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1、 3 The fifth period(The fifth period(第五课时第五课时) ) Part B Lets learn floor; wall; fan; lights; teachers desk; computer 2. Play some games. T: Now lets play some games. If you do a good job, you can get a sticker. Come on! (1)Guessing words. Take out the word cards of the objects in the classroom. Sele

2、ct a card randomly from them and ask students to guess what it is. (2)Watch, think and guess. (课件出示:电脑图片) T: Now, look, whats this? We can see a part of the picture. Please guess. S1: Is it a TV? T: No, it isnt. S2: Its a computer. T: Good job! Youre right. A sticker for you! Lets go on. (3)Make up

3、the words. Present the letters that can make up the words in random order. (课件出示:几组被打乱字母的单词:1. alwl2. olfro3. eptocmru4. skde5. anf ) Ask students to guess the words. T: Look at these letters. Put the letters in correct order and we can see the words. What are they? T: Write down the words in your e

4、xercise book. Lets go! Who is the fastest? Come on! Check the answers. Give out the stickers to the winner. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. Colour and say. Teaching purpose 通过短文填空练习来检 查 学 生 对 本 课 重 点 句 型 “The door is orange.” “The lights are green.” 以及名词单 复数的掌握情况。 Teaching purpose 通过“Guessing w

5、ords” 这个游戏,让学生在一定范 围内猜测物品,不但可以复 习之前所学单词,也可以检 测学生是否会说本课新单 词,以此提高学生的参与兴 趣,活跃课堂气氛,激励学 生开口表达。 Teaching purpose 通 过 “ Make up the words” 这个游戏检测学生对 单词字形的把握程度,激发 学生的学习兴趣和参与的积 极性,同时达到可以听说、 认读新学单词的目的。 Teaching purpose 通过给无色彩的教室涂 色和画一个教室并涂色这两 个活动激发学生的创造力。 同时,使学生掌握如何将颜 色与物品联系起来进行表 7 Show the picture of “Colour

6、 and say”. (课件出示:教材 P8 Colour and say 板块的图片) T: This is a new classroom. It doesnt have colours. Please colour it and then say something about it. (课件出示:涂上颜色的教室图片) Ask students to colour the classroom in the book by themselves and describe it as the demonstration. 2. Draw your dream classroom. Divid

7、e students into several groups. Draw a classroom together and colour it. Choose one student from each group to introduce his/her classroom in class. 3. Make the evaluation. Choose the best group and give an award. 板书设计 作业设计 1. Copy the vocabulary “teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”. 2. Talk

8、about your room with your parents. 3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思 1 在学习新单词时以旧引新,利用 PPT 创设教学情境,不但能抓住学生的眼球,激发学生的学习兴趣,更 能直观地理解生词等新内容。 2 在教学过程中始终遵循“词不离句”的教学规律。 3 在教授新单词时,通过拆音等语音意识训练活动,让学生注意到单词的音节,能快速记忆单词。 4 在巩固拓展阶段,通过给无色彩的教室涂色和画一个教室并涂色这两个活动,激发学生的创造力,同时 让学生熟练应用所学单词进行表达,达到学

9、以致用的目的。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets learn Be able to listen, speak and read the vocabulary “teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor.” Be able to describe the colours of various objects in the classroom adroitly. Colour and say By finishing the activity of colouring and making oral expre

10、ssion, help students better understand the meaning of the key vocabulary and provide students with the opportunity of personalized expression. Teaching Priorities Be able to listen, speak and read the vocabulary “teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”. Be able to describe the colours of various

11、objects in the classroom adroitly. Teaching Difficulties Be able to use the singular and plural forms of nouns correctly when describing the colours of the objects in the classroom. 9 Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up & Revision &

12、Lead-in 1. Greetings and sing the song. 2. Do and say. 3. Lead-in. 1. Greetings and sing the song. 2. Review the words. 3. Learn to describe something in the classroom. Review the words they have learned by a chant. Lead students to quickly enter the state of English learning. Presentation Talk with

13、 students about some objects in Zoom and Zips new classroom. Review the names and colours of the objects in the classroom. Let students learn new words in the scene instead of presenting words with word cards or single pictures. Arouse students interest in learning. Make students feel the meaning of

14、 the objects. Help students understand and master the vocabulary. 1. Teach the new word “computer” and the new phrase “teachers desk”. Describe something in the classroom and let students guess. Learn the new word “computer” and the new phrase “teachers desk”. Guess and describe the colour. 2. Teach

15、 the new word “fan”. Learn the new word “fan”. Guess and describe the colour. 3. Teach the new word “wall”. Let students find where the fan is in the classroom and teach the word “wall”. Find where the fan is and learn the word “wall”. 4. Teach the new word “floor”. Point to the floor and ask a ques

16、tion. Learn the new word “floor” and describe its colour. 5. Play the recording. Listen to the recording, read and act out. (续表) Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Practice 1. Talk about the classroom. Present the picture of “Lets learn” and a short essay. Let

17、 students fill in the blanks. Check the answers. Complete the short essay. Practice the sentences in groups. Show in class. The exercise of filling in the blanks is used to check the key sentence structures of this lesson. 2. Play some games. (1)Guessing words. (2)Watch, think and guess. (3)Make up

18、the words. (1)Guess the words of the objects in the classroom. (2)Observe a part of a picture and guess what it is. (3)Write down the words in correct order. Stimulate students interest in learning. Improve students enthusiasm for participation. Achieve the purpose of listening, speaking and reading

19、 new words. Consolidation & Extension 1. Colour and say. Present the picture of “Colour and say”. Provide a demonstration for students. 2. Draw your dream classroom. Let students draw a classroom together in groups and colour it. 3. Make the evaluation. 1. Colour the picture and say something about

20、it with the key sentence structures. 2. Draw and colour a classroom together in groups and introduce it. 3. Choose the best group and give an award. Stimulate students creativity and let them know how to associate colour with objects to express. Meanwhile, lead students to master the new knowledge skillfully in application, so as to achieve the teaching purpose. Homework 1. Copy the vocabulary “teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”. 2. Talk about your room with your parents. 3. Do the exercises.


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