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1、 人教精通版人教精通版 四年级英语上册优质课件四年级英语上册优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 全册全套单元课件全册全套单元课件 人教精通版人教精通版 四年级英语上册优质课件四年级英语上册优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 Unit 1Unit 1 This is my new friend. Unit 1 This is my new friend. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 1 Lead-in Greet to others. Hi! Hello! Good morning! Good morning! New words China 中国中国 America

2、 美国美国 England 英国英国 Just talk Hi, Gao Wei! Hi, Peter! Nice to see you again! Nice to see you, too! This is my new friend. Hello! Im Jim. Im from America. Glad to meet you. Language points 1. This is my new friend. 这是我的新朋友。这是我的新朋友。 “This is.”的意思是“这是”的意思是“这是”,用来介”,用来介 绍离说话人较近的人或物。绍离说话人较近的人或物。 例句例句:这是一个

3、英国男孩。这是一个英国男孩。 This is an English boy. 2. Im Jim. 我是吉姆。我是吉姆。 Im 介绍自己的名字。介绍自己的名字。 例:我是迈克例:我是迈克. Im Mike. 3. Im from America.我来自美国。我来自美国。 这个句子用来介绍某人来自某个国家,其这个句子用来介绍某人来自某个国家,其 句型结构为:句型结构为:主语主语+be动词动词+from+国家名称国家名称.”,”, 意为“某人来自意为“某人来自”。”。 例句例句:他来自美国。他来自美国。 He is from America. New friend England Mike Thi

4、s is my new friend. Hello! Im Mike. Im from England. America Marry This is my new friend. Hello! Im Marry. Im from America. Just read and write China 中国中国 America 美国美国 England 英国英国 Hi! Im Mimi. Im from China. Lets play Im Andy. Im from America. Nice to meet you. Lets play Im Betty. Im from England.

5、Nice to meet you. Im Candy. Im from China. Nice to meet you. Unit 1 This is my new friend. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 2 Lead-in Welcome to Singapore. New words good 好的好的 friend 朋友朋友 Singapore 新加坡新加坡 Canada 加拿大加拿大 Just talk Hi! Im Jim. Im from America. Im Rani. Im from Singapore. Where are you from? Im

6、from Beijing, China. Im from Canada. Were good friends! Yeah! Language points Where are you from? 你来自哪里?你来自哪里? 此句是询问某人来自哪里的句型此句是询问某人来自哪里的句型 回答:回答:Im from 例句:你来自哪里?我来自中国。例句:你来自哪里?我来自中国。 Where are you from? Im from China. Play roles Where are you from? Im from Shanghai, China. Where are you from? Im f

7、rom America. Just read and write Singapore 新加坡新加坡 Canada 加拿大加拿大 friends 朋友朋友 Lets sing Where are you from? Where are you from? Where are you from? Im from China. Im from China. Where are you from? Where are you from? Im from China. Im from China. Unit 1 This is my new friend. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson

8、 3 Lead-in Where are you from? Im from Shanghai, China. Where are you from? Im from America. New words brother 兄弟兄弟 sister 姐妹姐妹 boy 男孩男孩 girl 女孩女孩 Just talk Mum! This is my new friend, Jim. Welcome to our home, Jim! Whos this boy? Hes my brother. Whos this girl? Shes my sister. Language points 1. We

9、lcome to our home, Jim. 欢迎来我们家,吉姆。欢迎来我们家,吉姆。 Welcome to+地点,表示欢迎来到地点,表示欢迎来到地方。地方。 例句:欢迎来到中国。例句:欢迎来到中国。 Welcome to China. 2. Whos this boy? 这个男孩是谁?这个男孩是谁? Hes my brother. 他是我的弟弟。他是我的弟弟。 这是这是who引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人 的身份的身份。 句型结构为:句型结构为:Whos+ 某人?某人? 答语是答语是:He/ She is+身份身份。 Just read and write b

10、oy 男孩男孩 girl 女孩女孩 Whos this boy? Hes my brother. Whos this girl? Shes my sister. Play roles Whos this girl? Shes Xiao wanzi. Whos this boy? Hes Da xiong. Lets play Lets play a game! OK! Guess! Whos this boy? Gao Wei? Lets play Guess! Whos this boy/girl? Unit 1 This is my new friend. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册

11、 Lesson 4 Lead-in What does he / she do? He / She is a . What does he / she do? He / She is a . What does he / she do? He / She is a . teacher 教师教师 New words farmer 农民;农场主农民;农场主 postman 邮递员邮递员 Just talk Look, Gao Wei! This is my father. Wow! Hes cool! What does your father do? Guess! Is he a driver?

