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1、 1 2019-2020 学年上学期第一次月考试卷 满分:150 分 考试时间:120 分钟 命题人:Jack 本试卷分第 I 卷和第 II 卷两部分,共 5 页 第第 I 卷卷 第一部分第一部分 听力听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听 完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ( ) 1.What will the woman have? A.Fried rice. B.A san

2、dwich. C.Pizza. ( ) 2.How is the man going to pay for the car? A.By earning money on holidays. B.By asking his parents for money. C.By borrowing money from the woman. ( ) 3.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A.A car crash. B.A funny guy. C.A car advertisement. ( ) 4.Where are the speakers? A.A

3、t a bus stop. B.On a bus. C.In the mans home. ( ) 5.What will the speakers do after watching a movie? A.Have dinner. B.Type the reports. C.Help Tony with his work. 第二节(共 15 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒 钟的作答时

4、间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 ( ) 6.What part of the womans body hurts? A.Her neck. B.Her back. C.Her arms. ( ) 7.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Take regular breaks. B.Spend less time on the computer. C.Relax her arms every half hour. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 ( ) 8.What happened to the man

5、? A.He lost his money. B.He fell into a pool. C.He was hit by a bus. ( ) 9.How did the man get home? A.By bus. B.By taxi. C.On foot. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 ( ) 10.Where is the man? A.At the womans office. B.At a factory. C.At school. ( ) 11.Why does the man dislike the womans first suggestion? 2 A.

6、That topic isnt a serious problem. B.Too many people are doing that topic. C.There is little information on that topic. ( ) 12.What will the mans project be about probably? A.Greenhouse effect. B.Noise pollution. C.Water pollution. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 ( ) 13.Who will meet the woman? A.The man. B

7、.The mans driver. C.The mans workmate. ( ) 14.Why did the woman fail to be picked up? A.The driver got the wrong arrival time. B.The man forgot the time change. C.She didnt e-mail the man about the change in time. ( ) 15.Where does the man want to meet the woman? A.At the hotel. B.At an airport. C.A

8、t the mans office. ( ) 16.What will the woman do next? A.Go to meet the man. B.Have a good sleep. C.Have dinner with the driver. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 ( ) 17.What is the talk mainly about? A.An English dictionary. B.A bookstore. C.A grammar book. ( ) 18.When will the sale end? A.On 5th. B.On 7th.

9、 C.On 11th. ( ) 19.Where is the talk given? A.At a company. B.At a school. C.At an exhibition. ( ) 20.What is the speaker? A.A bookstore owner. B.An English teacher. C.A bookseller. 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节 阅渎理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I am a mid

10、dle school student. My name is Wang Jing. My grandfather is 70 years old now. He often says life has changed a lot. It becomes better and better. I asked him what life was like when he was a child. The following was what he said. When he was a child, he used to feel hungry. There didnt use to be eno

11、ugh food for him to eat. He has two brothers and two sisters. His parents were both farmers. They were very poor and couldnt let their children eat as much as possible. As for clothes, they didnt use to have enough clothes. They didnt use to buy new clothes. The younger brothers and sisters often wo

12、re their old brothers and sisters clothes. My grandfather is the youngest. Only he went to school and had a job in the city. His brothers and sisters didnt get an education and live in the countryside now. Now my grandfather has retired(退休) and lives a happy life. He can eat any food that he wants.

13、He can buy clothes that he wants to buy. He says he is much happier than before. He often asks me to study hard. He says if I work hard, I can have a good future. ( ) 21. Wang Jings grandfather _ get enough food when he was a child. 3 A. used to B. can C. could D. couldnt ( ) 22. Her grandfathers pa

14、rents has _ children. A. three B. four C. five D. six ( ) 23. Whose clothes did her grandfather use to wear? A. His brothers. B. His mothers. C. His own. D. His fathers. ( ) 24. Why couldnt her grandfathers brothers or sisters go to school? A. Because they didnt want to go to school. B. Because thei

