2021年安徽省中考英语复习:熟词生义第四部分 八年级(下册).pptx

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1、熟 词 生 义 第四部分 八年级(下册) 英英 语语 2021 内 容 索 引 第10课时 Unit 1Unit 2 第11课时 Unit 3Unit 4 第12课时 Unit 5Unit 6 第13课时 Unit 7Unit 8 第14课时 Unit 9Unit 10 第第1010课时课时 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 1Unit 2 1.matter A.(n.)问题 B.(n.)物质 C.(v.)要紧;有重大影响 (1)Matter is always changing,either physically or chemically.(2020 南通阅读 C) B (2)It doe

2、snt matter what you read.(2020 上海完形) C (3)We can know balancing work and play is a lifelong matter from the passage.(2020 抚顺Passage 2) A 2.lie A.(v.)躺;平躺 B.(v.)处于,保留,保持(某种状态) C.(v.)位于;坐落在 D.(n.) 谎言 (1)Snow was lying thick on the ground. B (2)She told the children on the first day that she loved them

3、 all the same.But that was a lie.(2020 随州阅读C) D (3)It lies between two cities.(2020 安徽阅读E) C (4)We could not lie in bed “sick” like our friends did in order to miss school.(2020 乐山阅读B) A 3.rest A.(v.)休息;放松 B.(n.)放松;休息 C.(n.)其余的部分(人) D.(v.)被搁置 (1)If you cant eat all you order,take the rest home.(2020

4、 雅安阅读C) C (2)Researchers from a charity say that using internet-connected devices (装置) in the evening can prevent children getting more rest.(2020 淮安阅读C) B (3)His proposal had rested in the book for over a year.(2020 扬州阅读B) D (4)Wasp was resting in the bushes when she saw Zebra.(2020 广州完形) A 4.hurt

5、A.(v.)(使) 疼痛;受伤 B.(adj.)受伤的 (1)Just thinking about it made her head hurt and her stomach feel funny.(2020 丹东Passage 2) A (2)She was badly hurt and couldnt fly.(2020 滨州阅读A) B 5.trouble A.(n.)问题;苦恼 B.(v.)使忧虑;使烦恼;使苦恼 C.(v.)(常用于客气的请求) 劳驾;费神;麻烦 (1)Sometimes they make trouble,but sometimes they can help u

6、s.(2020 滨州 阅读A) A (2)Just enough to see if it works.Im sorry to trouble you.(2020 盐城阅读D) C (3)Snakes are also very clean and quiet and they seldom trouble humans.(2020 武汉完形) B 6.hit A.(v.)(用手或器具) 击; B.(v.)碰撞;撞击(造成损伤) C.(n.)很受欢迎的人 (或事物) D.(n.)打;击 (1)Ships are at great risk of winding up as broken pie

7、ces after being hit by the force of a huge wave.(2020 青岛阅读C) B (2)He had a slipper (拖鞋) and hit the last one or two pupils.(2020 威海阅读B) A (3)Pippi Longstocking was quickly a hit with young readers.(2020 内江阅读 C) C (4)I got two hits in this match,and Emily didnt make a sound.(2017嘉兴完 形) D 7.mean A.(v.

8、)意思是;意味着 B.(v.)打算;意欲 C.(adj.)吝啬的;小气的 (1)Mobile technology means we can hold the world in our hands.(2020 北京 阅读D) A (2)She is so mean to me.(2020 泸州阅读C) C (3)Do you mean to go with us? B 8.raise A.(v.)募集 B.(v.)举起;使升高 C.(v.)抚养;饲养 (1)For example,a business could raise the price of a product according t

9、o a persons age and feelings.(2020 重庆B卷阅读E) B (2)I am trying to raise my children like this.(2020 乐山阅读B) C (3)She also raises money through the Malala Fund.(2020 永州阅读C) A 9.change A.(v.)变化;改变 B.(n.)变化;改变 C.(n.)找回的零钱 (1)They can change the plants shapes.(2020 内江阅读E) A (2)His works led to many importa

10、nt social changes.(2020 长沙阅读A) B (3)Using these ways is much easier than searching our pockets for change.(2020 遂宁阅读D) C 10.interest A.(v.)使感兴趣;使关注 B.(n.)兴趣;关注 (1)Among them,the kite interests me most.(2020 哈尔滨阅读A) A (2)Ren began to show great interest in the tea from Yunnan.(2020 泰安阅读A) B 第第1111课时课

11、时 Unit 3Unit 4Unit 3Unit 4 1.floor A.(n.)楼层 B.(n.)地板 (1)Then they found out there was a hole in the floor of the boat.(2020 昆明阅 读B) B (2)When we arrived at the ground floor of the buildings,the sun was going down.(2020 桂林完形) A 2.waste A.(v.)浪费;滥用 B.(n.)浪费 C.(n.)垃圾;废料;废弃物;废品 D.(adj.)废弃 的;丢弃的;无用的 (1)I