12、 No, hes a teacher. Language points 1. What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?你爸爸是做什么的? 这是询问某人的职业这是询问某人的职业的句型的句型,句型结构是:,句型结构是: What do/does + 某人某人+ do? 答语为:答语为:He / She is a/an+职业名词职业名词. 2. Is he a driver?他是一名司机吗?他是一名司机吗? No, hes a teacher.不,他是一名教师。不,他是一名教师。 本句是询问某人是否从事某职业的句型,句本句是询问某人是否从事某职业的句型,句 型结构为型结

13、构为“Be动词动词+主语主语+a/an+职业名词?”职业名词?”. 肯定回答是:肯定回答是:Yes,主语主语+be动词动词 否定回答是:否定回答是:No, 主语主语+be动词动词+not. Just read and write teacher 教师教师 farmer 农民;农场主农民;农场主 postman 邮递员邮递员 What does your father do? Hes a teacher. Play roles What does your father do? He is a teacher. What does your father do? He is a postman.

14、 Lets act Guess! What does he do? A teacher! Hes a teacher! Right! Lets act Guess! What does he do? A farmer! Hes a farmer! Right! Guess! What does he do? A doctor! Hes a doctor! Right! Guess! What does he do? A driver! Hes a driver! Right! Unit 1 This is my new friend. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 5 Lea

15、d-in What does your father do? He is a teacher. What does your father do? He is a postman. doctor 医生医生 New words nurse 护士护士 driver 司机;驾驶员司机;驾驶员 Just talk Look! This is my mother. Oh, shes beautiful! What does your mother do? Shes a doctor. Oh, great! Language points Oh, shes beautiful! 哦,她很漂亮!哦,她很漂亮

16、! 这是一个这是一个描述某人性格特点描述某人性格特点的句子,句型结构的句子,句型结构 为为“主语“主语+be动词动词+形容词形容词.” 描述性格特点的词有:描述性格特点的词有:kind(体贴的体贴的),active (活跃的活跃的),shy(腼腆的腼腆的),pretty(漂亮的漂亮的),polite(有有 礼貌的礼貌的)等。等。 Just read and write doctor 医生医生 nurse 护士护士 driver 司机;驾驶员司机;驾驶员 What does your mother do? Shes a doctor. Play roles What does your moth

17、er do? She is a nurse. What does your mother do? She is a doctor. Lets chant My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. My uncle is a postman. My aunt is a driver. Unit 1 This is my new friend. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 6 Fun story My mum is a TV reporter. Oh, cool! What does your father do? Guess!

18、Is he a teacher? No! A doctor? No! Oh! Be careful. Thank you. Look, Jim! Thats my father. Oh, your father is a policeman. Language points Thats my father. 那是我爸爸。那是我爸爸。 本句用来介绍人或物,本句用来介绍人或物,“That is.”的意思是”的意思是 “那是“那是”,that是指示代词,通常指空间上距离是指示代词,通常指空间上距离 说话者说话者较远较远的人或物,表示“那;那个”。的人或物,表示“那;那个”。 例句例句 那是我的新书包

19、。那是我的新书包。 That is my new schoolbag. Lets check 5 4 1 6 3 2 Language Focus Im from China. Where are you from? Im from Singapore. Whos this boy? Hes my brother. Whos this girl? Shes my sister. What does your father do? Hes a teacher. What does your mother do? Shes a doctor. America England Singapore C

20、anada boy girl postman driver China good friend brother sister teacher farmer doctor nurse England Mike This is my new friend. Hello! Im Mike. Im from England. I can say Where are you from? Im from Shanghai, China. 询问某人来自哪里询问某人来自哪里 Where are you from? Im from America. Whos this girl? Shes Xiao wanzi

21、. 询问这个女孩询问这个女孩/ /男孩是谁?男孩是谁? Whos this boy? Hes Da Xiong. What does your father do? He is a teacher. 询问父亲的职业询问父亲的职业 What does your father do? He is a postman. What does your mother do? She is a nurse. 询问母亲的职业询问母亲的职业 What does your mother do? She is a doctor. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了

22、吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! 人教精通版人教精通版 四年级英语上册优质课件四年级英语上册优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 Unit Unit 2 2 Whats your number? Unit 2 Whats your number? 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 7 Lead-in How to say hello to old friends? Nice to see you again. Nice to see you, too! What questions can we ask about ne

23、w friends? Where are you from? What does your father/mother do? one 一一 New words two 二二 class 班级班级 grade 年级年级 Just talk Hi, Kate. This is my new friend, Sue. Hi, Sue. Pleased to meet you! Pleased to meet you, too. Which class are you in? Im in Class Two, Grade Three. How about you? Im in Class One,