15、r parents didnt want them to go to school. C. Because they were poor. D. Because they were rich. ( ) 25. Is Wang Jings grandfather happy now? A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, he is. C. We dont know. D. He doesnt feel happy. B In the United States, sixteen, eighteen, and twenty-one are important ages in a per

16、sons life. There are no special celebrations for these birthdays, but each is a time when a person can do new things to mark their transition (转变) into adult-hood(成人时期). After turning sixteen a person can work, get a drivers licence and leave home. Many high school students learn to drive and get pa

17、rt-time jobs soon after celebrating their sixteenth birthday. At the age of eighteen a person in the United States can vote and smoke, but they are prohibited from going into many nightclubs, buying wine or gambling (赌 博) until they are twenty-one. In many Latin(拉丁的)cultures, a young womans fifteent

18、h birthday is important. At this age, she is regarded as an adult(成年人). To mark this special day, families with teenage daughters have a celebration called a Quinceanera. The day begins with the young woman and her family going to church. Later, there is a party and many guests are invited. In Japan

19、, young people become adults at twenty. At this age, they can legally(合法的) vote, drink wine and smoke. The second Monday in January is a national holiday called Coming of Age Day. On this day, twenty-year-olds celebrate by first going to a church to pray with their families. Later, they listen to sp

20、eeches given by city and school leaders. Afterward, many celebrate with family or friends late into the night. In some countries, birthday celebrations continue through adulthood. Some people celebrate their fortieth and fiftieth birthdays, or their retirement(退休)year, with a huge party. ( ) 26. In

21、the United States, age sixteen marks the time when you can _. A. drink wine and smoke B. drive and get a job C. go into nightclubs D. vote and drive ( ) 27. In some cultures, the fifteenth birthday is important for_. A. parents B. both young women and young men C. young men D. young women ( ) 28. In

22、 Japan, young people are considered adults at age_. A. sixteen B. eighteen C. twenty D. twenty-one ( ) 29. Which of the following is not the turning point in a persons life in the USA? A. The 15th birthday. B. The 16th birthday. C. The 18th birthday. D. The 21st birthday. ( ) 30. What is the meaning

23、 of the word prohibit A允许 B禁止 C终止 D支持 C 4 There are many wetlands(湿地)in China and some of them have become the worlds important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands (中国的黄海湿地) are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of birds and (milu deer)

24、animals. The worlds largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve(麋鹿 自然保护区)in them. More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes (丹顶鹤) in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-Crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands. The temperature in the we

25、tlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife(野生生物). Offering food and home(住所) for some special kinds of animals and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they

26、 also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife. Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2nd, many ac

27、tivities are held to tell people more about wetlands. ( ) 31. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the_ of China. A. east B. south C. west D. north ( ) 32. Usually the weather in the wetlands is _. A. hot B. pleasant C. cold D. dry ( ) 33. The World Wetlands Day is on_. A. April 22 B. June 25 C. F

28、ebruary 2 D. March 22 ( ) 34. We must protect wetlands because_. A. they are home for wildlife B. they can prevent flood C. they can offer food to the animals and birds D. All of the above ( ) 35. The best title for the passage is _. A. Chinas Wetlands Have All Entered the Worlds List B. Wetlands -H

29、ome for Wildlife and Human Beings C. Special Animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands D. Wetlands -Valuable Recourses (珍贵资源) of Land on the Earth. 第二节 七选五 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 In China, more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleep

30、ing time than before. 36 , because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also, 37 . They are not careful enough while they do their homework, 38 . Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up very

31、late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike . 39 . It will probably make them sleepy during school hours. Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night fo

32、r their health. For children, they should make the most best use of their time. 40 .We will find it much better for both our study and health A. Some homework is too difficult B. Most students sleep less than nine hours every night. C. When we have enough time for sleeping D. It can be a long way fr

33、om home to school E. So it takes them a lot of time F. Some students dont know how to save time. G.Some students like to stay up late 第三部分 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分 35 分) 5 第一节.完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 4155 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When you are about to do something brave,

34、you receive a cheerful wish of Good luck! from a friend. Maybe it is 41 for you. But if you think you need lots of luck, 42 else might you do? In the UK and US there are some strange 43 for bringing people a little more good luck. Some are hundreds of years old and some are much 44 . Have you heard

35、the saying When you wish upon a star? If you are looking 45 at the sky on a clear night(晴朗的夜晚) and you see a 46 flash of light(一道亮光), it is probably a shooting star! Seeing one doesnt 47 very often. The saying goes that if you see one you have been very lucky, and so if you make a wish, it will 48 .