12、f youre like me,you might already make soil for gardening from food waste and use empty paper boxes as storage space.(2020 杭州阅读A) C (2)Second,to make way for the golf course,lots of playground equipment (设 施) will have to be moved or knocked down,which is a waste of time and money.(2020 杭州阅读D) B (3)

13、It is used to remind people not to waste food and to ask people to fight hunger.(2020 雅安阅读C) A (4)We can pick up waste paper to save paper at school.(2019 百色阅读B) D 3.develop A.(v.)发展;壮大;培养 B.(v.)研制;制定 (1)The people who came before us helped build and develop the country we are living in.(2020 金华阅读C)

14、 A (2)The idea is just in the planning stages now,but scientists think such a spaceship could be developed soon.(2020 宁波阅读D) B 4.drop A.(v.)落下;掉下 B.(v.)放弃 C.(n.)滴;水珠 (1)In the last cup,she accidentally dropped a ring that her parents had given her.(2020 宁波阅读E) A (2)Just take one small drop of the me

15、dicine once a month.(2020 盐城阅读D) C (3)Her parents worried about her health and advised her to drop out of school.(2020 连云港完形) B 5.fair A.(adj.)合理的;公正的 B.(n.)展览会;交易会;集市;庙会 (1)He was a good teacher and was always fair.(2020 威海阅读B) A (2)His finest moment came when he got the first prize at a science fa

16、ir.(2020 镇江阅读B) B 6.deal A.(n.)协议;交易 B.(v.)对付;对待 C.(n.)很多 (1)After a great deal of effort,the girl finally succeeded in moving the stone to the side of the road.(2020 泰州阅读B) C (2)And more laws and rules about dealing with waste have been made.(2020 重庆B卷阅读D) B (3)I pretended (假装) it was no big deal a

17、nd said,“I can send you a message whenever I miss you.” (2020海南完形) A 7.offer A.(v.)主动提出;自愿给予 B.(n.)主动提议;建议 C.(n.)出价;报价 (1)They offered lots of food to their guests.(2020 聊城阅读C) A (2)Last June,she finished Chinas Gaokao and received an offer from Sichuan International Study University.(2020 连云港完形) B

18、(3)When he was leaving,the shop keeper suddenly told him that the shop had a special offer on ears.(2020 广东完形) C 8.copy A.(v.)抄袭;模仿;复制;复印 B.(n.)复印件;复制品 C.(n.)(一)本;(一)份 (1)Some lazy students just copy the answers from the internet without thinking on their own.(2020 眉山阅读B) A (2)This seed bank would c

19、ontain a back-up,or extra copy,of all the worlds seeds.(2020 通辽阅读B) C (3)Id like to send you copies of the pictures I took today. B 9.cause A.(v.)造成;引起 B.(n.)原因 (1)It caused the gravity to change.(2020 广东阅读D) A (2)Let me know the cause of your disagreement.(2019 广东阅读A) B 10.return A.(v.)归还 B.(v.)回来;

20、返回 (1)If you are 15-18 and return to school this fall,you can find jobs of this kind.(2020 呼和浩特阅读A) B (2)Several hours passed,I thought the boy would not return my shoes.(2020 黔南阅读B) A 第第1212课时课时 Unit 5Unit 6Unit 5Unit 6 1.light A.(n.)光线;光亮;光 B.(n.)电灯 C.(adj.)轻的;轻松的 D.(adj.)浅色的 E.(v.)点亮;点燃 (1)Traffi

21、c lights are red,yellow and green.(2020 杭州阅读B) B (2)On the other hand,even the light from a screen could influence their sleep.(2020 金华阅读D) A (3)A light wind causes small waves.(2020 眉山阅读C) C (4)It is usually light blue.(2019 遂宁阅读D) D (5)When the lanterns are lit,they slowly rise into the air like s

22、mall hot-air balloons for all to see.【九Unit 5 P38】 E 2.report A.(v.)报道;公布 B.(n.)报道;公布;报告 (1)Those who fail to sort their trash correctly may face fines of up to 200 yuan,Xinhua reported.(2020 广元阅读E) A (2)In a report by online shopping platform (线上购物平台) Tmall,more than 2 million hanfu outfits were so

23、ld in 2018.(2020 张家界阅读C) B 3.match A.(n.)火柴 B.(n.)(尤指体育方面的)比赛;竞赛 C.(n.)相配;般配 D.(v.)使 相配;使成对 (1)Red and green lights match the signals used on the railways.(2020 杭州阅 读B) D (2)Which of the following is a correct match of the flowers with the names?(2020 济宁阅读D) C (3)Instead,when he remembered the happy

