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1、 3 The The fourthfourth period(period(第第四四课时课时) ) Part B Lets talk & Ask, answer and write 教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets talk 能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话 能够在情景中运用句型“Where are?” “Are they on/ near?Yes, they are./ No, they arent.”询问物品的位置,同时作出判断 能够在情景中恰当运用功能句“Open the door, please.”提出行动建议 Ask, answer and wri

2、te 能够在游戏中进一步巩固和运用“询问复数物品的位置并作出应答”的句型 教学重点 1. 能够听懂、会说句型“Where are they?”“Are they? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.”。 2. 能够理解并正确朗读课文对话,发音准确、语调自然。 教学难点 1. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问物品或人物的位置,并进行回答。 2. 能够正确使用单复数形式。 教学准备 1.预习状元大课堂 创优作业 100 分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT 课件、课文录音、视频等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & L

3、ead-in 1. Greetings. 2. A guessing game“Where is my pen?” T: Look, its my pen. Now close your eyes, please.(将钢笔藏在 一个地方)Open your eyes, please. Where is my pen now? You can ask me like this: Is it in/ on/ under the? Guess, please. S1: Is it in the desk? T: No, it isnt. 3. Lets chant. Present the chan

4、t. Ask students to read together. Teaching purpose 通过游戏和 chant 来复 习 A 部分的重点句型,帮助 学生唤醒他们的已有知识, 并为下一环节的学习做好准 备。 4. Lead-in. (课件出示:一个球分别在椅子上面/旁边/下面;紧接着把一个球换成三 个) T: Look! Its a ball. Where is the ball? Ss: Its on/ near/ under the chair. T: What are these? Ss: They are balls. T: Where are the balls? Gue

5、ss! Ss: Are they? Step 2: Presentation 1. Teach the new words and sentences. (课件出示:教材 Unit 4 主情景图中 Amy 家的图片) T: Amy cant find her cat. Lets help her! Is she in the kitchen? Guess! Ss: Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. T: Open the door. Lets have a look! Follow me: Open the door. (Help students understand

6、 the sentence with the action.) Ss: T: The cat is near the table. Table, table, ta/te /-ble/bl/, table. Read after me. Write down the word “table” on the blackboard and teach it. T: (课件出示:table 与 desk 的对比图) We eat beside the table, the desk is for studying and working. (课件出示:教材 Unit 4 主情景图中 Amy 家的图片

7、) T: Look at the table. Whats on the table? Ss: T: (With a gesture.) Yes, its a phone. Phone, phone, ph/f/ -one/n/, Ss: T: Now, Amy cant find her crayons. Lets help her! Are they in the kitchen? Ss: No, they arent. They are in the study. T: Are they on the desk? Ss: No, they arent. They are near the

8、 desk. Teaching purpose 通过变换物品的数量对 物品的不同位置进行询问, 使学生感受单复数之间的区 别并复习介词, 为新课的学 习做铺垫。 Teaching purpose 设置情景,让学生在语 境中熟悉新单词,感知新句 型。 5 Write down the sentence structures “Are they? No, they arent.” on the blackboard and teach them. 2. Lets talk. (1) Look and predict. Show the pictures of “Lets talk” and lea

9、d students to predict. (课件出示:教材 P41 Lets talk 板块的图片) T: Who are they? Ss: John and his mother. T: Whats in Johns hand in Picture 1? Ss: Keys. T: Follow me: k/k/-ey/i:/, key/ki:/, keys/ki:z/. Write down the word “key” on the blackboard. T: What are they talking about? Ss: They are talking about the k

10、eys. They cant find the keys. (2) Watch the video and answer the questions. Play the video and show the questions. (课件出示:教材 P41 Lets talk 板块的视频) Ask students to underline the answers in the book. (3) Watch the video again and check the answers. T: Are the keys on the table? Ss: No, they arent. T: Ar

11、e they near the phone? Ss: No, they arent. T: Where are the keys? Ss: Theyre in the door. Write down the sentences “Where are the keys? Theyre in the door.” on the blackboard and teach them. Step 3: Practice 1. Read and act. (1) Ask students to read after the recording and pay attention to the pronu

12、nciation and the intonation. (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups. (3) Act out the dialogue. 2. Ask, answer and write. (1) Show the picture of “Ask, answer and write”.(出示课件) Teaching purpose 通过提问和讨论图片激 发学生的阅读兴趣,引导学 生预测文本内容,培养学生 的观察能力和逻辑推理能 力,并使学生带着问题认真 观看视频,整体感知文本, 获取有用信息。 Teaching purpo

13、se 该部分三个活动使学生 能够充分理解文本内容,并 能够正确朗读对话。在不同 形式的朗读和表演活动中, 使学生逐步理解并掌握本课 时的重点句型,为其熟练表 达奠定基础。 Teaching purpose 为学生提供一个相对真 实的语境来运用重点句型, 帮助学生更好地掌握重点句 型,提高其口语表达能力。 T: Look! Sarah writes a letter “p” in the circle on the desk. It means “The pens are on the desk.” Please read what Sarah and Wu Yifan say. Read th