36、 Maybe you have heard of the lucky rabbits foo 脚 t(幸运兔的). Some people believe that rabbits are lucky animals, so they 49 a part of the rabbit, its foot, for good luck. There 50 all kinds of strange, unclear rules(不明确的规则) about which of the rabbits 51 is the luckiest. It is said that this good luck t

37、radition is the oldest one of all. However, 52 the funny saying goes, Depend on(依赖) the rabbits foot if you wil(愿意)l, but remember it didnt work (作用)for the rabbit! People in Britain love trees. If it is 53 and leaves are falling from the trees, some people try to catch the leaves as they fall 54 th

38、ey think each leaf they catch will bring them a lucky 55 in the following yearthey will need to catch 12 falling leaves to have a whole of good luck! ( ) 41. A. unexpected B. natural C. helpful D. realistic ( ) 42. A. what B. which C. when D. where ( ) 43. A. behavior B. manners C. styles D. traditi

39、ons ( ) 44. A. older B. newer C. sooner D. younger ( ) 45. A. through B. for C. up D. after ( ) 46. A. smooth B. sudden C. powerful D. noisy ( ) 47. A. happen B. expect C. share D. show ( ) 48. A. bring back B. take place C. set out D. come true ( ) 49. A. bring B. carry C. borrow D. collect ( ) 50.

40、 A. is B. will be C. are D. were ( ) 51. A. feet B. wing C. hair D. head ( ) 52. A. by B. without C. besides D. as ( ) 53. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( ) 54. A. until B. because C. unless D. although ( ) 55. A. month B. week C. day D. year 第二节 读下列句子,划分句子,选择正确选项(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) A.

41、 SVIODO B. SVOOC C . SV D. There_be 句型 E. SVA ( ) 56I found the problem easy ( ) 57I have never cooked at home 6 ( ) 58There are ten boys under the big tree ( ) 59Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present ( ) 60All of us laughed ! 第第卷卷 第三节:语法填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子

42、结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使 用括号中词语正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答卷标号为 61-70 的相应位置上。 Adam is a freshman at senior high school. 61 (go) from junior high school to senior high school is really 62 (challenge). So he felt a little 63 (confuse) at first. First,he had to choose the suitable 64 (course). Luckily,his adv

43、iser helped him and 65 (recommend) that he sign up for advanced literature. Second,he had to choose extra-curricular activities,too. To his 66 (disappoint),when he tried to join the school football team,the coach refused him. 67 ,he didnt lose hope. Hell find a way to improve by himself so that he c

44、an join the team next year. Last,hell have to study 68 (hard) as a senior high school student and get used to 69 (be) responsible for a lot more. Hell be well prepared 70 university or whatever else comes in the future. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 品句填词(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 71The _(公司) has given him

45、 a chance to work abroad recently 72English is easy to learn if you practise and _ (复习) it every day 73Most of the furniture in the house is in the _ (风格) of the Europe 74As a _ (年少者;地位较低者), we should respect the old 75Young children are always _ 好奇的) about how things work 76I am a _ (青少年) and I hav

46、e some problems with my parents. 77 _ (温室) gases come from cars and factories. 78Fill in the blanks with _ (合适的) words. 79They offer tips on _ (话题) such as home safety. 80She studied eight foreign languages but is _(流利的) in only six of them. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 81.假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Tony 因考试发挥失常,成绩不理想而情绪低落。请给他写封信 表示安慰,要点如下: 1)表示难过和理解; 2)找出错误原因并及时改正; 3)鼓励他重拾自信,实现梦想。 注意: 1)词数 100 左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。 Dear Tony, 7 _


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