24、Grade Four. Language points Which class are you in? 你在哪个班?你在哪个班? Im in Class Two, Grade Three. 我在三年级二班。我在三年级二班。 which的意思是“哪一个”。的意思是“哪一个”。 询问某人在哪个询问某人在哪个 班级的句型为班级的句型为“Which class + be动词动词+主语主语+in?”。 答语为答语为“主语“主语+ be动词动词+in Class+数词,数词, Grade +数词数词.” Just read and write class 班级班级 grade 年级年级 Class One

25、 Grade Four Class Two Grade Three Which class are you in? Im in Class One, Grade Four. Which class are you in? Im in . Play roles Which class are you in? Im in Class Two, Grade Three. Lets play Whats your name? My names Jim. Which class are you in? Im in Class Two, Grade Four. Whats your name? My na

26、mes Li Yan. Which class are you in? Im in Class One, Grade Three. Unit 2 Whats your number? 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 8 three 三三 New words four 四四 thirteen 十三十三 fourteen 十四十四 Just talk One, two, three, go! Whats your number? Im number fourteen. Whats your number? Im number thirteen. Language points Wh

27、ats your number? 你是多少号?你是多少号? Im number fourteen. 我是十四号。我是十四号。 询问他人号码的句型是“询问他人号码的句型是“Whats ones number? 其答语是“其答语是“Ones number is+数词数词.” Just read and write thirteen 十三十三 fourteen 十四十四 Whats your number? Im number thirteen. Whats your number? Play roles Im number . Whats your number? Im number fourte

28、en. Lets play Line up! Ten! Eleven! Twelve! Thirteen! Fourteen! Start counting from 10 to 14! Unit 2 Whats your number? 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 9 Lead-in Whats your number? Im two. Whats two and five? Its seven. New words five 五五 six 六六 Just talk Hi, Mimi! Whats your number? Im number six! Whats one

29、 and two? Its three. Thats right! And whats seven and eight? Um.its fifteen. Good! Language points Whats one and two? 一加二等于几?一加二等于几? Its three. 等于三。等于三。 询问加法得数的句型为“询问加法得数的句型为“Whats+数词数词+and+数词数词? (加加等于等于?)”,其答语为“”,其答语为“Its + 数词数词.”。”。 例句例句Whats three and five?三加五等于几?三加五等于几? Its eight.等于八。等于八。 Just r

30、ead and write fifteen 十五十五 sixteen 十六十六 Whats seven and eight? Its fifteen. Play roles Whats your number? Im number five! Whats two and four? Its six. Lets play Lets play a game! Find your neighbours. Fourteen! We are neighbours. Fifteen! Sixteen! Unit 2 Whats your number? 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 10

31、 New words seven 七七 eight 八八 Just talk Good morning, class! Good morning, Mr Zhang. Lets count from one to eighteen. One! Two! Three! Four! Whats eight and nine? Its seventeen. Very good! Just read and write seventeen 十七十七 eighteen 十八十八 Whats eight and nine? Its seventeen. Whats seven and ten? Its s

32、eventeen. Play roles Whats seven and eight? Its fifteen. Lets chant Whats eight and nine? Its seventeen! Whats nine and nine? Its eighteen! Unit 2 Whats your number? 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 11 New words nine 九九 ten 十十 Just talk Wake up! Wake up, Peter. Whats the time, Mum? Its 7:20. Oh, no! Im late!

33、 Have some milk. No, thanks! Language points Whats the time, Mum? 几点了,妈妈?几点了,妈妈? “Whats the time?”?”用于对用于对具体的时间具体的时间 点点进行提问,其答语通常是:进行提问,其答语通常是:Its+时间点时间点. time 的意思是的意思是“时间”“时间”,是不可数名词。,是不可数名词。 例句例句Whats the time?几点了?几点了? Its 8:00. 八点。八点。 拓展拓展 询问时间的句子还可以用:询问时间的句子还可以用: What time is it?(几点了?)(几点了?),它与,

34、它与 “Whats the time?”可以可以互相转换互相转换。 例句例句What time is it?几点了?几点了? It is three oclock. 三点钟了。三点钟了。 Have some milk. 喝一些牛奶吧。喝一些牛奶吧。 (1)have在本句的意思是在本句的意思是“吃;喝”。“吃;喝”。 英语中表示英语中表示“吃”“吃”的单词还有的单词还有“eat”, 表示“喝”的单词还有表示“喝”的单词还有“drink”。 (2)some表示表示“一些”“一些”,常用在,常用在肯定句肯定句中。当中。当 some用在疑问句中,表示希望得到对方的肯定回用在疑问句中,表示希望得到对方的

