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1、 3 The second periodThe second period(第二课时)(第二课时) Part A Lets learn & Lets play 教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets learn 能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother” 能够在语境中正确运用以上单词和短语介绍自己的家人 Lets play 能够通过活动巩固所学单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother” 能够在真实情景中运用句型“This is my Hes/Shes

2、”介绍自己的家庭成员,并 简单描述其外貌特征 教学重点 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother”,并能简单介 绍和描述自己的家人。 2. 能够理清家庭成员之间的关系。 教学难点 能够综合运用所学词汇和句型来介绍和描述自己的家人。 教学准备 1.预习状元大课堂 创优作业 100 分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、人物头饰、家庭成员类单词卡片等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings and enjoy a song. Play

3、the songI love my family. (课件出示:PEP 三下教材 P20 Lets sing 板块的歌曲) Ask students to listen carefully and sing together. 2. Revision. Take out the word cards of family members that students have learned in Grade 3. Choose several word cards at random. Ask students to read the words and act with body moveme

4、nts according to the words on the cards. 3. Lead-in. Show a photo of Toms family. (课件出示:男生 Tom 的家庭照片) Lead students to introduce and describe Toms family members. Lead in the relevant content of this lesson. T: Boys and girls, look! This is Toms family. There are four people in his family. This is h

5、is father. He is tall and strong. This is his mother. She is short and nice. This is his baby sister. She is little and cute. He loves his family. Step 2: Presentation 1. Teach the phrase “baby brother”. Show the picture of Amys outline on the PPT. (课件出示: Amy 的轮廓图) Ask students to guess who she is.

6、Then play the recording of Amys monologue “Hi. Meet my family!” (出示课件) Help students Teaching purpose 以歌曲来吸引学生的注 意力,帮助他们开启英语学 习之旅。同时,复习有关家 庭成员和描述外貌的知识, 为接下来的学习做好知识与 心理的双重准备。 Teaching purpose 通过介绍 Tom 的家人, 让学生了解如何使用学过的 语言来介绍和描述他们的家 人,为下一环节的学习做好 准备。 Teaching purpose 用看人物轮廓猜一猜的 方式设疑,激发学生的学习 兴趣。从观察头发,到猜

7、一 猜画中人物是谁,引导学生 进入新授知识的学习中,极 大地提高学习效率。 understand the meaning of the sentences and ask them to read after the recording. Show the picture of the baby brothers hair. (课件出示:Amy 弟弟 的头发图片) Lead students to guess basing on what they have learned: brother, sister, mother, father. Then show the complete pic

8、ture of the baby brother. (课件出示:Amy 弟弟的全图) Write down the phrase “baby brother” on the blackboard and teach it. T: b/b/-a/e /-b/b/-y/i/, baby . T: This is Amys baby brother. Hes cute. 2. Teach the word “parents”. Present the picture of Amys mum and dads outline. (课件出示:Amy 父母亲的轮廓图) Lead students to g

9、uess “father and mother”. Continue to show the whole picture and teach the word “parents”. (出示课件) Write down the word “parents” on the blackboard and teach it. 3. Teach the words “uncle, aunt, cousin”. Present the picture of Amys aunt and uncle on the PPT. (课件 出示: Amy 的叔叔和婶婶的图片) Ask a question: The

10、man is Amys fathers/mothers brother. Who is he? Help students understand the word “uncle”. Write it down on the blackboard and teach it. T: u/-n/-c/k/-le/l/, uncle /. Teach and practice the word “aunt” in the same way. T: au/-n/n/-t/t/, aunt /nt/. Explain the usage of “aunt, uncle” in English-speaki

11、ng countries. Show the picture of uncle and aunts child. (课件出示:叔叔婶婶 的孩子的图片) T: She is Amys uncles daughter. Shes Amys Teach the word “cousin”. T: c/k/-ou/-s/z/-in/n/, cousin /. Explain the meaning of “cousin”: Uncle and aunts daughter or son can be called “cousin”. Write down the word “cousin” on th