24、 times he had sat with his father enjoying football matches,he felt a little excited.(2020 襄阳完形) B (4)It took us a long time to make a fire with matches. A 4.beat A.(v.)敲打 B.(v.)打败;打破 C.(v.)跳动 (1)She doesnt feed me properly and she often beats me when she is unhappy,which is most of the time.(2020 泸

25、州阅读C) A (2)His heart was beating fast,but he stayed calm.(2020 黔西南阅读B) C (3)Water is a typical example of the weak beating the strong.(2020 达州阅读 A) B 5.against A.(prep.)倚;碰;撞 B.(prep.) (在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某物) C.(prep.) 反对 (1)Like many places,it is against the law to skip (不参加)school in Germany.(2020 呼和浩特阅

26、读C) C (2)Indeed,in the fight against the novel coronavirus,it is medical workers who are risking their lives on the frontlines of the epidemic (疫情).(2020 泸州阅读 B) B (3)Then another few minutes went by and someone stood against the wall to listen to him.(2020 雅安阅读B) A 6.fit A.(adj.)健康的;强健的 B.(adj.)适合的

27、 C.(v.)适应 (1)Would you like to get fit and make new friends?(2020 江西阅读A) A (2)It wasnt fit for children.(2020 内江阅读C) B (3)Over long periods of time,theyve slowly changed their shells(外壳) and body styles to better fit the environment.(2020 内江阅读E) C 7.cheat A.(v.)欺骗;蒙骗 B.(n.)骗子 C.(v.)作弊 (1)Cheating we

28、nt against my beliefs.(2020 济宁阅读C) C (2)If you feel you are cheated,telephone the police at once.(2019 贺州阅读C) A (3)Two cheats came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor.【八 (下) Unit 6 P45】 B 8.bright A.(adj.)明亮的;光线充足的 B.(adj.)辉煌的 C.(adj.)聪明的 D.(adv.)光 亮地;明亮地 (1)Through the clear water,v

29、isitors can see the bright colors of the fishes.(2020 哈尔滨阅读C) A (2)They both have a long history and bright future.(2020 大庆阅读D) B (3)The sun shines bright.(2019 襄阳30) D (4)As a bright and caring young man,Gabriel tries hard to not only be a barber,but also make a connection with the neighborhood.(20

30、19 泰安阅读A) C 9.lead A.(v.)带路;领路 B.(v.)领导;率领 C.(v.)过(某种生活) (1)Our small actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.(2020 德阳阅读D) A (2)Ive been able to keep up with my peers (同龄人) and lead a pretty great life.(2019 辽阳Passage2) C (3)She has led the team to win many prizes.(2020 荆门阅读B) B 10

31、.voice A.(n.)声音 B.(v.)说出;表达 C.(n.)嗓音 (1)It encourages doctors to voice their needs on the websites.(2020 北京阅读 D) B (2)Your voice is so beautiful,we all like to listen to your singing.(2020 襄阳阅 读A) C (3)My eyes caught his and he said in a low voice.(2020 济宁阅读C) A 第第1313课时课时 Unit 7Unit 8Unit 7Unit 8 1

32、.square A.(n.)平方 B.(n.)方形;正方形 (1)Some of them were round,while others were square.(2020 凉山阅读B) B (2)The Forbidden City takes up 720,000 square meters in the heart of Beijing.(2020 邵阳阅读B) A 2.force A.(n.)力;力量 B.(v.)迫使;强迫 (1)The force of its current (水流) is great too.(2020 临沂阅读B) A (2)She forced us to

33、 grow up into educated and honest people.(2020 乐山阅读 B) B 3.adult A.(adj.)成年的;成人的 B.(n.)成人;成年动物 (1)Would you like to help feed the adult squirrels,too?(2020 北京阅读B) A (2)She has written books for both children and adults.(2020 永州阅读C) B 4.keeper A.(n.)饲养员 B.(n.)负责人 (1)The keepers provided food and wate

34、r for the pandas and carefully observed their health condition.(2020 菏泽阅读D) A (2)When he was leaving,the shop keeper suddenly told him that the shop had a special offer on ears.(2020 广东完形) B 5.treasure A.(n.)珠宝;财富 B.(v.)珍视;珍爱 (1)The movie tells us to treasure every day. B (2)The good traditional Chi

35、nese culture is our great treasure.(2020 达州阅读 A) A 6.hurry A.(v.)匆忙;赶快 B.(n.)匆忙;急忙 (1)As usual,Amber was hurrying to catch the yellow school bus.(2020 泰州 阅读C) A (2)Thousands of people went through the station in a hurry,most of them on their way to work.(2020 雅安阅读B) B 7.land A.(n.)陆地;大地 B.(v.)落;降落;着

