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1、 3 The The fifth fifth period(period(第第五五课时课时) ) Part B Lets learn & Lets do 教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets learn 能够听辨、认读图片中单词“elephant, monkey, bird, tiger, panda, zoo”及其书写 形式 Lets do 能够听懂指示语“Act like a” ,并能够按照指令做出相应的动作 教学重点 能够听、说、认读单词“elephant, monkey, bird, tiger, panda, zoo”。 教学难点 能够正确区分“a”和“an”的用法。

2、 教学准备 1.预习状元大课堂 创优作业 100 分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2.教学课件、课文录音、视频、动物图片、动物头饰、动物玩具等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Miss/ Mr 2. Sing the songOld MacDonald. Play the song.(出示课件)Let students follow it to sing. 3. Listen and guess. T: Oink! Oink! W

3、hats this? Ss: Its a pig. T: Woof! Woof! Whats this? Ss: Its a dog. Step 2: Presentation 1. Teach the new words. (1) Teach the word “zoo”. Show the picture of Zoom and Zip in “Lets learn” on the PPT. (出示课件) T: Look, who are they? Ss: Zoom and Zip. T: Guess! What are they looking at? Ss: T:(课件出示:有“zo

4、o”标志的动物园图片)Look, they are looking at the zoo. oo/u:/, zoo/zu:/. (Write down the word “zoo” on the Teaching purpose 通过师生间的情景对话 来拉近师生距离。歌曲营造 愉快的学习氛围,通过听声 音猜动物名称,帮助学生复 习前面学过的动物单词,为 后面的单词学习做好铺垫。 Teaching purpose 创设 Zoom 和 Zip 观察 动物园的情景,逐个引出本 课要学的单词,通过听音、 看脚印、说颜色猜动物、出 示部分身体部位等多种形式 呈现新单词。 在模仿动作时, 由最初教师带领同

5、学做,到 让学生自由发挥,充分发挥 学生的自主性。 blackboard.) Follow me, zoo, zoo, zoo. Students repeat the word and practice it in groups. (2) Teach the word “bird”. Play the recording of the sound that a bird makes.(出示课件) T: Listen, who is singing in the zoo? Ss: 小鸟。 T: Good, its a bird. (Write down the word “bird” on t

6、he blackboard.) Follow me: /b/-/-/d/,. Bird,bird. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter combination “ir” which pronounces “/”. Let students practice the word row by row. Show a picture of a bird on the PPT.(出示课件)Walk far away from the teachers desk and point to the PPT. T:

7、 S1, look! Whats that? S1: Its a bird. T: (Do the action.) I can act like a bird. Boys and girls, follow me: Act like a bird. Ss: (Do the action.) Act like a bird. Let students practice it row by row. (3) Teach the word “tiger”. Show the footprints of a tiger.(出示课件) T: Look at the footprints. Is it

8、a duck? Ss: No. T: Whats that? Ss: A dog/ cat? T:(课件出示:老虎图片) Look, its a tiger. (Write down the word “tiger” on the blackboard.) Read after me. /t/-/a /-/g(r)/, . Tiger, tiger, tiger. Lead students to read the word “tiger” and practice it in high and low voice. T: (Do the action.) I can act like a t

9、iger. Boys and girls, follow me: Act like a tiger. Ss: (Do the action.) Act like a tiger. (4) Teach the word “panda”. The teacher wears the headdress of Zoom and puts a telescope in front of his/ her right eye. T: Look, I am Zoom. I want to see the animals in the zoo. (Pretend to be looking at somet

10、hing.) Oh, I see an animal. Its black and white. It is fat. Whats that? Ss: 熊猫。 T: Yes. Its a panda. (Write down the word “panda” on the blackboard.) Follow me: /p/-/n/-/d/, . Panda, panda. 5 Lead students to read the word “panda” several times. T: Who can act like a panda? S1: (Do the action.) Act

11、like a panda. T: Boys and girls, follow him/ her: Act like a panda. Ss: (Do the action.) Act like a panda. (5) Teach the word “monkey”. Show a tail of a monkey on the PPT.(出示课件) T: A tail! Whats that? S1: A tiger? S2: A monkey? T: Yes! Its a monkey. (Write down the word “monkey” on the blackboard.)

12、Follow me: /-/m/-/ki/, . Monkey, monkey. Students practice it line by line. T: Act like a monkey. Ss: (Do the action.) Act like a monkey. (6) Teach the word “elephant”. Show a nose of an elephant on the PPT.(出示课件) T: Whats that? Ss:大象。 T: Its an elephant. (Write down the word “elephant” on the black

13、board.) Follow me: /e/, /e/, elephant. Ss: /e/, /e/, elephant. T: Cool! Act like an elephant. Ss: (Do the action.) Act like an elephant. Remind students that we can say “a monkey/bird/tiger/panda”, but we should say “an elephant”. T: We should say “an” if a word begins with a vowel sound, for exampl

14、e: an elephant, an apple.(课件出示:an elephant, an apple 及 图片)We should say “a” if a word begins with a consonant sound, for example: a dog, a cat.(课件出示:a dog, a cat 及图片) T: Now, I say the animal word, and you say “a” or “an”. OK? Ss: OK! T: Panda. Ss: A panda. T: Elephant. Ss: An elephant. (课件出示: 一些动物单

15、词, 两所房子, 一个标有 “a”,一个标有“an”) T: Look! Can you take the animals home? For example, we can say “a panda” “an elephant”. Who wants to have a try? Two students come to the front and finish the exercises on the PPT. The teacher and the other students check the answers together. Teaching purpose 播放录音,学生听录音