35、肯定回 复或者表示复或者表示建议、请求建议、请求等。等。 例句例句Give me some apples.给我一些苹果。给我一些苹果。 Would you like some juice?你想要点儿果汁吗?你想要点儿果汁吗? Just read and write nineteen 十九十九 twenty 二十二十 Whats the time? Its 7:20. Whats the time? Its 8:30. Play roles Whats the time? Its 19:00. Lets sing Number song One two three four five six s

36、even, eight nine ten and eleven and twelve, thirteen fourteen fifteen and sixteen, seventeen eighteen nineteen and twenty! Unit 2 Whats your number? 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 12 Review three seven nine five one two ten four eight six Fun story Read and act. Whats one and two? Its three. Whats eight an

37、d seven? Good! Um.fifteen. Twenty! Whats ten and ten? No! Why not? Look! Ten and ten. Oh, thats funny! So, ten and ten is ten. Lets check Listen and number. 1 3 2 Class 1, Grade 4 20 18 15 Which class are you in? Im in Class One, Grade Four. Whats your number? Im number thirteen. Whats seven and eig

38、ht? Its fifteen. Whats eight and nine? Its seventeen. Whats the time? Its 7:20. class grade thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Language Focus 询问询问年级和班级年级和班级 Play roles Which class are you in? Im in Class two, Grade Fo

39、ur. 询问编号或数字询问编号或数字 Whats your number? Im number eight. 如何用英文描述加法如何用英文描述加法 Whats seven and nine? Its sixteen. 如何用英语询问具体时间点如何用英语询问具体时间点 Whats the time? Its 9:00. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! 人教精通版人教精通版 四年级英语上册优质课件四年级英语上册优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 Uni

40、t Unit 3 3 Its a pineapple. Unit 3 Its a pineapple. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 13 Do you like fruit? Do you know them? apple 苹果苹果 New words pear 梨梨 pineapple 菠萝菠萝 lemon 柠檬柠檬 Just talk Look! Whats this? A pear? An apple? Look! Its an apple! Yes, its an apple. Guess! Whats this? Its a pineapple! Right! I

41、ts a pineapple. Language points look的意思是“看”。当它单独使用时,是强的意思是“看”。当它单独使用时,是强 调看的动作,提醒别人注意。调看的动作,提醒别人注意。 含有含有look的短语:的短语:look at看看 look after照顾照顾 例句:看!那儿有一只大狗。例句:看!那儿有一只大狗。 Look! There is a big dog. 1. Look! 看!看! 2. Whats this? 这是什么?这是什么? 这是一个由特殊疑问词这是一个由特殊疑问词what引导的特殊疑问引导的特殊疑问 句,句, Whats this? 用于询问用于询问近处

42、单个事物近处单个事物的名的名 称,意为“这是什么?”称,意为“这是什么?”。 答语答语:Its a/an +名词名词. whats=what is。 例句例句:这是什么?它是一个这是什么?它是一个菠萝菠萝。 Whats this? Its a pineapple. Play roles Look! Whats this? An apple? Its a pear! A pear? Guess! Whats this? Its a lemon! Right! Its a lemon! Just read and write pineapple 菠萝菠萝 lemon 柠檬柠檬 Whats this

43、? Its a pineapple. Lets play Whats this? Its an apple. Whats this? Its a pear. Whats this? Its a pineapple. Whats this? Its a lemon. Play roles Whats this? Its an apple. Whats this? Its a pear. Whats this? Its a pineapple. Unit 3 Its a pineapple. 精通版精通版四年级上册四年级上册 Lesson 14 Lead-in Whats this? Its or

44、ange 橙子,橘子;橙子,橘子; 橙色的橙色的 New words banana 香蕉香蕉 watermelon 西瓜西瓜 kiwi fruit 猕猴桃猕猴桃 Just talk Whats this? Look! Its a banana. Whats that? Look! Its a watermelon. Oh, its a big watermelon. Language points Whats that? 那是什么?那是什么? Look! Its a watermelon. 看!那是一个西瓜。看!那是一个西瓜。 that的意思是“那,那个”,指代离说话人的意思是“那,那个”,指

45、代离说话人较远较远 的单个物品的单个物品。 询问远处物品询问远处物品的句型:的句型:Whats that? 回答回答:Its a/an +名词名词. 例句例句:那是什么?它是一个猕猴桃。那是什么?它是一个猕猴桃。 Whats that? Its a kiwi fruit. This or that Whats _? This is a banana. this Whats _? That is a banana. that Whats that? Its a watermelon. Whats this? This is an orange. Just read and write watermelon 西瓜西瓜 kiwi fruit 猕猴桃猕猴桃 Whats that? Its a watermelon. Play roles Whats that? Its a watermelon. Whats that? Its an orange. Wha


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