12、e blackboard. Point to the words “uncle, cousin”. Get students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “u” and “ou”. T: The letter “u” in “uncle” and the letter combination “ou” in “cousin” both sound /. 4. Listen, read and point. Play the recording of the vocabulary of “Lets learn” and ask student

13、s to read after the recording. (课件出示:教材 P59 Lets learn 板块中词汇部分的音频) Teaching purpose 继续用猜人物的方式引 出单词,整合并复习上节课 学过的知识,并为后面教学 的自然过渡做铺垫。 Teaching purpose 在理解单词的意义以及 在中英国家中的不同用法的 基础上教授单词,帮助学生 更好地理解和掌握单词。 Teaching purpose 通过跟读录音,帮助学 生掌握正确的读音。通过边 读边指出该词这种形式,将 所学词汇的音和形相结合。 5 Let students listen again and poin

14、t out the words or the phrase they hear as they read them. 5. Lets learn. Show the picture of “Lets learn”. (课件出示:教材 P59 Lets learn 板块的图片) Let students choose two people from the picture to describe them according to the sentences on the PPT and act out in pairs. Step 3: Practice 1. Sharp eyes. Show

15、 pictures of Amys family members in a flash on the PPT, and then pause at random. (出示课件) Let students say the vocabulary related to the characters on the screen. T: Whos he/she? Ss: Hes/Shes Amys 2. Point and say. Point to the vocabulary on the blackboard. Ask students to say it out quickly. 3. A gu

16、essing game. Show the back of the family members word cards. Ask students to guess what word or phrase it is. 4. Make a “family tree”. Ask students to make a “family tree” for Amy. Let students choose the words or the phrase and fill them in the blanks of the family tree. Step 4: Consolidation & Ext

17、ension 1. Lets play. Show the picture of “Lets play” on the PPT. (课件出示: 教 材 P59 Lets play 板块的图片) Lead students to observe the picture. T: Look at Zhang Peng. He draws his family members on his fingers and talks about his family members. Please draw and say in the same way. Ask students to work in gr

18、oups by following the example on the PPT and choose some students to show in class. 2. Make a summary. Show the word “family” on the PPT and explain what it means. Remind students to love their families and family members. T: Look at the word “family”. F is from “father”. A is from “and”. M is from

19、“mother”. L is from “love”. Y is from “you”. Teaching purpose 在掌握词汇的基础上, 结合语言支架,挑选人物进 行描述并表演,灵活操练, 有效突出本课的重点。 Teaching purpose 三个活动的目的都是让 学生熟悉并操练重点词汇。 活动一帮助学生理解单词的 意思,并将单词图片与意义 结合起来。活动二让学生将 词形与读音结合起来。活动 三让学生通过反复地猜测来 不断重复重点词汇,进而熟 悉并掌握词汇。 Teaching purpose 以做家谱树的方式帮助 学生理清家庭成员之间的关 系。 Teaching purpose 这种

20、趣味活动,一方面 可以激发学生的参与兴趣, 另一方面可以综合(课件出 示:Amy 家的家谱树图) 介绍 家人和描述人物外貌特征的 知识,让学生在参与活动的 过程中提升自己的口语表达 能力。 Teaching purpose 通过介绍 family 的含 义,对学生进行情感教育, 教育学生要热爱家庭,关心 家人,并珍惜家人对自己的 爱。 Its a sentence: “Father and mother I love you.” Say it to your parents. Do more for your parents. And I think your parents will lov

21、e you more. 板书设计 作业设计 1. Copy the new vocabulary in this lesson five times. 2. Introduce your family photos to your teacher or friends in English. 3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思 1. 本节课以词汇教学为主, 词汇的正确运用是学习英语的关键, 词汇运用是用词汇去进行语言实践的过程, 在此过程中,句子和单词之间相辅相成,相互促进。 2. 采用图片和音频等直观教