16、 跟读,引导学生按照正确的 语音、 语调朗读单词和句子。 2. Read and act. (1) Play the recording of “Lets learn”. (课件出示:教材 P42 Lets learn 板块的音频) Ask students to read after the recording. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (2) Let students read the words and the sentences by themselves. (3) Ask

17、some students to the front to read the words and the sentences in class. Check if they read correctly and fluently. Step 3: Practice 1. Listen and touch. Two students are invited to the front. After the teacher says a word, two students touch the word on the blackboard quickly. The others repeat the

18、 word. The words are said faster and faster. The winner can get two stickers. 2. A guessing game. The teacher hides a picture of an animal behind his/her back. The picture will be shown to students if someone says the right answer. The winner can get a sticker and be the little teacher. T: Guess. Wh

19、ats that? S1: Its a panda. T: No. S2: Its a dog. T: No. 3. Pair work. (1) Let students work in pairs to ask and answer with each other. T: Take out and show me your pictures of animals. Now you can ask and answer with your partners. S1: Whats that? S2: Its a / an S2: Whats that? S1: Its a / an (2) S

20、how time. Ask some pairs to come to the front and have a show. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. Lets do. (1) Show some pictures of different animals one by one. (出示课 件) Let students say the words through the pictures. T:(Show the picture of a bird.)You can say like this: Act like a bird. Bird, b

21、ird, bird. (Show the picture of a tiger.) Ss: Act like a tiger. Tiger, tiger, tiger. Teaching purpose 由词到句,由教师引导 过渡到学生和教师合作,再 到学生自己输出,难度层层 递增,学生在有梯度的活动 中,不断巩固所学单词和句 型。 Teaching purpose TPR 教学法让学生在 “做中玩、玩中做” , 可以极 大地提升学生的学习热情。 同时也能巩固本节课所学的 新单词以及指令语。 7 (2) Do the actions and say the instructions. Stud

22、ents do and say as the teacher does. Play the video of “Lets do”. (出示课件) Ask students to practice after the video. (3) Divide the whole class into five groups. The teacher says the instructions and the groups act accordingly at once. The group which does the actions the fastest and most tidily wins.

23、 2. Introduce the picture books about animals. Enjoy the songBrown bear, brown bear, what do you see? T: Class, do you love animals? Ss: Yes! T: I love animals! We love animals! Now, lets enjoy the songBrown bear, brown bear, what do you see? (课件出示:歌曲的视 频) Students watch the video and listen to the

24、song. T:(课件出示:两个绘本故事的相关介绍) After class, you can read the picture books Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? and Good night, gorilla. 板书设计 作业设计 1. Read the words and the sentences. 2. Do the actions of “Lets do” to your family members. 3. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思

25、 1.活动的设计有层次、有梯度,由易到难,充满趣味性,便于学生掌握。 2.本课单词教学中,以听音、看脚印、说颜色猜动物、出示部分身体部位等多种方式呈现新单词,形式多 样。并且注重语音细节,有意识地培养学生规范读音的好习惯。 3.介绍与主题相关的绘本,拓展学生的知识视野,培养学生的核心素养。 4.板书设计条理清晰,一目了然,突出教学重点。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Teaching purpose 在课堂的最后,对学生 进行情感教育。推荐与本课 时主题相关的绘本,有利于 培养学生热爱阅读的良好习 惯,在阅读中陶冶情操。 Lets learn Be abl

26、e to listen and read the new words “elephant, monkey, bird, tiger, panda, zoo”, and know the writing form of these new words. Lets do Be able to understand the instructions “Act like a” and do the actions according to the instructions. Teaching Priorities Be able to listen, speak and read the words

27、“elephant, monkey, bird, tiger, panda, zoo”. Teaching Difficulties Be able to distinguish the usage of “a” and “an” correctly. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the songOld MacDonald. 3. Listen and g

28、uess. 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song. 3. Listen to the sound and guess what animal it is. Use a song to stimulate students interest in learning and help students review the words about animals by a guessing game. Presentation 1. Teach the new words. Teach the new word “zoo” with the picture. Teach t

29、he new words “bird, tiger, panda, monkey, elephant” with the sound, the footprints, the tail and so on. Do the corresponding actions with students. Learn the new words and do the actions. Arouse students interest in learning by creating a real situation. Lead students to learn the new words about an

30、imals in different and interesting ways. 2. Read and act. Play the recording of “Lets learn”. Check students pronunciation. Read after the recording. Read the words and the sentences by themselves. And then read to the class. Make sure that students can read the words and the sentences correctly and

31、 fluently. Practice 1. Listen and touch. Touch the word they hear as fast as possible. Use different activities to help students practice and consolidate the key words and sentence structures. Help students achieve language output. 2. A guessing game. Hide a picture behind his/her back. Say what the

32、 animal is loudly and quickly. 3. Pair work. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue. Show it to the class. Consolidation & Extension 1. Lets do. (1) Show some pictures of different animals one by one. Do and say as the teacher does. Compete in groups. Use TPR teaching method to develop students comp

33、rehensive language 9 Let students say out the words through the pictures. (2) Do the actions and say the instructions. (3) Lead students to compete in groups. using ability. Develop students good habits of reading, learning and thinking. 2. Introduce the picture books about animals. Watch the video and listen to the song. Learn about the two picture books about animals. Homework 1. Read the words and the sentences. 2. Do the actions of “Lets do” to your family members. 3. Do the exercises.


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