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1、 3 The The fourthfourth period(period(第第四四课时课时) ) Part A Lets talk & Lets play 教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets talk 能够在图片、PPT 和老师的帮助下理解对话大意 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“He hasand his”描述外貌特征 能够在语境中理解新词“or, right, glasses, shoes”的意思,并能正确发音 重点关注 glasses 和 shoes 的末尾-es 和-s 的发音 Lets play 能够根据语言支

2、架创编对话,综合运用目标语言 能够根据描述判断出与之相应的人物 教学重点 1. 能够理解对话大意。 2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演。 3. 能够运用重点句型描述他人的外貌以及其他特征。 教学难点 1. 能够在语境中理解新词“or, right, glasses, shoes”的意思,并能正确发音。 2. 能够掌握单词“is/ are, has/ have”的用法。 教学准备 1.预习状元大课堂 创优作业 100 分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1.

3、Sing a chant. Play the video of “Lets chant” on page 25.(课件出示:教材 P25 Lets chant 板块的视频)Get students to sing together. T: Do you remember the chant about friends? Lets sing the chant together. 2. Lead-in. Show three characters on the PPT. (课件出示:矮个男孩 John 穿蓝 色鞋子;双胞胎姐妹 Lucy 和 Lily,Lucy 高个子,穿红色鞋子,Lily 也是

4、高 个子,穿黑色鞋子) Lead students to find clues by asking the teacher to guess who the teachers friend is. Ss: Is your friend a boy? T: No, she is a girl. Ss: Is she tall? Teaching purpose 以学生们熟悉的 chant 来开始课程,为学生营造一 个欢快的英语学习氛围,并 为下一环节的学习做好知识 准备。 Teaching purpose 通过学生问、教师答的 猜人游戏,引出本课的重要 内容,使学生能够在语境中 理解本课的重点词

5、汇,同时 理解重点句型的意思及用 法。 T: Yes, she is. Ss: Is she Lucy? T: No. Look at the shoes. (Point to the shoes, and help students know the meaning of “shoes”.) Write down the word “shoes” on the blackboard and read it. Get students to know “es” sounds /z/ here. T: Her shoes are black. (Say the colour of the fri

6、ends shoes.) Ss: She is Lily. T: Yes, youre right. Lucys shoes are red. Lilys shoes are black. And we can say: Her shoes are red. (Point at Lucy.) Her shoes are black. (Point at Lily.) His shoes are blue. (Point at John.) Then write down the sentence structure “His/Her shoes are” on the blackboard.

7、Step 2: Presentation 1. Lets talk. (1) Show the pictures of “Lets talk”. (课件出示: 教材 P27 Lets talk 板块的图片) Talk about the dialogue with students. Ask students to predict the main idea of the dialogue. T: Who are they? Ss: They are Mike and John. T: What are they talking about? Guess! S1: Maybe they are

8、 talking about friends. S2: T: You know about my new friend. What about Mikes new friend? Who is he or she? Lets listen to the recording with the questions, underline the key sentences about the questions, then answer the questions. Show the question and the pictures of different characters on the P

9、PT. (课件出示:张鹏、吴一凡和陈杰的图片) Questions: Who is Mikes new friend? A boy or girl? Play the recording.(课件出示:教材 P27 Lets talk 板块的音频) T: Who is Mikes new friend? A boy or girl? Ss: A boy. T: Whos he? Zhang Peng? Ss: No. T: Is he Wu Yifan? S: Yes. Youre right. Write down the word “or” and the sentence “Who is

10、he?” on the blackboard, and teach them. Tell students how to answer the questions with “or”. Teaching purpose 通过两轮问题的展示, 让学生对即将学习的内容充 满阅读兴趣。学生带着问题 听录音和看动画,一方面可 以集中注意力,另一方面可 以训练在倾听时抓住关键信 息的能力。听后的讨论使学 生能够更好地理解对话的内 容,并能正确理解新词汇的 意义。 5 (2)Show the questions on the PPT: Is Mikes friend a boy or a girl? Is

11、 he tall and thin? Who is tall and thin, too? What colour are Wu Yifans shoes? Does he have glasses? Show the picture and the word “glasses” on the PPT.(课件出示: glasses 的相关内容)Teach the word and ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “es”. Play the cartoon on the PPT.(出示课件)Lead students

12、to watch it carefully and discuss the dialogue, then answer the questions. T: Is Mikes friend a boy or a girl? Ss: A boy. T: Is he tall and thin? Ss: Yes. Youre right. T: Who is tall and thin, too? Ss: Zhang Peng. T: What colour are Wu Yifans shoes? Ss: His shoes are blue. T: Does he have glasses? S

13、s: Yes. He has glasses. T: Yes. He has glasses. And I have glasses, too. Write down the word “has”. Remind students to pay attention to the usage of “has/ have”. Point to the boy or the girl wearing glasses in the classroom. Lead students to say the sentence “He/ She has glasses.” 2. Read after the

14、recording. Play the recording again. (出示课件) Ask students to follow it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 3. Act out in pairs. Get students to read the dialogue freely. Then ask them to act it out in pairs and find the best pair. Step 3: Practice 1. Make a new dialogue. Ask st

15、udents to make a new dialogue with the main sentence structures in this lesson and talk in pairs. 2. Guess! Whos he/ she? (1)Show several characters that students are familiar with in turn on the PPT. Let students try to describe their characteristics in groups. T: Look at this man. Can you say some

