing? Mrs. Li: We will go to Beijing in the morning on February 3. Mrs. Smith: Okay! Hooray! Hooray! Language points 1. May I invite them? 妈妈,我可以邀请他们吗?妈妈,我可以邀请他们吗? invite为及物动词,意为“邀请”。为及物

23、动词,意为“邀请”。 句型:句型:invite sb. 邀请某人邀请某人 invite sb. to someplace 邀请某人去某地邀请某人去某地 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事。邀请某人做某事。 例句例句:我想要邀请她。我想要邀请她。 I want to invite her. 我邀请我的朋友来我家。我邀请我的朋友来我家。 I invite my friend to my home. 我邀请汤姆去散步。我邀请汤姆去散步。 I invite Tom to go for a walk. 2. I will call Mrs. Smith. 我会给史密斯夫人打电话的

24、。我会给史密斯夫人打电话的。 本句描述的是从现在看将要进行的动作,因此用一般本句描述的是从现在看将要进行的动作,因此用一般 将来时态。将来时态。 基本结构基本结构:主语主语will动词原形其它成分动词原形其它成分 will不随人称或者单复数的变化而变化。这样的句型不随人称或者单复数的变化而变化。这样的句型 翻译时,动词前面一般要加上“要”,“将要”或者“会”翻译时,动词前面一般要加上“要”,“将要”或者“会” 等描述将来动作的字眼。等描述将来动作的字眼。 例句例句:我明天要去动物园。我明天要去动物园。 I will go to the zoo tomorrow. 我的父母下周要去北京。我的父母

25、下周要去北京。 My parent will go to Beijing next week. 拓展:拓展:一般将来时一般将来时表示将来表示将来某一时刻某一时刻的动作或状态的动作或状态, 或将来或将来某一段时间内经常某一段时间内经常的动作或状态的动作或状态。一般和。一般和tomorrow, next week等表示将来时间的时间词搭配使用。等表示将来时间的时间词搭配使用。 (1)本句是英语中常见的电话用语,)本句是英语中常见的电话用语,Hello相当于汉相当于汉 语中的“喂,你好”,用于引起对方的注意。语中的“喂,你好”,用于引起对方的注意。 (2)在英语中,)在英语中,打电话时打电话时经常用

26、经常用this指代“指代“乙乙方”方”, 而用而用that指代“对方”指代“对方”。不直接用“。不直接用“I am .”或者“”或者“Are you .?”。”。 3. Hello. This is Mrs. Smith. 你好。这是史密斯夫人。你好。这是史密斯夫人。 例句例句:喂,你好。我是麦克。我可以与史蒂文通电话吗?喂,你好。我是麦克。我可以与史蒂文通电话吗? 你好,麦克。我就是史蒂文。你好,麦克。我就是史蒂文。 Hello. This is Mike. May I speak to Steven? Hello, Mike. This is Steven. (1)本句中主语有两个,中间用

27、)本句中主语有两个,中间用and连接。连接。 英语中当英语中当几个单数人称几个单数人称并列作主语时,一般顺序是并列作主语时,一般顺序是第第 二人称,第三人称和第一人称二人称,第三人称和第一人称,即:,即:you,he/she/it and I。 当当几个复数人称几个复数人称并列作主语时,顺序是第一人称,并列作主语时,顺序是第一人称,第第 二人称和第三人称二人称和第三人称,即:,即:we, you and they。 4. Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing. 我和李明要去北京旅行。我和李明要去北京旅行。 例句例句:汤姆和我经常去公园散步。汤

28、姆和我经常去公园散步。 Tom and I often go for a walk in the park. 我们和他们明天要去旅行。我们和他们明天要去旅行。 We and they will go on a trip tomorrow. (2)英语中英语中come,go等表示趋向性的动词的现在进等表示趋向性的动词的现在进 行时态可以表示将来进行的动作。行时态可以表示将来进行的动作。 例句例句:公交车就要来了。公交车就要来了。 The bus is coming. 你要去哪儿?你要去哪儿? Where are you going? (去的动作正在进行,但是还没到达目的地)(去的动作正在进行,但

29、是还没到达目的地) (正在往这里走)(正在往这里走) Lets act! Jennys mother calls Dannys mother. What do they say? Hello. This is Mrs. Smith. May I speak to Dannys mother?. Hello. This is Dannys mother . Play roles Hello. This is Mrs. Smith. May I speak to Dannys mother? Hello. This is Dannys mother. Thank you. Wait a minut

30、e, Ill ask him. Okay, it is wonderful! Danny can go! Jenny, Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing. Can Danny come? And when will you go to Beijing? We will go to Beijing in the morning on February 3. Okay! Lets do it! Pair work. Make a call. go to the cinema go to the park go shopping play pi

31、ng-pong Hello. This is Jenny. May I speak to Danny? This is Danny. Do you want to go to the cinema with me? Okay. When will we go? At 5:00 in the afternoon. Okay. See you later. See you at 5:00. Bye! Play roles Hello. This is Jenny. May I speak to Danny? This is Danny. Do you want to go shopping wit

32、h me? Okay. When will we go? At 9:00 in the morning tomorrow. Okay. See you later. See you at 9:00. Bye! Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教版冀教版五年级上册五年级上册 Lesson 16 Lead-in Traffic tools If you are going to Beijing, which kind of traffic tools will you choose? Why? New words slow 慢的;缓慢的慢的;缓慢的 plane 飞机飞机 fast 快的

33、;迅速的快的;迅速的 train 火车火车 from . to . 从从到到 Bus or plane? This is a bus. A bus is slow. This is a plane. A plane is fast. Language points A bus is slow. A plane is fast. 公交车很慢。飞机很快。公交车很慢。飞机很快。 本句中本句中slow和和fast是一组反义词。是一组反义词。slow一般用作形容词,一般用作形容词, 而而 fast 则经常用于形容词和副词。则经常用于形容词和副词。 例句例句:I am slow. 我很慢。我很慢。 Tom

