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hat 礼帽 cat 小猫 bat mat 垫子 蝙蝠; 球棒,球拍 Unit 7 Would you like a pie? Challenge myself(挑战自我 ) 1.走到一位新老师前,向他/ 她打个招呼,介绍一下自己 : Hi/Hello. Good morning. Im Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too. Challenge myself(挑战自我) 2.能否向老师们介绍你周围的同学: This is Hes/Shes (my friend). What food have you know? 你们认识了哪些食物? 说一说: This is a/an Its a /an 除书本上学习的食物,我们还可以记中英文名 很像的单词,以后一定有用哦! cola(可乐) pizza(批萨) pudding(布丁) hamburger (汉堡包) Good Memory: 1 6 5 23 4 Its a/an hamburger 猜猜我画的是什么? Guess what I am drawing ? A: Whats this/that? B: Its a /an 同桌用你们的食 物进行问答练习 B:Its an egg. A:Would you like an egg? A: Whats this? A:Whats this? B:Its a pie. A:Would you like a/an? A:Whats this? B:Its a cake. A:Would you like? B:Yes,please./No,thank you. + For you and me 给 你 和 我 Listen!听 The voice is for you and me. Whats this? Its a dog,too. But it looks afraid. 它看起来很害怕。 Do you want to know why? 想知道为什么吗? Lets watch the cartoon. Questions: 1.How many kinds of food can you see? 你看到了多少种食物? 2.What would Bobby like? 3.Why the dog is afraid? Questions: 1.How many kinds of food can you see? 你看到了多少种食物? A:Two B:Three C: Four What would Bobby like? A: An egg. B: A cake. C: A hot dog. D: An egg and a hot dog. Why the dog is afraid?小狗为什么害怕 + hot+ dog Fire Whats a hot dog? Is it a dog ? Happy reading快乐朗读 Open your books.打开书 Turn to Page 47.翻到第47页 Happy reading快乐朗读 Imitation 模仿朗读 力求语音语调正确 Imitation 模仿朗读 力求语音语调正确 Read in roles 分角色朗读 朗读时请起立。 Read in roles 分角色朗读 Follow the teacher. Show time 表演时间 三人一组,带好头饰表演 Im hungry. Im hungry. B: Would you like ? A: No,thank you. B: Would you like ? A: Yes, please. 不,谢谢。 A: Im hungry.我饿了。 They are hungry. When the others are in trouble. (有困难) please take out your hands. (当别人有困难时,请伸出你的援助之手) Letter time Take out your hands. Lets use hands to do the letters. 伸出你们的手,一起来做字母。 Whats this? It is Find out my neighbors 找出我Ff的左邻 右舍. Ee Ff Gg 我的左邻右舍是谁 Homework: 套餐: .Copy the new letters twice and recite letters fromAa to Ww. 2.Practice the dialogue with your partner after class. 套餐: 1.默写今日所学3个字母,看看自己能否全对 2.根据邀请他人吃东西场景编对话并在小组内表 演。课题: Unit7 Would you like a pie教时:The third Period日期: 一,教学目标(课时目标): 1 通过呈现食物,学习新词,并利用已学句型 Would you like ?Yes,please./No,thank you.加以运用。 2. 能正确用 whats this/that? Its a/an 询问新的不认识的食物:pizza,putting,a tin of cola,hamburger, 3.能熟读和表演 cartoon time. 4,能听,说,读,写 Vv 二,制定依据 *内容分析 1.解读文本:通过本单元学习,能正确用 Would you like ?Yes,please./No,thank you.来跟朋友同学家人外出旅游时候一 起分享食物,学会分享。 2.解读课标:通过看、听、读结合,熟练运用简单的英语句子询问不认识的食物和问他人要不要吃某食物以及 Yes,please./No,thank you 应答。 3 预设教法:可以采用观看动画,情景教学,儿歌,游戏教学法。 4 教学重点 a、日常用语:Would you like ? What s this?及其应答。 b、词汇:an ice-cream, an egg, a cake, a sweet, a pie, a hot dog. c、字母:Vv, 5 教学难点 aWould you? an ice-cream, an egg 的连读。 b、字母的 Vv, 的准确发音以及书写笔画与笔顺。 c、 。熟读和表演 cartoon time. *.学生实际 本单元教材以“Would you like a pie?”为主题,让学生学会向别人提供食品。重点掌握食品类单词 an ice- cream, an egg, a cake, a sweet, a pie, a hot dog. 学会准确使用 Would you like ? What about?句型帮助同 伴找到自己想要的食品。知道通过 Yes, please./ No, thank you. 来表达自己的诉求。学生在 Unit 4 Family 中已经学习了句型 This is my在 Unit 5 中初步接触了单词 nice, 在 Unit 6 的 cartoon time 中初步感知了 本课的重点句型 Would you like? Yes, please.通过本节课能读懂动画中的幽默之处。能熟练表演文中的 小故事。 Teaching Procedure SateTeachers activityLearners activityPurpose Pre-task preparation 1T:Now,lets sing a song,:whats this 2 教师用 Good morning /Hello/Hi 和学生问好。 .1Sing a song 2T: Good morning,class. Ss: Good morning, Amy T: Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too. 唱英语歌曲课前积累铺 垫 Whats this? 日常的打招呼帮助学生 快速地进入到英语课堂 的氛围中。 While-task procedure Step1 Warming up and lead in 1. Challenge myself(挑 战自我) Hi/Hello. Good morning/afternoon. Im Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too. 输出学生已经有的知识 储备 走到一位老师前,向他/她打 个招呼,介绍一下自己: 2. Talk about your friends. Step2,Presentation and practice 1. Knew new food. We can also learn these useful words.They are so easy.Because they sound like Chinese. 2 Good memory 旧词带新句旧词带新句 3.Guess I am drawing? 4.Guessing game 5 Guessing game 听声音猜图 向老师们介绍你周围的同学: This is Hes/Shes (my friend). 学习新的食物:pizza,putting,a tin of cola,hamburger, Lets see who has good memory. 教师简笔画食物教师简笔画食物 同桌用食物 work in pairs. 新句型带旧句型。 A:Whats this? B:Its a/an A: Would you like ? B:Yes,please./No,thank you. A cake ,a pie For you and me. Listen ,The voice is 开放式活动,为后面的 新授做铺垫。 从谈论朋友话题过渡切 入主题食物的名称。Its a/an 扩充课外知识,常用的 食物名称。 导入到 whats this?Its a /a 重心下移,让学生在情 境中用食物进行对话 新句型融入旧句型 滚动复习。有两句升 入到四句到六句: A:Whats this? B:Its a/an A: Would you like ? B:Yes,please./No,thank you. A:This cake is for you. B: T hank you. 6Watch and answerr: 7Reading 8.Show time 9 拓展 Im hungry. 通过卖火柴的小女孩饿了, 你想要跟她分享什么食物呢? 山区儿童没吃的,饿了,你 能帮助他们吗 for you and me Whats this? Its a dog. Questions: 1.How many kinds of food can you see? 你看到了多少种食物? 2.What would Bobby like? 3.Why the dog is afraid? A,Happy reading 快乐跟读 B, 模仿语音语调 C.分角色朗读 Act the story 教师先跟两位同学示范。 让学生用课前准备的食品类 卡片进行对话的创编 A: Im hungry. B: Would you like ? A: No,thank you. B; Would you like ? 承上启下: Its a dog,too. But it looks afraid. 它看起来很害怕。 Do you want to know why? 想知道为什么吗? Lets watch the cartoon. 认真观看,找出故事中 有多少种食物,Bobby 想要吃什么?小狗为什 么会害怕?热狗是狗吗? 热吗? 校对答案,理解先行。 真正理解其中的幽默点。 采用多种读和表演的形 式。 在运用语言中对所学知 识做查漏补缺。提高学 生语段输出的能力。 反复练习,增强新知识 的运用能力。激发学生 的爱心。 When the others are in trouble. (有困难) 10,Letter Time 看关于字母 V 的故事 11. Lets read“Vv”:指导 音、形,义。 12.Lets find my neighbors A:Yes,please. 三人一组活动 Take out your hands. Lets use hands to do the letters. 伸出你们的手,一起来做字 母。 Whats this? It is 做 V 的手势。 Read it One by one. V Write :Vv 义:Victory 找出我 Ff 的左邻 右舍. please take out your hands. (当别人有困难时,当别人有困难时, 请伸出你的援助之请伸出你的援助之 手手 ) 用手势一起来做字母, 老师做 V 的手势教新字 母 Vv 看字母故事,激发学生 学习英语的兴趣。 该板块是三年级特有的 板块,字母的教学相信 大家都不陌生,同样我 们可以结合各种活动来 让学生将字母的音形结 合起来,除书写示范外, 老师们还需注意口形的 示范。 Post-task activities Fun time1Show time 2. Find my neighbors Act the story. Review the letters Homework assignment Homework 套餐:套餐: .Copy the new letters twice and recite letters fromAa to Ww. 2.Practice the dialogue with your partner after class. 套餐套餐: 1.默写今日所学默写今日所学 3 个字母个字母,看看自己能否全对看看自己能否全对 2.根据邀请他人吃东西场景编对话并在小组内表演。根据邀请他人吃东西场景编对话并在小组内表演。 板书设计 Unit 7 Would you like a pie? A:Whats this? B:Its a/an A: Would you like ? B:Yes,please./No,thank you. This is “Vv”! 教学反思 1 通过本节课的学习,学生能用几句话 Would you like ? What about?为他人提供所 需食品。 2 通过老师指导,学生对食物有所感知,继续培养语段输出能力。 3.学习 Cartoon time 的时候, 该板块是以猫 Sam 和小老鼠 Bobby 为主人公的一系列 funny story,并巧妙的穿插了下一单元的埋伏线。最主要的是要让学生学会阅读,真正 理解其中的幽默点。而对于下文的埋伏线 Whats this? Its a只需二会即可。本节课对 教材这一块的处理中过多的教授了 Whats this? Its a,导致字母的教学时间有限。 4,在情感教育那个环节上除了设计帮助有困难的人还可以设计一起出去野餐。 同学,朋友,家人一起分享食物,会使学生的语言表达更丰富、更完整。
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