人教版高中英语(2020新)Book 1 Unit4 Natural disasters reading教学设计.docx

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1、Unit4 Natural disasters 教学设计第二课时:阅读课(一) 课型:阅读课 教学内容:Reading A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep 教学目标 1知识与能力()了解唐山大地震的先兆、地震造成的损失及救灾等情况, 培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。 ()通过略读找到每段的主题句;通过查读掌握细节;通过细读,理解课文 标题的含义,从而培养阅读理解微技能。 ()语言点:leave 的复合宾语、everywhere 引导从句等。 ()语篇重建:在正确理解课文的基础上,能根据教师提供的图表用自己的 话复述课文,设计一次对唐山大震幸存者的访谈。 2情感目标:通

2、过了解唐山大地震前兆,培养学生对自然灾害的应对意识和能 力;通过灾后重建,使学生树立战胜自然灾害的信心。 教学重难点 1教学重点: ()通过语篇学习,掌握新闻报道的文体写作特点。 ()培养学生对新闻报道文体的阅读技巧。 2教学难点: ()在充分阅读的基础上,对课文进行复述和表达自己的观点。 ()课文中的语言难点。教学过程步骤教学活动设计意图 Step 1:Preview detection Ask some students to translate the words and expressions one by one, and then check the answers togethe

3、r. 通过预习检测环节,引领者学生温故所学新单词,为本节课的阅读任务扫清障 碍 Step 2:Lead-in 利用多媒体播放一些地震图片。学生看过,进行讨论。教师 利用图片内容,介绍新单词。 Questions: What happened in the picture? 利用图片导入,一方面可以激发学生的学习兴趣和探究的动机,另一方面,为 学生提供话题导入新课。 Step 3:Skimming Task 1:整体理解文,归纳课文大意。要求学生快速通读全文, 按时间顺序把文章分成三部分并概括大意。 Ask the Ss to work in groups. Read the text quic

4、kly and find out Main idea of the passage and the main idea for each paragraph. Then check your answers.梳 理清楚课文线索。为各个环节的理解和开展做铺垫。整体粗读,领略内容 大意。 Step 4:Listening Task 2: Listen to the tape, then working groups, choose the best answers then check the answers in the groups . 1. The earthquake began at _

5、. A. 3:00 am, June 28, 1976 B. 3:00 am, July 28,1976 C. 3:42 am, July 28, 1976 2. _ people were killed or injured in the quake. A. Less than 400,000 B. More than 400,000 C. More than 150,0003. Before the earthquake the following happened EXCEPT that _. A. the water in the well rose and fell B. the a

6、nimals were too nervous to eat C. bright lights appeared in the sky D. people made good preparations for the earthquake 4. How long did the earthquake last? A. Ten seconds. B. Fifteen seconds. C. Twenty seconds. D. Half a minute. 5. Which of the following didnt happen during the earthquake ? A. A hu

7、ge crack appeared in the roads. B. Bricks covered the whole ground. C. The injured were sent to hospital immediately. D. The railway tracks became useless pieces of steel. 1.通过让学生听听力材料,进行听前预测可以让学生对于所要听的材料有所了 解,为听力练习提供背景,激活已有图式经验。这样可以降低听力练习的难度。 2. 有了充分的输入后,进行及时的输出,是口语教学策略之一。 Step 5:Detailed Reading T

8、ask 3:细读课文,查找信息。After reading the passage, the Ss have known something about the passage. Let Ss do some detail reading. We know We divide the passage into three parts. Now,read the passage carefully,then work in groups to choose the best answers。1 The chickens didnt eat because 2 The people didnt w

9、orry because 3 Such a great number of people died because 4 Water was needed because 5 The people did not lose hope because 通过仔细阅读课文还要求学生更深层地理解课文,即作者的心理状态、理 解作者表达的言外之意。深层理解任务的设计可以结合读后活动进行,如设计 回答问题,讨论等。任务四也可以放在读后活动里完成。 Step 6:discussion Task 4: 深层理解课文学生小组讨论下列问题,深层理解课文。ok,now we have learned the passa

10、ge,and know about something about earthquake。The earthquake can destroy the roads,the rivers and the buildings,and it will kill people and make the city lay in ruins. lets have a discussion,If an earthquake happened, what shall we do? Here are five kinds of scenes (场景) , 野外Field 户外outdoors 商 场 super

11、 market 家庭 home 影院 Cinema. when the earthquake happens,you will have only10 seconds,so you should make a quick decision. Yes?ok,who want to have a try? 1. If an earthquake happened, what shall we do? 要求学生带着问题快速浏览文章,从阅读材料中,迅速查找这些特定的信息 和具体的事实。使学生在实际操作的同时对地震有更多认识,加强自我保护。 学会在地震中如何自救和救人。 A the army came

12、to help them. B the quake happened while they were sleeping. C they were nervous. D dames and wells were useless. E they didnt know what the strange events meant. Step 7:Summary Let Ss have a short summary. Give Ss five minutes to fill in the blanks,then check the answers in the groups. _ happened i

13、n Tang Shan. For a few days, water in the wells _. From the_ of wells _came out. Mice, chicken, pigs and fish became too_. At last, everything began to _. It seemed as if the world was _. But all hope _. _came to help. Slowly, the city began to _. 在经过阅读进行语言输入的基础上, 进行口头或书面的语言输出, 巩固理解, 让学生明确如何表述一篇难忘的经历,这写作提供指导。 Step 8:Homework1.Let the students to write an article: “What shall we do to help the survivors”. 新课程标准认为评价体系应该“正确反映外语学习的本质和过程,满足学生 发展的需要。” Step 9:Guiding preview 1. Preview language points in the passage.2. Preview the grammar - The Attributive Clause


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