16、thing about him? Please have a try. Teaching purpose 通过播放对话录音,并 让学生跟读,保证学生能够 正确朗读对话内容。分角色 表演课文,一方面使学生能 够正确流利地朗读课文,另 一方面也能进一步熟悉重点 句型的表达。 Teaching purpose 以游戏的方式进行重点 句型的练习,通过句型与人 物特征的匹配,使重点句型 的操练在真实语境中进行, 帮助学生能够真正理解并掌 握重点句型的意思及用法。 Make a model: T: He is a man. He is tall and thin. He has glasses. His

17、shoes are black. His bag is blue. Whos he? Is he? Ss: (If students are right, the teacher says, “Yes. Youre right.”) (2)Show time. S1: He/ She is He/ She has His/ Her shoes are His/ Her bag is S2: 3. Lets play. T: (课件出示: 教材 P27 Lets play 板块的图片及文字) Boys and girls, we all have good friends. Look at th

18、e picture. Please talk about your friends in pairs with the key sentence structures. S1: He is a boy. He has His shoes are His bag is Whats his name? S2: He is S1: Yes. Youre right. What about your friend? S2: She is a girl. She has Her shoes are Her bag is Whats her name? S1: Step 4: Consolidation

19、& Extension “Little policeman/ policewoman”Looking for the lost child. Divide students into three groups. Select one student from each group to play the role of the mother or father. Ask the selected student to describe the physical feature of her/ his lost child and the others help her/ him find th

20、e child. Make a model with a student: T (mother): Help me! I lost my baby. S1: A boy or girl? T: 板书设计 Teaching purpose 在游戏中操练,可以给 学生提供描述人物的机会。 教师给出语言支架,让学生 能够正确地使用所学词汇和 句型来描述人物的特征。 Teaching purpose 通过不同角色的描述与 猜测,让学生能够使用学过 的句型,并在交流过程中加 深对对话的理解。 在完成 “找 人”的活动中,可以加强目 标语的训练和加大语言的输 入和输出量。 7 作业设计 1. Read a

21、fter the recording of “Lets talk” three times. 2. Describe one of your best friends to your parents. 3. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思 1. 由 chant 引入,引领学生进入课堂,激起学生的学习兴趣。紧接着由猜人游戏引出本课的重要句型。 2. 通过创设真实的情境,引导学生从听、说、演开始,到最后能运用所学语言,完成活动“寻找走失的 孩子”。 3. 教学中注重新旧知识之间的渗透,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。

22、 4. 在实践中,注意分层教学,因材施教,用最有效的方式激发学生主动参与,培养他们独立思考和合作 探究的创新精神。 5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets talk Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue with the help of the pictures, the PPT and the teacher. Be able to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and i

23、ntonation. And be able to role play in groups. Be able to use the sentence structure“He hasand his”properly to describe the appearance characteristics in the situation. Be able to understand the meanings of the new words“or, right, glasses, shoes”in context and pronounce them correctly. Pay attentio

24、n to the ending sounds according to of the words“glasses”and“shoes”. Lets play Be able to create dialogues according to the language scaffolds and use the target language synthetically. Be able to judge the corresponding characters according to the descriptions. Teaching Priorities Be able to unders

25、tand the main idea of the dialogue. Be able to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and intonation and role play in groups. Be able to use the key sentence structures to describe the appearances and other characteristics. Teaching Difficulties Be able to understand the meanings of the new wo

26、rds “or, right, glasses, shoes” in context and pronounce them correctly. Be able to master the usage of the words“is/ are”and“has/ have”. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up & 1. Sing a chant. 2. Lead-in. 1. Sing a chant together. 2.

27、 Look for clues by asking The important content of this lesson is Lead-in Show three characters on the PPT. Talk about the characters with students. the teacher to guess who the teachers friend is. brought out through the guessing game. Help students understand the meaning and the usage of the sente

28、nce structures. Presentation 1. Lets talk. (1) Show the pictures and ask questions. Then play the recording. Teach the word “or” and the sentence. (2) Show the questions. Let students watch the cartoon carefully and discuss the dialogue. (1) Listen to the recording carefully and find out the answers

29、 to the questions. Learn the word “or” and the sentence. (2) Learn the word “glasses”. Watch the cartoon. Understand the dialogue and answer the questions. Train students to grasp the key messages by listening with the questions. Enable students to better understand the dialogue and understand the m

30、eaning of the new words. 2. Read after the recording. Play the recording again. Read the dialogue after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Ensure that students can read the dialogue correctly. Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purpos

31、es Presentation 3. Act out in pairs. Get students to read the dialogue freely and then act out in pairs. Read the dialogue freely. Then act it out in pairs. Enable students to read the dialogue fluently and become more familiar with the expression of the key sentences. Practice 1. Make a new dialogu

32、e. Lead students to make a new dialogue. Make a new dialogue and practice in pairs. Help students better grasp the sentence structures of this lesson. 2. Guess! Whos he/ she? (1) Show several characters in turn on the PPT. Make a model to give the language support. (2) Show time. Try to describe the

33、ir characteristics. Practice in groups with the language support. Then figure out the characters. Practice the main sentences in the real situations. 9 Show time. 3. Lets play. Show the pictures and the sentence structures on the PPT. Practice in pairs with the key sentence structures to talk about

34、friends. Help students truly understand and master the meaning and the usage of the key sentence structures. Consolidation & Extension “Little policeman/ policewoman” Looking for the lost child. Divide students into three groups. Lead them to play the game. Complete the tasks with the key sentence s

35、tructures. Through the description and speculation of different characters, make students practice the learned sentence structures. Deepen the understanding of the dialogue during the exchange process. Enhance the training of the target language and increase the input and the output of language. Homework 1. Read after the recording of “Lets talk” three times. 2. Describe one of your best friends to your parents. 3. Do the exercises.


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