34、 is fast. 汤姆很快。汤姆很快。 Tom runs fast. 汤姆跑得很快。汤姆跑得很快。 Lets go by train. Lets go to Beijing by plane, Mum! A plane is fast. No, Li Ming. Its not far. I want to take a bus. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? Its 278 kilometres. A bus is slow. I dont want to take a bus. Lets take a train. A train

35、 is fast. Okay. Language points 1. Lets go to Beijing by plane, Mum! 妈妈,让我们乘飞机去北京吧!妈妈,让我们乘飞机去北京吧! 本句是由本句是由lets引导的祈使句,一般用来向对方提出建议。引导的祈使句,一般用来向对方提出建议。 lets是是let us的缩写形式,指包括说话人在内的“我们”。的缩写形式,指包括说话人在内的“我们”。 Lets do sth. 让我们做让我们做吧吧 一般答语:一般答语:OK / All right / Im afraid not. 例句例句:让我们在这儿画幅画吧!让我们在这儿画幅画吧! 恐怕不行

36、。恐怕不行。 Lets draw a picture here. Im afraid not. 2. I want to take a bus. 我想要乘公交车去。我想要乘公交车去。 take交通工具交通工具 go . by交通工具交通工具 乘这种交通工具去乘这种交通工具去 例句例句:我喜欢乘公交车去学校。我喜欢乘公交车去学校。 I like to take a bus to school. I like to go to school by bus. 3. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? Its 278 kilometers. 本句式用

37、来本句式用来询问两地之间的距离或者路程询问两地之间的距离或者路程。 基本结构基本结构:How far is it from地点地点Ato地点地点B? 答语答语:It is基数词长度单位基数词长度单位 注意注意:长度单位根据基数词进行单复数变化。长度单位根据基数词进行单复数变化。 例句例句:从你家到学校有多远?从你家到学校有多远? 只有一千米。只有一千米。 How far is it from your home to school? Its only one kilometre. 拓展:拓展:how many 多少个多少个 how much 多少钱多少钱 how long 多长多长 how o

38、ld 多大多大 how tall 多高多高 Lets sing! A plane is fast. A bus is slow. Lets take a plane. That is how I want to go! A plane is not cheap. A train is just right! We can take a train. On our trip to Beijing! Lets do it! Pair work. Look, ask and answer. Lanzhou Beijing Shijiazhuang Xian Zhengzhou 676 km 923

39、km 511 km 412 km 278 km How far is it from Xian to Lanzhou? Its 676 kilometres. Play roles How far is it from Xian to Shijiazhuang? Its 923 kilometres. How far is it from Xian to Zhengzhou? Its 511 kilometres. How far is it from Zhengzhou to Shijiazhuang? Its 412 kilometres. How far is it from Shiji

40、azhuang to Beijing? Its 278 kilometres. Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教版冀教版五年级上册五年级上册 Lesson 17 Lead-in Lets go to Beijing by plane. A plane is fast. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? Its 278 kilometres. The plane is not cheap. We can take a train. Its just right. Okay. Lets think about our travel

41、 plan. On the first day, we will New words Sunday 星期日星期日 Monday 星期一星期一 Tuesday 星期二星期二 Wednesday 星期三星期三 Thursday 星期四星期四 Friday 星期五星期五 Saturday 星期六星期六 Making a travel plan We are going to travel by train. We will go to Beijing on February 3. Sunday February 2 Monday February 3 Tuesday February 4 Wedne

42、sday February 5 get ready for the trip go to Beijing go to Tiananmen Square go to the Palace Museum Thursday February 6 Friday February 7 Saturday February 8 go to the Great Wall go shopping go home Language points 1. make a travel plan 制定旅行计划制定旅行计划 make意为“做,制造”表示制作具体的物品。意为“做,制造”表示制作具体的物品。do虽然虽然 也有“

43、做”的意思,但是一般指做一些动作或者某种事情。也有“做”的意思,但是一般指做一些动作或者某种事情。 例句例句:我正在做一个飞机模型。我正在做一个飞机模型。 I am making a model plane. 2. We are going to travel by train. 我们打算乘火车去旅行。我们打算乘火车去旅行。 be going to结构是将来时态的另一种形式,结构是将来时态的另一种形式,to后面后面 接动词原形,用来表示接动词原形,用来表示按计划或者安排按计划或者安排要进行的动作或要进行的动作或 者事情。也可以用来表示者事情。也可以用来表示推测推测或者表示或者表示将来肯定要发生

44、将来肯定要发生 的动作,在句子中一般译为“准备,打算”。的动作,在句子中一般译为“准备,打算”。 (1)be going to表示表示近期近期就要发生的动作;就要发生的动作;will表示的表示的 时间则较为时间则较为久远久远一些。一些。 例句例句:我打算去做作业。我打算去做作业。 I am going to do my homework. 有一天我们会去月球旅行。有一天我们会去月球旅行。 We will travel to the moon one day. 辨析:辨析:be going to 和和 will (不知道哪一天实现)(不知道哪一天实现) (马上就做)(马上就做) (2)be going to表示根据表示根据主观判断将来肯定会发生主观判断将来肯定会发生的的 事情;事情;will则表示则表示将来自然发生将来自然发生的事情。的事情。 例句例句:他打算在聚会上唱一首歌。他打算在聚会上唱一首歌。 He is going to sing a song at the party. 明年我就明年我就12岁了。岁了。 I will be 12 years old next year. (肯定会做)(肯定


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