36、陆 (1)Four days after landing,a tiny cotton shoot showed that they do.(2020 福建 阅读D) B (2)However,the rough(汹涌的)waves made it too hard for Paul to push the boat to land.(2020 云南阅读B) A 8.rock A.(n.)岩石 B.(n.)摇滚乐 (1)I took the pigs body outside and put it in a big bag with some rocks,and threw it into th

37、e river.(2020 衢州阅读C) A (2)There were several different stages,each catering for a different music taste:rock,pop,alternative and dance.(2020 桂林阅读D) B 9.mark A.(n.)迹象;记号 B.(v.)做记号 C.(n.)分数 D.(v.)表明;标志 (1)Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermens first voyage of the year.(2020 通辽阅读A) D (2)Many of t

38、hem have deep marks on their faces from wearing masks and goggles (护目镜).(2020 泸州阅读B) A (3)And he found that those whod shown strong willpower were getting better marks at university and were more popular.(2020 台州阅读C) C (4)Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.(2

39、020 南充完形) B 10.line A.(n.)行;排 B.(n.)(电话)线路 C.(v.)沿形成行(或列;排) D.(n.)线;线 条 (1)Eddie could see the finish line at the top of the next hill.(2020 杭州完形) D (2)She also bought a meal for the person standing in line behind her.(2020 昆 明完形) A (3)Our lines can get very busy,but please keep trying and you will

40、soon get through.(2017 株洲阅读技能) B (4)When his classmates lined to enter the movie theater,the boy stood alone outside.(2018 菏泽阅读C) C 第第1414课时课时 Unit 9Unit 10Unit 9Unit 10 1.ride A.(v.)骑;乘 B.(n.)供乘骑的游乐设施 C.(n.)短途旅行 (1)As well as the fantastic music on offer,there were also funfair rides,food outlets a

41、nd a silent disco.(2020 桂林阅读D) B (2)And on the bus ride home,she sat alone.(2020 丹东Passage 2) C (3)For example,to protect the air,they can ride bikes or just walk instead of driving cars.(2020 菏泽阅读C) A 2.safe A.(adj.)安全的;无危险的 B.(n.)保险箱 (1)WeChat Pay is convenient and safe.(2020 黔南阅读C) A (2)They open

42、ed the safe and took all the money in it. B 3.spring A.(n.)春天 B.(n.)泉水 (1)So Longtaitou was the start of spring and farming.(2020 益阳阅读B) A (2)When Lu made tea with this spring water,he found the tea tasted better than usual.(2020 深圳阅读C) B 4.sweet A.(adj.)甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的 B.(n.)甜食;甜点;糖果 (1)She went in and

43、a waitress came over with a sweet smile.(2019 北部湾阅 读C) A (2)I love sweets but Mum doesnt let me have them very often. B 5.board A.(n.)板;木板 B.(n.)(公司或其他机构的)董事会,委员会,理事会 C.(v.)上 船(飞机,火车、公共汽车等) (1)He drew diagrams on the board and sometimes one of us asked another question to keep him talking.(2020 威海阅读

44、B) A (2)Claire asked the school board to add solar panels to the project because,she explained,clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.(2020 福建 阅读B) B (3)The distance between the central area and the farthest boarding gate is not far.(2020 湘西阅读A) C 6.own A.(adj.)自己的;本人的 B.(v.)拥有;有 (1

45、)The “stop crying” parents are just doing what they were taught by their own parents.(2020 随州阅读D) A (2)But many of them,especially teenagers,share almost every side of their lives in order to own more fans.(2020 衡阳阅读E) B 7.certain A.(adj.)某种;某人;某事 B.(adj.)确定的;无疑的 (1)When the water reaches a certain

46、level,it shows the hours.(2020 南充阅读 B) A (2)No matter what different concerns there are,sending people into space seems certain.(2020 湖州阅读) B 8.while A.(n.)一段时间;一会儿 B.(conj.)在期间;当的时候;与同时 C.(conj.)(对比两件事物)而,然而 (1)Some names include good wishes and hopes from parents,while others may be special and ea

47、sy to remember.(2020 宜宾阅读C) C (2)While learning about different cultures and customs,you will also make a lot of friends.(2020 黔东南阅读B) B (3)He jumped up and cleaned his eyes for a while before he recognized me.(2020 黔南阅读B) A 9.opposite A.(prep.)与相对;在对面 B.(adj.)对面的;另一边的 C.(n.)对立 的人(或物) (1)But paper m

48、oney is just the opposite.(2020 黔南阅读C) C (2)Even up the river,you cant see the opposite bank.(2020 临沂阅读B) B (3)The station is almost opposite the school. A 10.hold A.(v.)拥有;抓住 B.(v.)举行 C.(v.)(打电话时)等待;不挂断 D.(v.)容纳 E.(v.)怀有;持有(信念、意见) (1)After the presentation,a keeper showed them how to hold the bottle of milk for baby squirrels.(2020 北京阅读B) A (2)Schools can also hold acti


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