22、学手段,设计了一些有意义的任务,在学生们完成任务的过程中,帮助他们听 懂和理解对话,达到了运用语言进行真实交流的目的。 3. 在操练环节中通过让学生参与 Lets play 板块的活动,增强了学生的口语表达能力。 4. 教学过程遵循了学生的认知规律,单词、短语、句型教学先是让学生知其义,再识其音和形,让学生在 理解中去学、去运用。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets learn Be able to understand, speak and read the vocabulary “parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby

23、 brother”. Be able to use the vocabulary above to introduce their family members in context correctly. Lets play Be able to consolidate the vocabulary “parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother” through activities. Be able to use the sentence structures “This is my Hes/Shes” to introduce their fami

24、ly members and describe their appearance characteristics simply in real situations. Teaching Priorities Be able to understand, speak and read the vocabulary “parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother”, and be able to introduce and describe their family members briefly. Be able to sort out the relat

25、ionship among family members. Teaching Difficulties 7 Be able to use the vocabulary and the sentence structures synthetically to introduce and describe their family members. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings

26、and enjoy a song. Play the songI love my family. 2. Revision. Review the words of family members with the word cards. 3. Lead-in. Show a photo of Toms family. Lead in the relevant content of this lesson. 1. Greetings. Listen to the song carefully and sing together. 2. Read the words and act with bod

27、y movements according to the words on the cards. 3. Look at the photo of Toms family. Introduce and describe Toms family members. Use a song and a picture to arouse students curiosity and interest. Let students know how to use the language they have learned to describe their family members. Presenta

28、tion 1. Teach the phrase “baby brother”. Show Amys outline and picture, her baby brothers hair and picture on the PPT. Teach the phrase “baby brother”. Guess who she/he is. Learn the phrase “baby brother”. Lead in the new knowledge and improve students learning efficiency by asking questions. 2. Tea

29、ch the word “parents”. Show the outline and the picture of Amys parents and teach this word. Look at the picture and learn the word “parents”. Integrate and review the knowledge of the last lesson. 3. Teach the words “uncle, aunt, cousin”. Teach the words with pictures and explain the usage of these

30、 three words in English-speaking countries. Learn the words “uncle, aunt, cousin”. Understand the usage of these words in English-speaking countries. Help students understand and master the words on the basis of understanding the meaning of words and the different usages in Chinese and English count

31、ries. 4. Listen, read and point. Play the recording of the vocabulary of “Lets learn” twice. Read after the recording. Point out the words or the phrase they hear as they read them. Make sure students master the correct pronunciation. 5. Lets learn. Show the picture of “Lets learn”. Let students cho

32、ose two people from the picture to Choose two people from the picture to describe according to the sentences. Act out in On the basis of mastering vocabulary, help students use sentence structures to describe according to the sentences and act out in pairs. pairs. practice the vocabulary flexibly. (

33、续表) Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Practice 1. Sharp eyes. Show pictures of Amys family members in a flash, and then pause at random. Say the vocabulary related to the characters on the screen. The purpose of the three activities is to make students famili

34、arize and practice the key vocabulary. 2. Point and say. Point to the vocabulary on the blackboard. Say the words or the phrase out quickly. 3. A guessing game. Show the back of the family members word cards. Guess what word or phrase it is. 4. Make a “family tree”. Ask students to make a “family tr

35、ee” for Amy. Make a “family tree” for Amy. Choose the words or the phrase and fill them in the blanks of the family tree. Help students sort out the relationship among family members by the way of making a “family tree”. Consolidation & Extension 1. Lets play. Show the picture of “Lets play”. Ask st

36、udents to work in groups and choose some students to show in class. Observe the picture, then draw and say in the same way. Work in groups and show in class. Let students enhance their oral expression ability in the process of participating in activities. 2. Make a summary. Show the word “family” an

37、d explain what it means. Know the meaning of “family”. Through knowing the meaning of “family”, students are reminded to love their families, care for their family members and cherish their family members love. Homework 1. Copy the new vocabulary in this lesson five times. 2. Introduce your family photos to your teacher or friends in English. 3. Do the exercises.


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