14、e dialogue of Sarah and Wu Yifan. (2) Ask students to play the game in pairs according to the dialogue. T: Look at the picture. You can write k (keys), b (book), p (pens), g (glasses) in the circles. Then your partner guesses where you write them. Guess them like Sarah and Wu Yifan. (3) Show the dia

15、logues. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. A guessing game“What is it? / What are they?” T: (课件出示:书房场景图) Look at this picture. This is a study. What can you see in the study? Ss: T: Now, I will say a thing. Please guess what it is or what they are. Listen carefully. They are near the phone. What a

16、re they? S1: They are keys. T: No, they arent. S2: They are books. T: Yes, they are books. T: Please ask and answer in pairs as above. Which pair wants to show your dialogue? 2. Play a game“The cat catches mice.” Divide students into four groups: red cat, white cat, black cat and yellow cat. T: A ca

17、t that catches a mouse is a good cat. There are three mice in Amys home. Where are they? The group that can catch the most mice is the winner. (课件出示:老鼠在 Amy 家各个房间躲藏:1. 老鼠跑进卧室,藏在床底 下;2. 老鼠跑进客厅,藏在沙发后面;3. 老鼠跑进书房,藏在桌子底下; 4. 老鼠跑进厨房,藏在门后面) Where are the mice? Are they in the(bedroom/ living room/ study/ k

18、itchen/ bathroom/)? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Are they under/ behind/ nearthe(bed/ phone/ table/ door/)? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 板书设计 Teaching purpose 通过两个游戏活动,创 设有趣的情景,让学生在特 定的语境中快乐地操练所学 的核心语言。 7 作业设计 1. Listen and imitate the dialogue for three times. 2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列

19、丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思 1. 教学过程中采用了以旧知带新知的学习方法,在复习单数形式的问句和答语的基础上,再进一步学习 复数形式的句型,从而使学生在掌握新知时有一个阶梯性的接受过程。 2. 利用多媒体先整体、再分段展开教学,通过问题引导学生的学习,帮助学生理解文本,并在文本中感 知新单词、新句型。 3. 教学活动形式多样、有趣、易操作且具备层次感,有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,并帮助学生在真实 的情境中自然地使用所学语言。 4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets

20、talk Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue and read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation. Be able to use the sentence structures“Where are?”“Are they on/ near?Yes, they are./ No, they arent.”to ask and answer the location of objects in situations. Be able to use t

21、he functional sentence“Open the door, please.”appropriately in situations to put forward action suggestions. Ask, answer and write Be able to consolidate and use the sentence structures “Where are?”“Are they on/ near? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.” in the games. Teaching Priorities Be able to unde

22、rstand and use the sentence structures “Where are?”“Are they on/near? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.” Be able to understand and read the dialogue correctly with accurate pronunciation and natural intonation. Teaching Difficulties Be able to use the sentence structures of this lesson in real contex

23、t to ask and answer the location of objects or characters. Be able to use the singular forms and the plural forms correctly. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. A guessing game. 3. Lets chant. 4.

24、 Lead-in. 1. Greetings. 2. Play a game. 3. Read the chant. 4. Answer the questions. Help students review prepositions, feel the difference between the singular forms and the plural forms. Prepare for the study of the new lesson. Presentation 1. Teach the new words and sentences. Learn the new words

25、and sentences. Lead students to learn new words and perceive new sentence structures by setting up the situation. 2. Lets talk. (1) Look and predict. Show the pictures. (2) Play the video and ask the questions. (3) Play the video again and check the answers. Teach the sentences “Where are the keys?

26、Theyre in the door.” (1) Look and predict. (2) Watch the video and answer the questions. (3) Watch the video again and check the answers. Learn the sentences. Ask questions to arouse students reading interest and make them watch the video with questions. Cultivate students ability of observation and

27、 logical reasoning. Practice 1. Read and act. (1) Play the recording. (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups. (3) Let students act out the dialogue. (1) Read after the recording. (2) Practice the dialogue in groups. (3) Act out the dialogue. Let students gradually understand and master the

28、 key sentence structures in this lesson, and lay the foundation for their skillful expression. 2. Ask, answer and write. (1) Show the picture. (2) Ask students to play the game in pairs. (3) Ask students to show the dialogues. (1) Look at the picture and read the dialogue. (2) Play the game in pairs

29、. (3) Show the dialogues. Provide a real context for students to use the key sentence structures to help them master the knowledge better and improve their oral expression ability. Consolidation & Extension 1. A guessing game“What is it? / What are they?” 2. Play a game“The cat 1. Work in pairs. 2. Work in groups. Through the two activities, create interesting situations 9 catches mice.” for students to practice and use the key language they have learned enjoyably. Homework 1. Listen and imitate the dialogue for three times. 2. Do the exercises.


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